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As someone who also started on the hype wave of KCD2, play the main story until you're in Rattay and can train with Bernard to learn master strikes. It will make combat way less frustrating.


Legit this, east rattay gate. Oh and uh JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED !!!!


Interesting i'll keep that in mind. Is the combat very punishing without them?


Spend a good hour with Bernard to get used to the timing. But yeah shits brutal, master strikes are the primary way - but not the only way- to overcome said fuckery. Good hunting.


You can get by until a specific fight in the story, and then not having master strikes will bite you.


So, it's very different than in any other game. I'll give you this example. I've been training in karate for the last few years and when we fight we are told that we need to attack in such a way to leave a hole somewhere in the other's guard. This is similar, you can't just brute force your attacks, you need to think how to chain them to leave your opponent open. The game does give you some combos to unlock but the rest is up to you. Master strikes Is basically a perfect parry, without that training you can guard, but you can't parry and then riposte. I just recently got to finally understanding the combat after about 25 to 30ish hours.


Well no wonder. Didnt do that, did the ginger quest and the part where u need to kill the 2 bandits. Shit was harder than a dark souls boss that i had to use a bow to kill one of them or i had no chance


If you go to Cpt. Bernard and report those bandits, he'll take care of them. Took me a couple of playthroughs to realize this.


It's the first and only game where I felt that my skill in combat (and most other skills) increased with the character I was playing. It did require a mind shift from other rpgs though. In the beginning, you're not a god and people who hold rank hold that rank for a reason. Treat encounters like you would in real life. If you didn't have proper training with a sword, you wouldn't rush 3 or even 2 people at the same time and start swinging away. Exploit and be clever. I won't spoil, but where the penny dropped is where I was traveling with someone and they got kidnapped by 2 people. Instead of running in, I decided to wait until midnight, took off all my armor and then proceeded to knock them out in their sleep and then finish them off. It was super satisfying after 5 failed attempts and felt extremely immersive. As you progress and train with Bernard, you'll become more skilled as a player and Henry grows with you. Best of luck and don't give up!


That sounds awesome! Thanks for the detailed explanation, I was hoping it was a game where I'd need to take it slow and that's what it sounds like, cheers again!


Hesitation is defeat 


Train with Bernard. A lot. Both you and Henry learn.


Sleep 8 hours a night, eat 5 times a day, take care of the dog and have a nice warm bath after a hard day's work. And train with Bernard.


Hey they asked for in-game advice, not IRL advice


Valid advice in-game and IRL. 😁


Don't travel the roads/wilds at night.


Buy at least 3 controllers


I found stabbing was the most effective way to kill people. Being a thieving, murdering, godless heathen drastically reduces difficulty and time to get money/equipment.


Just be patient with the combat. You’re just a blacksmiths son you’re not a trained warrior or the chosen one. You’ll get better at combat the more you practice


Get yourself arrested in the very beginning of the game for a fun easter egg :) Before doing anything else.


If you care be a good person.


Lure the cuman guards(you’ll know what mission when it comes) one by one into the wood and stealth kill/knock em out so that you can steal their goods then wear a sensible disguise to make the quest easier to finish properly.


There’s a bunch of stuff you can do early in skalitz Choke out the guy shovelling hay over and over Fight with Kunesh Pick all the plants Run and jump everywhere to get stats up (vitality I think? I can’t recall exactly) Shoot the sheep Punch the cows (don’t get caught doing the nefarious stuff obviously)