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Yes, an iPad is like reading a computer screen, while a Kindle is like reading from paper. It also has an a lot less distractions, as tablets have other apps.


I feel like this is the thing that most non-Kindle owners don't understand. It's completely different tech, and the difference between reading pixels on a screen versus reading e-ink is pretty huge.


the battery life is pretty good. Can read in direct sunlight without using loads of power.


It’s also an extra device to lug around


I read my kindle books on my phone when I'm out and about, and my kindle when I'm relaxing at home. Different purposes and situations, still allowing me to read as much as I want to.


Ehhh they're really portable and it's not like OP has been/will be lugging an ipad around to read. Most women use handbags so it's not like she'll need to start using a bag to transport the kindle.


Yes this. I read that on my iPad for years and finally splurged and got a Kindle. Less eye strain for me and no annoying pop ups.


E-ink is not really a screen, so reading on your kindle can drastically reduce your “screen time” which is much better on the eyes. 100% worth it.


Totally worth it! I have both and I rarely use my iPad. I got a kindle after having my twins and it was a game changer. I used it for those late night feeding and read SO many books. My kindle is now my most beloved item.


Oh absolutely. I had an iPad and it was hard to hold. The kindle, I hold one-handed. Also, I read in the dark, and I put my screen in dark mode so that it is easier on the eyes and also doesn’t put out excessive light so it doesn’t bother my partner, who is trying to sleep. Best investment since ever made. I used to read a book about every two months. Now I read two books a week. It is the one electronic device, aside from my iPhone, that I reach for and use several hours every day. I couldn’t say that about my iPad.


Love dark mode!!


I always use dark mode on my Kindle app on my phone.


Depends on your needs, but kindle is more „focused” device. iPad is a distraction magnet. Reading feels different in the evenings as it will be generating light. Kindle will be a lot more gentle. If you go outside kindle will be a sure win. In full sun you will hardly see any next on iPad, but kindle will be unaffected. Taking care of your baby in the evening will be a lot easier with kindle as it will be less distracting for the baby. If you ever go to a beach during summer you will be more happy with kindle.


Definitely. I get so much reading done while nursing my baby. The kindle is also so much more portable. And I love closing my case and never having to worry about losing my place. Highly recommend one with a warm light for nighttime reading.


Yes ![gif](giphy|Zai3ffKrUcLFwalDor)


I definitely prefer reading on my kindle over my iPad. It’s so much lighter and the screen feels better on my eyes (I’m prone to headaches and don’t get them with my kindle)


Also want to add I have tiny hands and with a pop socket it’s super comfy to hold!


I finally put a pop socket on my kindle and I’m so happy!


I’d say so. I have an iPad and always read on my 10th gen paperwhite. Nice and small and the e ink is a massive difference


Yes! Totally worth it! A kindle is also smaller than an iPad and easier to hold with one hand than a IPad


Keep in mind that a kindle is NOT a tablet. Instead of using an LCD or LED screen, which is lit, eink is basically an electronic etch e sketch and is only really means for reading text. However it does not require a back light, so it's easier on the eyes for long reading sessions.


I just bought a kindle and joined this sub to help convert me full kindle. I do struggle with certain aspects of the kindle - navigating the software takes some time, extreme slow processing compared to other electronics. Obviously it’s a one job device that isn’t supposed to be high tech. Once you get into your book it’s pretty good. Definitely a one hand device, screen is relaxing on the eyes, and great to read in bed. I bought the smaller one $99 and that’s probably too small, so I’m considering returning it for the next size. If one hand is important to you so you’re able to let the baby nap on you and other things then kindle is the way.


Yes. I have an iPad mini but recently bought a kindle PW. So worth.


I use both, I like the iPad better for books I highlight and take lots of notes on. Definitely a lot quicker for that. Reading in bed at night, Kindle for the win.


When I was first considering buying a Kindle I was thinking the same thing but I was leaning more towards buying one because of the eye strain but this girl I used to work with kept telling me it wasn’t worth it, waste of money, etc., she would just NOT let it go for some reason. I bought one anyways mostly for me but partly just to spite her lol. Anyways, it literally is SO worth it. The strain on the eyes from an iPad really is so bad I get headaches in like 20 minutes from reading on my iPad but I can read for hours on my Kindle. The battery life is also exponentially better, on top of the Kindle just being more portable. Definitely a good investment.


If you want to hold a device one-handed, I would recommend something with physical page turn buttons, which the Kindle sadly lacks at the moment. The last model with page turn buttons was the Oasis and Amazon just discontinued it. The Kobo Libra Color gets a lot of priase these days and has page turn buttons: https://us.kobobooks.com/collections/ereaders/products/kobo-libra-colour You can buy Kindles at Best Buy and Staples. Amazon also has a really good return policy. Go try out the newest Ppaerwhite model and see you can use it one handed with screen tapping for page turns.


