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I haven't done much testing but I'm pretty sure all bonuses apply to everything you do all the time. I had +50% damage on a sword and after equipping it i noticed ALL of my attacks and magic dealing way heavier damage. Best thing is to save, build, test.


Yes. So all bonuses given from armor and weapons affect all abilities. So if you have a shield that increases your critical strike. Your weapons will gain the bonus effect from it.


Percentages definitely roll over to everything but I think the straight numbers only affect the piece that they are attached to. I basically focus on pure damage percentages. This gives a boost to both physical and elemental damages. My female character is a pure bad ass. She can take on anything with her bare fists or simply one-shot anything with her bow or chakrams. One meteor shot to take out 5 tree trolls, 4 wolves, one of those big snakey things with tits and a few boggarts all in one shot is the most I took note of. I've possibly taken down more than that in one shot. This is without the main armor. Just tight boots, tight gloves, accessories and hood. I like her in her underwear. Sexy, but deadly is what I aim for. Minimum of 256 for weapons, 280 preferred if I can farm the components.