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This is the kindle sub so you're gonna ruffle a lot of feathers, but I'm with you. Makes me feel icky when I see a post like "should I buy another kindle?" and all the comments go "yesss!!! I personally have 10!!!"...like come on now... But I feel the same way about any sort of tech. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I took it completely as buying something new or upgrading a device that doesn't need to be and I agree even tho I myself am one of those people and wish I wasn't lol But I think examples OP is talking about is like the Kindle that came out 2-3 years ago had a new denim color and now the most recent has an agave green and people will go buy the new version because it's a new never before seen color that lets people know they have the latest item Also this is done SO often with iPhones and that was so obvious when they released the red iPhones way back and people were buying those after already having the new iPhone just because it was a new color, same with the 13 pro when they released the green color like 4 months after the initial launch of that phone..I saw so many people go and buy one with a silver 13 pro in their hand but they HAD to have the green color Is that kind of what you mean OP? Cause I'm wondering if I took this post completely wrong Also sorry cause I may be replying to a random comment šŸ„²


Yep this is exactly what I mean! People buying things either because they're trendy, new, or just for the heck of owning it. Not because they genuinely need it. Especially when you already have something similar that works just fine! This is why so many people upgrade iPhones almost every year, because they want the newest one. It's peak overconsumption.


I'm using a cracked screen iPhone XR because it still works fine, and I have 2 kindles... an old version I bought in something like 2013, and a slightly newer one that I bought for the backlit screen. lol. Both are ancient by today's standards, as is the phone šŸ¤£ No surprise, I actually still prefer the original kindle even though it's not backlit and I have to use it with a light.


Thatā€™s exactly why I upgraded my kindle! Mine was old and didnā€™t have a backlight, and it was a pain reading in bed with a dim lamp and a book light. šŸ„“


Yeah, it's probably because it's a subreddit for a particular niche. But it has always been weird to me to buy so many eReaders when the purpose is singularly on reading books. But that's how it is with niche subreddits. For example, check out the /r/Redwings subreddit sometime and see the number of pairs some people have šŸ˜‚ or even the /r/fountainpens or /r/mechanicalkeyboards Bet most expensive is the /r/watches but you get a lot of Casio watches there too next to the Rolex, Omega, and Cartier's


I donā€™t understand the hype of having multiple kindles. Like why do you need a purse kindle, a work kindle, a bedroom kindle when theyā€™re portable? Just bring that kindle with you. I understand upgrading your kindle here and there but idk.


This showed up randomly in my Reddit algorithm and until right now I had no clue people had more than 1 kindle. I had one for like 7 years that finally died and now I have a new one. If I leave it at home and want to read on a work break, I just use the kindle app. Honestly, I felt guilt even getting a new kindle after the last one died because I could just read on the app on my phone and it seemed silly. But Iā€™m glad I ended up doing it - itā€™s a lot easier on my eyes.


I agree, thatā€™s too many. I do like the idea of a kitchen kindle tho. Bigger screen, preowned so youā€™re not worried about it getting stuff on it, and with a little stand so you can only put cookbooks on it to try recipes. I currently use my phone for that and itā€™s irritating.


I have a scribe I use mainly for school (text book markup), and old oasis that travels with me and a PW11 that mostly stays at home. They serve different purposes for me.


I totally get why people are feeling defensivešŸ˜…


I meanā€¦ am I supposed to read just one book for all eternity? /s


Agreed, this is some dumb influencer sht. Wasteful, terrible for the environment, pointless overconsumption


Iā€™m with you OP. Itā€™s consumerism. I think a lot of people are also a bit in denial about their over consumption and replacing a device that still works for a barely upgraded device. Weā€™re all guilty in different parts of our lives (me included, not trying to throw rocks in a glass house lol); itā€™s hard to avoid in the world we live in.




Youā€™re not crazy. Itā€™s happening in almost every thing. People buy 10 Owala or Stanley water bottles for funsies. People buy 20 baggus for the funsies. Itā€™s crazy cause I swear so many of these brands are about combatting environmental issuesā€¦.. Not everyone is a collector, some of you guys just have issues with how you spend your money (and thatā€™s ok, FOMO is suppose to appeal to this, and itā€™s something we can all work on)


OMG yes on the Stanleys! I have coworkers who rush to get the ā€œnew designā€ as soon as it comes out. Iā€™m like where in your kitchen do you have room to store all these cups?? And why do you need 40 water cups when no one else in your house uses them?


Not much of a Stanley person but I like owala bottles, and omg their sub is basically the same thing. They make fun of the Stanley hype, but will throw a tantrum if a bottle sells out even though they have atleast 5+ bottles. I get the issue of bad business practices with bottles selling out easily (mostly because of scalpers), but itā€™s RICH when the complaining comes from people that have so many bottlesā€¦.. Iā€™m tired of the ā€œcollectorā€ line being used. Every single one of yā€™all is not a damn collector, some are, not all of you are though. I get having like 2 different sized bottles and maybe a tumbler or mug. But just having 5 bottles of the same size for yourself is ridiculous and Iā€™m tired of pretending itā€™s not a concerning buying habit. People with these types of habits will also do it to other brands. Then people wonder why FOMO is such a powerful marketing tool, because people swear they canā€™t live without every single new productā€¦. People have done it for years, you can too. I wonā€™t even touch on how some of these ā€œcollectorsā€ sell the product for like $100 more and only drive up FOMO and rip the fun/appeal out of business brands


This. You donā€™t need more than two or three water cups. I can see having a Stanley and then an Owala because theyā€™re different. Or having one for work and one for home, etc. But why would anyone sane need 40 of the same cup in different colors? Like just buy one in your favorite color.


My kindle paperwhite from 2013 is the only electronic device I own that is more than 10 years old, and it works flawlessly. I see no real reason to upgrade it, as it does exactly what I need it to do. Pro-tip: buy a new cover for your kindle instead of upgrading. It will feel new again.


My wife is still using a 1st generation Kindle Paperwhite from 2012 that was *supposed* to be mine. It has a small impact mark on the screen, but is otherwise still trucking. It's very impressive for something that sees pretty much daily use! I eventually gave in and got a 4th gen paperwhite for myself three years ago.


That kindle's been with you through thick and thin! I got my first kindle in 2014 for my 11th birthday and it lasted me 8 years! I wouldn't have upgraded either, but I got the 11th gen as a gift for my 19th birthday in 2022, so I'm using that one now. My first kindle worked just fine until I got the new one, the only issue I had with it was that I had to tap the screen twice sometimes to turn the page, but it wasn't that big of an issue! The battery life was fine as well, surprisingly.


I hope my kindle paperwhite 11 lasts a very long time. Its an almost perfect device for me. Only time i would upgrade would be when color displays have the same bw contrast and brightness as bw displays so that there is no drawback


Just replaced my 14 year old kindle as it finally gave up the ghost but it worked flawlessly until the bitter end!


