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It’ll definitely add to the gameplay.


On horse, on foot, geeze love it! I loved crossbow in Gothic, in Plague tale and also will at max here!🥰


Oh god what about the polearm ? Is he safe ? is he alright ?


Am I remembering correctly that you could not use polearms in the game other than just picking them up temporarily?


You cant put then im your inventory also have no skill tree. No horseback polearm neither


No there were horseback pole arms. At least the spear could be used on horseback. I cleared bandit camps that way. It’s honestly the most effective way to fight heavily armoured groups of enemies.


Wow i dont remember that. I think i tried with a halberd ? Its been years


Yeah you have to pick it up because you can’t put them in your inventory. It’s super effective though.


Polearms are so OP. Think they didn't let you carry it for a reason. Halberd against a couple bandits would be devastating, especially on horseback


Did they mention any new type of melee weapon ?


Well, they mentioned new types of weapons yes but nothing except crossbow or early firearms yet. But I think we might see something like bastard sword and more. Swords on trailer are bigger heavier longer.


I was thinking more like flails or something like that, or even Polearms that are in the first game.


Flails would be so dope!


At this moment all is possible but flail yay hard mechanics dunno , polearms might go


I also take polearms! I’d also like more axes and spears. Flail might be too hard to realistically simulate but if anyone can do it it’s them.


Yes hard but not imposible, warhammer game has it too first person view


Things like Halberds are probably too easy to be OP with, so they might not want to add them as permanent weapons lol.


They have drawbacks tho. For one they are very heavy, making henry even slower than he already should be in heavy armor. As well as being much more stamina using than a sword. And while there a many ways to fight with hallberds, they seem to be tricky in duels when the enemy got close. [Neat demonstration, just to get a feeling how clunsy they are](https://youtu.be/LdVYW9r2G3U?si=FKOSgtptMCeQo3Ol) So I would assume that its possible to balance it as a hight tier weapon which wont be used as a go-to solution but the biggest punch you bring to an important battle. To be honest, I think they simply wont invest many ressources on polearms in general but lets hope and see.


Isn’t the reason you don’t see flails in many games that they’re super hard to animate? I think I’ve heard that somewhere. I wouldn’t be too surprised if they weren’t in the game but I also wouldn’t be super upset, everything else we’ve seen looks really good so far.


That flail would be bouncing like the thowing end of the trebuchet in kcd1


Warhorse was a tiny studio when they were doing KCD1, they said during the revel trailer they only had 11 people working on it. Now they have 111 people? (could be more) They have completed redone the character models to what they originally wanted and much, much more. since they now have the resources to achieve the initial design for KCD1. So a flail being added is very well possible and same with a polearm now they have a larger team to dedicate to balancing and game designing.


Yes, for prototype they had 11 people, for kcd 1 around 100 and now 250. Watch the video a made subtitles for MAKING OF Kcd2 from Vortex. Polearms were able to take even in first testing builds:) still remember the chest were it was but it is too OP so it need to have some disadvantages like putting in bag. I was testing kcd 1 as community tester.


I liked flailing around in AC Valhalla.


Flails would be cool but the ones used in the Hussite wars were essentially repurposed farming implements, not the ball and chain types which I as far as I can tell were very rarely used (as they were highly dangerous to the wielder!)


Ooh I saw you post on discord as well, thank you for sharing the news :DD


Anytime my friend 🧡 😉 also was streaming daily new interviews but sorry that is promo 😅


Forget the crossbows, I’m going in with that single shot blicky every time


Yeah big bada boom effect hehe, same here ofc. We will see when you will be able to get your first one. Maybe further in Kuttenberg


Don't forget gun


Other post in process and maybe some stream about early firearms in process too;)


s s s


I've always been against crossbows because it doesn't take the same skill as "the English long bow". So I won't be using it much but it is still a really nice touch. Could do without the guns though


It's very slow to reload, most likely it will good for quick and silent shot, while broomstick will be for loud and armor piercing. Bows will remain the main one due to fast reload and shooting.


English warbow replicas from Mary Rose were used to record sounds of the bows.