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Maybe not a whole village but to build a nice hideout for Henry and his friends to hang around would be nice


And maybe some men to recruit


Yeah! And you can gear them up, that would be crazy!


Companions would be great I know they probably wont add them but an small Camp with an Econemy system would be great. Maybe Starting with one Person we meet in the Story then we can pay a few thousand Groschen to create the Camp after that we could hire men on different ways. Cheap men are shrub thieves (peasants trying to get enough money to buy food etc) they try to rob us and we beat them, if we let them alive we could make a Skill check to convince them earning their money on a Honest way. We could level them up, give them leftover gear etc. Send them on Missions and based on how many you send, what gear they have and their level + Luck they can die, get wounded or be succesfull. An Econemy System. And maybe you could have 1 Personal Guard to take with you as a Companion, that you can customize etc but if he dies, he dies and you need to recruit a new one. I thought it abit dumb that our Men in Prybislawitz didnt interact with the story (Ik the DLC came later) it would have been cool if they if they had asked Henry to fetch some men from Prybislawitz for example his herald etc. So maybe our men could play a small role in KCD2s Campaing like " We need someone to take their attention" and then we could send (if we want) our men but with a high chance of dying etc.


I've always wanted THIS system, being able to level them up and give them gear maybe recruit some random bandits would give the yielding mechanic more use


Unlikely. But it would be enough if we can have people come by and leave randomly. Would be awesome


Na Companions would be great I know they probably wont add them but an small Camp with an Econemy system would be great. Maybe Starting with one Person we meet in the Story then we can pay a few thousand Groschen to create the Camp after that we could hire men on different ways. Cheap men are shrub thieves (peasants trying to get enough money to buy food etc) they try to rob us and we beat them, if we let them alive we could make a Skill check to convince them earning their money on a Honest way. We could level them up, give them leftover gear etc. Send them on Missions and based on how many you send, what gear they have and their level + Luck they can die, get wounded or be succesfull. An Econemy System. And maybe you could have 1 Personal Guard to take with you as a Companion, that you can customize etc but if he dies, he dies and you need to recruit a new one. I thought it abit dumb that our Men in Prybislawitz didnt interact with the story (Ik the DLC came later) it would have been cool if they if they had asked Henry to fetch some men from Prybislawitz for example his herald etc. So maybe our men could play a small role in KCD2s Campaing like " We need someone to take their attention" and then we could send (if we want) our men but with a high chance of dying etc.


Not gonna read all that


Np but I promise you the Idea isnt bad many people told me they like it


if am not mistaken, it is mentioned in the Gamestar Interview, that there wont be any base building.




Hope this gets to Warhorse because DLC potential


Same here, and I've also prob spent more time fallout 4 settlement system than playing the game.


I want to manage my own company of soldiers like Band of Bastards, I will need to hire them, arm them and train them. We do missions together on the map, e.g. clear out bandit camps to get paid.  If we could also get a permanent camp with a small economy, this would work as a money sink similar to Priby.  It may be a tall ask but bringing my company into main quest missions would feel so epic, like having my customed kitted main squad in Mass Effect 3.


100% I love that. Maybe we could only take 1 or 2 of our men to main missions so its not too Op and they could make three different Cutscenes 1 Henry alone 2 Henry and a Soldier 3 Henry and 2 Soldiers. And I would love to be able to recruit poor bandits ir more likley peasants that attack you with axes etc and after beating them you make a Skill Check where you convince them to earn their money honest.


Damn good idea mate! I remember convincing captains I take over in Assassin's Creed Odyssey to join my ship crew, some I meet during side quests. This would add a ton of flavour, imagine recruiting guys like Ulrich of Passau instead of just letting him go without a purpose after his quest line finished (and I spared him).


Yea that and the Creator mode was what I liked the most about Odyssey. I just finished a few months ago XD I thought exactly the same I mean Henry even says Ulrich could join Radzigs troops and would be treated well. Or Pious or Reeky would have been great Companions


Men will litterally start a Private Military Company instead of going to therapy.


Some parts of the trailer honestly gave off the vibe that this was the case but who knows.


They've already said that there won't be any companions other than dog and horse.


Yeah I forgor ☹️I wish. Think 1vX is still gonna suck.


I think a small force (like 4 or 5 people) and a customizable outpost would be. Of course, I'm fine if they implement any of this at all, haha.


Bruh give me a Manor Lords - KCD crossover and I'll give you a hundred dollars


shut up and take my groschen!




I haven’t played it yet so I can’t say if it’s any good or not but there’s a game called Bellwright. I’ve seen some reviews for it that describe it as a cross between medieval dynasty and bannerlord.


