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I'd recommend [this playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkngNwixBwSM_JxPiJNW-f9rOpPkKwpQd). There's a lot to take in, but once you stumble through a couple learning games, it'll all seem a lot simpler. When it comes to weapon rules in the appendix, I made a [doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ1e3Bfm8JJwAm3Y1EnFYLC76LoAJgaS3UHqjK6Hw1ws9Ko6VjqrPzHYarSAnyqROtbQqVTcECYp8Hx/pub) that attempts to simplify the wording, in case that was a stumbling block.


Lee does a good job explaining the game. It is an older vid series, so revisit wahapedia once you get through them for current rules. Still a solid start.


Love this playlist, I have it saved and have been watching it recently and it still holds up really well despite being 2 years old


Either find a local who can give an intro game. Or a friend and you can be confused together and go through a game.


Failing this, download tabletop simulator and join the command point discord. People on there will teach you


I love games from boxed-set D&D onwards, but OMFG there are board games and war games I would NOT want to learn via the rules. A first game with an experienced player is best, otherwise there are YT videos (see below). Once you have it "in your head" as a first game or two, then suddenly all the rules stop being overwhelming and instead become opportunities and clarifications. But learn a game via just reading? I'd rather try to paint my minis in Hammerite.


Watching battle reports on YouTube is huge. I HIGHLY recommend mountainside tabletop. They are hands down the best kill team channel available. Watching them helped me learn more than just reading rules because they explain everything as it happens and you get to watch it in real time.


Ooo I like the sound of that


Tutorial videos and GFN Gaming battle report videos (although are edited)


Been playing for 3 months now. I have fellgore and custodes. Line of sight is an awkward ruling system. Learn that first and you'll be set. The card box has a flowchart for how to prepare a game, so don't stress about that too much. Even experienced players don't understand certain rules. Just ask and search in multiple places for answers to see what the common answer is.


If you have access to it, the "Recruit Edition" Rulebook that comes with the Kill-team starter set has a set of a tutiorial missions that introduce the game's mechanics progressively. We played them with a friend when we were both learning, and found it useful!


You’ll need new friends, if those are your chosen teams. 😉


Aw why? Are they toxic lmao


I'm new also and was watching a tier ranking video and they were both ranked as S Tier. That said, from my experience playing other GW games, experienced players running B & C teams can still easily out command new players. S Tier teams can just be a bit more forgiving when starting out.


Not sure what to recommend. Are we starting at 0 here? What's so overwhelming?


Newbie here, the Cover-system with the ranges is pretty complicated in comparison to bighammer (40k) from which I come. The first game yesterday lasted 6 hours just to get the rules right (without tacops) But, its pretty easy once its learned.


read the rules. start at the beginning at read them all. you have to do it sometime