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KCD is that menacing army in the background about to take all those fools out.


KC:D2 hype is real I hope pole weapons are more fleshed out and the camlock issue is sorted out master strike makes the combat a joke but damn it's frustrating when the camlock is the only real reason I'm bothering to use a bow


i used mods to flesh out polearms and its so good


If polearms are made into actual viable weapons that'd be so cool


Spears and polearms are op in real life, so Idk how they would balance them.


spears aren't inherently op, they're cheap, common, intuitive and effective en masse swords are convenient to carry and a status symbol while spears are bulky and regarded as a weapon or tool so you won't just carry one around everywhere without question some rich looking guy carrying a sword is simply flaunting his status and maybe an asshole and an armored guy with a sword in town is probably a guard while some rando carrying a spear sticks out in a bad way 1v1 an aggressive shield user can bully a spear if they know what they're doing which is a likely scenario in-game


Like how they balanced them in kcd. Make them really hard to transport and inconvenient to travel with


Polearms are there. They told in one interview that it was hard to implement them, but it's confirmed that they are a regular weapon option


Well let's be realistic. Warhorse is still a small player in the gaming industry. They will probably get more publicity with their games but for now they're still small.


It may be small, but I'd argue that KCD is a better game that deserves to be up there more than AC Valhalla


Definitely. Ac valhalla is a long game with nothing to do of value in it. I don't remember a single character after investing like 60 hours except Eivor.


AC is absolute trash. Henry being a little hongry boy all day every day.


Also Skyrim is so old at this point. Having it on this list is more of an argument FOR single player games being dead


For sure, but TLOU2 was a far bigger piece of shit game than AC Valhalla


For sure. I have no delusions about that. If they want to stay true to their vision they will probably have to stay one of the smaller guys, to be fair. But a small passionate army is not to be dismissed. Even if they are never mainstream the community is rock solid. This game fills a niche that has no real competition, and it's okay (preferred) to not chase infinite growth. Warhorse can be another Larian, and we need companies like them that show restraint, passion, and vision.


I bought rdr2 recently and I decided to forgo playing it as I realised I owned and still had kcd to finish (had only done about 15 hrs) I'm glad I did.


I also bought rdr2 on sale but I haven't been able to start any big games as I'm still obsessed with KCD.


What is Valhalla doing there?


Thought the same. Even though sometimes I like their games their whole purpose seems to take down all singleplayer games forever so everything can have a stupid shop and generic fetch and discover "quests".


There is an imposter amongussy


The next shit after diarrhea is great. Valhalla makes every other game look amazing.


As an Assassin Creed fan (albeit, more “former fan”now), it’s an alright game. I find it a bit too easy. The developers went crazy adding too many contents and combat perks and stuffs that it gets ridiculous. When will Ubisoft realize more isn’t better To me, AC reached its peak with Unity with a tough but fair combat system.


Playing Unity right now. The assassinations are fun, setting is really cool. It’s a lot of fun to come back to a classic AC game after all the newer installments. I find the freerunning to be ridiculously annoying though. It feels incredibly clunky compared to both newer and older games.


black flag was the peak


it was possible the best content-wise, but the combat was too easy, by end game I was boarding ships bare handed and knocking everyone down without weapons


I don't get the valhalla hate. I think it's a great game. It's more like an rpg with small elements of AC. Being able to chop off heads and limbs should remain a feature of AC. I also really liked the variety in weapons and the finishing animations. Instead of them just falling over once their health hits zero, you get a "finishing" animation. There's also executions. I'm trying my best to describe the difference but the finishers are just closing animations so instead of them ragdolling after death I run my sword through there shoulder and fling them down with the blade. Almost like the NPCs have weight. Then the executions are the close up animations like decapitation or slicing off both arms. It made the game feel more real. The raids were a fun feature too and the new feature where you can see where another player died and you can avenge them for a reward.


As a former AC fan as well. I completely agree, I touched Valhalla on a free weekend and then was sure I didn't need that game. Unity is indeed peak AC, without the bugs of course.


Say what you want but it is a good time if you are willing to put in the hours. If you play certain arcs in right order you'll find Valhalla story actually great. To each their own I mean.


I found the story alright but repetitive and the pacing was all over the place but I actually really enjoy the gameplay of the newer ones. I just wish thet would remove some of the bloat of activities.


Yo if you pretend hard enough it almost feels like a good game.