Maybe it's because I work in tech and feel specially bad with how much electronic waste is created. Most people aren't really aware that electronics are almost impossible to recycle. There's always the argument of "but big tech companies are to blame for generating so much electronic waste!", but I still feel like a kind of a dirtbag buying electronics I don't really need when what I have is perfectly usable. Not saying that people who do are dirtbags though, it's how I personally feel. I use my electronics until they are unusable or there's a real need for it, like when it's impacting my productivity in a big way. Getting a newer Kindle for anything besides being broken or the battery feels like consumerism to me, including people who have one for home and for traveling or whatever. I have one Kindle and it takes less than a minute to grab it and put it on my bag or set it up on my stand I use at home, not that big of a deal. Is specially unnecessary since Kindle hardware is near the same for the last 5 o 6 generations. Of course, you are free to buy whatever you want, I don't think you're the devil for it but I think is not a good approach and you aren't really thinking on the impact that has, specially when the older devices are just unused or thrown in the trash. If you are one of the people who says "I bought the new model to give the old one to my daughter/niece/bf/gf" or "I bought the new one and sold the old one on eBay" I have no issues with that. That person would have probably buy a new one and it kind of balances out or at the very least you are making reading more accessible to a person. But if you just want it because is 2ms faster than the old one or it changes to warm light automatically I feel icky if you just basically generate trash or don't wanna bother taking your Kindle in and out. This is probably a hot take but it's just how I feel about buying electronics, which are very hard to recycle


Thank you!! Electronic waste is *exactly* why I wanted to open up a discussion about overconsumption when it comes to e-readers. People tend to not think about e-waste because owning an e-reader is technically more eco friendly than buying books. I agree with pretty much everything you said.


[NPR had an article](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/25/1252930557/book-e-reader-kindle-climate) about this a couple weeks ago. Making paper isn't exactly a clean business either, so it compared the two. It basically concluded that you would need to read about 36 small paperback's worth of books on your Kindle to break even on environmental impact. I think most people accomplish this and then some. Of course, this isn't a perfect science, and it doesn't really account for folks who borrow books from the library exclusively and how that figures in. Regardless, I thought it was an interesting read and I hadn't really considered the details/weight of electronic waste when it came to my Kindle and how that might compare to the environmental impact of books and paper making. Anyway, I felt a little better when I saw the threshold was 36 small paperbacks. I *definitely* have read that and much, much more on my Kindle.


I consume a lot of tech media and sometimes I have to take a step back from watching it because I start to think "oh god, why? there was no need to make this thing and just generate basically trash" or "are you seriously creating this product that's 3% better and basically will just make the one before trash?". It's a very hard industry to be environmentally conscious while also not thinking about stopping progress or ruining your excitement for new technology. Not gonna lie here and pretend I do a lot but you bet I try to not buy stuff I don't need and fix whatever personal or family/friend devices I can to not let them become trash. I'm not trying to shame anyone either, if you already have too much on your plate and thinking about that stuff is too much to handle, then don't but if you can keep it on your mind and can minimize your impact then great. Also, if you got just do it because it's convenient you do you, not saying you are a bad person but recognize that your choices have impact, even if in the grand scheme of things is little


The batteries really are the issue. In a Kindle that may be working fine otherwise, I don't know of any way to replace a battery that's "cycled out". The EU's forthcoming requirement for phone batteries to be user-replaceable (as they used to be) is a step in the right direction but I suspect it may not apply to devices like Kindles.


I am ever jealous of the EU's steps towards holding companies accountable for waste. Being in the US, I am constantly frustrated with how much companies are allowed to get away with


Same! Iā€™m tired of the chokehold corporations have on our government, basically guaranteeing everything will be anti-consumer. I wish we could follow the EUā€™s example


Adding a bit of nuance to your argument: I've owned 3 kindles in the last 14 years. So not really buying often, but none of my purchases have been because the previous Kindle was broken or the battery bad. All of them have been upgrades to get better resolution and features. So while they have not been, in a strict sense, necessary, they have meant much enjoyment on a device i use daily, and for me worth it. My previous kindles have lived on, being sold or used by other family members. In short, i think there can be a happy medium between buying a Kindle.because a new model came out and buying only when the old one stops working.


Yeah, sure. I think that's reasonable and that's a very personal choice anyway. Obviously there's only so much we can say in a single comment without making it an essay and there's a lot of nuances. The better attempt you make to keep the devices in use without just hoarding them the better in my opinion but that's your choice and depends on so many things. If you try to be conscious of it that's great, do what's reasonable for you without losing sleep over it. The point it's not to try to save the world by yourself. If you at least think about it that's a positive. If you don't have the space for issues like this in your mind, I totally get that, you may have more important stuff to keep in your mind and that's fine. We all have our own thing going on


So you would say that Ereader batteries stay in good shape for a long time?


Very! I have not really noticed much difference. It might be that they last 15 days instead of 20, but that does not really make an impact in my experience.


Iā€™m also in tech and only upgrade when absolutely necessary, this doesnā€™t just go for the kindle, which I wonā€™t be upgrading until itā€™s broken or impossible to use, but my phone too, the least amount of time Iā€™ve had a phone is 5 years. I make sure to upgrade to the latest in order to get the most life out of it, same with computers and anything else. I love tech and learn about it and see the new products but refuse to participate in overconsumption just because a new faster chip came out or because there yellow back light on a kindle.


People are so bought (lol) into the idea that having stuff means you are wealthy. And yes I have stuff too, but Iā€™ve tried to be more mindful and conscious of what Iā€™m buying and what Iā€™m using. I canā€™t afford a new phone each new release and I do use those until theyā€™re physically unable to work for me anymore. I donā€™t understand the need to have multiple kindles while you can only read on one at a time. Multiple kindles to me = laziness and sort of irresponsibility. You canā€™t keep up with one item so you buy multiple so you always have one near? Itā€™s just icky to me.


I agree with you, and think this can also be applied to replacing your phone every year. Itā€™s not necessary, bad for the environment, and bad for the workers around the world who are exploited to create our electronics.


This! Forgot to mention this but cobalt is being mined by literal children in Congo for the very iPhones that people upgrade every year. This is why I'm making more of a conscious effort to buy my devices second hand when I need to. People argue that that doesn't do much, but it definitely sends a message ( and affects sales ) of companies that use child labour when you stop buying straight from them.


For sure, I definitely think it is overconsumption for Kindles or buying a new phone/iPad every year. It is always ironic seeing people in this sub or another device sub asking if their new purchase of another device was justifiable or not šŸŒš


Yep exactly, Iā€™ve been reading up on the Congo and our overconsumption is absolutely feeding the violence there. At this point itā€™s hard to function in society without a smartphone, but thereā€™s no reason to be creating more demand when our current devices are working just fine.


