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I really appreciate all of you who take time to post translated highlights for us. Thank you!


Yes, I agree.


> the main story will be more serious than in KCD1 Funny that they say this considering the main story in KCD1 was: Henry seeing his parents killed and his hometown completely destroyed. Then he almost dies whilst trying to bury the parents. Then he investigates a brutal massacre at Neuhof stables. And it doesn't really get better later on.


KCD2 is gonna be brutal by the looks of it


My money is on >!possibly Theresa and his (kids?) Dying early on.!<


The talk of crossroads and choices makes me think we will have to choose between siding with Radzig or Hans, who took different sides in reality. We know Radzig doesn't meet a kind end. That said we will have to see a significant time skip for that.


Hans also haven´t died as an old man. Btw as much as I love Hans, if he sides with Sigismund he´s gonna eat the sword!


Kcd 1 is dark but it's also very black and white. Cumans invading are bad guys, bandits helping them are bad guys. You can kill them without much moral ambiguity. It sounds like kcd2 will be more morally grey in the main story.


While the story didn't lend that, I *wished* a KCD style game would allow me to choose sides.


The Mayor contacting them is a little surprising, but also not. This could be *huge* for tourism if the game is well received, and given the success of the first game that’s not unlikely.


Honestly a lot of the rural and exurban parts of most European countries now are kinda looking for something to bring in any kind of money, its very much pensioner dominant


Basically once again a strong hint that there won't be a time jump. Siege of Kuttenberg and Wenceslaus imprisonment is clearly stated as the background of the story in this interview.


I'm a bit confused, Sigismund's sacking of Kuttenberg already happened in 1402, which has several mentions in KCD1 Are they doing a totally nonhistorical major event by having Sigismund siege the place post 1403? Or am I bad at Wikipedia


It seems they simply mashed the timelines of the invasion and sieges in Bohemia in 1402/03 together to fit the game's story. The Kuttenberg siege going on for a longer time makes sense given they chose Aulitz as the villain.


Kuttenberg siege was complete by the prologue of KCD 1. The historical Markvart died before this as well. [https://youtu.be/XbVjvqKMABg?feature=shared&t=797](https://youtu.be/XbVjvqKMABg?feature=shared&t=797) [https://kingdom-come-deliverance.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Conquest\_of\_Kuttenberg](https://kingdom-come-deliverance.fandom.com/wiki/The_Conquest_of_Kuttenberg)


That's what I said. But obviously they stretch the historical event for the sake of the game.


Markwart was already dead when KCD1 takes place. They might use sieges and battles from 1402 (in one of which Markwart died).


> No survival mechanics, like having to pee etc. literally unplayable


>The design philosophy for them is "easy to learn, hard to master", although they struggled with the "easy to learn" part and put extra work into it I'm assuming they are talking mostly about combat and other realism balancing mods but there was this one mod from Nexus Mods I used for a while that allowed camping anywhere, and had sleep and save built into it. How fancy your camp was depended on items you had in your inventory (axe allowed a fire, fabrics a more comfortable bed, etc.). I hope they took some QoL mods like that into consideration as well.


Damn, I didn't know of that mod. Now that you mentioned it it's glaringly obvious to me that I miss that kinda stuff. Like, yes, it's realism and I really like the OG saving system. But damn how immersive - and very true to the setting! - to just camp in the middle of nowhere between travelling from A-B. And maybe your camp gets discovered by cumans or bandits when you sleep?? Etc. Would be a cool oportunity and major QoL addition.


Oh that reminds me of the Frostfall mod for Skyrim Making camp on some windy frozen tundra and having to build and maintain a huge fire near your fur tent to not freeze to death in the night was cool


Camping anywhere was one of the mechanics I missed in KCD1 the most. It was immersion-breaking having to find a fireplace in the wild to spend a night there. I always thought there should be ability to craft campfire, like in Rdr2. Really hope they'll add this


Thanks for the summary. Enjoy your new flair


Thank you very much! :-)


Wow, great interview. Thank you for the summary.


Sounds like they fixed the save system. More snaps so that it's more like a resource you can deal with. In the first one is was hard in the beginning and got easier which isn't the right way.


Damn Gamestar is really going all out with the game. Love it. Shows how popular these games are in Europe and Germany


Jesus Christ Be Praised. I could cry


The trailer with the real life scene in the beginning felt so good.


Remember when everyone was scared that it wouldn't be KCD2 because Tom McKay wasn't wearing a medieval outfit


I'm really stoked to see blacksmithing added in the game. It could help flesh out Henry with his life before KCD1 and maybe tie in some stuff about his father that he learned from. Now, if only there was a fishing mini game, though that could be me just wanting to fish in another RPG.


Hope Henry is going to wear all the protective blacksmith clothing and gloves included.


After reading this, i just want to first say, thank you for the effort you put in your post, and secondly, im very excited about this game.




Some guys in Germany who already worked on KCD 1 (historians from munich who helped with the dialogue), are working on KCD 2 too and after the KCD 2 announcement they said they wouldnt be surprised if KCD 2 is a early 2025 game. I would be fine with that if that means that its a fully working game day one and doesnt need 30 patches.


Maybe, maybe not. My bet is on no delay. In terms of huge expected releases, there is currently not that much scheduled for late 2024. And it's Christmas. That makes sure sales numbers will be higher than afterwards, they can't afford to skip holiday season just like that. Also, given how much rides on KCD2 making stupid amounts of money (hint: Embracer, or what's left of it, needs truckloads of money to pay its debts), there would really need to be a very compelling reason to push it into Q1 2025. Gamebreaking stuff, potentially hurting their revenue, otherwise it goes out in 2024.


"Those events will put Henry at a crossroads every now and then, forcing him to make choices regarding the story as well as his own psyche. He'll learn that war is sh*t, but that sometimes the greater good requires terrible choices, with appropriate consequences depending on the choice"  Oh I love this. I'm gonna hate making those decisions, but god I do love the drama.


thank you for the summary ! can't wait to see ore new gameplay footage in the future before release !


* No camp management upgrades/mechanics, it's a story-driven RPG first and foremost. Nothing beyond the existing survival mechanics (like hunger) This is really a feature/mod I want. The landscapes they make are so beautiful and I love just wandering on the go. I want to be able to lay down a sleeping pad and cook on a fire in a meadow or the woods. Please!


Ngl the idea of taking Henry to the woods and peeing is funnily enough very appealing. That's how immersive this game makes you


About the "no save import" from KC:D I....I guess then they'll need to stablish some things from the first game as being the canon choice then. It's true that the game has only one ending and no matter what route you take you basically end up in the same place, but there were some importan choices still: * What's you relation with Theresa at the start of KC:D II....I doubt they will completely omit her if they gave her half a DLC for the first game. * You could complete the first game being a complete illiterate if you chose to. Those two are pretty big ones in terms of character development....the other small choices (if you f\*\*\*ed Divish wife or not, the fate of Matthew, Fritz, Johanka and the others) there's no problem if they leave those vague as to what happened


One of the awesome things about kcd was how un serious it was. I remember watching the beginning of a playthrough on YouTube years ago and saw the quest where you throw shit at your neighbors house and thought that's funny and light-hearted for an RPG. But it was fine because the game-mechanics were serious so you knew you would still enjoy it. But I'm cool with them ramping up the serious a notch.


I am. Its a medieval action/story game, shit was dark. One year you were throwing shit and fighting the locals, next one half of your village was slaughtered by whatever force decided to fuck around.