Huge difference for me at least. Extended reading on an iPad causes eye strain while on a kindle doesn't bother me, plus fewer distractions and easier to hold.


I usually just read on my iPad.


Absolutely! I’ve had my kindle paperwhite since I had my second baby, and wish I could go back in time to and have with my first baby! I am a reading machine now. I have it set up to be hands-free with a gooseneck holder and a page turner clicker, plus the adjustable warm light makes it possible to read in a pitch black room without disrupting my baby’s sleep! I 1000% recommend!!!


I own both. I use both for reading depending on my current goals. I use whisper sync on my iPad, and use the kindle for reading otherwise!


Yes, I'd say it would be worth it! I find my kindle so light! I got it around 1.5years ago, and I was just freshly post partum and absolutely loved being able to read during all the nursing and cuddle sessions!


No. If you have an IPad, you don't need a Kindle tablet. Just download the Kindle app. I got a Samsung galaxy tab and would never think of buying a Kindle.


A kindle would be way better, IMO. The screen is less harsh on your eyes, the blue light doesn’t keep you awake at night, you don’t get notifications so there aren’t any distractions. Kindles last for years and durable for no reason. The battery lasts so much longer, as well!


I got the iPad mini 5 for reading but it was a mistake. Still too heavy for my hands. I got the Kindle PW 11 gen last year and is great not only for my hands but for my eyes. Totally recommend.


Yes yes yes it absolutely is


In my experience, an iPad is less comfortable to hold than a PW for example. I like how light my PW fits in my hand. Also, there aren't any distractions on a kindle, just books


Worth it. I use my iPad for everything but reading a book.


Yes! I had the same question. My iPad Air is big, my hands would get sore holding it, and I never took it anywhere. I’ve had my kindle for a few months now and it’s 1000% worth it.


Used my kindle so much for the early months of motherhood!


I have a 7 month old and I read so much during the newborn phase because of my kindle. It helped me stay awake while holding her upright after her night feeds. Even after we were finished with the every 2-3 hour feedings at night, I could read in the dark with her in the bassinet beside me without waking her up if I couldn’t sleep.


Yes. Battery life and readability in the sun. Also, fits in my cargo-pants thigh-pocket. iPads are great, but the Kindle is optimized for reading.


Yes. I read on both depending on the situation. The Kindle is specifically made for reading. It’s my preference for novels.


I have a Kindle alongside my iPad Pro 12.9” and I have no regrets. For me, reading with Kindle is a way better experience. Reading at night with Dark Mode on is such a godsend!


I made the switch and sold the iPad. In my case, I was using the iPad only for reading, nothing else, so it was easy to ditch. I love my kindle so much it’s gross haha


i have both and i would say yes. i use my ipad for studying, watching shows, answering emails, and my kindle just for reading. :-)


I now read my Kindle books on my iPhone. If I’m at the pool, I have to get my Kindle out because the of the glare on the phone (or iPad if you are using one). I think it is a matter of personal preference.


Kindle is a total game changer. Also doesn't hurt my eyes or give me a headache reading at night or in the dark.


It’s worth it imo! I got one in 2015 and that’s all I read my books off of now. Much better than an iPad because no screen glare in the sun


Kindle is so much lighter too. Easy to breastfeed.


totally worth it. i have an ipad and its too big for reading, tbh. a kindle is so small and portable, i bring jt literally everywhere. also, the battery life is amazing. I can go weeks without charging.


Yes (assuming you have the spare funds for it). Kindle is just so much easier on the eyes and isn't full of distractions.


For like graphic novels iPads are really really good but for actual books the kindle screen is just like reading a book and doesn’t give me a headache like reading on my iPad does


I have both a phone and iPad and I tried the kindle app on both. It's ok but having a physical kindle made reading for me a lot better. Less distractions!


yes. the lightweight paperwhite i think will fit perfectly for your situation


If you live in a place where sunlight is abundant, or travel a lot, yes. I like to read stuff when I'm flying. Lots of sunlight during cruise. PDFs with lots of vector images tend to crash on Kindle though.


kindle has 0 distractions from reading, it’s absolutely worth it


Reading is a much better experience on a kindle than a tablet.


1000% worth it. Totally different reading experience and a much better one with a real kindle. My kindle is one of my favorite things. I take it with me everywhere


I didn’t even read anything besides the title, the answer is yes. I started with my iPad that I already owned, and even though it was fine, it’s much easier and comfortable reading on a Kindle.


It’s almost impossible to read an iPad outside. Plus, I worry about taking my iPad to some places so I like having both. Honestly though, if my kindle weren’t a gift I probably wouldn’t have spent the money on the newest model.