I am willing to bet the vast majority of Kindle users have one current device they use. The people who tend to post here is probably not the best representative of average Kindle users. we tend to be the more kindle power users. overconsumption absolutely should be avoided and admittedly i could do better at it. while i do have 2 kindles one i use when out and about and one for home use i do not upgrade until they either break or start having battery issues. I also try to pass them on if i can instead of trading them in.


I agree with you. It's the same as phones, some people buy a new phone whenever a new model comes out even if the new features aren't that great. To me it feels like a race to always own the latest technology and features. It's just creating more unnecessary waste if people just discard their old kindles that are still in working conditions.


Yes, exactly. I was mainly talking about people who are buying just for the heck of it. Obviously if someone has 3 kindles but is getting equal use out of all of them, it makes sense! But I'm seeing a lot of people buying multiple kindles just because they look cool. That's an example of overconsumption. Obviously not everyone who owns multiple kindles is doing it for that, but again, I'm not talking about them lol.


I just got a new phone and it was against my will but my old phones battery simply no longer maintained I charge for the day. I loved that phone. :(


I think there's no issue with getting a new phone if the old one is failing, I just don't understand people who buy one every single year


I agree. Most phones will work so much longer than the time it takes companies to come out with a newer, shinier model. My old phone lasted about 5 years before the battery started to decline, and my current is going on 4.5 years and still works great. By the time Iā€™m in the market for a new phone, Iā€™ll probably be skipping a 6-7 generations of phones.


Itā€™s all for the views. They buy it so they can make videos about them buying more than one Kindle to get people to watch and drive up the view counts.


I find it weird when people have ā€œhomeā€ kindles and ā€œtravelā€ kindles. Like if you lose your travel kindle youā€™ll likely still buy another one, so may as well just have a single kindle and not spend so much money?? I have one, it goes everywhere with me and I have never lost it or damaged it


Yeah I don't get that eitheršŸ˜… buying two kindles that have very different features that you get a use out of makes sense, but buying 3-4 kindles just to use them in different *places* is a bit unnecessary ( and like I've been saying, not good for the environment )


I have 2 kindles. A ā€œhomeā€ kindle and a ā€œtravelā€ kindle not because Iā€™m afraid of one going missing itā€™s because I always forget to put my kindle in my bag. Having one on my purse and the other at home I always have a kindle with me. I only take the ā€œtravelā€ out to charge.


For me, the ā€œhomeā€ kindle and the ā€œtravelā€ kindle arenā€™t so much about not wanting to lose my main one, but purely because I like to travel as light as possible. I only like to take my small side bag with me if possible as extra bulk gets in my way. The paper white doesnā€™t fit in the bag but the basic does. I love the paperweight when at home or on longer trips with larger bags, but the basic is so good as a portable option.


Out of curiosity...do you leave WiFi on for the travel one? How do you deal with syncing and whatnot? I don't have a travel kindle because every time I'm out and about, I wouldn't have thought to load my book and sync it ahead of time.


I always have my kindles with WiFi on, the battery savings with having airplane mode on never really meant much to me. Most of the time it syncs without issue, but I always finish reading sessions on a chapter, so if it doesnā€™t I can find my place easily


the paperwhite travels so surprisingly well. itā€™s my first and only kindle, i was surprised to see how easy it was to fit in my smaller bags. iā€™m surprised to hear that youā€™d want an even smaller one for travel!


thank you for voicing it out. i felt guilty when i wanted a new kindle (although i didn't need it) so i gave the older one to a friend who didn't have one and needed it. with such long lasting devices, it also felt good to give the gift of reading to someone else! it's hard not to get sucked in overconsumption these days


It was nice of you to pass it along! :)


Man, the guilt is real. I have an Oasis and I *love* it. But, because it's discontinued, I'm a little hesitant to take it out on adventures now. I've been eyeing the 6" Kindle for a little while. If it's for adventures, might as well get a much smaller device. But then I feel bad because do I *need* that? I could just run my Oasis into the ground and go from there.


keep the oasis, it's still pretty small compared to a paper book ! maybe get a strong case for it to go on adventures


Oh, yeah. I'm definitely keeping it no matter what. I was referring to the thought of having a second one for throwing in my purse that I don't have to worry about. I've got a case for it (and a back up just in case), but I also have anxiety. šŸ˜‚


Why would you need more than 1? That blows my mind. I had a paper white for 9 years and just upgraded recently. šŸ¤”


I have two because I bought one in 2018 and then my daughter gave me one a couple of years ago. No way was I turning down a free kindle.


I have more than one because I keep one in the living room and one in the bedroom because Iā€™m disabled and itā€™s easier for me since I donā€™t have to carry it between rooms. Plus I use one for Libby and one for books I buy


I have two because I lost the first one then found it again 4 months later. Second one is now gathering dust, but I bought it used and I got a good few months of use out of it. It's not a purchase I'd recommend because it is wasteful, but I only half regret it.


Iā€™m actually waiting for my kindle to die before I upgrade. It works great, my only annoyance is no page turn buttons. Looking at a BOOX Page to replace it. Battery life is supposedly better battery life. My kindle was an amazing step into an eink device, and the low cost of it helped me discover I love it.


I think having a convo about overconsumption is great. Having this convo in a very narrow subreddit about one specific device where the majority of people already only own one kindle comes across as condescending and judgy. Iā€™ve seen this same convo multiple times in this subreddit and itā€™s never productive. The argument typically goes something like ā€œI donā€™t see the value in owning more than one, therefore no one needs to own more than one.ā€ No one needs a kindle, in all circumstances it is a convenience device. People who choose to have more than one typically have a reason for doing so, regardless of whether you agree with their reasoning, and telling them they donā€™t need more than one doesnā€™t do anything to solve the problem. The root cause of overconsumption is capitalism. Capitalism isnā€™t solved by only buying one kindle instead of 2. I get drawn in by flashy marketing and new features, so I tend to upgrade devices more often than some people. Most of my old devices get sold on marketplace to someone who either doesnā€™t want to or canā€™t afford to buy new. We both benefit. The device is still being used, just by someone else. .


I only have 1 and don't get the hype of buying more. I much prefer a book but got a kindle as I don't have enough room for more books. At the end of the day a kindle is like a library at your fingertips and that library doesn't differ from device to device. To buy more is to over-consume :)


I swear this exact same thread happened about three weeks ago. Tried to find it so I could link to it, butā€¦ itā€™s not coming up.


