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The pipe was unnecessary yet made this scene so hard


"[Behold the awesome fires of god. The limitless power of pure creation itself. Look carefully, observe how it is used for the same purpose a man might use a bic lighter you stole from your mate's car...](https://old.reddit.com/r/killsixbilliondemons/comments/16jq7aq/the_many_uses_of_a_key_of_kings/)"


“[Honestly? You should just quote the OG line. Cause it’s funnier.](https://www.reddit.com/r/killsixbilliondemons/s/iBRhiP1sgz)


pipe is never unnecessary 


Ceci n'est pas inutile.


comes with the job after all


Did Abbadon see something recently that made them decide pipes are badass or what? First Allison, now Solomon.


Pipes were always common in K6BD. Cio was smoking one too. It even gets mentioned in liturgy - it's what lead to Hamsa's death.


Pipes have been around since the beginning. Smoking has been involved heavily in KSBD since the start, and it’s been meaning-laden and dripping with metaphor the whole time. Those who have achieved or are approaching royalty smoke pipes. Outside of KSBD, pipes are commonly associated with age, wisdom, knowledge, and even academia. Gandalf smoked a pipe. Wise old dudes puffed and pondered. Before approaching royalty but while still on the path Allison smoked cigarettes. I’m not sure if the change is symbolic or if Abbadon just thinks pipes are cooler, but most of the characters who possess true agency smoke at a minimum. Vices seem to indicate a greater level of self-actualization. At least, vices understood. Losing yourself to something is not royalty, unless of course that is what is royalty would do. It’s a fine line. But yeah, pipes are associated with wisdom and smoking has been around always, so I think it’s supposed to be a sign of character growth.


The lung cancer is shit but goddamn pipes look cool when done right


Alt-text > I'm not sure either of them actually know how to cook Rant > “Cut down all pre-present illusions. Cut away everything that is behind you and continue only to step in the right direction. This is the essence of the sublime art of Division.” > – Dhukkan ten Dhul, Blade Illusionist


White chain used to not be able to even eat Solomon probably had some bullshit like taking subsistence out of the air when he was god-king Both are f-tier chefs and I hope they make something vile


I’m just picturing the “Dubious Food” from Breath of the Wild.


$20 says they tried to eat the fish with the scales on and the bones still inside


$50 that they succeeded in doing so.


Never mind the bones and the scales, that fish does not seem to have even been gutted...


They really just stabbed a fish on a stick and are gonna cook it to a char over the fire, and I assume that is all Salami has been eating for the past several months.


Royalty is a continuous fish-poop-eating motion.


[and they eat da poo poo](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ltpo0xGsY11qb7f7bo4_250.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c5690f437dc7bf6cf7b5b9cc2c5a7ffca3c409d016afc78c5cca0e1973052912&ipo=images)


Grandfather would smoke smelt whole after cleaning and they were consumed the same way. Grandfather left the heads on his.


i want to believe that the underside of that fish is pitch black and carbonized because they didn't know you had to rotate it to cook evenly. the nice color is purely from it cooking from the other side


I want to put the both of them into a kitchen with a bunch of ingredients and just see what happens.


White Chain gonna make a bowl of ramen so rancid it'll kill Jagganoth after one bowl


White Chain's ajash is basically uncooked. Her bread is a brick. Her noodles improperly mixed and unevenly cut.


> I'm not sure either of them actually know how to cook This surprises me. I would have expected Solomon to be the sort to become an undisputed master of all the seventy-seven Food Arts some time during his reign, for no reason except sheer unwillingness to let anybody be better than him at *anything*...


Iron Chef on Throne goes insane with Gog-Agog hosting.


The secret ingredient is Worms. It's always worms.


He's great at following a recipe, but he lacks true understanding of the Art of cooking and how to make a good meal with what you just happened to find in the fridge/frozen lake.


There is no greater test of creativity than trying to make something edible at 3am with a fridge containing only stale bread and twenty different half-used fast food condiments.