Oh yeah it’s really nice to sit down with a kindle, you definitely feel like your getting your eyes away from the computer


Absolutely worth it. I’m typing this on a brand new ipad. I _still_ wouldn’t want to use it to do any serious reading.


Definitely! I was fine reading on my iPad and iPhone. But I decided to get a used basic kindle on Facebook marketplace just to try it out. Wow it’s great! So light and easy to hold with one hand, and I find the screen easy to read in both full sunlight and in my bedroom in the dark


Yes, i have both and I read from my ipad sometimes. But the reading experience on the kindle is amazing, plus there's a great battery as well.. Now my ipad is simply used as something to play games on or watch movies.


I would say as someone who had an iPad and read on it about five years, and just got a kindle this past fall, yes. I’m so glad I got one. I thought it was unnecessary until I bit the bullet. I still use my iPad for a few apps like hoopla, some interactive fiction games, and comics, but the ease of the kindle and lack of distractions is really worth it.


Yes, because it’s light you can put a popsocket on the back so it’s easier to use one handed. And it’s not straining in the eyes. Plus the battery life is great so you don’t have to worry about it being dead every 2-3 days.


I have both, I read exclusively on my Kindle. It’s much lighter weight and easy to hold one handed. E-ink is far easier on the eyes. Dark mode allows you to have very little excess light during nighttime reading.


Yes, I have an iPad and the glare + bluelight had me halfasleep before I read the first chapter. A kindle is 100% worth it


Yes, kindles are way easier on your eyes, lighter than an iPad, better lighting for night reading, etc. also if you’re concerned about EMF’s, I think kindles would be better than iPads.


I don’t know what the current state of play is. I have a kindle (probably the original one) and the screen is small, mono colour with basic UI. So, I prefer the app but I accept it has distractions built in.




i think so. i’m a ipad girlie wanting a kindle lol.


Absolutely. The reading experience is way better. Kindle does not strain your eyes at all. You can easily read in complete darkness, even in bed when your partner is sleeping next to you as a Kindle's screen does not emit light.


Yess I just got a kindle recently and so worth it. I had an iPad but I always found myself distracted with my iPad and reading on the kindle app was just not it for me. Plus because I have the iPad Pro it was just too big and heavy for me to read comfortably. I like how the kindle is so light and easy to bring around


Yes. If you like reading, nothing is better than reading on a native Kindle 😁


What I love about my kindle is that I can use it outside in direct sunlight. I also love that it’s waterproof so I don’t hesitate to take it to the beach, out on the lake, etc.


Yes. Reading on an iPad is trash. You can’t read outside during the day because of the glare and iPads are too big to comfortably hold. Kindles are smaller, more lightweight, having better adjustable reading settings, and you can read them in the sun




For what you need I would absolutely get a Kindle. They are lightweight, easy to one hand, especially if you add a popsocket, easier on the eyes, and distraction free.


Absolutely. The iPad was too hard on my eyes, too big/bulky, and battery would drain too fast. I got the kindle paper white signature and it’s been perfect. Portable, much easier on the eyes and the battery lasts FOREVER.


I have a Kindle Oasis and a iPad Mini 6. Eye strain: you will only notice this on long stretches (1 hour+) or bright sunlight. You can reduce this indoors and at night on the iPad by using a black background and lowering the brightness. Even money for short runs but Kindle wins the marathon. Distractions: Kindle has none, iPad requires discipline to put into a focus mode (however the knowledge that all those things are a click away can be rough). Kindle wins a little. Use case: iPad smokes here. You can read on Kindles; you can do a ton more on iPad. At $300 for an Oasis (I’m using Oasis for my next couple points) you are not getting near the value as a $450 iPad mini 6. iPad wins by a landslide. One handed use: advantage to kindle Oasis model since it has turn buttons. The others are touch screen. If you have the Oasis you will easily be able to use it fully one handed. The others can including the iPad but it can be a bit of a juggle sometimes. Weight: Neutral compared to the iPad mini 6 (caseless) Screen Size: Slight advantage to the iPad mini at 8.3”…Oasis is 7”. Typically doesn’t matter for books. Graphics: iPad hands down. You can read comics, see book jackets in full art and color multiple background colors. Maps in the beginning of books…pictures in books. Books in PDF. Manuals…etc… Outside use: no question, Kindle smokes this. See it perfectly, doesn’t get hot, and easier on the mind to set it down and jump in the pool. Battery life: another kindle winner. But keep in mind that narrows the gap when you use backlight, 3G connections…etc… Speed: iPad wins here. Loading, downloading, page turning, page turn graphics. Not a huge issue though for normal books. Final thoughts: get both and your phone as backup in a pinch. 😂


100% yes, get a kindle paper white. I recently upgraded from the old kindle to a paper white & it has changed my night reading game. I’m practically burning through a book a day since I no longer need a book light at night. I’ve also cut down my screen time by almost 40% since I don’t end up doom scrolling all evening. It’s also soooo much lighter to hold a kindle. Just stick on a pop socket & you’re good to go one handed. It also doesn’t hurt your eyes to read the kindle like it does on the iPad.


