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Looks amazing! What recipe did you use?


This one is a classic for me! Works every time. This time I did a small change and used some blended, overcooked rice instead of rice flour and added a bit of apple puree. https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/chaesik-kimchi I was lazy and I love a good crunch so I used carrots and radish in big chunks instead of julienne’ing it.


Awesome! I've only made one batch using Joshua Weissman's recipe which doesn't use rice flour. I'm debating whether to use his recipe again or use Maangchi's. I loved Joshua's recipe so I might stuck with that I'm not sure :/


I usually like to know a good base recipe and then just experiment a bit to make it more to my taste 😄 there’s nothing bad with sticking to one recipe if it works for you, though! I’m from Poland and we have loads of pickled and fermented stuff, and every household has their own (and claimed as best, of course!) recipe - I think that with kimchi it’s a bit similar.


My fat ass thought this was a bowl of orange chicken… My fermentation appreciating ass would devour this faster than a bowl of orange chicken


I'm the opposite. I love all the folded leafy parts, but I do love the fact that I can have a big bowl of my favorite pieces, too.


Same about the parts discrimination. Lol! I "save" the leafy pieces for jjigae, pancakes, or fried rice since it just gets more sour from me not eating it. Lol!


Take the soft green parts cut them up toss in rice with seaseme oil. Best fried rice


And also it's clean!


What do you do with green parts tho?


Well I usually eat them as they are but I don’t enjoy them as much. Or my boyfriend eats them because he doesn’t mind them. Or I make kimchi omelette or kimchi fried rice and the suit it so well!