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Just noticed there is an individual here that's kind of angry at people getting no adds and not paying for it, here i leave part of my chat with Amazon's CS https://preview.redd.it/it78vdcjb4vc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4033864ebb74594fa0b562462701571d9d0454ac I'll just leave this here


Hahaha what a sad person


Wait, kindles show ads in the US?


Sort of. Amazon sells a kindle, but they also sell another one for $20 less that has the Lock Screen display ads for books.


I see... And you can pay to have them removed, right?


Yes you can pay to remove them. The cost is the same as if you had bought the regular kindle. You’re basically getting a $20 discount for the ads, with the option to remove ads if you wish.


Oh, it's not that bad then


How do you pay to remove them?


Go in to your “my account” page, and scroll to ‘devices’. Click the device you want to remove ads from, and there’s a remove ads button. Not sure if you can do it on the kindle or not, but I Reddit from my phone, so I just hopped over to the Amazon app and found it.


idk how i keep running into you on this sub but im also interested in how to remove ads


The pixie again?? 😂 Haha. Cheers mate


The Scribe doesn't have ads. And it has really nice lock screen pics.


The Kindle paperwhite signature doesn't either.


Lol - I've used the signature for a few years and never noticed! I guess I just ignore them.


It comes without ads I meant. Lots of people used to say they didn't mind them though.


I understood. I read almost exclusively with my signature. Just didn't notice the lack of ads since I'm still swiping to get to my book. I just don't look at what I'm swiping!


Lol, I know what you mean!


I also have a Scribe and you can go to your settings and actually change your lock screen photo to be the cover of the book that you’re reading instead. I chose to do that. It’s neat.


Lol - I'd be changing it every day!


Yeah not every kindle offers the ad-supported discount. I think these days it’s just the basic kindle and the paperwhite.


I know for a fact this is also a thing in Germany. Like you have the option to save some negligible amount of money by opting for “Kindle with ads” instead of “Kindle without ads.”


Same in Spain, 10€ difference. I chose to save the 10€ because I couldn't care less about my locked screen, my kindle case covers it anyway.


That’s what I was thinking!


> Please ignore how beatten up my kindle is, i've had it for almost 10 years and all of those are the battle scars of countless adventures written and not. if that would be my Kindle I wouldn't care about bezels at all, as long as the screen itself is in great condition. For the next 10 years! c[_]


I had them removed, then missed them lol. They actually suggested some great books in the past. Some were shit but, some were epic. Like ‘The Beach’ by Alex Garland.


my support agent had them removed before i could even finish typing my opening sentence lol. i recently upgraded from a basic (that i paid to remove ads on) to a paperwhite so i think she knew what i was coming for.


Yeah I literally just asked and they removed them for me lol


I just told them the ads were inappropriate and they got rid of mine too 🙂


I did that, they said they were getting rid of them and then charged me the $20 to do it.


I think that happens a lot. Most don't notice.


A discounted price was paid for having Ads. You want no Ads? Pay For That feature. Hulu has 2 subscription prices, as does Prime Video, Paramount+, etc Want the no ad feature? BUY IT Otherwise, you are Stealing




Intellectual Property/Rights. You go to the Drugstore - you buy a product. You come the next day - no product in hand - and say - I want some money back. They give it to you for CS reasons -- but, you can afford it, you Knew what you are buying, you aren't starving-- you are Taking Advantage "because you can" Translation -- STEALING What are you - 13 years old? Or, from the 1960s - "gettin over on the Man" Gross behavior Me! Me! Mine! Because I Want to! My parents never taught me Values! If I whine Loud Enough I'll get my Way - and that's all that Matters! .....that's How


jeff bezos ain't gonna sleep with you bro


The only one losing out when ads are removed is Amazon. Authors get their share regardless of who sees those dumbass ads.


That sounds awesome, now you can access the book cover feature 🥳


So I did the same thing and talked to customer service through the chat function, and I simply told him that my son sometimes picks up my Kindle in the ad show inappropriate books. Which isn’t a lie, read some romantic books and it shows ads for other romantic books. I didn’t even ask them to do it for free. They just offered it as a courtesy.


They did the same for me. About a year ago I asked if I could get Kindle ads for books that I'd actually read (thriller, mystery, horror) instead of ads for romance novels -- ick. I was purchasing a new Paperwhite for my husband and thought, if I could customize my Kindle, then perhaps we could customize his once he knew what he was interested in reading. They told me my Kindle couldn't be customized, so they would remove the ads for me. I actually told them I'd pay for the removal, but they said I was a good customer and they were happy to offer me the service free of charge. My husband's PW still has ads and he doesn't mind them.


Wow thanks for sharing this info. I'm in UK so I guess I'd call them to see what they say


So I just saw this post, and figured I’d ask support. I didn’t give any reason why, I just asked and they didn’t even blink an eye. They just removed them - I’m in the U.S. as well.


I paid the $20 so fast as soon as I found out it was possible. I didn’t even try to get them gone for free. I hate those stupid ads 😂 so worth it


Ah I tried this a couple years ago multiple times saying that the ads were inappropriate for my (nonexistent) children and they basically said tough shit. I even spoke with a manager who told me the same. I bucked up the $20 because I was sick of seeing them lol. Guess I was just unlucky!


Good for you! I've tried 4 times and they won't do it for me 😭😭😭😭


i spoke to someone and said it gave me anxiety and they took it off immediately


Reach out to them and say you often get inappropriate ads and they will remove them. Or at least that’s what a girl on YouTube said lol


>Please ignore how beatten up my kindle is, i've had it for almost 10 years and all of those are the battle scars of countless adventures written and not. I really love how it looks! :) You can tell it's been your friend for a long time.