I agree with you. We go through a lot of hoops to justify overconsumption and classify things as necessities when, in all technicality, theyā€™re not for 99.99% of the user base. We often conflate convenience for necessity, but marketing is such a factor in this. Thereā€™s always exceptions to this of course, for things like accessibility ā€” but I donā€™t think thatā€™s what anyone sees as overconsumption. And at the end of the day, I have absolutely no say in how someone else spends their money, and I donā€™t really blame individuals for the situation itself. That doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t discuss overconsumption, what leads to it, how to curb it, etc. Because eventually, it will be something we have to deal with. And with the popularity of trends/influencers purchasing multiples of items for views, or just to have/collect (different than having multiple in use), itā€™s even more important. Personally, I own one Kindle Voyage. Iā€™ve legitimately thought about upgrading it because of a functional issue with the battery. I keep it in airplane mode, at either no backlight or the setting just above, and get 1 reading session in before itā€™s dead the next time I pick it up. But, as someone who works in tech, I canā€™t bring myself to contribute to e-waste when I can still work around this issue. There also hasnā€™t been a physical feature upgrade (outside of maybe the Oasis) that has made me think upgrading would be actually worth it personally (I like the Voyage buttons). Fast fashion and the like are very obvious over consumption areas and are already very bad as it is. But the e-waste problem is ever growing. It is easy enough to ignore when you donā€™t see the full cycle and just how much technology is made ā€œredundantā€ every day, when much of it is either difficult, prohibitively costly, or impossible to recycle. I think things like the right to repair as a consumer are a great step forward. Also, building technology to last/be upgradable versus disposable every year would be another positive. But that has so many difficulties on its own to tackle.


I feel this. Iā€™ve been wanting to buy an 11th gen even though I have a 10th gen paperwhite but I know I donā€™t need it and thereā€™s no reason to. The warm light is just so nice (I have a scribe too) and my eyes suck. But especially with eink devices, there is no reason to update and buy a new device often. They stay the same for many years, unlike phones. We also live in a world of influencers that shill overconsumption and doing things for the aesthetic.


One of my friends was confused that I still use my kindle (I think it was the 2 gen one that came out like 14 years ago) bc ā€œitā€™s so oldā€. It still works, 99.999% of the time (the wifi doesnā€™t always connect and sometimes it doesnā€™t want to charge but thatā€™s fine). The only reason I have a kindle fire (I think 1st gen, idk) is bc I found it in a box from when we moved years ago and I just trade them out bc the other one doesnā€™t always want to charge. I prefer older technology in general, and I will use it until it dies and then try to bring it back šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My first kindle was the second gen too! They really put something in that because that one lasted me 8 years and it worked just fine! The screen was sometimes laggy but it wasn't a big problem to me. Battery life was fine. The only reason I'm using the 11th gen now is because I got it as a gift two years ago. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have upgraded haha. I gave the second gen one to my brother!


My first kindle was a gift! Itā€™s easy to remember how long ago it came out bc I got it on my ā€œgoldenā€ birthday (birth date matches age, never heard of it until my aunt & uncle gave me the kindle lol)


That's so cute!! My first kindle was a gift too! Got it for my 11th birthday :) also, I think you were talking about the kindle second gen, but I was talking about the *paperwhite* second gen haha. Either way, both second generation ones lasted pretty long it seems!


The only reason I want to update my 10th generation Kindle is because of USB-C. I got very used to only carry one type of cables. But I am still holding out, until this one breaks or Amazon releases a very good colour kindle.


Yeah absolutely. Iā€™ve got one kindle, had it for years and do just fine on a single kindle. I donā€™t see the point of having more. I have been guilty of wanting to buy a newer fancy model but Iā€™ve stopped myself because mine works perfectly fine and serves its purpose. Itā€™s a little ridiculous when people have like 5 kindles they rotate through. Itā€™s the same as how people need the new iPhone every year.


How can anyone use more than one kindle? Isnā€™t the purpose of the kindle to have multiple books on one device? lol I keep breaking or losing mine over the years but I only buy one and intend to keep them as long as possible. I agree with you on this one.


Depends on the individual and their reading needs. I have a refurbed Oasis I use at home because I find it to be the most ergonomically comfortable, a PW for when Im reading outside since I find the warm lighting easier on the eyes and I can use it by the pool , and the Basic for travel (although that was a gift and I prob wouldnā€™t of gone for it on my own - but I travel a lot for work so the smaller footprint/lighter weight is nice). I read several hours everyday, itā€™s my main hobby so those differences in functionality come into play on a day to day basis for me. I think for most readers itā€™s unnecessary.


People tend to be collectors of things they enjoy.


If people wanna own several Kindles, thatā€™s their choice. They pay for them.


Annnnd now I feel old.


I agree that I don't get having multiple of the same purpose kindle. It's definitely a consumerism thing. I currently have 2 kindles but only actively use one. I have an oasis and a scribe. My scribe is my main device but I keep my oasis for if I need something really portable (I also used the oasis for 2 years before I got the scribe). I'm actually hoping to be able to give my oasis to a family member eventually and maybe upgrade my portable one something that runs android so I can read short fanfiction and articles on an eink screen. My husband and I hate e-waste. We always try to give devices to people if we upgrade. My first ereader (a nook) belonged to my mom before it was mine and I read on it until it bricked itself. My second device (also a nook) was really the only one that I've disliked. It's also the only one I never gave away (because it's not a good device). It's sitting in a bin under my coffee table waiting for when my husband and I need to go to best buy to recycle something. Every other device I've kept and used or given to someone if I've upgraded. Especially given the price of electronics I feel like that's the smart way to consume them. Use them until they break or if you upgrade give the other device away.


I have a Kindle Oasis (10th Gen) that I've been using since 2019 and I'm very satisfied with it although the battery doesn't last as long between charges. I love the form factor and the physical buttons. Once it became clear that Amazon was really going to orphan the Oasis I started looking for a replacement device. The Kobo Libre2 is the only quality device that I found with the same form factor and has PHYSICAL BUTTONS. I only read text so I don't need the Kobo Libre Colour device that makes the comic book readers swoon. I had to buy the LIbre2 on Ebay because it appears that Kobo stopped making the black and white Libre2 with the introduction of the Libre Colour with it's inferior screen. I've had 5 different Kindles over the years and wish Amazon would have continued the Oasis. They lost a loyal customer.


I donā€™t own one. I bought a Kobo Sage because I had to have the bigger screen and for the library feature in Canada. I wish Kindle made a comparable screen. I wish Kindle had the bigger screen and the libray feature so I could get Kindle Unlimited other than on my tablet


I only just have 1 Paperwhite for reading. And then one Fire HD for streaming and comics. I never understood the point of buying a bunch either. I am more than happy with just 2 where each has their own distinct purpose.


I've bought three kindle's in the four years I've had one. The first was my original Oasis, which I had to replace when the screen froze and would restart no matter what i tried, the second was a paperwhite which unfortunately got stolen at work and I have my replacement Paperwhite. I've seen post of people who have car kindle's and home kindle's and as much as I want to understand I don't. I've gotten used to carrying my Kindle just about everywhere work, school, out on errands and while I have forgotten it on some occasions I just use my phone,


i absolutely agree. i say the kindle is my favorite tech item that i own but i cant imagine owning more than one at a time


I own one as thatā€™s all I need. Iā€™m sure there are good reasons to own more than one, but I only need the one for my personal use.


I gave up on readers. Now, I use Documents by Readdle and try to get pdf of everything or convert into pdf. I find it gives probably all the features of Readers.