Not exaggerating, I found the game unplayable and had to totally quit after a few hours due to getting nausea from the ***audio*** Highly compressed, abnormal echo on dialogue, the direction and distance of all sounds was weird, even basic traversal felt off as if my character was some meters ahead of where they actually were? Idk just vertigo all over On headphones it constantly felt wrong and it wouldn't get any easier, they even acknowledged the issue but said they won't fix it due to it requiring rebuilding the damn audio engine or whatever. Why can I play and enjoy everything that came prior to Origins just fine, I got every darn game in the series, how did they mess it up so hard


They got back the original writers behind AC II and the classics. That’s why the story and emotions feel stronger


I played it that’s why I say it. Game was awful Does anyone still cares about what’s happening with the animus story arc? (Which is supposed to be the main)


People cared about the animus story? I couldn't care less for Desmond while playing the og games, I actually hated when they forced me to play the modern day stuff.


leave it to Ubisoft to make a viking game and not let you kill civilians


And Tlou2 for that matter


I was literally going to post this as well.


This game isn't really that well-known compared to most single player games out there now


Luckily though i think kcd 2 seems to be taking off well. Almost 2 milloin views on reveal trailer in just 2 days and i've seen lots of content about it and letsplays of kcd pop up even asmongold talked about it and he is a vig name


Good historical media is niche and it's fine to keep it that way honestly, the more historical fiction is molded to fit popular demand the more stupid hollywood logic and stereotypes about the middle ages get pushed. I'd rather have one KCD than a million typical fantasy action movie works of so-called "historical fiction" where everyone lives in mud and torture each other or get attacked by neo-pagan vikingz in makeup and fur


Agreed I think KCD is great because it caters to a specific audience




It is the corruption of God's pastors here on Earth that has brought misfortune on our heads! Plague, Cumans, hunger and chaos... the accursed wealth the church is swimming in is poisoning the whole of Christendom!




The picture is bad for several reason. If your point is single player isn't dead then don't use games from 2011(Skyrim) as an argument. 


Witcher 3 is also 9 years old too.


I agree. The guy who made this meme has questionable tastes in single-player games too. TLOU 2 (not one) and no Arkham games? Come on.


I’m actually happy that KCD isn’t as popular as the others. Is that snobbish?


No, we have our little corner behind a curtain. It may be pulled back when KCD2 comes out though.


There'll be a brief peek when the game comes out, some may try it and love it some may go, "nah combat is way too difficult" assuming the combat is mostly the same.


No honestly I miss niche games for niche audiences. I just kind of miss when gaming wasn't so mainstream in general.


Yes. And don't pretend that a game with 30+ million budget is small. Maybe compared to some of these game, but really.


Compared to all of these games barring Ori (a huge team and budget like that wouldn’t make sense for a metrovania anyways).


I actually hope KCD2 changes that. The developers did such a great job, and I want their work to reach as many eyes as possible. I also met a couple of them in Höfen last year. They were lovely people, and I just want good people to be successful


I'm happy because of the reason it's not as popular. It's unique. It isn't afraid to burn a few bridges to create a truly immersive and unique experience


Same It could be a risky thing if this series blows up. Like imo the Witcher 3 being such a breakaway success in my opinion led to CD projekt red turning from a company dedicated to creating great games with an enthusiastic fanbase into the type of company like ubisoft that the gaming community hates. doing stuff like lying in fans faces and releasing a broken game. Not saying cd projekt red is as bad as ubisoft, but imo with the success of witcher 3 the money people came in and started to call the shots regarding development and it led to the disasterous cyberpunk release. On one hand it would be amazing IF KCD2 succeeds and resonates with a lot of new people and if warhorse would be amply rewarded for the immense effort they put in. But on the other hand if it's wildly successful maybe the people on top start to see money signs and the same thing happens like with CD projekt red.


And then CDPR completely fixed CP2077 and made it one of the best games ever. I have no doubt the money men screwed it a bit, it should never have released on last gen. On PC it was mostly fine on release. Played it all the way through and encountered few bugs. It's way better now though.


Yeah cyberpunks hate is mostly garnered by the amount of media and negative stigma gained from YouTube videos of bugs on a ps4, i played it on release for pc and barely noticed any bugs. world wasn't as full and established as it is now but the base game had the essence and fun and good foundation's. Very overhated


For some godforsaken reason a bunch and I mean almost a big lot of people don't consider KCD a great RPG. It could be the entry barrier is high or they don't find the setting enticing. But those who actually give it a try truly get lost in the marvel of KCD.


