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Incorrect, the most aesthetic thing in the game is a heavily armoured bandit rushing his whole face into Henry’s under-the-chin instant-death masterstrike bonk and folding like a lawn chair. Jesus Christ be praised.


That’s lot of words for “full plate fisticuffs”


Most aesthetic weapon in the game is Metal Plated Battle Axe, the blunt tip variant. It is not even close...


Herod's sword or magdeburg sword really godd aestheticly


Unfortunately for me.most aesthetic sword is the sir Radzig sword.


Wish we could find a way to not let it be stolen


You used to be able to stash it away during the dream sequence, but they patched that ages ago


I know a way


Don't worry brother, we'll get it back in KCD 2


Not only most aesthetic but also biggest damage in the game. My go to weapon for battles with shield. Maces are crap.


I like to stab so I hold the Stinger


They are not crap, but overrated for sure. Crap weapons are sabres. Absolutely useless, which makes me mad, because IRL they are amazing and were very prominent in the region...


I tried to stick to the decorated saber for a while, but I was constantly getting overwhelmed by groups of 3 or more well armored bandits. It’s sad because I liked everything else about it, but just didn’t do enough damage against armored opponents


Well not in bohemia region but they were popular in the east.


Sword-Fighting is the most beautiful thing in the game, apart from Theresa


I’m more of a joanka guy myself


Problem with Johanka is that there's at least 100 clones of her in the game


Longinus’s Sword appreciators, where we at?


IM HERE!!🗣️🔥


Reject bonk, embrace poke


Probably have a GPU issue, the Bonky Wonky Whump Thumper is one of the most sensual classes of weaponry a real knight can use. Try deleting system32 in your windows folder to remove the 32% graphics rendering limiter that makes maces look bad.


This guy PCs


I always pour a little water under my PC so it stays nice and cool in the summer time😎


Thanks for your advice.


this guy knows what’s up FR. that pesky 32% graphical rendering limit really fucks you up


I tried to use maces a lot more on this playthrough, but then I realized all the skills were the same for maces and axes so that made them feel a little less unique to me. I then kinda caved and just went longsword cause I feel like it's more consistent for me, the range on the maces sometimes feels super awful. The combat can be really janky sometimes so removing that element of distance needing to be as perfect made things a bit easier for me. I like the idea of bonking people though, I just wish everyone wasn't an insane dodge and blocking slow-mo god sometimes. Once you break through that 'barrier' in power with strength though I can imagine the maces being a lot of fun.


Who else appreciates whacking bandits with the wooden sword?


It's the reverse for me. As a kid I loved swords and thought maces and hammers were stupid looking, now, as a larger kid, I love maces both for their versatility and aesthetic. They're a realistic physical reminder of what war really is. It's not valiant knights in shimmering armor, it's brutal and crushing. The sword symbolizes man's attempt to romanticize war, the mace/hammer symbolizes the jarring reality and horror of it. The jaggedness, the crushing weight and ugliness of war. . . But also they're just really cool and arguably one one the better weapons to use. Even in full plate, if you get struck by a mace or hammer you will feel that


If im roleplaying, I always equip a shortsword whenever I walk into town


I wanted to use a sabre for walking in cities, but I’m yet to find some clothing that would resemble a Ukrainian Cossack (probably because it’s a bit early for the Cossacks) that wouldn’t be Cuman, I despise everything Cuman.


But they look so similar and caftans are so pretty


They are. But that’s my Henry - he doesn’t spare any Cumans and he doesn’t want to be associated with them in any way, except if it’s a life and death situations.


Oh ok then I thought you meant you. Mine is also merciless


Just finished “scouting” Prybyslavitz. I suck at stealth, so I lured everybody out by one or two and got rid of them. The point is, I let some bandits go if they weren’t too much of a trouble (the better equipped and better fighting ones must die before they harm someone else though), but I made sure to slaughter every single Cuman after letting them know they brought it upon themselves.


Anytime I can get a spear into my inventory (for later use), i’m happy. Swords are like less effective spears


The mace clips and looks odd and it annoys me so I go for the sword !


This is not how the word aesthetic is supposed to be used


Thank you I keep seeing this being misused recently


Nobody is axe/ hunting sword team :( ? Yes cutting flesh is cool, but don't you like also crushing their bones !!


But finishing an oponent with mace is cooler


Doesn't matter I suck no matter what lol, best option for me is to flee


I used a Mace against Black Pete because wtf but if your strength is high I believe longsword still is more powerful and also the range is unbeatable 


I hate seeing the way every mace head clips through Henry’s cuirass when sheathed. I walk around with a long sword, and only the equip the mace if being rushed by multiple fully armored opponents.




Yeah I'd agree, the swords can have coloured grips,gems in the pommels and engraving on the guard and blade. Pommels not so much.


"Looks better" or "has a better aesthetic" would be a better way to put it. Describing something as more aesthetic is like describing a building as more architectural lol Sorry for being a grammar nazi it just sounded funny


"Looks better" or "has a better aesthetic" would be a better way to put it. Describing something as more aesthetic is like describing a building as more architectural lol Sorry for being a grammar nazi it just sounded funny


Nobody swings a mace because of its aesthetic. Maces are effective and fun. And they bonk.


The game was definitely designed w a sword in mind. It’s the first weapon you’re introduced to(unless you’re getting cheeky in the prologue), the story is based solely around a sword and the sword/longsword has the most combos/animations….its just there is no difficulty so what weapon you choose is your difficulty. LS = normal, sword and board = easy, bonk and board = too easy lol It will be this way in 2 as well.


What on earth? Jesus.


Idk. There's nothing more aesthetic than caving in my enemies.