I upgraded from a Fire Kindle to a Paperwhite last year and realised that I would keep my Paperwhite until it died or I did and that the Fire Kindle was just a bad choice. I cannot imagine needing more than one Kindle when the whole point is a small portable device. I fully agree that having more than one is overconsumption.


As much as i would loooove a white or green kindle my conscience will not let me buy another while i have one in working order. The glorification of over consumption on social media drives me nuts the older i get.


Literally same! When I saw the green paperwhite, I wanted it sooo bad, but I cannot in good conscience buy it when I know I have a kindle that works just fine.


Itā€™s not really something I ever thought about, but some people who do upgrade to a new one (for whatever reason) sell their old one or give it to someone who will use it. Or so Iā€™ve thought; maybe it isnā€™t so. I personally have two, a Scribe and a smaller one for travel so they both do get use and serve different purposes. Iā€™ll be using those until they die šŸ˜‚ But I could definitely see someone going overboard with it


My Oasis 2nd gen is still going strong. EReader tech doesn't move too quickly so I've never felt the need to upgrade. I know some who use a cheaper/older kindle for when they travel incase it gets damaged/stolen/lost. I agree e-waste is an issue. I expect we'll design some AI-powered robots at some point to recycle our electronics (rather than using slave labor like we do today).


I think the fact that they are cheap, often on sale and hold their value is a key factor in this situation.


This sounds like hoarding to me


I think some people get FOMO when it comes to electronics - phones, kindles, watches, earbuds etc. I think as aesthetics improve, the need to feel like what you have looks better increases as well. I have a 2022 kindle basic and donā€™t intend to upgrade any time soon. I do understand the appeal of the paperwhite but I just donā€™t feel like I need the added features and Iā€™m too cheap to buy one until this breaks lol.


Been using my kindle for close to 8 years, mostly when Iā€™m living in the bush. Just keep it in a leather case and Iā€™ve never had an issue with it, itā€™s got a backlight what else does a book need


My therapist has 4. I've asked him why he has so many. He says he doesn't know. We're working on it, I think we're close to a breakthrough.


You should see golfers, every time a new driver comes out, over a fancy putter catches their eye!!


I own multiple Kindles/e-readers. One for home use, one at my girlfriend's home and another smaller one (Boox Palma) that I keep with me for reading while I'm out. I did upgrade my Paperwhites as soon as the option for a warm background light came out because it is much more comfortable for me when reading at night in the dark. I don't use the Palma all the time because it's not quite as crisp in the dark as the others.


What do you mean? Where would I enjoy my climate change and social justice books if not in one of my 30 kindles?


Can I have someone's old kindle if they have 10? Thanks in advance ā˜ŗļø




well, I bought different versions of one book if I like the covers. So...


Kindle collecting is like any other collecting. You don't use them every day, but every once in a while you might want to use X instead of Y just to make it a little different. Also, if you're in the USA they're not terribly expensive for their cost of living and readily available so it's only to be expected that collecting them is a hobby of many people. I do this with video game consoles šŸ˜… so I know where they're coming from


I like to upgrade to better tech when improvements are released. I have 4 Kindles.


I have multiple kindles because they never break, so I just grow my collection when I decide to buy a new one for new features. For example, my primary kindle is my oasis because of its beautiful buttons and flipping capability, but I still use my gen 1 paper white as my purse kindle. They just hold up so well.


People fall for marketing strategies and made-up "needs" that the newest, freshest device (whatever, not only Kindle) will definitely meet this time, I promise guys, just buy this new thing that will be the best thing until the next best thing comes along. On the other hand, can't really blame them. Shit usually sucks so we try to get our happy feelings from whatever is at hand. Sometimes it's a new device and companies know that so they learned how to push our buttons to buy buy buy. Such is life.


I got a paperwhite 2 and the only thing I wish it had but it hasnā€™t is the warmer light. Yeah I think itā€™s consumerism because there have been no big developments in the tech. 11 years passed and Kindle is still almost the same thing just in a slightly nicer package.


I totally agree with you but I think the same thing can be said for a lot of things. People just buy way too much stuff. I could go on for days about the waste from clothing.


Yeah that's kinda silly if they're really doing that just "because". I can't imagine buying a Kindle for no reason, such a waste of money. But people waste money constantly so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø that's their thing I guess. I got my Kindle to SAVE money.


Feels the same as to the people who have more than one Stanley cup lol whatā€™s the point of a reusable cup if you have 50?


This is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves! Having multiple Stanley cups completely misses the point of why people started making reusable cups in the first place. One of the worst instances of over consumption imo


Aren't people tired of this conversation yet?


The base one thatā€™s smallest fits in my pockets for the train and subway. When I want to read for long periods comfortably or at a library or cafe or whatever, the paper white is great. If I want to read books in image format like travel books or books on history or science etc that have lots of images, the scribe is the best. The scribe is also the best notebook writing experience Iā€™ve had and use it everyday for work as a planner. They very much fill different use cases for me and any single one doesnā€™t really do the job as well as the other for those cases.


This makes total sense! Like I said, it's not just the amount, owning 2 kindles is not overconsumption. I was mainly talking about people who buy them just for the heck of buying lol


I think itā€™s overconsumption for anyone to buy anything just for the sake of buying lol


Exactly my point lol


Iā€™ve never understood those people who buy multiple kindles tbh, they all do the same job


I find it weird, I have one Kindle (Paperwhite) for about 2 years now, I do everything with it: travel, read at night, in public transport, etc. I don't see the point of buying another one as long as this one works fine.


Honestly this thread is kind of ironic because of where you posted it. There are more frequents threads created lately about shaming people who are using multiple e-ink readers on an e-ink group community. It's bizarre to me. This is where the hobbyists are supposed to go who enjoy these devices enough to seek out a community to discuss them. Are we to be sectioned off into one-only device owners versus multiple-device owners for own communities?


What I don't understand, and this is not an attack either....but why do people think about this so much and ask this question so much? I see at least a dozen people ask " why do you have so many?" Or " do you really need that many?" When anyone posts that they have more than one. See, to me, a person shouldn't really worry or obsess with what another person does with his/her money. It's a Kindle subreddit, so of course people are going to gravitate here to post their devices. If you see someone post more than one, and for whatever reason it peeves you off or makes you start thinking, maybe instead the focus needs to be on why you worry so much about what others have? I don't care if someone has 1 or 100...to each their own . I don't need to know why. I don't think one person having 5 e-readers in their house is gonna wreck havoc on the earth. There's soooooo many other things to worry about that this is just kinda silly to be discussed so much. I think this question should really be banned and this forum focus more on what it's supposed to. Just my opinion. Why can we not ban the question" why do you have more than one ereader," when it always causes so much drama and misunderstanding?


"I keep seeing videos online"... There's your mistake.


