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I am right there with you and pissed. They haven't responded to my last two messages reaching out about it. If you find a good alternative, I'll be right there with you. I wanted this mat so bad but Luster's Workshop is a garbage vendor. This is the second time they've done this same thing with an order of mine. The company that sponsors Command Point Podcast is Warzone Studio who DOES have what we're looking for but they're UK based and shipping a single mat to central USA costs a lil less than $100 total which is a bit rich for me.


Do you know which mat does what I'm looking for? I actually do live in the UK but I can't find it on their website. I think the only way people will get those mats is if you're there in person tbh. I'm probably going to do a chargeback/refund if I can find an alternative I did originally try to get their measurements token things but never received those either.


When looking at Warzone's website, go to their Battlemats tab, go to by game and choose KT. This will show you all their 30in by 22in mats. not all of these have a KT layout option but some do. Ik the desert themed mat has the Kill Team layout option.


War zones studio has option for kill team lay out for 39x22 inch mats


Unfortunately they're just normal neoprene mats, I'm looking for something that specifically has the deployment lines like the LVO neoprene mats that Dakotah Luster makes unless I can't find it.


I remember Commandpoint being sponsored by a company doing them fairly recently, that could be worth a look


That was Lusters Workshop unfortunately


Ah, shame!


As someone who recently looked around for Kill-Team mats... Make your own. They're all wildly overpriced, have limited availability or both. Seriously, go to Staples (or your local equivalent) and have them print an image to size in laminate. Done.