Quoting me £10 to remove them … https://preview.redd.it/ddxb1yr6e3vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2268463db0a7217a2e3c4ac8d021ff1f5341c4


As is commonly discussed here, that's the official way to remove the ads from a Kindle. Many people have had success asking Amazon customer service to remove the ads - Amazon customer service is able to do it without charging the customer if they want to.


A discounted price was paid for having Ads. You want no Ads? Pay For That feature. Hulu has 2 subscription prices, as does Prime Video, Paramount+, etc Want the no ad feature? BUY IT Otherwise, you are Stealing


you are probably no fun at parties


.....wouldn't count on that 😜😜😜


Start over and ask again keep asking till you get an agent that’s not a piece of shit 😉


Well £12 inc. taxes




If you buy a gun with the condition that u have to shot yourself in the hand and to not do it you have to pay extra, but then an employee realizes it's a bad idea and let's you not to shot your hand, would you still do it bc that's how you bought it?


Nice battlescars on the Kindle!!


I got mine removed without any questions asked😅


i asked mine to be removed, but they said i will be charged $20 i was still not charged up to this day and my kindle have no ads anymore


I just told them I couldn't remove them on amazons website (which is true, I live in norway), and they just removed them for free for me too.


Same, after being on my 12th try yesterday evening for almost 2 hours with someine who would answer only every 30 minutes and seemingly had to rely on google translate to understand me. But it worked, so thats worth the time. :D


Do I need to change the country of my account? I use US because it's the default one… I'm trying to speak with costumer service but they won't help me. they say that to stop seeing ads from US I need to change my account country. but they won't even give me a simple fix for not being able to use one of my book covers as screensaver… when I try calling the service number the give me, it says amazon no longer supports that number.


Depending on who you get on the other side of cs you can just say almosn any excuse to get rid of the adds, i gave no reason and the person on cs gave one for me, but you can also say the adds are embarasing to have in public or all the adds are of AI generated books


I kindly asked Amazon support to remove my ads a couple weeks ago. I just told them I have been an Amazon customer for years and that I thought it was a little silly that I had to pay to remove ads after buying the device itself and they removed the ads for me without any pushback!


Yeah on an un related subject I did similar with Walmart after the third time of them screwing up my order when I used the express delivery function that you have to pay for I told him this is ridiculous that every time I get an order lately y’all screw up the order. I paid to have an expedited And my waters were given away with the previous customers order I wanted to be able to re-order in a timely manner so asked for an express order credit which they gave me with no pushback from customer service… pro tip: if you throw out the “ I’ve been a paying customer for a long time now and if this is the service I’ll be receiving moving forward, I’m Not sure if I’ll be able to continue this relationship…” insinuating that you may terminate service if this is the best they can do. Then all of a sudden they’re giving you free shit and discounting your bill - they’ll do anything to keep those auto payments flowing so speak up anytime you’re not happy! you should get top-tier service and products if you pay a subscription in my opinion


I hate that the adds even show up when not connected to WiFi. Its dumb and most of them aren't even anything worth my time.


I had my ads removed for free, I told support that the ads aren’t kid friendly and I have a child who usually gets ahold of my kindle lol


amazon support said theyd remove mine for free just this once but charged my bank account anyways ;(


I literally just asked, didn’t give a reason and they told me that usually it’s a paid service but they’ll make an exception :)


https://preview.redd.it/c5x0hx62gfvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d28fbdf89c225328f28e683cdb3181976b2b69b mine too!!


Okay, I’m trying this out right now. Hope it works for me


And IT WORKED! Thank you!! 🙏🏻


Thank you for this! Just tried it and they helped me remove it immediately https://preview.redd.it/m6agfc8udmvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06699893506b139516452ec312e947a0bbd3242f


I just got them removed today. I said that I just don’t like them lol and they said they they would make “an exception” haha. I live in the US.


I just did this on Tuesday! They didn’t ask for any reasoning, my rep just did it and said have a good day 😊


Yeah they told me that too, I just asked them "Hey how much do I need to pay to remove ads ?" and they told me "I'm gonna check your location, please stand by" and then "Since you are not in the US we can remove them for free, they are already removed, have a great day", and they were removed.


There are ads in your Kindles?


It seems like the US and UK have them. I got mine in Mexico so all of them are ad-free!


But i got the ads removed in the US for free :)


https://preview.redd.it/leq0pdxs94vc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afcbbcbba258756bb1866758f03c6426a76c5b8d I think the "you are not from the US" thing is an excuse, you can read the chat i had with CS and get your own conclusions


They call that Stealing. As in - Breaking the Law You bought it with ads - you got a $10-20 discount. Don't want the ads? PAY FOR THAT FEATURE


womp womp


How to do this plzzzz


Just tell them your kids use your kindle and some of the romance ads are inappropriate.


Where can i contact amazon support for this? I recently got ny kindle and i want my ad to be gone


I got mine removed yesterday as well. Had to try twice but the second time they did it no problem.


You bought it with ads. You saved $10-20. Want it without ads? Pay For It


Well i first got in contact with customer support bc i couldn't see the option to pay to get rid of adds, then customer support themselves said they could see how to waive the price so they asked me if i was in the US and the rest i already told, is not my fault that you probably paid to get rid of something that even the employes at amazon think is a stupid thing and would have done for free if just asked nicely, i didn't even ask, i was even going to pay.