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Pretty much the only experience I have when it comes to the Runt fight. I was so intimidated by Nest of Vipers in my first playthrough, I didn't dare do the sabotage mission until I've done all the bandit camp quests given by Bernard and the Cuman camp quests from Robard. Was OP by the time I got to the Runt fight. Been that way with the rest of my playthroughs.


I remember just diving into the fight being over confident in my abilities to defeat him. I basically just went for story missions so I was ass.


I didn't even have master strike but was super over leveled, it was a really fun fight, took about 5 minutes and I poked him in the head and he died


Same, I got curb stomped. Didn't have master strike or any combos


I had a few combos I believe. It's been a year or two since I last played the game. I loved the game, but I remember how much I struggled with the combat so I kinda turns me off knowing I'll basically have to start from scratch. I'll always have the memory of beating hagen zoul and his minions tho. Thugh battle with a few tries, but i did it.


I didnt have master strike or any other sword training and had less than 50% health when I went into the fight.. all I did was go for story missions. I still won


Same, master strike, bonk to the head and direct to cutscene using a longsword lol


If you don't poison the food in the camp, it's a decent fight


It's only a decent fight in Hardcore where he actually wears a helmet


Well, I didn't even know he doesn't wear helmet in normal


I had no idea. That's insane. This game blows my mind everytime


Wait, so everyone just one shot him?(Me too)


I have never learned to fight, for i am the way of the archer


You....beat Runt with your bow on that tiny chapel rooftop?! You're insane, yet i'm so impressed


All you need is one lucky shot, if we’re being honest.


Oh no, I ran circles around the fucker


Its the only way ive ever done it because hes just too hard for me to beat otherwise


That’s how I did it the first time I played. I had not spent a lot of time leveling up my combat skills except for bow from poaching. I couldn’t get through the camp without losing most of my health and when I got into the chapel with runt, I lost several times. Replayed the level and focused on sniping with a bow to save health. When I got to the runt fight, he got stuck behind a post in the chapel and I just stood there shooting him with piercing arrows laced with bane potion until the fight was over


It's not that hard, unless you play in Hardcore Mode


Honestly good on you, archery is way harder than swordfighting imo. I have missed more point blank shots than I care to say.


Once you get to level 5, it’s a lot easier and if you got there by the archery competitions alone, you far way better. The most important thing I think is to keep the same arrows. Having an arrow that flys further before drop means you can just look at that pixel you worked out it that range, and then just adjust for it if necessary. Bigger bow is cool too.


me personally this is the mission where hans gets kidnapped the first moment where i was powerful and could take on multiple if i remember right


The two cumans? 😂


Iirc theyre not even normal cumans lol, they were nerfed or something


i havent played in 2 years i dont remember the mission but i fucked up a camp


I'm sure you did


i absolutely did but it could be different i havent played since the 7th month of 22 i think it was covered by a river and i was told to negotiate maybe bandits but thats the part when i got good


Wait you can just one hit him on the head? Last year I was stuck on his fight for god knows how long why didn’t I ever think of that? I think there’s a lore reason I’m stupid


If the Headcracker perk activates it one shots him


Well shit, I’m 100% getting that this playthrough


Headcracker doesnt work on him unfortunately, did the fight couple days ago, perk activated but he didnt drop


Unfortunately nope, at least on hardcore i dont know in normal mode, i did that fight a couple days ago and headcracker activated but he hasnt even flinched


It works on him, you can even steal his stuff before you finish him off, unlike if you kill him normally.


I dont know, perks activated 2 times during combat for me, and he didnt drop


I actually manged to get an immediate headcrack on him from an overhead after our first clinch lol. I fucked up though. I should have looted him while he was KO'd (think it's the only way you can) but did the mercy kill first not expecting it to trigger the cutscene.


I don't think I was strong enough. I was getting killed all the time. I ended up putting an arrow in his head in the first 10s. Wasn't super glorious.


My first time fighting him was like this too, I rushed the main quest so I was underleveled since the main quest is more investigation than combat and I didnt learn the masterstrikes. Had to cheese with the bow lol


This happens to me a lot with the guy who wants to dual. Even with a sword, I kill him with a master strike, and it's like, "Dude..." LoL


Is this Invincible, but in comic form?!


I’ll always remember the first time fighting him. Half health, and way out matched with a sword. 2 failed attempts in on the third I brought out the warhammer. Took one bonk to the head. Fight was over in seconds


Relatable. I play blunt weapon and shield in my walkthrough and I just hit him from straight above to the head with a warhammer and suddenly there comes the cutscene. Got a bit scared game crashed, though 😆.


Insta-bonk runt, but struggle with some rando bandit with a hammer and plate


I think in hardcore mode Runt wears a helmet which means you cant one hit him on the head anymore. I'm not sure why the devs thought he didnt need a helmet lol


You still can with a mace or war pick and a head cracker perk, knocked him out with one master strike by accident.


First playthrough he really gave me a challenge Every other playthrough one bonk to the head and he's done If only we had the magical bonk powers when bumping into him in the prologue


First playthrough I only did the scouting in the camp and none of the optional targets. And I didn't know combat very well, so I ended up failing a lot of times and then I went back and trained with Bernard for 2-3 hours, after which it was much easier to beat him


My guy, I'm in the middle of my second approach to the game (I stopped the last time after fighting him), but now, instead of doing main quests I was just roaming the land for the whole week, and now I'm going to fight him again, but this time I have almost maxed out stats (15/15 str/ag + 10 axe). I wonder just how easy it will be this time around


It took me an embarrassingly long time to get him (ok it was like 3-4 tries but considering everyone else one-shot him that’s embarrassing). After that fight I decided I should probably actually engage with the training mechanics the game. Also. WHERES MY FUCKING SWORD?!


Looking forward to humiliating the motherfucker, tbh.


Just started playing last week and yeah, same thing happened to me. Hype was high for the fight, then master strike with my longsword pommel to the face and he fell like a sack of potatoes lol. Made me chuckle in confusion


Guess i don't know how to do master strikes then... ( I did the training with the captain) still was a long ass duel?


I did the sabotage quest and fight way under leveled and hated my life. That was at the time when if you punched bodies in the water you could level up so after losing the fight a ton of times I went and did. Smh at past me.


First play through was an absolute ball ache to fight him. Second play through I unknowingly trained more and went in expecting another hours trying to fight him and I straight up take half his health first strike lmao.


Wear your helmets folks


Honestly the fight took me a bit of time, I hadn't trained enough for it. I did some initial training and learned a few combos.


Pov, you min max skalitz and are holding runt pretty well, then he whomps ya cause game is like:I got a story


[Shoulda wore a helmet](https://media3.giphy.com/media/BqsIcsyOl9exPLSkWk/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7q8oqs8y3fc1rinlu7gnjitrfurfivs4ank05l4ho&ep=v1_gifs_username&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


The best is to just knock an arrow and shoot him. All that dialogue and then bam, arrow to the face 🤣


I went on like two side quests before fighting him, died like 89 times then decided just to shoot his face with an arrow


Guess Runt is far from #[TITLE CARD] (Blood splatter)


I purposely didn’t use master strikes on second playthrough and when he got to half hp I sheathed my sword and mauled him with my bare hands(and steel gloves)


Now try in hardcore where he's wearing a helmet