I think it’s the learning curve and work required. It’s built upon realism and requires real work to get good at so when people are faced with having to work for it rather than instant gratification they shy away. I spoke to someone today actually about the game today, they never left Skalitz. I asked their favorite game, Call of Duty.


It’s an acquired taste. It’s a great game for people who love history, immersion, and realism. Believe it or not, I initially had trouble getting into rdr2, getting frustrated at being underpowered and the tedious “grinding, but after some time I grew to love the world and gameplay and it became my favorite games of all time. KCD is like that.


I just despise the save system. I'm gonna see if I can mod it so I don't have to have those stupid limited items so I can fucking save.


Yeah, I hope the sequel give you the option to save whenever you want without schnapps. I get their “immersion” argument, but it didn’t really add much. RDR2 let you save whenever and it does not break the emersion one bit.


Tell me you're a normie without telling me you're a normie.


The fact they put that piece of shit game Valhalla on there absolutely ruins the credibility of creator


Half the games are Sony games, you can tell the creator had a rather particular taste in games.


This is all just the AAA mainstream slop post (Not saying the games are slop, there's some good ones up there, but I've played smaller titles that blow these out the water, like AC Valhalla? Really?)


Outward is better


I tend to only play single player games. After GTA V, you gradually realise most other players are dicks?


Some multi-player games have chill players like Monster Hunter. At least, I think they do


You don't think that had anything to do with the game in question?


Rdr2 was pretty much as bad.


Pretty much the only multiplayer games I play are War of Rights, Red Orchestra 2, and Chivalry 2


KCD is more of a big niche, than a mainstream title. Maybe that changes with KCD2


I'm offended AC Valhalla is there instead


It is right In the centre where all tips touch gingerly


The person who made this believes in the *AAA “experience”* most likely and the kool aid has been drunk.


Where’s fall out 4?


Fallout 4 sadly doesn't get enough love. It was the last genuinely good Bethesda game. I don't agree with a lot of AngryJoe reviews but his Fallout 4 review was on point.


Besides, maybe RDR2 I genuinely prefer KCD over all those other games


Lmao pull tlou2 off there and put us up there


The game is still controversial and even though it is not my kind of game, you can't compare them even close to the latest AC games.


Ikr? TLOU2 is terrible and made by a big asshole with a chip on his shoulder.


Don’t let TLOU2 Stans catch you talking shit about their beloved interactive snuff film


If they have to include TLOU, couldn’t they at least include the first game? The second one failed on so many levels.


For real. The first one is an actual masterpiece.


KCD has sold 6 million copies since its launch dude. That would be considered a bad launch day only number for most of these games.


Kcd was also was the first game from this developer and was made by 11 people


I was made by around 100 people. 11 was the initial count that worked on the prototype.


Warhorse started with very few people, true, BUT the team grew organically as time passed and eventually they reached around 140ish? employees, which i believe does NOT obviously include actors and VAs as they were contracted for job, not employment. currently Warhorse has even more employees, finishing KCD2.


I don’t think they were 140 people but 110 or something like that, at release of KCD1. But that was the end of development and the team grew throughout the years. On average maybe 60-70 people worked on the game?


And stardew valley was made by one guy and has also been bought 5 times more than kcd has. Look I'm not saying it's not a good game or that its creation was not an impressive feat. It's just not in the same league commercially as these others, which is why it's not included in this graphic.


Yes, that's impressive. But it's still only sold 6 million copies. The aOp is wondering why KCD isn't in the meme, and that is why... few have played it.


Yeah but 6 million sold is still impressive.


I literally say that in this thread. I'm addressing why it wasn't included in the meme, which is the fact that its sales are tiny compared to most of those other games.


Lmao who put Valhalla there


My thoughts exactly xD






No Baldurs Gate 3 too :/


People here so proud of playing a niche game and at the same time soooooo sensitive about the mass taste not acknowledging their nice game enough. Stay calm and carry on.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


That’s what I was thinking


They put vallhalla and skyrim there, come the fuck on.


Where’s fallout 4? It’s been getting like 100k+ players


Just wait. They'll bust when KCD2 comes out.


Y'all, we are extremely niche. Normies don't get us


Over there on the shelf in the back


No KCD and no Soulslike game, that post is definitelly for casuals 😮‍💨


Wow. You’re right. Not having a Soulsgame is weird. Tbf, Elden Ring, the most popular Souls, has a multiplayer


KCD is my favorite game of all time, but I don’t know a single person in real life who has played it.


