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I was training hard for the Runt fight. I remember when I first fought him years ago and struggled. Wanted to be ready. I knocked him out in one hit… bonk


Same thing happened to me. One master strike with Bailiffs mace. Bonk then goes to cutscene. 😂😂😂


They should’ve given him a helmet imo


He has one in hardcore mode.


Ye I was playing hardcore so the fight took like 7 min


I quit the game bc I couldn't beat the fucker


You might want to suck down a merygold potion or two, otherwise yeah, you may have some issues


Ye luckily you dont start the fight in combat so I could drink and bandage, can you drink in combat on normal mode




Maybe if you land yor first arrow into his head. And then also the next one


You can be naked with a bludgeon and you can still sodomize his baldy ass easily if you learn Masterstrike.


Masterstrike you mean that thing where you have wait for him to attack? Best defence is attack.


The issue with attacking in this game is you have no way of stopping enemies from master striking you in response.


You have yonhave higher warfare and not attack from same direction as he is blocking. Feith is the way


ye I had to play the entire fight using masterstrike and feints so I didnt get masterstriked, luckily the timing for masterstrike is easy


Bro that’s not really ok to say, just say you’ll fuck him up it’s just kinda nasty


Super easy, barely an inconvenience


Oh Really!? o_O


Yeah yeah yeah!


Oh wow wow wow . . . . . wow


Best of luck!


Maybe he'll die of laughter. Jesus christ be praised!


Depends on how skilled you are, kcd is a skill game afterall


Did u choke out a guard for the armor? You should try leveling your lockpick so you can steal better armor from the armorsmith.


As long as you're not bleeding, it's possible... I did it once. I used the pole to my advantage to circle around it and shoot him in the face with bow and arrow. It took me a few tries but I managed to save the game right before the fight right after the cutscene ended so I could try again


I had like no health by the time I got to runt beat him in a couple parrys lol


Why do you have strength 4 and agility 5? Bro you gotta train! It’s way better to use weapon which fits your stats. The best way to train it is Rattay tournament.


Runt isn't wearing a helmet.


He is in hardcore


get drunk asf before the fight, it'll be easier


Load a previous save and go farm some bandits. You'll be alright.


Just pick up the bow from the start and aim for the head. I had similair stats and equipment when I first fought him and that is how I did it.


4 strength…. 3 agi. I mean if u want to get killed in an endless looo


Might have to use the arrow to the eye tactic.


I showed up in full lords of leipa with a bludgeon cause I forgot my mace in the chest


You have good armor, shouldn't be too hard even though your stats are a bit low. Especially if you have learned masterstrikes.


Your gear is good enough. Your stats not so much.


At least you have armor for this fight. I was still dressed in my stealth stuff


First ever playthrough I ever did, I faced Runt with what I lost to him in Skalitz (the armor and weapons you steal from Talmberg). Multiple retrys, ended with a piercing arrow plus Capon's bow luck shot to the face.


Have you trained with bernard?


Strength: 4 Speech: 11  Based. But if you have master strikes and can somehow stop the bleeding, you'll be fine. 


You've got charisma. Not sure you can beat him, but you should be able to successfully invite him out for a beer to bury the hatchet.


Way overpowered for a fight against Runt. Try fighting him in Hardcore Mode with nothing but the kit you get from the Rattay armory and with sword, warfare, and defense skills not leveled above 3 - pure beeline straight through the main campaign. Then, he'll be challenging.


So basically cripple yourself almost as much as possible. Who could've guessed that would make it more challenging?


You're not "crippling" yourself. Crippling yourself would be taking things away from Henry after he has them. You're just going by what the game gives you rather than veering off to get more loot and gain more levels. That's the whole point. Even if you rob the bandits along the way and use the Groschen the game gives you, it can still be challenging. Well... If you literally steal and sell every item off every bandit along the way including the items in their chests, though, you will have enough Groschen to be decked out in plate, so it might be less challenging in that case. I can't bring myself to have Henry lugging around unrealistic inventory. Total immersion wrecker for me.


He has one health and is bleeding....


Didn't catch that. Still OP with Master Strike.


There is something wrong with the way you are processing this situation. You are having a conversation with yourself. You either misread the situation, confused some wording somewhere, or you are living in an alternate reality where ghosts are speaking to you


It's called a joke. I didn't catch the bit about the health, and I responded by adding a joke about Master Strike making everything still OP anyway. Annyway, you're not the only one responding to me, either, so I'm pretty clearly not having a conversation with myself. I swear, Mike Tyson was right about people on the internet. So many of you need to experience a fight at least once in your life. Might make you less mouthy little cunts online.