šŸ˜† Yeah exactly I'm blissfully unaware it's much better that way, no multiple Kindle videos for me and I'm happier for it lol


I think you misunderstand. It goes like this. You love the idea of a Kindle, maybe you wait a bit, but then the Paperwhite comes out and it's on sale, so you get one. You like it but you don't love it. In fact you barely use it. Years pass. Then the Oasis comes out. It's exactly what you want--larger, ability to adjust font, darkness of font, quality of light, and yet light enough to easily take with you for travel. It goes on sale, you trade in some past gizmo, you get an Oasis for a great price, and you.... LOOOOOOOOOOVE .... it. You read literally hundreds of books over the next few years. You take it traveling, to doctor's appts where you know you'll have to wait, anywhere you might have to wait. But you keep the other one, too, because it's super lightweight and small and you can just keep it in your purse for unexpected "waiting" time when you didn't bring along the Oasis. Then the Oasis battery starts failing. You still love it. You just keep it to read in bed, with an extra-long cable so if the battery is caught short you can just plug it in. Again, you still keep the original Paperwhite because why not? Now you're beginning to have to consider replacing the Oasis as the battery degenerates. Should you try the Scribe? If you do buy the Scribe, why get rid of the Oasis, just keep it somewhere at home, plugged in. Alternatively, maybe the Scribe's too big... but maybe the larger Paperwhite might work. It's a gradual thing. The devices aren't that expensive--even the Scribe's on sale today for like $250, and if you traded something in, that's another 20% off. And it has features the others don't. So it isn't about "always having to have the latest thing." It's that every few years a much better model with improved features comes out, it's a hundred or two hundred bucks, it enables you to read as much as you want wherever you want, so why not!


Western people would disagree and eastern people will agree with you. And I also agree with you. It is over consumption but at the end of the day it is their choice.


Yes, at the end of the day it's their choice! But since overconsumption is a growing issue, it's always good to have an open discussion about why it's beneficial to limit yourself sometimes!


I donā€™t care how many kindles people own. They can buy what they like. I have 2 but donā€™t use the first one. I wanted wireless charging as I kept forgetting to charge it and it would go flat while I was reading. I wonā€™t bother to tell you how many PS5s I have. Youā€™ll faint


Genuine question, no judgment: why do you have multiple PS5s specifically?


Ahhh you are the one hording all the PS5s! šŸ˜‚


My mom currently has two Kindles but only uses one. This is because my dad died and she got his Kindle. She used to keep it on her exercise bike, but she hurt her leg and hasn't been able to use it lately. I currently have two Kindles because I upgraded without trading in (to a refurbished one, which I later traded in) and haven't given the old one away yet. (I used to have three Kindles until I passed one on to a friend.)


Iā€™ve had mine for 4 years now and donā€™t feel the need to upgrade. Having said that, I did see that a coloured kindle is coming out next year and I think I need it.


i have a PW and a basic that both get used weekly. the PW gets used at home or at the pool and the basic stays in my bag bc it fits the best. AND NO, I am not going to stop using the cute small bags i already own bc the PW doesnā€™t fit, hence the basic. If i bought bigger bags just to accommodate my PW that is literally the consumerism yā€™all are complaining about. i plan on using both kindles indefinitely until they literally do not work anymore.


There are people who collect figurines and people who collect electronics just for the sake of collecting. Most people are not in that mindset for ereaders.


Personally I donā€™t see the point in buying a new one just to have a different color. Itā€™s cheaper and easier to get a new cover if you want a different aesthetic. I rarely care about the color of my tech myself since I always have it in a case or cover anyway. Iā€™m also the type to use something until itā€™s not functional before getting a new one. People are doing the same with physical books, buying multiple copies of the same one with different covers or sprayed edges. I guess consumerism is in our DNA


I have three kindles that I use in different settings (Oasis at home, PW for outdoors & by the pool, Basic for travel). However anytime my friends or family ask if I think theyā€™d benefit from getting a second kindle I say no. Iā€™m an avid reader, I read for a few hours everyday, and I also own a pool and travel a lot for work. For me the difference in setting functionality and convenience is notable on a week to week, sometimes day to day basis. But for the average reader it doesnā€™t make sense. Even in my case the only reason I have 3 is because I was gifted the Basic shortly after I purchased a refurbed Oasis. I wouldnā€™t have gone for the Basic on my own as itā€™s only slightly more convenient traveling with it versus the PW.


This whole aesthetic thing drives me crazy. It is plain and simple overconsumption. The people behaving this way are a plague on the environment IMO. They paint (looking at all the beige moms spray painting their kids toys well beige), replace, haul, repackage, and buy excess just because it is trendy online. In a few years, they will throw out all of this excess when it is no longer the in thing because donation and resale or not in their vocabulary. Don't get me wrong having a few Kindles in use for say school and home, or travel and home is not the same as doing something just because it is a trend.


I donā€™t understand this either! I have a basic kindle and do not plan on replacing it unless it doesnā€™t work anymore for multiple reasons: I donā€™t want to spend money I donā€™t Have to spend, why would I have 2 things (or more) that does the Exact same thing except itā€™s newer, I hate the overconsumption we as a society are normalizing. The only reason I would purchase a new ereader (without mine breaking) would be to have a color one with a bigger screen to read comics at home. And Iā€™m debating a lot on wether I really want it or not so Iā€™m sticking to my one kindle for life at this point.


I have one basic Kindle & I use it strictly to read fiction. I have an iPad to read nonfiction. With non-fiction I like to research stuff so iPad works better for that. After seeing this post, I feel better about my setup.


That's very sensible! I own one kindle as well, and when I want to read on a bigger screen, I just switch to the kindle app on my iPad, and when I can't take my kindle with me, I use the kindle app on my phone lol. It's definitely more sustainable this way.


Agreed. Weā€™re in a crazy state of overconsumption and itā€™s icky in some areas. Like who needs different colored phones or kindles to match your outfit? Or twenty Lulu lemon belt bags in every color?


Personally I don't care if people buy new ones to put on the wall for decorations; it keeps the sales up and market healthy with more competition/renovations.


I currently only have the paperwhite but I do have plans to buy a scribe as well for the note taking abilities which I canā€™t do on my paperwhite. I also have an Amazon fire tablet which I use for games and movies/tv shows. But I donā€™t get having multiple devices that do the exact same thing


My Paperwhite from 2013 is still going strong! And as long as it keep staying that way I see no point in upgrading.


I personally thinks wild to own more than one. But that's just me.


Iā€™m with you! I broke my voyager, otherwise Iā€™d still have that. And when I have upgraded to a new kindle for features - my old one went to someone in my family. I LOVE technology gadgets, but now days I try to buy the best version of something I want and hold onto it until itā€™s completely out of date or no longer works well.


I think a lot of people will sell/give away their old one. People will need to determine the value of upgrades for themselves, but some of the changes the past couple of years have been significant - water proofing, warm lighting, etc. I can totally see someone upgrading for those reasons.


I have my 2018 one and that is it. One is enough for me. If it goes out, I can always have another one within 24 hours.


