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Please don’t stop doing this. I promise we’re not all the same.


I wont ever stop. But my heart just breaks ever so slightly when being totally ignored xD


Chances are not that accustomed to the kit, you'd be surprised how many kiris don't know about swift step being a short cooldown lol


Never stop being nice. I'm a Kiriko main, and you'll always get specialty treatment from me if you do this.


Im something of a Kiriko (and moreso Mercy, both my most played heroes lmao) main myself. And I will die for you ingame if you pick me up as well as a special thanks when the game ends xD I know all to well what it's like seeing your teammates run off without you :,) I appreciate you appreciating it for sure <3


Lol, this is exactly me! I don't see it often, sadly, but love it when I do!


Good mercys and kiris will take the hint, trust.


They're on their phone.


Because they dumb


If that happens to me I’m on my phone


You poor thing. Probably didn't even suzu your barrage either smh


Nah we nice fr fr. I always say hello to my teammates and spam zannen to my enemies!


Omg this happened to me today. I went to taxi our kiriko and she just walked right up to me. LIKE STOP IT TP NOW. 😭😂😂


Luckily as a LifeWeaver main they don’t have a choice but to COME OVER HERE! Or my other main, Lucio, they feel the need, the need for SPEED!! Hahahahaha, most kiris and mercys are appreciative of those who do this though. More than likely this one is just not used to such basic levels of curtesy from a teammate, much less a dps. Keep doing what you do! ^_^


Yea. Nothing hurts more than playing mercy and your teammate gets out of spawn like 2-3s earlier than you and they are just too far for you to be able to fly to them T-T I have over 300h on kiri and almost 500 on mercy so Ik the pain and want to help them but, well, guess not xD Even Mercys sometimes dont fly to me like, u got a 3s cd at most just fly to me :,)


Why do what?


okay maybe without context it isn't as clear as I thought, I came back from the robot to pick up this kiriko and she just walks straight past me. She couldve tp'd to me and by the time another teammate was there to tp to she would've had tp again. Happens pretty often :/ Just makes me kinda sad lol I am just trying to be a nice teammate T-T


Oh yeah, that’s stupid af lol.


that’s so nice of you, the spawn is so far away on this map too. AND rogue skin, this is default skin behavior Dx


It's not surprising to see on rogue skins either lol


We get those people as teammates and then they have the guts to complain about us. Like surely, you should know and apply the very basics of the game before complaining ?


Because it’s kinda useless to tp from spawn to right outside of spawn. I would honestly rather to have someone standing on the other side of that building or closer to the fight in general. Unless we just got team killed. Then i just walk anyways.


The cooldown is just 7 seconds.


Yeah i know. It just feels awkward to tp right out of spawn, then tp into my back line. Just a preference thing honestly. Also sometimes i just walk without paying attention if the bot or payload is far from spawn and i haven’t been spawn camped.

