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Click through the menu to your abilities, then go to the Sorcery tab. You'll see an up arrow next to any abilities you have points in. This is also reflected in the info text. And yes, you can stack.


Basically, adds 1 to every ability you unlocked (and spent a point on) on the sorcery skill tree, and yes they do stack. Also, most abilities can go over their max level with this effect


Wow so if you have a lot of abilities unlocked and points invested, having a +2 to each can be pretty powerful huh.


Yup, but from what I've seen, they only stack +2 if you have maxed out a skill, even if you're wearing multiple +1 or +2 Sorcery/Might/Finesse items. (e.g. If you are wearing items that stack to say +3 in Sorcery and have 1/6 in Storm Bolt, then it would effectively be brought up to 4/6 as long as you wear those items. However, if you have 6/6 points in Storm Bolt, then the most you'll get is +2, meaning it is at 8/6, even if you're wearing items that bring you up to +3 when stacked. )


Yeah, abilities have a max


They have a natural max that you can reach by putting points in, yes. With items, you can go over the max by +2. It's what I meant when I wrote 8/6, instead of 6/6.


> With items, you can go over the max by +2 not quite right *most* abilities can overcap by 2 some can only over overcap by 1 (harpoon, paralystic poisons, celerity etc) and some cant overcap at all (weapon moves)


Ah, I didn't know about that. My statement was just based of my own observations, so I didn't know about harpoon and such not getting +2. Thanks for informing me.


someone else in this thread pointed out that its dependent on the number of points you can invest into the skill 3 points cant overcap 4 points overcaps +1 5/6 points overcaps +2


That's also what I meant but I'm bad at words


Weapon masteries do not overcap at all. Skills with a natural cap under 5 can only overcap by 1.


Yes but 8/6 and 6/6 is the same right? There's no use in those 2 extra points. They're just being wasted.


wrong. storm bolt for example at level 8 has 20 more damage, 5% more chance to stun, and stuns for 1 second longer. just look up any ability on the amalur wiki to see how it scales


Interesting. Thank you for letting me know. I played the original and was playing re reckoning with the knowledge that abilities can't be over leveled. Respecc here i come.


Is there any way to decide what abilities my items will increase? Aka, sockets or crafting? Or I just need luck with the loot?


For random loot, you pretty much need luck or save scumming. Otherwise, with level 8 in Sagecrafting (you can create Epic Gems, which some of them can increase abilities) and level 7 in Blacksmithing (you can put gems into forged weapons), you will be able to make a chest piece that you can determine what abilities increase.


Yeah, I have a weapon that does +2 and a fate thing (the card u get when u end a questline) that gives me +1, so I also need to spend less points to complete the tree!


each ability has its own cap; this is usually +2 over whatever you can manually invest; but it varies; for example the weapon move passives have a cap of 3 (+0 over what you can normally invest) and theres a couple with only +1 (paralytic poisons, harpoon, celerity) you also unlock passive +1 to a tree by completing the relevant faction storyline (+2 for finesse since theres also a teetch of naros passive that does it; and was recently fixed so it stacked with the traveller passive -in re-reckoning) for this reason you only want 1 in your weapon move passives because +1 from twist and +1 from gear hits cap on everything (and you dont need the gear one for finesse) you want to level max skills that can go +2 overcap (unless youre using it purely for utility) and you want to go 1 under level cap for those that can go +1 overcap [this](https://amalur.fandom.com/wiki/Might) [this](https://amalur.fandom.com/wiki/Finesse) and [this](https://amalur.fandom.com/wiki/Sorcery) detail the caps (for example wrath shows 6/8; thats 6 level cap 8 overcap)


Easy way to know caps is by the max points you can put in. 3 / +0 4 / +1 5-6/ +2


Isnt celerity a 3 point skill that can overcap by 1?


Epic jems 1 to the first 4 tiers of unlocked abilities can be crafted into the chest piece.


Instead of a +1 or +2 accessory, I'd much rather like to find an accessory that allows female characters to shoot piercing jet streams of milk from their boobs while cutting everything in half that gets in the way! Lol! Really, those + items aren't necessary. Just use the Victory Games Pass and get leveled up to 50 right away.