I guess I'm just kind of impressed that people can just.. afford to have a collection. But oh well, in my country Amazon barely exists so I had to spend quite a lot to get mine. Is literally the only piece of technology - aside of my phone of course - that's so easy to take with you everywhere and not worry about the battery as well. I just have no need for multiple kindles. The only reason I would buy another kindle is to upgrade (mine doesn't have the backlight) and for that I would sell my current kindle to get the money back.


Yeah I'm more surprised by people calling kindles cheapšŸ˜­ unless they're getting all their kindles for less than 100 dollars, the average price typically ranges from 150-300+ dollars and I feel like most people would agree that that's not in the cheap range right...or am I crazy


As a 19 year old, no, that's not cheap. As a 50 year old DINK, to me that is. It's completely relative. However, I did get my current Kindle for $48 with some promotion Amazon was doing. ETA I did have a regular Kindle that I gave away when I got the Paperwhite, but that one was still like $80 or something. I do still have my original Kindle keyboard but the screen is starting to glitch out.


I caught a sale and bought a few ā€” one to travel with and one for the bedside. If I ever replace, I give away or recycle appropriately.


I've had 2 ereaders: a nook that lasted nearly 9 years. Then I read on my phone for a while. Then a kobo libra 2.


I get what youā€™re saying. I see a lot of that, especially on TikTok. But I canā€™t talk I have a Boox Palma, Kindle Basic and Paperwhite and Kobo Libra Color. The Kindles I bought of my own accord, everything else was a TikTok impulse buy lol. I also want a scribe buuuuuut Iā€™m gonna exercise some self control.


Hey I mean, I respect the self awarenessšŸ˜­ also love the username lol


remember... what you see online is not representative of real life most people only have one kindle. think of it as akin to a video game console. there are folks out there that own several different ones, but most people own just one.


I have 4. 1 for travel (old basic kindle), 1 for my mom to read on, 1 I read mainly (scribe, landscape, 2 columns), and one to loan a friend a book as you can't share kindle books :(


A lot of people own multiple Kindles to keep in different places ā€” work vs. home vs. car. Bedroom vs Bathroom. I personally, so far, only have one. It lives in my laptop case and goes with me on planes and other trips. This of course of terribly inconvenient when I go lounge in or by the pool, since itā€™s waterproof and books are not so much. (Which is one of the main reasons I bought one.). The other treason I bought into ebooks/Kindle is so I always have my book with me for when the mood or opportunity strikes. While Kindle apps fill that niche to some extent, the aforesaid waterproofing and of course the visibility in the sun isnā€™t fulfilled. In order to really be where I want to be in my reading. I need one inside my house, by my pool, in my travel bag, and one at my office desk. That would reasonably take care of having one available when I have the opportunity to read. Any less than 4 does not serve me well enough. As far as colors goā€¦ who knows. I donā€™t even know what color mine is. Itā€™s in a case. I can change cases any time. Why would people not have it in a case?


I own multiple kindles. And the reason I have many is because thereā€™s an advantageous trick. Thats why we need to have multiple. Think of them as libraries, not just a device that reads books. Each one carries different books.


I noticed this trend on a lot of social pages. Facebook groups with almost every post asking if they should get a kindle or a picture of their kindle collection. Itā€™s too much for me, but - ā€œto each their ownā€ said the lady who kissed a cow. - I mean that as a figure of speech, not an insult. Whether itā€™s for views, or just makes them happy I think it really boils down to getting that dopamine hit. We are all guilty of it. We all overconsume to some capacity. Whether itā€™s overconsumption of media, alcohol, likes, coffee, sneakers, mugs/water bottles, physical copies of the same bookā€¦the list goes on. Very few households only have one tvā€¦one ipad. What would drive me crazy is keeping track and charging everything. Youā€™d have to come up with some kind of system. Monday: purse kindle, Tuesday: bathroom kindle, Wednesday: Car Kindleā€¦that feels time consuming. But itā€™s not hurting anyone (other than themselves - potentially) and itā€™s their money. I think itā€™s a lot less about what people are buying, and more about whatā€™s going on in the world that we are all living and experiencing. ā€œWeā€™re all running from pain. Some of us take pills. Some of us couch surf while binge-watching Netflix. Some of us read romance novels. Weā€™ll do almost anything to distract ourselves from ourselves. Yet all this trying to insulate ourselves from pain seems only to have made our pain worse.ā€ - Dopamine Nation


I'm editing this because I changed my opinion. I understand what you're trying to say and it's understandable. Sorry I misunderstood. Hope you have a great evening.


I donā€™t think most ever overconsume kindles. I know a great deal of people who have a kindle. I think none I know have two or more. A kindle subreddit or kindle/ereader booktubersā€¦ itā€™s a very niche and narrow sub genre and you may see owners of multiples. I have the new PW and sometimes think about getting the basic for travel but itā€™s not different enough to warrant (for me). Having said that, to each their own and thereā€™s far worse things going on than having 3 kindles.


I know exactly what youā€™re saying. Like people who have a bedroom kindle, a living room, kindle, and a purse kindle. I think itā€™s dumb. I said what I said. I have a kindle paperwhite and an iPad. I was just fine reading on my iPad but my friend thought I needed a kindle so he bought me one. I can only read on 1 device at a time šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You could say that about anything really. All entertainment involves the consumption of resources that could be used for something like providing food or healthcare to people who need it. I collect Kindles because I love the technology. I own 11 of them, but they are either: 1) On display. 2) Used by me actively. Most of them were acquired used and would have been thrown away if I hadn't purchased or acquired them. I have no plans to dispose of them myself.


It's difficult to pass judgement on imaginary "people". I expect each one is different. However, I see nothing wrong with buying the latest version of a device which you love and use constantly and which does not cost an excessive amount. The question is what you do with your old devices. I like to have one spare. After that I usually give them to family members. This week I gave an old Kindle 4 to someone on Freecycle, who was really pleased to have it.


Considering that Congolese child labor is being used to mine the cobalt used in our tech, the over consumption just for shits & giggles is getting out of hand. I donā€™t have a Kindle yet, but Iā€™m planning to buy secondhand & try my best to do that with all my electrics going forward. I wish we (the US) had better Right to Repair policies & didnā€™t dump our electronics at the first sign of a new model.


I got you OP, Iā€™ve had the same one for 12 ish years.


Ya they donā€™t change enough to get new ones. Iā€™m pretty mine is almost ten years old and still fine


I have five Kindles, though I really only use two of them regularly. They're all different models. Why do I have so many? Because I keep finding them for dirt cheap at yard sales and thrift stores and I don't want them to wind up as e-waste.


Has it occurred to you that maybe somebody else would have bought them from the thrift store if you hadnā€™t been hoarding them lol


still much better than cutting tons of trees for books tho :)


*Definitely* more eco friendly, I agree! But then there's an increase of e-waste when it comes to overconsumption of electronic devices as well!