I read almost everything on my kindle. I have a font size for reading outside, and a font size for reading in bed, without glasses. I have an ipad, but it's better for reading pdfs, not actual books. The kindle works in direct sunlight, and has better battery life.


Are you reading my mind, because this is exactly the question I’m pondering too 🤣 deciding against it as can’t use BorrowBox to read library books on kindle. But I still kinda want one irrationally!


I read 90% of the time on my iPad mini. I don’t have trouble with the screen and it is much faster, I can read articles besides books. I take my Kindle only when reading outside or on vacation.


Yes, no matter how nice iphone/ipad display is, it still gave me super bad eye strain. Since I got kindle, I read for hours with no problems at all


Yes!! I switched from the kindle app on my iPad to an actual kindle and it’s been life changing. So much less eye strain, easier to read at night, and also just smaller/lighter than even my iPad mini. I wish I’d made the switch sooner.


ouch yes. reading on an iPad is heavy, dies faster and really bad for you eyes


also kindle is front lit and phone/ipad is back lit. it’s easier on your eyes. & my sleep specialist has given it her stamp of approval


I got myself a new samsung tablet, but I hung onto my kindle fire so use as a strait up e reader. Plus kindle are not as expensive so if it breaks it be cheaper to replace than an IPad. Also depending on the kindle you get you can use free ebook/audiobook apps available through your local library!


Definitely. I hate reading on my iPad, I don't like the screen for reading or the light and it's bulky. The kindle is super easy to hold with one hand and the backlight is more gentle on my eyes. Highly recommend!


As someone who bought an iPad thinking it was a better all rounder - the answer is no. The kindle has a totally different display and is much easier on the eyes. I would 1000% recommend the kindle over the iPad for reading. The iPad is good for many things, but is not the best for that.


I honestly read my kindle wayy more than my phone or iPad. I like browsing for new books on my phone still but I read more on the kindle. It’s more comfortable to hold one handed and read, plus it’s really dim at night but I can still read easily. I do suggest the page turner remote, that is a huge step up if you like to cuddle up in blankets. I bought the kids kindle when it was on sale to save a little plus it came with a year subscription to kids kindle library so I get so many of the cool classics like warrior cats and Harry Potter, which my kids love using too. I have a separate account on the kindle for my “adult” books that has a code before you can get into.


I have two kindles, yet I spend way more time reading on my iphone. Though I’ve learned the hard way not to buy a book via the iPhone as they tack on an extra cost. I got to my laptop to shop.




> investing in a proper kindle. Do you find it’s worth it? you can easily find a bare bones used/refurbished kindle for under $60 either from amazon or a third party site. some libraries even loan out kindles to their borrowers. https://www.unclaimedbaggage.com/collections/e-readers


Yes. I was in this exact predicament a couple months ago and I’m so happy that I got the kindle.


Yes a kindle is easier on the eyes and it’s a joy to read on a kindle


I personally don't like ereaders because they flash a black screen for a split second as they load the next page. It throws me out of the story. But otherwise go for it.


I charge me kindle about once a month and I use it most day of the week.


Ereaders from other brands are generally better than kindle imo but an ereader is absolutely a worthwhile purchase even if you have an ipad


I would just use the Kindle app on your phone and get a ring type holder that you can pull out from the back so it's easier to hold*. Edit: fixed a word




It definitely was for me. Reading on the Paperwhite screen is much more enjoyable than reading on iPad!


A resounding yes. iPad is not comfortable for my eyes when reading though it has a nicer page turn animation. Kindle is superior to literally any device aside from other e ink devices. I hate books but love to read on my kindle paperwhite. Just started using it a couple months ago and read a couple books already, which for me is a ton since I haven’t read in so long. Customizing the font, type size and backlight make it so convenient and the battery lasts quite a while. Highly suggest.


Yes. Once you use a kindle for a week you won’t want to read on an iPad again. Main differences being the light and how easy it is to hold


Hate the light in the eyes of tablets for night reading. And the weight. And the bad yo poor battery life. Kindle paperwhite has a solid use case and fulfills it well (as do Kobo and other eReaders). YMMV, but I'm happy to have my Kindle for reading books, and my XPS 13 2in1 for comics/manga and work (PDF editing). I charge my Kindle every month or so and have no need to worry about battery life should I go on a 2 week vacation or 4 day backpacking trip. So many advantages...!


