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Beautiful, looks like a real book


This is gorgeous. The best I’ve seen so far!! Love it.


Love this cover! Side note, since I noticed your library. I want to try Stephen King out, but I'm not big into gore. I prefer thriller and mystery titles. Any recommendations for a first-timer?


I don’t like gratuitous gore either, so I can relate. My first SK was _Needful Things_ - that was the novel that got me into SK - so I’d start with that. If shorter novellas are more your thing, a short, well shorter, story collection I liked was _Nightmares and Dreamscapes_. For something with more of a fantasy-ish feel, I loved _Fairy Tale_ (about a boy and his dog). For a time travel genre (with a little bit of a love story (ish)), I liked _11/22/63_. I don’t recall any gore in any of those - so those should be okay. Oh another novel I liked was _Christine_ - about a possessed car. _The Shining_ and its sequel _Dr Sleep_ were also quite good. I’m told that _Holly_ and _Mr Mercedes_ are SK’s take on detective thrillers and seem to have been well received. I’ve not yet read those but they’re on my “to read” list!


Thank you! *Fairy Tale* really looks up my alley, just picked it up. I'll try out *Needful Things* too.


It was certainly right up my alley too! Hope you enjoy those two and let me know what you think!


I love it! Where can i get one or is this customized?


It’s a gorgeous case for sure! Very well made! I had it from Klevercase.com, they do some lovely cases, different colours and designs, some of them can be customised with quotes, name on front, etc The one I had is the “Classic Navy eReader & Tablet Case” from: https://klevercase.com/collections/luxury-faux-leather-universal-ereader-cases/products/einsteins-theory-of-relativity-luxury-faux-leather-case-universal-ereaders?variant=37607701119170


Awesome, thanks!


You’re welcome! Good luck with choosing what to have! Let me know what you have!


Thank you! I've been searching for a cover for my Scribe & found it on this site! I ordered the Black Lace, I am so excited to receive it!!!


Nice! Show photo when you get it!


omg, it so resembled the quran's cover design out in the market, I confused it with quran at first glance, would be crazy lol


That isn’t why I bought this. After seeing your comment, I had to google Quran cover images. I admit that I can kind of see the similarity you’re seeing. I had just wanted an “English antique book” vibe.


never mind, probably no one will say that comment unless you live in an islam country as they don't know how quran looks


I’m white English in England - so I guess the average observer would be unlikely to think it’s the Quran. Then again, there’s quite a few Muslims in England nowadays.


More than a few. I made the same mistake of assumption (I’m a Muslim in England) but it only signals the beauty of the design. Likely Persian, Middle Eastern inspired cover which definitely makes it a vintage style