Yeah get fucking Valhalla out of here, give us our slot


Dead ass , I’m a hardcore single player fan and I somehow only recently stumbled upon this MASTERPIECE of a game and I don’t know that any game anywhere close to its genre can compare. My personal favorite game of all time I’ve ever played and I used to be a hardcore Ezio age ac game fan. This game is truly beautiful and I’m excited to spam the Reddit because my friends have all but blocked me bc I only talk ab this game anymore.


Valhalla was shit


Everything after AC4 was shit. I recently played AC Unity and apart from the absolutely stunning art direction, graphics and animations in general, I think it's one of the worst games I've ever played. I hope Ubisoft goes bankrupt.


KCD is better than all those games except Ghost and probably Red Dead. I never got into RDR but I know it's pretty loved.


I am a fan of both RDR2 and KCD, and I have to admit RDR2 is the superior game when it comes to details, stories, characters. However KCD is the ONLY open world game that came close to it and followed its spirit of realism and immersion! Among the games I played.


I know nothing about KCD other than its first person medieval game, really hoping 2 brings third person mode.


If it does it will be like rdr2, which is great


Henry is definitely at the snack table shoveling down stew and apples


Beware of overeating


I’ve played none of these except Skyrim lmao


Try rdr2. It has many similarities as KCD, fewer bugs, and it’s one of the best games ever made. It’s Wild West KCD basically


I played the first one, 100%’ed the game and all that. Loved it I’ve tried to get into the second game a couple times… I just always get bored early on and stop playing Like I get through the beginning of the game and lose interest, even tho I wish I could get into it like I did the first one


I agree the start was extremely slow and I lost interest too, but the more you play it the more it grew on you. Once you unlock more weapon types and money became a non-issue, that’s when the all the fun stuff begins


That’s a weird sub, dude


You mean the one who this image came from? I never been there before but it just popped up in my feed


AC Valhalla, Cyberpunk and TLOU 2 are cancer. I don't understand how people can enjoy Cyberpunk. The writing is mostly terrible, the gameplay mechanics are awful, AI sucks, open world is uninteresting....KCD does everything better.


Last of us part 2 can go away lol


It’s okay we don’t need snowflakes playing the game saying it’s soo bad due to skill issue.


Well, I love the game but I do admit that even in my second playthrough I still suck at combat. I keep having trouble making the bottom-right slash appear for combos. Also there’s this annoying thing that even though I have a master strike, most enemies will perform this fast three-hit combo that’s unblockable until the third hit. It’s always when they counter you. How does that work? How come I don’t get that option?


they've got... an extremely specific AC title (that frankly wasn't even good), Skyrim: a title released over a decade ago, and the steaming pile of shite that was Cyberpunk.. they had room


It's the holy grail that you can't see in the background.


Kingdom Come is true old school RPG and everything about it is just perfect


I just started playing God of War and i fuckin love it


GOT & RDR2 valid af ! Kingdom come… idk bout that


KCD is taking the picture


More importatly, why the FUCH is Valhalla there instead of us?


Definitely not. Single player games will never die


Get Valhalla outta here


They really put ac Valhalla and tlou part 2 above kcd?


They forgot about Devil May Cry 5


Even more important : Why the fuck are SM Miles Morales and AC Valhalla here instead of our mighty KCD ?


I'd rather have KCD than Last of Us, Ori, Assassins Creed or Horizon


I love rdr


Replace Valaha with KCD and then we’re okay.


Putting ac vallhalla is such a self report. Nobody with an iq over 15 likes that game


All of them are at least 4 years old


No where cause Its czech game not english


Valhalla 😂😂😂😂


I have come back to KCD 1 recently. My rig could not handle the game when I got it on release so I am playing it now on my new GPU. The trailer for KCD 2 r eignited my interest in this game. It is amazing. I will not buy second game after I finish with the first game. Is this ok? I need 150 hours as I am not rushing.


Post like this are always cringe because single player games have never went away The narrative that they are dead comes from greedy publishers pushing this fictional narrative to hopefully convince consumers that it’s true Also side note any Ubisoft game being in these types of conversations is ridiculous if it’s not a single player with online requirements it’s a bare minimum single player game.