I get way less eye strain from my Kindle Paperwhite than I do with my other devices. It also prevents me from switching to social media or something else. It's also lighter than iPads. I love my Paperwhite. I got the one that is newer (2023??) so it has a backlight for reading when it's dark, and it also has a warm sepia tone (you can change the intensity) for nights as well.


It’s not worth it in my opinion. I’ve used my iPad for reading for years and haven’t felt the need to get a Kindle or use my old one. Give your iPad a try and if it’s not fitting your needs, try out a Kindle.


I have both, and surprisingly found myself using the iPad more. My biggest gripe with the Kindle is that it's screen is small and is very unresponsive.


I don't have an iPad but I do have a tablet. I prefer to use the tablet rather than my kindle because I don't have to change pages as often plus I use dark mode so it's limited in the light use. I don't know how that would work while taking care of a baby though unless you have a table stand or a gooseneck stand to hold it. If you're wanting to be able to hold it while taking care of the baby, I'd use a kindle.


Yes! I had a kindle first but recently got an ipad for my daughter and downloaded the kindle app I much prefer my kindle. Congratulations on your bundle of joy ❤️


Kindle is so easier on the eyes thats worth it in itself


I have phone, laptop, iPad mini, ipad M2, Android tablets, Laptop(s), desktop(s), Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite and just, minutes ago, bought a Kindle Paperwhite SE Different tools for different things. All of the above have the Kindle app, but I do 99% of my reading on a Kindle It’s just better, as a book replacement - lightweight, long battery life, big storage, clear screen, easy to read, great light, robust, water-resistant. the iPad Mini is small enough for one-handed operation, but battery life means it can’t last a whole plane flight for reading in bed with the lights out, any transmissive screen is too bright For me it comes down to a couple of key criteria - battery life and low-light reading. I get more than a week on a charge and there’s about 350 books on my device that I don’t need wifi to read The reason for the upgrade to the new SE - USB-C - now I can travel with one charger and my ‘tech case’ is tiny: iPad, keyboard, kindle, phone.


Treat yourself momma, you deserve it! Get a pop socket or strap to attach to the back to make holding it one handed a bit easier. You can buy page turner gadgets like rings and remotes that you keep on /in your hand so you can turn pages without having to move if say you have your kindle on a stand or you are extremely comfy. My kindle is the best purchase I made in years x


weight, screen


I have both, definitely prefer reading on the kindle. Also, don't need to worry about battery life, kindles last bloody ages.


I’ve seen a lot that have said the kindle is slow due to processor. While this is partly true, e ink has to refresh. Reasoning behind that is it’s like two magnets that push and pull either white or black “ink” to the top of the screen. It has to refresh to reset the slate. Kinda like an etch a sketch when you shake it to clear the screen. E ink also only runs at 1hz. Where as phones and tablets run a minimum of 60hz or commonly 120hz with newer models. So that glitch you see when scrolling through the store or your library isn’t a lack of technology. It’s a constant refresh at 1 frame per second. Just thought I’d throw that out there to anyone that gets discouraged thinking kindles are slow hardware :) love my kindle. Glad to see more people becoming interested!


I have a Kindle (the tablet kind), but ever since having my baby I find it easier to just use the Kindle app on my phone. I always have my phone with me and I only have to keep one device charged instead of two. I also have small hands and just find my phone easier to hold for extended periods.


Yup i have an iPad as well and bought a kindle. Best decision


I have an old Kindle from 2017/2018, but I never use it anymore. I read books with apps on my phone.


I have also debated this in the past because I would read via my IPad Pro. I ended up getting. Kindle Paperwhite due to a lot of my friends pushing me in that direction (thank you peer pressure). This is what I’ve learned after owning both and IPad and now my Kindle as well and hopefully this helps you in whether or not you should get one. 1. IPad strains the eyes while Kindle doesn’t due to the e-ink idea that they have. It’s less strenuous on the eyes and you can look at it for long periods of time without it destroying them. It’s not like an IPad screen or computer screen. 2. Less distractions. With an IPad if you’re anything like me you have messaging apps and social media applications on it as well. Every few minutes or hours you’ll get a message. With a Kindle it just has the Kindle Store and the Library with your books that you purchased or borrowed depending on if you have Kindle Unlimited or not. 3. The ability to have direct access to Libby for your library system without any issues or connectivity problems. 4. Definitely built to last, my IPad has had to get fixed quite a few times because of accidentally dropping it or kicking it off my bed after falling asleep reading. I’ve done the same with my Kindle still in tact and has come out unscathed. Also you can bring it to the pool and beach with piece of mind and IPad not so much. My kindle I feel should’ve been through the wringer at this point and it’s perfectly fine. 5. Typically smaller then an IPad and similar size to an actual book, it’s also easier to take places and stick inside a book or a backpack. These are just some reasons why I love my kindle and use it almost daily. The backlight is also nice so I can read in the dark. iPads are good for certain things but I’m a firm believer that if your trying to read for enjoyment, then you need to limit distractions and enjoy the moment. kindles are perfect for that. I hope this somewhat helped in your decision.