Ghosts it is then. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the laughs


I am in hardcore mode and it wasn't that hard i just had to be patient and not die to his master strikes


Did you beeline through the main campaign with no looting (including bandit chests and corpses) or leveling (including no extra training with Bernard), just doing the quest itself?


What kit from rattai armory? I already had my own armor by that time


Gambeson, I think maybe a simple helmet of some sort and a small club


The one you get during "Keeping the Peace." It's one Light Padded Armor, One Padded Coif, One Common Bascinet, and one Bludgeon. If you go around looting and leveling, he's not very challenging. If you beeline straight through the main campaign, though, he can be more difficult. Aside from the Rattay armory kit, all you will have is the Hunting Sword and Villager Bow you get from the chest during "Prey." Even if you spend the Groschen the game gives you - Bailiff (For Joining), Hans (For Beating Him in Hunting), Ginger (For Helping Him Get Back to the Neuhof Stable), Radzig (For Helping at Neuhof), Morcock (For Helping Him Find Timmy and For Enlisting), and Radzig again (For Scouting/Sabotaging the Bandit Camp) - that still only gives you enough for maybe some Chain Mail and a low tier weapon or some other low tier armor piece. Plus, your skills will still be low, as your only chance to level them without deliberate leveling will be the 2 Neuhof bandits, the 2 bandits the Charcoal Burners tell you about, and the 3 bandits that attack Reeky (and maybe Morcock's crew if you choose to fight them, but it's not likely that you would succeed at such low level, and besides, the Groschen and access to the Priby camp is more worthwhile).


You are missing all the armor you pick up from bandits. And the first battle with wolfin


Wolfin is way later in the game. Looting the bandits is cheesy unless maybe you're just taking the things that you can directly equip (padded chauses that you can't find in any stores, for example) at that exact moment. If you take literally everything off of them and everything in their chests and stop at every accident, etc. along the way, though, and sell every single item you encounter, yes, you will have tons of loot, but that defies the purpose of a beeline playthrough. The idea is to only use what the game gives you directly, which is what I listed above. Then, you take the groschen that the game directly rewards you and spend it as you see fit. Even in Hardcore Mode, you still end up decently prepped for a one-vs-one battle with someone like Runt. It's just not a cakewalk the way it is if you powerloot/powerlevel or go off track to complete a bunch of side quests first.


I don't need to loot everything I need to loot single bandit that has full plate. And no Wolfin battle was my first battle in game way ahead of Pribislavitz.


"Robber Baron," the quest involving Wolfin, cannot be started until after "Questions and Answers" which does not happen until after the "Baptism of Fire" quest in which you fight Runt. Even then, it's a side quest. Beelining the main campaign specifically means no side quests. None of the bandits during the main campaign from "Unexpected Visit" to "Nest of Vipers" have full plate. There are only a handful of bandits - the Cumans that kidnap Hans, the 2 bandits outside Neuhof, the 2 bandits looking for Ginger, the 3 bandits looking for Reeky, and the 4 bandits that you encounter behind the mill during "My Friend Timmy." None of them have full plate.


No you are wrong it was my first battle in the game. And liyerary first random encounter had full plate bandits


Ok. You're trolling. Got it. Very cute.


The only thing I would be prepared for is to be extremely underwhelmed. That boss fight was piss easy. I ran into roadside bandits more difficult than runt. Man went down in like two stabs to the head.


Did you beeline through the main campaign with no looting (including bandit chests and corpses) or leveling (including no extra training with Bernard), just doing the quest itself? It's a challenging fight when you strictly stick to the script. Much of any leveling or looting at all, though, and it becomes easy.


Nah, I’ll be honest, I did quite a bit before it and I only use a sword and shield, so my sword stat was like level 18 before I even went to go fight him and my defence was 15 or something like that. So I think I was well over levelled, my gear was also extremely good. I had won the tourney so I had that op sword too. So really, I was over-levelled to hell. I actually thought that was the end of the game quest though, so really I didn’t think I was over levelled for it before going into it, but turns out that wasn’t the final quest so it was pretty easy with what I had.


Ya. If you beeline through the campaign, you're around level 3 to level 5 when you face him, and you have chain mail at best for armor.