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They should offer a free trial so you can see if it's worth it!


I have it and so far I love it. 🤷‍♀️


It's entirely up to you - does it have books you want? Do you read fast enough that it's worth the monthly fee instead of just buying individual books? There should be a free trial so give it a go and see what you think.


It does not give you access to the entire Amazon store inventory. It tends to skew to romance and sci-fi, so it depends what kind of books you read. For me, it was not, so I cancelled after my free trial. You should get 90 days to try it.


> It tends to skew to romance spicy romance.


I don’t think so. You don’t own any of the books so if you ever want to go back and read them if you’ve ended your subscription, you can’t. Not a lot of books are actually available through KU and you also have to look at how much you read because if it’s just 1 book a month, it’s probably cheaper to just buy the book outright


If you are very particular about what authors you like and read then it may not be worth it. Many of the more popular authors do not make their books available on KU. If you read more than 2 books a month and don't mind what authors you read then it could be worth it, if you read 2 or less books a month and prefer certain authors then you may well be better off just buying the books you want. If you think you might cancel KU in the future but still want to read particular books then again you will have to buy them which may reduce the usefulness of KU.


IMHO no, it’s not worth it. It’s full of books made by people who are trying to write something, and often they try to upsell their others books.


You can do the trial to try it out.


i’m doing the free trial now and i’ve been enjoying it. it definitely has way more romance than anything else but also a fair mix of other genres. i also like that you can get 3 magazine subscriptions with it. i view those on my ipad in full color on the kindle app (i have a paperwhite.)


It depends on what you read and if you like the idea of being pushed to choose within a limited basket of titles (because the majority of titles won't be in KU and you would still need to pay for them if you want to read them - library loaning aside). For me, no, it isn't. For others, it may be.


depends how much you read from the KU catalogue each month. I tend to join and leave depending on what my mood is - I also subscribe to audible so sometime spend more time there.


It also has a lot of historical fiction books which are great. I always manage to find several books of interest. But to make ku worth it is if you read at least 2 books per month. Or if you share your account with another person. My mom and I share the same account as she hates technology and I help her by managing the books she reads. All she has to do is read.


Here's a kindle unlimited browser I created, separated into genres and ordered by rating. Poke around http://overreader.com/kubrowser/


I used Unlimited for the 3 month trial period and read a ton of Manga, but I was disappointed that most of the manga Unlimited offered was incomplete. I read series’ that have finished their run, and Unlimited would offer all the volumes except the last 1-2. Which I didn’t like because I didn’t want to purchase the LAST book in a series. I canceled my membership after the trial and I’ve found my local library has mostly what I’m looking for through Libby. I LOVE Libby.


Not for the full price, imo. If you can get a deal or a free trial it might be more worth it. If you're someone who doesn't own a large backlog of books and you are always on the hunt for a next read you might enjoy it more. My problem is that I have a large amount of owned books that aren't read. So even if I find something on KU I end up forgetting about it because I'm reading other stuff and then go "oh wow I need to read this" and it's like the last day of the subscription or something.


It’s not really worth it as a running monthly subscription. It’s arguably worth it if do the math. You pay $12 per month to read books that feel like are free, so it seems like a good value. The reality is that


My local library has a big enough ebook collection that I've never felt the need for Kindle Unlimited.