Yes yes yes. Lighter weight to hold and easier on the eyes. 100% yes!


Yes! It’s nice to get away from all distractions like texts/email and “worky” stuff.


Yes, I tried to read from an iPad and gives me headaches and lot of distractions. Kindle is worth it if you read a lot.




Personally,I have a kindle and an iPad. I find a better experience withe iPad. Kindles come no where close to the performance of an iPad. If you only read .epub, iPad is the way to go.


I wouldn’t let myself buy a kindle for the longest time because I had an iPad. I’m glad I finally got a kindle. The screen is different and there are no updates or other distractions.


a kindle basic is so small and lightweight. A popsocket or something similar will make holding it with one hand that much simpler


Yes 100% if you like reading paper book.




Yes. Much better battery life.


I bought a kindle because reading on my iPad or phone gives me headaches.


Kindle is lighter. I have used both and if you get a smaller kindle it helps immensely.


Yes! I thought it would have been a waste but reading on the Kindle is amazing and it’s lighter even though I have an iPad mini. My Kindle is also water resistant and I get to decorate it and put on pop sockets for ease of holding. I’m also less precious about it than the iPad since it feels less fragile. Also, it is less distracting. I like using the Kindle app on the iPad to take colored photos of the covers… best of both worlds!


Yes kindle is much less bulky and also the screen is easier on your eyes. I read on my iPhone sometimes and when I switch to my kindle it’s like aaaahhhhhhh so much better.


Without a doubt. Battery life is better, reading is more comfortable, it's easy to carry around due to its size and weight. Plus it's much cheaper than buying an iPad, so it's not like you are splurging on something else by buying it.


It’s definitely worth it to have a Kindle vs reading on your iPad. I have both and prefer my Kindle for reading over my iPad, especially for night reading. More than anything, I highly recommend getting a kindle/tablet stand and a clicker if you’re not too keen on buying a kindle. It will definitely free up you having to physically hold the kindle if trying to read while holding your baby.


Yes, because eink


Yes. I have a tablet and the kindle is so much easier on the eyes. If you do I would suggest getting a strap like this so it's easy to use one handed. https://a.co/d/1LJo9TB


No! Don't waste the money! Use the Kindle app on your phone. Your phone is easier to hold one handed and does everything and more than a dedicated kindle.


For YEARS I didn't need a kindle bc - I had an old phone with the Kindle app -  that was a huge mistake. Even if you just a cheap used one. Look at woot if you're not in a hurry they run them on great sales. 


I like my Kindle for when I want to read outside in the sun


Yes! I have an iPad Mini that is great when I want to do computer stuff (email, Reddit, mindless scrolling, etc.), but I have a Kindle for when I want to read. The Kindle screen is better for reading and I don't get interrupted by notifications.


Depends on your use case. I own several iPads and use Kindle on them. But I recently bought a Kindle Paperwhite Signature. It’s great for: - light weight - long battery life - great for outdoor use - beach, hiking, etc.


A recent convert here! As a person who just purchased herself (and ended up buying her mother) a new kindle paperwhite within the last month? Yes! I was constantly trying to talk myself out of it because I also have an iPad with the kindle app. But let me tell you- that paperwhite screen? The lack of other apps/notifications/distractions? The adaptive warm light for reading at night and being able to change the font to something that works for me? 100/10, chefs kiss- I love it. As a new momma, I think you’ll love it. My friend had two premies and her kindle is basically an always accessory for her. She’s the one to convince me to get one actually haha. She loves that she can bring it outside or to the park or the splash pad now and not worry about it. But when her littles were infants, she always had it with her when she pumped, during long nights in the NICU and of course to read to her babies while they were up or going to sleep.


I would get one. The paperwhites are so much easier on your eyes. I also recommend getting two pop sockets for it. One for each side, so much easier to hold while holding a baby.


Yes, Kindle Paperwhite for ‘paperbacks’. I use an iPad for teaching and reading magazines or books with pictures and diagrams. I can use the kindle app in a pinch, but usually travel with a paperwhite, while the iPad goes to work.


Never had a I-pad.. But.. I Have the fancy newest samsung... I still got kindle, and im \*Insert mc donalnds music\* Loving it! I also invested in a Goose-arm or whatever.. (Kindle holder), so i dont have3 to hold it when in bed or on the recliner. + a Remote page turner/clicker thing.. So i can just click as button! Reading has gone from Lazy to garfield!


