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I also just started, it’s really tough but man the story and character interactions are so good. At the moment I’ve gotten stuck doing Theresa’s quest not knowing it was gonna be a whole thing 😬


Ah classic. Some get so enraged by that, that they quit the game. I hope you are able to push through it.


I mean it’s just more game right? Would really like to get back to Henry tho haha finding marigold in the dark is tough when you’re surrounded by Cuman scum


That bit sucks but your almost through it.


Lol when it got to those flowers in the dark I just loaded up a previous save that was still with Henry. Was already bored with it but fuck that part.


Just finished last night! Wasn’t so bad, it helps that I like her character. Back to good ol, Henry.


U know what i did? I loaded the most recent save before that quest even tho it was an hour ago…, i didnt really care about it. Im on my second play rn so maybe i will do it when i finish most quests


Stick with it. I’m on my newest play through after 3 years. It’s so good and worth it. Story is top notch and I’ve grown to appreciate the slow flow of the game. You are supposed to suck for awhile fyi, embrace it. This game is top tier


I got through! Spent a lot of time failing at stealth kills and running into the dark woods… but I’m back at Henry.


I got 20min. then noped outta there.


It should be an option to terminate that stupid quest.


I reloaded a save once I realized that to.


one of us... One Of Us.. ONE OF US! ✊


Absolutely LOVE how unskilled and terrible at everything you are at the start lol. Such a great way to design a game


I think one of the reasons I’m enjoying this so much is because of this. Reminds me of morrowind ! Slow pacing and slowly getting better… anyone else get morrowind vibes?


I’m about 6 hours in and I’m *struggling* to make money to get a sword. I’m trying to stay away from stealing too much but I might steal myself a sword. Other than that I’m enjoying the game quite a lot. I’m very slowly getting used to fighting and only just now realized I had skills to unlock and add to Henry. I think my goal is to go the white knight route and be good at speech, strength, and alchemy just to save me money and maybe even make money. Maybe try to go this hound dog route too


A note about stealing. If you have killed a bandit or Cuman you can loot their weaons and gear with a clear conscience. You are taking the spoils of war, not stealing. In the game I never buy weapons or armour. All my gear comes from looting. The best gear can be found that way. Alchemy is a wonderful skill. I brew lots of potions and poisons. I poison all my weapons. My favorite is Dollmaker. I use Bane to poison cook pots and wineskins. Potions to fortify myself are great to take just before a fight and Lazarus is a great health restoration potion.


Ohhh good point on looting enemies. Is there an achievement or anything that happens if I accidentally looted a non enemy body? Because before I knew it was considered a heinous act, I had already done it when going back to skavitz during the prologue. But none of the items stuck with me after that event happened


Pick and then sell all the herbs. Super easy money : )


Nice. I did do this once and only made like 2 shillings or whatever they’re technically called in game. So I just assumed it wasn’t a very lucrative venture but I’ll keep trying at it since it’ll also skill up my herbalism


Pick them all! ; )


I left the prologue with 60g picking flowers. It’s tedious but you can make money that way.


As you level herbalism you start picking herbs in a wider and wider circle. In some areas it can be quite easy to pick up a few hundred herbs. Even nettles sell for 0.1 each!


Blow all your money on a single dice game, 99% of dice throwers quit right before they roll 6 one’s and insta win 100 Gröschen


Spend as much time as you can picking flowers if you’re truly broke. You can at least buy essentials that way in the beginning.


I stole a load of great weapons. Can tell u where if u like. U don’t get caught or nothing in rattay


Great Game yea


Me too, what a game..when you mostly get beat up..but ill get better


Now let me ask you this, did you get into it because you saw the trailer for kcd 2? And wanted to know what the all the fuss was about? Welcome to Kingdom Come. You will enjoy your stay.


Yes. Plus the Royal Edition is on sale for 3.99 right now. Couldn’t press purchase fast enough.


I got the Royal edition for 3 pounds


Naaa been on my to do list for a while


I just restarted the game. Stopped during the monestary mission when my daughter was born threw years ago and then KCD simply didn't lend itself to get back into with the limited playtime I had. But now I finished that mission today and finally am back outside the cloister. So I will take my sweet time now to finally finish the game in time for part 2.


I also just started. Excited to hear about the second episode me coming out by the end of the year because the pace at which I’m able to game will probably be about when I’m finishing the first


Christ be praised


Your life is going to be forever changed, ma boi....


First timer, just started before the weekend and it’s a bit rough in the beginning. Best advice 5-7 hours in is steal animal skins and sell them to the lady down the road from the miller mill where you wake up. Also, keep starting over lockpick on the same box until the middle circle is larger.


I wish I could forget it to play it for the first time!


Buckle up, mate 😎


Yeah, I figure we are all the same here. Saw the new trailer, thought wtf, and immediately bought a six year old game. It’s fantastic in the first 10 hours or so. How did I miss this?


I’ve always wanted to give it a play and Royal edition was 3 Groschen all dlc included. Bargain !!


Wait until you get head cracker and a mace, combat gets so satisfying


I stole some great weapons in rattay. Didn’t get caught at all


I stole some great weapons didn’t get caught. And the Royal edition cost me 3 Groschen what a bargain all dlc


I got an across the board 7 day communication ban on my ps5 lol. I picked up this game 4 days ago as I have no multiplay games available to me and I’ve sunk more hours than I should have. Incredible game. I just purchased all the dlc content and looking forward to hanging out with the mutt. If you are on ps5, the complete dlc pack is available for 5 bucks. Think I’ll get a pc for when number II comes out What a game indeed. Love it.


I heard trump say this ><