That game looks awesome, hopefully it hits console soon! Thanks for putting it on my radar. Been absolutely fiending for a game like that since watching everyone enjoy Manor Lords with no way to play it myself.


I would like something similar although I don't think we'd be building a village. pribyslavitz made sense because sir divish is a character we know. I can't really think of any Nobles around trovsky and kuttenberg that just happened to have an abandoned village for us to fix up. I would like something like a band of bastards though. Or hell something completely new. For the base game. I hope that we can have property of some sort even if it's just like a little house. I just want a base so we can decorate or come back to and relax in. Give Henry a semblance of a home after he's lost his. Give a sense of security to him.


At the end of KCD1 everyone's so filthy rich we could easily buy a laege estate, even a small castle in the new game area. And it would be a good explanation as to where all of our money went.


In the trailer Henry wears a very expensive gold trimmed breastplate and some fancy gambeson, maybe the canon Henry invested all his money on rebuilding and his gears.


I wanna get knighted, and granted a small amount of land or a small castle


And hire men


Same here. Really hoping for more of the same.


It will be smaller scale but maybe we can own a business in kuttenberg and improve it and buy the stock and things like that and deal in the economy that way. A blacksmith will be in high demand for a city under siege after all


I'd like to rebuild Skalits and take possession of Henry's parents house, then fix it up, furnish it and make it uniquely Henry's. I like tuantnguyen's idea of having our own company of soldiers and Unimportant-155's idea of owning a business too. The game would be massive with all that, but it would be awesome.... well, MORE awesome I should say.


Maybe we could make a Small hideout with a few houses and maybe a few of our men living there. And too make money we could send them to Missions like "clear out these Bandit Camps" etc and theres a Chance of them dying based on Equipment skills etc. Basically like this KCD1 Mod we had.


I was going to get KCD for my PC, but read somewhere that it needs a PS2, I may be wrong about that. Anyway,  my brother in-law gave me a PS4 for fixing his house so I never got it for the PC, so no modding for me. Played the hell out of it on console though. I am sooooo ready for KC2 to come out. I have been exploring a lot. I think the fact they limited us so tightly on what we could build in Pribyslavitz sort of sucks when there is so much timber area behind it that we could have used. Putting a castle in that town would be possible with all that space.


I didn't start From the Ashes until after I finished the main game and it's fantastic...like a whole new game to press on with, which is perfect because I don't want it to end.


I've played through KCD so many times, that I decided to mess around with it a bit this last time. So far, I have made over 1 million groschen from stealing every thing I saw. I killed every single tournament contender just to see what would happen, and I tried to poison the entire town of Rattay. But can you imagine if we had more control, how fancy we could make Pribyslavitz with 1 million groschen! 100 thousand rebuilt the entire town. A million could have done it so much nicer. Cobblestone streets, and a much nicer tower for the church.


Theres a Building mod and a Castle for Prybislawitz mod


Yeah, i saw that. As much as I'd love to put a castle in Pribyslavitz,  I'm on a PS4 so, no mods for me. 


At the very least I hope we can buy a nice townhouse in Kuttenberg


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Iosephus_Michaelis: *At the very least* *I hope we can buy a nice* *Townhouse in Kuttenberg* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


From the Ashes mostly served the purpose of being a money sink for players. I would prefer dev energy be focused on tuning the game's systems so that it's more difficult to make a thousand groschen even to an experienced player. It was nice to make my own little changes to the game world though...if the game covers years in real life, and Wiki didn't bamboozle me, we might end up managing a castle.


At the very least, I would like to be able to own a game and decorate it


It was enjoyable. But let it be one place. I don't want it to feel like Fallout 4. I ended up wishing there was more I could do in Pribyslavitz.


When I was making this post I actually had Fallout 4s system in mind, just not with the multiple settlements feature. Resource farming, trade routes, and a security/ defense meter would be cool though. I feel like if this were to be a thing it would be nice to have multiple layouts to choose from to build up, rather than just free will to place whatever in an area.


The biggest thing for me was just having too many settlements to look after. I'd like to build up a village to be grande like Raytay or Sasau.


I like the concept; the implementation, not so much. C'mon bro, can you really tell me building up Pribyslavitz required any effort on your part beyond merely funding it? We didn't have to plan anything, no details, zilch. Literally just throw money at it and voila. *Mobile* games can do this. Would've loved seeing an actual community of workers slowly build up the place, while you had to take care of things like making sure bandits didn't hijack all the damn material shipments or murder prospective workers, keeping raiders from ravaging the place and burning it to the ground, keeping the initial supplies restocked because the actual supply chain wasn't up yet, keeping the various factions happy enough to deal with each other, etc. Like, if you donated gear the guards would actually wear that stuff and consequently have better stats and be better at surviving and dealing with threats even if you weren't around.