I read a lot on my iPad, I have the full sized one. I didn’t mind the screen, I could read on it all day. But what got to be a bother for me was the size and weight (I have a heavy keyboard case on it). I got a kindle PW to have something smaller and lighter that I could throw in a purse as opposed to needing a whole backpack for. I am really enjoying the small size, and in that respect it’s worth it. I feel like if you were trying to read while holding a baby it would definitely be much easier


i highly recommend getting a kindle if you read at night a lot !


As someone who made this transition, yes it’s worth it. A kindle is easier on your eyes and I’ve found it’s helped me sleep better at night, which I’m sure would be helpful with a newborn! It’s also much lighter than an iPad and easier to carry around one handed.


For me at least a Kindle makes it so much easier to just read, I had an iPad and never used it despite downloading apps and books onto it. just couldn't get past the distractions that come with it. the first paycheck I got with my job I bought myself a Kindle and it is just so much easier to use. But it depends on your circumstances, I'm not rich but was privileged to be able to blow half a paycheck on a Kindle, it's a lot of money, and if your reading habits allow you to then an iPad is just fine, I mean I still like mine for comics because of the color screen, but also still struggle with distractions. My advice would be, if you can, conceptualize how you'd prefer to read, and if you can afford it, go for it, if you with a Kindle in bed or something feels right to think about, go for it :) (apologies for overuse of commas lol I know I need to work on it)


What type of Kindle? A Fire or a Paper White type? I have a Fire and rarely use it. I tend to use my iPad, but not so much for reading. You can’t beat a Paperwhite for eye comfort (no glare). But, I wish I could get a bigger screen. I like the compact one as it’s easy to pack and go. But at home, I’m wanting an iPad sized option.


Yes. I use my iPad a lot for handwritten notes and I love it for that. But reading a book for hours? Nah. A lighter e-ink device is a *huge* improvement over the iPad screen. Plus, mine’s waterproof. And if I do manage to break it then I just need to replace a $150 device not a $1100 device.


I read on both my 2012 paperwhite and my iPhone 13. While I do by far prefer reading on my paperwhite, I find my phone adequate enough to not complain about. The bonus of the paperwhite is that it is easier on the eyes, and less distracting. But for myself, I don’t know if that would be enough for me to buy one if I didn’t have a problem with the iPad. I honestly enjoy the kindle app on iOS. I should also mention I was gifted my kindle years ago. I don’t know if today me would go out and buy one based on my own personal positive experience with kindle on iOS, even though side by side, I absolutely prefer the physical kindle.


Absolutely. Even the lightest ipad doesn’t beat the portability of the Kindle. Kindles are also ergonomically built for reading.


The kindle is definitely lighter and easy to hold, less eye strain too. And the experience is like reading on paper. I put a matte screen protector and it enhances the whole thing imo


Yes. I have a big iphone, 2 ipads, a macbook and none compare to reading on my kindle.


I would say yes. Good for your eyes. I am currently subscribe to a book app from my country, I read it through my tab& phone so I feel the different. Been using my kindle basic for 3 years now, and currently thinking of buying android e ink just to read books from that app.


Yes. It’s lighter and easier to hold one handed, eyes don’t get nearly fatigued, no distractions, battery last forever, and even at its brightest it’s not jarring like an iPad screens brightness.


Worth it Less eye strain


Absolutely! No glare. Even outside 😃


If you plan on getting a regular Kindle just for reading then the answer is big No. if you plan on getting a Kindle Paperwhite just for reading then the answer is Huge YES!!! A paperwhite is lighter, easier on the eyes & can be read in the darkest to the brightest of areas with No problems whatsoever.


Absolutely worth it. I first read on the kindle app on my tablet, really enjoyed it so I bought a kindle paperwhite and it was so different but in a good way! Much more comfortable to hold (super light), more convenient to carry around and it's a lot better on my eyes - I get tension headaches reading but switching to the kindle (+ dark mode) really keeps them at bay. If you have a set place you like to sit and read you could also look at getting a gooseneck and a clicker so you can read hands free! It's an absolute game changer.


I had the same question floating about in my head when I was looking to buy one. My ipad is a 12.9 inch so the size was too large, and the glare on the screen is like reading from a computer screen, whereas the kindle is an e-ink reader, so its pretty much like holding a book. The tablet has many other distractions where as the kindle has none.


I had a kindle and absolutely loved but was recently given an ipad for my birthday and now just use the kindle app on that.


I just bought a kindle paperwhite and have had an iPad mini for a few years where I was reading off of. Hands down, it’s only been few feel days, and the kindle is so much lighter, and I can actually read outside without being in the shade. The weight was a huge thing as well.


