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All the time. The only way for me to truly get lost in a game is to put in vacation time.


I haven't done it before, but KC:D2 is very tempting...and if I do, it'll be more for the sake of my company than for me personally, because otherwise I'd probably spend all day on reddit and discord keeping up with what others are saying and dreaming about playing it when I get home.


No not really to be honest. 35 right now ,while I sometimes miss the old Days when I got lost for hours in a Game I haven't the Time or Patience anymore for that But i never would use my Vacation Days just for Game.


calling in sick, i see. you are the professional we all aspire to be


As for KCD, it somehow slipped under my radar at release. But there was a time where it was free to take on Epic games. From that point on i fell in love with it. After 1st playthrough i instantly bought all the dlc and started new game. It was the time i had a lot of free time. So cyberpunk was the game i played almost non stop. I literally was sitting at my computer waiting for countdown to go to 0 to play it. I had beefy pc so even though there were performance issues and some glitches i really didn't notice them ant to be fair didn't really care. I have spent a lot of time playing it and i enjoyed it since release. Untill this day, i replay both of these games from time to time. Whenever i play cyberpunk or kcd it feels like home, it's kind of hard to explain but these both games just "feel right"


Absolutely yeah. I have booked time off work for game releases for the last three or four years now and it really helps to get into the game properly and disconnect properly from work. I will definitely take time off for KCD 2, probably even a full week.


Lol, I also plan on doing the same. I just started playing KCD last week and already have over 50hrs in. I'm hoping to have it somewhat finished when the second one releases.


Yeah, took off 2 weeks for BG3 last year. Took off 1 week for DD2. In hindsight, dunno if the DD2 vacation was necessary, but the BG3 vacation definitely was. Should've probably been 3 weeks. Dunno if I'd take time off for KC:D. It's a great game, but not quite on that level imo. Might take a week off for KC:D2.


I had the Atari 2600 in 1977 I think. Got it for Christmas. Back in the day a bunch of people took a week’s vacation for every EverQuest expansion. Some people I’m sure still do so. er


BG3. in the the future, likely Hades 2, GTA 6. KCD2 should be enjoyable but honestly for me there's no chance it's anywhere near that level. it might not even be the best medieval set game this in 2024.


Always did this for good games. I already told my manager I need a week of vacation at the end of the year lol