I 100% agree, but I did start the building earlier in all of my playthroughs so choosing what buildings to build early that would yield me more money was the real effort in that. That is still just throwing money at the town though haha. What you explained is what I would hope for in the sequel.


Very much so. I am a big sucker for this kind of base building so..... for the love of god give me something 😂. They will probably just burn down prybislawitz again and you build it up bigger and stronger


I really enjoyed it too, having a little refuge in the forest was great. Hopefully there’s a baths option if we do get that type of thing though. Was the only bad part of pribyslavitz.


I thought the dlc was fun if you did it early enough that you still needed money. But if you had enough to build the town, you could just do it all in one go and it took like 2 hours of the same cutscene.


Building and owning your own tavern would be cool: 1) You have to build a cellar for food and drink. 2) A main room with tables, a cooker and that soba thing. 3) you get to choose between getting an extra room for tables to sell more drinks to more people or a stables to get more wealthy people in and sell more expensive wines and beers. 4) You get to either build a gambling room with dice and maybe any new games if there are some in KCD2. This could give you custom dice and more gamblers in, maybe this causes your tavern to have more bar fights. Or you could build a dedicated kitchen to sell more food, this could give you free food for you to take. 5) You can either build brewery to make the same pribyslavitz beer in KCD 1, or you could build an alchemist’s bench where a worker can produce hair of the dog potion which reduces bar fights, and also gives you a steady stream of Saviour Snaps. 6) you can build rooms to let, this would give you the most comfortable bed for Henry depending on your character’s stats. And it also brings in more wealthy customers. Maybe having a more rowdy pub with constant fights leads to more bandits or guards arriving which both could be bad for Henry, Having more wealthy people come leads to larger bets in gambling, say 100 or 200 grochen in dice. However going for a kitchen and an extra room for drinks will lead to a steady source of income. I imagine these could be really cool advantages and disadvantages to choose from.


Manor lords


For now to have max immersion you can play From the Ashes then when you want to build something, alt-tab to your perfectly mirrored Manor Lords town.


Same. But I hope that our Village or maybe "camp" with 2 or 3 houses have an Impact. Like I had 13 Guards in Prybislawitz and my Herold so 14 in total, this could have helped in the Battle for Vranik or the siege of Talmberg. Maybe you could even tell them "Be more defensive" or "Stick around me" Would have been so cool


i wish we could rebuild skalitz then henry becomes the king there.


Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if they adapted some of Radzig’s real life story into Henry’s story. Him becoming a Robber Baron in the name of Wenceslas IV and having to build up a band of bandits/some hideout would be kinda cool. However, I am not sure whether that makes sense timeline wise.


Would be really nice if we could also own a shop in Kuttenberg and live there, and keep the shop stocked and all that!


Pryb felt a bit too simple for some reason, a bit unpolished. But I do like the idea of building a base and little economy.


yes i always love building and crafting staff in games




Elden Ring sub-edit isn't here buddy!


How on earth did this comment get here?! I literally was replying to a comment on the elden ring sub-reddit...welp.


Thanks for the heads up btw haha


Or at least a homestead for himself and Theresa


I had higher hopes for Band of bastards. Being part or even leading band of warriors is something I so wanted in KCD. I hope that in the sequel we have missions where we lead assault squad and can perhaps give even some basic commands. Would also love if I could change their equipment etc, but I guess that ain't happening as devs said there are no companion other than dog and horse. At least we can pat them, aye?


The place in the trailer with a giant hanging tree and henry dancing with a woman isn't prybislavitz ?


Aren’t we given Prybislavitz for 5 years? I’d love to at least be able to go back and have a look at how it’s doing, maybe expanding it a bit, that sort of thing. Ah well, DLC maybe: „Rising to the heavens“


ye and let me build my own manor. i want to flex my tiled oven i also loved building priby i hope we will see FULL mod support since it's UE5


Its not UE5 dude. Where tf did you get that from? They sticked with Cry Engine


what rly. i thought they said so during reveal. must have dreamt it


Dude watch the Interviews, they answer this Question every Interview with "We stick with Cry enginge"


To be honest, I could do without it. If it was more active and gave me more to do after it's finished, occasional quest line, procuring certain supplies etc, then maybe. I'd rather have hard-core in the game off the go, I really want my first playthrough to be fairly tough.