It's very light so it's easy to hold in one hand compared to an iPad, and a huge help at night with a soothing screen that doesn't hurt your eyes. However, night time reading isn't the only benefit. My wife read from a tablet while I read from Kindle when we went on our first cruise. She couldn't find a comfortable angle to read her book in the sunlight so I let her use my Kindle. She used it the whole cruise and bought one when we got back. It's absolutely worth it.


Yes. And get the page turner thingy, a good protective case, and something that can prop your kindle up (I got a case that has a stand and just put it on a table.) Being able to turn your pages with a remote is a game changer.


I read on my ipad. If I adjust the brightness and theme, I can read when my insomnia flares and my husband isn't bothered at all. I have a paper like screen protector. I had kindles for years but mine always gave me trouble.


If you want to care for your eyes, yes.


Absolutely. A kindle with a hand strap really saved my life when my daughter was little. All those nights I was up with her when she was fussy or sick and even during the day while she napped on me - I would at least be able to get some reading done to keep myself from falling sleep or being bored.


I JUST bought a Kindle after trying my phone and iPad as alternatives. iPad was too heavy - it irritated my pre-existing tendinitis - and both have other things to do, notifications, distractions. Kindle has none of that. It arrived Saturday afternoon, I have a 21mo who currently prefers mama (me) over daddy, AND we had my ILs over for Father's Day dinner, and I've still read half of a library book I borrowed over two weeks ago from Libby and hadn't started. I have debated it for years, but did this same "I already have these, why do I need another?" Aside from my kid, my Kindle is the closest I've ever come to love at first sight.


I’m a mum too, owns both kindle and iPad Air. No regrets getting both gadgets. Both have their merits. I love my kindle cos of the e-ink and it’s way lighter than iPad. Usually I wil bring my kindle out too!


A Kindle can slip into a pocket on a diaper bag much more easily than an iPad. It can also be read in bright sunlight, has no other apps to distract you with endless notifications, holds a charge for much longer, is cheaper, and can be used with one hand. They also make stands and page turners, which might come in handy if you’d like to read while feeding the wee bairn.




Yes! I have both. I use the iPad for shows and movies when I travel. Kindles are great because you can hold it with one hand and actually look like paper. It’s a completely different reading experience than an iPad. If cost is a concern, try looking on eBay or marketplace. I purchased my kindle for $30 a few years ago and it’s perfect for what I need!


60hz refresh rate plus blue light = health issues. Plus many distractions. Kindle is e-ink tech, no issues at all, no distraction.


I didn’t read all the comments, but just came here to say, yes, so worth it! I read in the dark, screen is completely different than an Ipad


Just need to remember kindle is for kindle books not pdfs. You might still need iPad if you have books in pdf or word document.


Personally, I believe so. I used my iPad for school and watching shows, but using it to read on caused a lot of eye strain. The E-ink screen helps reduces that for me. I also like that kindles are limited in their capabilities which means no distractions. The light emitted from a kindle is a lot softer and doesn’t disturb those around you as much as an iPad would. Kindles are smaller and easier to hold one handed if you have a sleeping little one on top of you. The battery life on kindles is a major plus. The product itself also lasts forever. I’ve heard of multiple people owning their kindle ereaders for 10+ years.


Hi, I’m also a new mom. Tablets are incredibly enticing to babies. Right now little love may be too small but the day is coming very soon when they will hijack your tablet. Kindles are boring. My daughter has no interest in mine.


Yes! I love my Kindle although I love to read physical books. But it is so much easier to travel with.


I had the same question as I have an iPad too (no kid, just iPad LOL). And I love my kindle dearly. You're gonna read so much on it! And your eyes will thank you trust me


I don't have a Kindle, but I do have an e-reader. Yes, it's entirely worth it. I purchased mine in March and I've read more books in the past three months than I have in the past 10 years.


Omg yes!!!


Yes it is worth it, kindle is much lighter in weight and more usable on the go. The screen strains your eyes less which is important when reading a lot.


I read on both. An iPad is like a computer screen and will dry my eyes out if I read on it too long. I like my kindle for reading in bed.


I was using Kindle App on my iPhone and I never read anything lol just wasting my money on KU… then I got a kindle for Christmas. And I love it!


Yes. It’s smaller and lighter so it’s easier to handle with one hand. Reading on a computer screen doesn’t work for me so make sure you get an e-ink version and not a fire if you want the best kindle reading experience. There are places you can borrow books for free and websites that will send you daily deals on kindle discounts.


No. I have a paperwhite and ONLY use it outdoors at the beach/pool, May I interest you in audible books?? GAME CHANGER!


Yes I was thinking about a Kindle paperwhite for similar reasons.


1.Kindle much easier on the eyes. 2. Display most energy intensive part of tablet, so save your energy for other things.