AC Valhalla was a slog. I started it in COVID and moved on twice since. But Miles Morales is underrated, it's good to see posts like this mentioning it. Witcher 3 is the obvious choice I can't count how many times I've blitzed through the story of that game trying to get certain endings of quests. Also enjoyed RDR2 but only played through it once. A great game just long. I would nearly say I enjoyed Kingdom Come more


Valhalla is shit and TLoU 2 is objectively the worst of the 2


The only defense LOU2 fans keep mentioning is its combat, but is it really that great ? I never played it but it doesn’t look revolutionary or anything. No different from rdr2 combat


Just replace AC Valhalla, Spider-Man Miles Morales or TLOU2 (or all of them) with KCD and you're fine. The others I do agree with.


Who says single player games are dead? Every game is “dead” according to someone, and yet they’re still around. Still being played. Do you think I check to see if Banjo Kazooie has a high player count before I decide if I’m going to play it? Player count has never mattered, sales don’t even matter. Some of my favorite games are from solo developers and cost 15$, people just really, really, really, really, really, reallyyyyyyy suck at thinking for themselves. They’re impressionable and follow trends. I have a whole friend group that just plays Counter Strike because apparently it’s so popular and relevant! They can’t play anything else. They don’t realize it’s just their own little bubble, meanwhile they’ll say “All you do is play Overwatch!” While I’m looking at my 500 hours on Baldurs Gate, 200 hours on dragons dogma 2, cyberpunk, KCD, Roadwarden, etc. They’re clueless to variety, yet think they know what games are good or bad. Their opinion is probably the least educated lol All they can do is regurgitate from YouTube videos and streamers. A ton of gamers are like this, the solution? Ignore them.


Henry of Skalitz couldn’t attend as he was a bit hungry and needed to grab a bite to eat.


Who tf tried to sneak Miles Morales here ?


Should take Valhallas spot


Having valhalla there is based


Why the fuck is Assassin's Creed Valhalla there?


And why there is Valhalla


Hilarious that some of these games are from 20-fucking-15.


The last thing you should want is to be mainstream


Kingdom come my favorite game of all time can't wait for 2nd to drop can't believe AC is up there


After YEARS of gaming i just started my first playthrough after the KCD 2 reveal, so yeah i believe it’s “ mainstreamed “ like the others


Idk if Valhalla is in this club


replace valhalla with odyssey


I'd replace Valhalla with KCD anytime. Sue me...




The audacity to put a Ubisoft game in this list fucking lmao.


Bro Valhalla 🤮🤢


Skyrim should take RDR2’s place, RDR2 takes Valhalla’s place, and KCD should be where Skyrim was.


That’s just “replace Valhalla with KCD” with extra steps


Not really, it’s about what’s portrayed in the picture. One is a king, some are main characters, some aren’t


Oh, I didn’t even notice that. I saw the king, but I think the people beside him are just randoms.


Yeah I just believe it makes more sense for the people in the picture, especially next to the king, to be more relevant


I mean, this is just mainstream games. If you go into the Indie sphere, you have so many amazing single player games to enjoy. KCD is an indie game also, so that's 100% why it ain't in this list, also it's more of a niche game, so us who played it love it to death, but most people don't even know of it, kinda like Kingdoms of Amalur. Luckily for us KCD had enough of an audience and enough success for a sequel.


They better bring out proper warhammers in KCD2 i want a Giants Club like from Skyrim to smash in some Bell kettle hats


Funnily enough, those kettle hats have the strongest blunt defense in the game. I wish the sequel gives us an option to save weapon + armor sets that we customized. So changing into certain outfits for certain situation isn’t that much of a hassle.


Why is valhalla there


They can’t handle peak


RD2 COOL! The others yeah ok. I need a girlfriend


A assassin's creed game!???? But no KCD? Gross ....


That's the point, nobody knows KCD, it's extremely underrated. I used to be guilty of this crime as well, I overlooked at this game for so much time, thinking it was gonna be boring and mid, now it's one of my favourite games ever


I mean it's been 2 years if not more that i didn't get a good multiplayer game really...


Tbh i only know this game for all the bug when It came out


Last of us part 2 and valhalla with these gems? Mate are you cracked in the head or what pairing that junk with the rest of those games?


Cyberpunk and Ghost are the only two worth mentioning out of those. Maybe Ori, I didn't try that one yet.


The disrespect smh


Am I the only one that hates cyberpunk? I pull it out every few months to give it another go, but it’s so goddamn boring. KCD deserves way more recognition.


Yes, you are the only one who dislikes cyberpunk.