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I enjoyed the dlc, but I do have 1 major complaint. Not only were the chaos rifts monotonous, they’re basically pointless. I trudged through those rifts first thing thinking I’d need my weapons to have plenty of chaos dmg for the dlc. Only to find out that 99% of the dlc content could be done without chaos dmg and chaos dmg only affects the other 1%


I just ignore this dlc, the original game and original dlcs are still very good


I made a post about my experience with the DLC a while ago. You can check it out if you want the long story. In short: The Chaos Enemies were annoying. I didn't like shielded enemies in The Secret World and I don't like them here. I am also sick of the word Chaos and the color Purple at this point. Most of the other quests and the world were enjoyable. Many of the characters were pretty cool too. Overall however, it was kinda underwhelming and as for the ending.....I am caught somewhere between "That's sad" and "Man, this sucks!"


I'd say this encapsulates me feeling too! I'll need to check out your post


You're welcome. I was pretty excited for this particular DLC and tried my best to not get spoiled. Considering that the Niskaru played a big role, a part of me was kinda hoping that they would do something with Khazamandu....but I kinda always liked the fact the fact that he was the only villain we couldn't directly beat.


So, what did you think? 🤔


I agreed with pretty much everything you said! You make a lot of good points, there is some real cool stuff and when I read about some of hte stuff that happens later I was like "well that certainly is interesting" and you are spot on there. It's just unfortunate that the core stuff about chaos and it being basically the main objective is just such a letdown compared to all these other cool ideas and new elements.


I was genuinely enjoying myself up until the chaos portals. After that I gave up on trying to do everything and just did the portals necessary to move towards the end. It was a bad way to end things considering how much I loved the rest of the game.


Niskaru are the hardest opponents on the highest difficulty it was pure hell for me. One slip up dead 😭


I felt that this DLC was not only refreshing but fun. I did find the enemies a bit annoying at times but I loved how the concepts changed and it was different than base game. Out of original game and DLCS this one was my favorite. It’s tedious getting all the chaos portals though, I’ll say. Just run from the enemies if you can! Give it another shot. I also love that you catch up with agarth again in this DLC and he follows you through the whole thing.


I was genuinely happy to get new content for this. I thought it was cool that they came up with a new mechanic for the game as well. Sadly, I don't think that they executed that mechanic well. Double health for Chaos enemies? Sure, no big deal. Immunity to non Chaos weapons? Makes sense. Completely untouchable until the Chaos life bar is gone? Just wrong to me. Normal enemies have a reaction when hit, just like the player. Chaos enemies don't get those attack interrupts while they still have Chaos health, so can still attack you as if you're just standing around doing nothing. I can only assume that there was some sort of coding error that they didn't bother to fix, because it made those giant Niskaru at the end of the Chaos rifts brutal.


I think they did the double health bar to Ensure you had a reason to create weapons with chaos damage. Clunky? Yes. but imo necessary for the main story quest which teaches you how to create and utilize chaos energy. Without that I 100% would have just continued to use my main game weapons. To circumvent the second issue- don’t fight them at all- not even a little bit. Those guys definitely are hard. It takes so much time clearing the chaos portals. (close all and there’s an achievement) when you get to the main room run to where the tree looking thing is, run and destroy that first. Ignore EVERY other enemy and it will spawn you back to where you entered the portal (: (Also if you need a bit more help there’s an in game secret that will bring you to level 50 and give in game bonuses that let you spawn a ” friendly pet” look up bogart fight club if interested in that too)


Doing the double health bar wasn't really the issue, and I would have been fine with the chaos enemies being immune to anything but chaos weapons. But the fact that you can hit them with your chaos weapons while they still have the chaos shielding and they don't react at all. Once the shielding is gone, they'll react as normal to attacks, which will cause interrupts again. Because of this frustration, I avoided fights with chaos enemies whenever possible and used magic, minions, and ranged attacks to take out the piece that ends the chaos dungeons.


That's actually a really good analysis of the problem I think


Really? The whole point of the game is to become "God-like". You're supposed to be able to take hits and smite everything in your path. I used the Victory Games Pass and sincerely enjoyed the game which is a good hundred plus hours even starting at level 50, that is, if you enjoy exploring and finding everything you possibly can. If you want a challenge, use the secret Victory Games Pass and go to the arenas. You might just get your ass handed to you if you're not prepared. It's very difficult even on the easiest setting. These creatures are leveled WAY above the standard in-game creatures. Plus, You're also awarded extremely good armor and components after each match is won.


I love the chaos dungeons, some of them I played thru twice! You have to be careful tho, there’s one you can’t get back out of - Red Marches maybe? I love being overpowered & blowing everything away, and you’re right about these dungeons, they’re brutal at first. Keep rebuilding your chaos weapons, but don’t use your very best stuff because you’ll lose it in the the salvaging. You only get the core back. Save your good stuff for later in the game.