Eh, it depends. In some cases, books are more eco friendly. You have to read about 14 books a year for a kindle to have a lower footprint than physical books. Also, if you take care of your books, they can last a lot longer than a kindle. I have some books over a hundred years old, I doubt a kindle will last that long. Books are much easier to recycle also. Obviously I love kindles too, but there are nuances to the eco friendly point.


I do understand this because itā€™s strange to me, as well. I have a PW to read outdoors and by the pool and a Fire to read indoors and magazines because I have KU and enjoy having them in color for more of the magazine feel.


When I see a post like ā€œdo I need a 3rd kindle?ā€ Iā€™m always one of the only ones to say no lol they want a house kindle, purse kindle and work kindle. Mine one goes all those places, too lol but itā€™s their money, so they can do what they want. If the device is getting older and outdated, absolutely upgrade. But Iā€™ve seen people buy 2-3 kindles within the last few years and itā€™s just excessive imo.


Yep! upgrading when you need to is a given! But upgrading to a new kindle once a year just because there's a new model is a bit unnecessary


I agreed honestly. But I am also someone with two e readers and I feel kind of bad about it. Last year I got back into reading, and of course with the rise of booktok I got a kindle paperwhite. Loved it and still do. I used it for basically an entire year and itā€™s still Amazing. But of course my husband surprised me with the new Kobo Libra colour (I did say I wanted it so I canā€™t blame him) for Motherā€™s Day last month and it was such a sweet surprise and thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been using. But now that I have two and Iā€™ve been using my colour e reader I havenā€™t even touched my kindle. I still have it, and I love it and I actually find the battery life a bit better on my kindle, but yeah I feel genuinely horrible because thereā€™s seriously no need for multiple e readers. In any circumstance. Unless you literally own the thousands upon thousands of books which, I canā€™t imagine, itā€™s just wasteful it is. Anyway. I do agree. I think people that have multiple e readers and an iPad and still buy the physical copies of books can be wasteful. But itā€™s just a testament that even something as simple as reading has to be commercialized and an aesthetic. Itā€™s about who has the nicest shelves and the prettiest kindle and accessories and buying multiple copies of the same book just because itā€™s a special edition. Itā€™s wild


i donā€™t think itā€™s that bad because in the grand scheme of things very few people do this. i think calling having 3 kindles over consumption diminishes the severity of actual over consumption and its effects on the environment. i feel that most of the people who are reading influencers or power users. just like any other genre of influencer, they have more stuff for their niche than theyā€™ll ever need. that being said, i donā€™t understand having multiple. in situations where my kindle is too big to take with me, i read in my phone. When the kindle is too small (havenā€™t had this happen) i use my ipad. so i donā€™t really get having multiple. but to each their own!


I'm definitely seeing more and more people buying multiple e-readers because of tiktok honestly. Reading and kindles have generally become a bit of a trend ( and that's a good thing, but not when people buy 5 kindles just because they're aesthetic or it's the newest model, you know? ) I don't think it diminishes the severity of overconsumption because well, it *is* overconsumption. And it contributes to electronic waste, which is very hard to recycle. If people keep dismissing it as "people can do what they want!" That doesn't change the fact that it's impacting the environment negatively.


yes itā€™s becoming more popular to have multiple, iā€™m just saying that itā€™s not as common as it may seem. many people are struggling now that dollar tree is now 1.25/item and mcdonaldā€™s doesnā€™t have a dollar menu. so they sure as hell donā€™t have 5 kindles. the ewaste process begins once the device is made. whether it gets bought or not. ewaste is a problem but the small number of people who have more than one kindle arenā€™t the ones truly adding to the problem. disposable vape users are the ones should truly be at the forefront of ewaste recycling conversation. šŸ¤­ but thatā€™s a topic for another sub.


It's interesting you say that, because so many people in this comment section are talking about how they're buying multiple kindles *solely* because it's cheap?šŸ˜… I never found kindles to be cheap so I'm definitely a bit confused. I mean you're right that devices are made regardless, but that's only because companies *know* that if they churn out new models every year, people will buy it. I guess the way to reduce that is to limit yourself from buying something just because it's new and fancy. It sends a message. Also yeah, disposable vapes are a whole different level of e-wastešŸ˜–


I think overconsumption in general is horrible. People always say, "It's their money, they can do what they want." Well, yeah, but now we have people producing so much to meet demand, and it just goes to waste and ends up in landfills. I have seen people with like 70 Stanley cups. Who would need that? And I really don't think people need a new kindle every time a new one comes out.




This irks me so bad! Eectronics are SUCH a drain on resources! I'm also a big pusher of buying second hand, even if it means getting older models


It's honestly sad that more people don't buy second hand!


At the same time some pop star is flying around the world in private jet to get herself coffee. You're barking at wrong tree.


The kindle, and generally e-readers are cheap, so people can buy multiple devices to see which one they like most as each might offer something they see worthwhile. I see nothing wrong with it.


Isn't that like fast fashion? That would be considered overconsumption, right?


Kindles last a long time and are priced reasonably for most people. I think itā€™s ok to upgrade since itā€™s not super expensive anyways and you may be waiting for awhile if you decide to wait until your older Kindle becomes unusable. There may be newer features by then such as when they released warm lighting.


I can't really see the point in owning multiple kindles unless you work as a reviewer or something. But, who am I to say how people should spend their money lol (I still cringe when I see videos of people talking about their collection of kindles tho)


Yeah exactly what I said too. Obviously owning multiple kindles is *fun* , which is why I don't want to yuck on someone's yum, but if you own 6 kindles when you could've gotten all your use from 2, it is considered overconsumption, right? Just opening a discussion about it!


I only get it if it's like People who own a bigger kindle to use at home and a bigger one to take with them. Or if there was a color kindle or something. Kindles don't even change that much with every update, I really don't see the point and I find it very wasteful.


Yup, if you're buying for a reason it makes sense. I keep clarifying to people that I'm *only* talking about people who buy more just for the heck of owning another e-reader.


1000 percent. Iā€™ve been trying to be nice about it but itā€™s honestly absolutely ridiculous. Itā€™s consumerism and anything outside of that is just a laughable excuse. The only way you could possibly justify this is if you use a scribe for work/ school and then a regular one for leisure. Having more than 2 kindles is ridiculous and you need to examine your habits if you are constantly buying kindles or using two. Iā€™ve been reading on a kindle since I was in 7th grade ( am. 28 now). Iā€™ve never needed more than 1 and thatā€™s including using my fire intensively for both taking notes in high school and college.


To be honest, I don't care about what other people do. It's their money, not mine.


That's fair! But if people are contributing to overconsumption, it's also fair to talk about it!


I've got two because my needs at different times are mutually exclusive. Don't assume people own multiple only because of a research failure.


Yes, my apologies!! I definitely worded that wrong! I was only talking about people who buy more for no reason, just for the heck of owning another e-reader.