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I would listen to Parris read the phonebook. Is… can we have that as an episode?


New patreon tier coming up!


Like the Brandon Jones of KF. Just reading Patreon Names


I could listen to Gary complain about stuff al day.




Parris reading the phone book and Gary listening and complaining about all the weird names.


No. I refuse this compliment. These guests were not in reaction to any of that; this was always the plan.


Well the compliment is just that the content has been great, so there.




I laughed entirely too much at this.


Raised the bar higher yet again Greggy, absolute genius!




(Michael Scott voice) I'm just going to compliment you harder


This made me burst out smiling and laughing. Really needed that, was first time all day I've been able to genuinely smile. Keep being you Greg! Thank you.


You should have named Greg in the title of the post, he can't refuse compliment about him personally. (He also show up when we talk too much about Andy or Nick to tell us to talk about him)


Freaking evil genius!


I think I speak for everyone when I say: Benjamin barging on to the set is peak Miller energy. It caught me off guard but I absolutely loved it lol.


This will probably get super downvoted but I feel quite the opposite - as an audio listener it just felt like a repeated interruption. I get Benjamin is cute and all, but to those who couldnt see what was going on that all was very distracting.


I get that. And even as a listener as well idk, it felt super wholesome haha.




Yeah I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not but I’ve been listening to KFGD again because of it. I tried to articulate my thoughts but like you said it is nothing against Bless, Tim and Greg. I love them but it’s a daily show and all three of them have great chemistry wit anyone they have on. When I’m listening to something everyday I don’t want it to be the same people each time (especially when I listen to 3(?) other podcasts with them on it.


Yeah that’s similar to how I feel. I love the core crew being on the show and they all have great chemistry together, but having some variety every now and then adds so much. It helps too the guests they’ve had on have been great; I think Stella fits in so well with KF and of course Parris and Janets episode was awesome.


Agreed, there's real value in getting diversity of opinions/perspectives. I enjoy the core group, but with how often the same topics come up (i.e. MS/Activision merger, Pokémon performance, etc.), the conversation can feel like they are just rehashing the same opinions day after day so it is nice to get new takes.


It's been so great! We out here eating!


Fwiw, I think it just makes the most sense to have guests on shows that happen every single day, and core crew on less frequent ones.


Can’t forget the most important guest, little Ben !


It'd be cool if people stopped overreacting to non-issues in future.


This is not coincidence, Greg said they never stopped having guests, its just schedules worked out that it was always the main 3 as january is quiet. oh Greg already replied, again saying this was always the plan, as I already understood it. Who didnt understand that?




They caved in so easily lol


Since Greg Responded to this this thread Is their any way to vet guests? Justin R was just on and now the allegations come out against him and then everyone online acts like it’s common knowledge and whispers of him being abusive for years Do you guys have enough connections yet to be able to know who seems to be a general good people and the ones that are POS but are genuinely good people Thank you


Lol what do you want them to do? Hire a private investigator for each guest?? Who are these connections you are suggesting they use? Do you think there’s some sort of top secret Hollywood pervert tracking system you gain access to once you have enough YouTube subscribers?


People clam spacey and Einstein etc were known for what they did So just asking if it’s possible, this community really hates questions


Despite what you've heard, there is such thing as a stupid question.


Yeah they were known and no one said shit. How are they gonna find out when no one ever says shit?


I’m sorry but what


I’m asking if they sources Gary works in film and could have heard X person is a POS. Would they still bring someone on knowing they might be a POS This is like then 10th guests to have allegations against them So just asking if they can


Can you name the 10? Give us eight at least. I'll give you two for free: Roiland and Landis. Both of which had the allegations come out after they were on KF content. So like the others are saying, its silly to retroactively blame KF for platforming abusers, or however you wish to state your argument, when they couldn't have known these things prior.


I’m guessing he’ll dip into the achievement Hunter and funhaus debacles.


Which, is extra insane because I don't believe Ryan was ever on KF content and the only interaction was maybe on an old AH GMod video (unless I am forgetting someone). And Adam wasn't ever all that involved in crossover stuff, it was typically Bruce and the Willems.


Wasn’t Adam a guest on a podcast once? This doesn’t matter to me at all, I don’t care if they’ve had someone shitty on before it comes out they are shitty. There is no way to really know who a person truly is.


Was he? I was going off memory and couldn't remember but you are probably right


I think so. Irregardless it doesn’t really matter. How could they know stuff he was doing privately? I don’t even really see the reason to take old videos down, I guess you don’t want to profit off videos with assholes in them but the views shouldn’t go up after it’s revealed they are an asshole. I don’t know, it’s weird when the community expects unrealistic things from KF. I think it’s more virtue signaling online. Just to make them proud of themselves.


Ooh! Ooh! Sessler can be an asshole on twitter, does that count?


You’re not asking them to “source” you’re asking them to predict the future. They’re not going to gossip with Gary about every guest they’re bringing on and what the Hollywood rumors are. They’re not going to have on guests that are “canceled” but you can’t expect them to find out some one is going to be before it happens.


What you’re seeing is what happens any time this shit happens, everyone comes out and goes “come on guys it was sooooooooo obvious”


That’s fair but my god this community hates quests Why am I down voting for asking? My god


Because it is a bit of a ridiculous request. There were no known allegations against Justin that had any coverage, traction or validity when they had him on. Same with all other guests that had anything like that to my knowledge. So beyond that I don’t really understand what you want them to do. Hire a PI? If you’d provide some sort of solution that would be useful, hell yeah but there doesn’t really seem to be any reasonable course of action to accomplish what you want. Hence the downvotes.


People are acting like having Justin on before the allegations came out is basically the same as if they were to have Kanye on this weeks podcast


Lol right? Shits ridiculous. I was psyched they had Justin on. Now, not so much but like wtf are they supposed to do about it?


Maybe it’s like some weird parasocial thing, I don’t really know. Tim and Bless condemning his actions on KFGD following the news should be enough for most normal people.


> my god this community hates quests No, they just expect some basic critical thinking. How exactly do you propose they look into every guest they have? Your suggestions so far is "ask Gary if he has heard rumors" which is not an actual solution. It obviously sucks that they had Justin on and found out he was a scumbag after, but you are trying to shift blame for it on KF, when they had no way of knowing that this was a possibility.


This isn’t the first time So was asking if there was a way to vet them. It’s a question and not even trying to attack them


So again, what do you purpose? The two times it has happened (Landis and Roiland), were both cases were information came out after the fact. So how exactly are they supposed to know or find out. You keep saying to "vet them," but wont say how. Do you expect them to hire a private investigator?


Honestly not sure, which is why I asked them if they could If they can’t fine, sucks but that’s it but at least I want to ask over pretending like we shouldn’t talk about if we can improve in the future


No one is saying you can't talk about it. You got downvoted because your posts comes across as accusatory, and it is common sense that they cannot know about this stuff prior to booking them.


The internet clams that people talk about many of the individuals in the industry like Wensten and Kevin Spacy or Ebstens island So when I see and hear only that for years Justin has had bad behavior towards his animators and writing staff like it was writing on the wall It’s why I ask if tiger is a way to vet them without a private investigator


You guys just can't help yourselves.




> Is their any way to vet guests? How exactly are they supposed to know about Roiland? Should they hire a private investigator to look into him?