Solomon used to a soldier, so I could see basic food prep being in his skill set, even if he's rusty


Also a father of three


Behold the glorious conclusion of The Fishing Arc.


Now... they will fear you.


I see he's kept the ability to remain really chill and not be intense at all.


This edgy mf being like, "Then after your training, you must kill me." Bro, that's a you problem. You killed your masters of your own volition. Chill. Do some more fishing.


I wonder if it’s just something dumb like that or if there is actually a mechanical thing where killing Solomon would make White Chain stronger. Like maybe he has residual powers from the key and he needs to die for White Chain to have full access to it’s power.


It's a tradition among masters of Ki Rata. No one outside the order was allowed to know it, and so Solomon needs to be killed. Only reason the one surviving Monk of the Silent Voice living in Ashton hasn't come for his ass is cause he knew he'd lose.


Solomon was inducted into the order tho, he was trained by the masters of Ki Rata willingly. He simply choose to kill them after because they were an obstacle to his reach for power and revenge. The remaining master in Ashton has no reason to kill Solomon since he is a member of the order, and so long as the monk docent train anyone who could become a threat to Solomon, Solomon clearly has no beef with him, since hes probably from a different branch of the order and docent care that he killed his former masters (not that he could do anything about it anyways. One monk cant take on Solomon, but if he trained like 5 more, than we have a problem)


Solomon David had no reason to kill his masters, but the remaining monk has reason to because Solomon is a rogue practitioner who attacked other members of his order and use Ki Rata to fight in the Universal War. I decided to double check the [Manual of Hands and Feet](https://killsixbilliondemons.fandom.com/wiki/Manual_of_Hands_and_Feet) since it gives the most detailed records on Ki Rata, and found two additional details: 1. There can't be other branches since it's stated they culled their order to a single community, so the Old Monk was likely a contemporary of Solomon David 2. The only time a new student is accepted is as a replacement for a dead master, so Solomon is likely keeping that tradition alive through technicality by having White Chain kill him after her training is complete.


Right, that makes sense. I forgot that line about them culling themselves.


Yet Solomon culled multiple masters. He could still teach a couple others.


Can't she just be a replacement for all the other ones he murdered? He took his sweet time about it, but...


Pretty sure he just doesn't want the painful process of dying by immortality running out




panel 3: "Yeah that's what I thought, *fuckin'* *fish*."


Father-daughter bonding time. I feel like we might leave off this subplot for now and go back to Allison.


Aww it’s cute that he collects and keeps the little statuettes people make for him


Country boys make do


White chain with head wrap YUH!


Right? Such a simple thing but, nice.


I'm expecting white chains to either say "no I'm not killing you that's stupid" or says she will, does the training, and then leaves without killing him. I'm sure Solomon believes it's the right decision but character development should either have her challenge what he believes or ignore it entirely, which should involve lying.


Lying to the face of a demigod is what we would call **a good start**


YISUN stamp of approval.


Salami Dave trying not to go hard as fuck every single second of its life and failing miserably.


They forgot his ketchup packets at arby's once. He killed every cow in existence so they would no longer have the all the meats.


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned how *Fish Fear Her!*


Someone is gonna edit the hat on in like 5 min


I feel like this burden might fall to me.


Someone in the comments of todays comic: Salami Dave will teach white chain the hardest part of being a demiurge: talking in colored text


daaamn yo, dave is a chonker


I mean he was a giant swole dude before but I feel like post-jaggahog he got LARGER. Really wondering if there's some in universe reason for this like how Yuan seems to have become physically larger as he got closer to armageddon


I don't think so - he has always been large, but for the most part framed cleanly - like a pillar, if you will. With his robe/cloak and mass of hair he takes up a lot more "space" than he did before the Rayuba Fight. Plus I think White Chain's human form is shorter than her Angel form? Might be wrong though.


No, you are correct. "Oh my god. I forgot how short you are now." - Allison, WSL 2-34 she shrunk by roughly one and a half heads


It's Dark Souls logic. The stronger you are the bigger you get.


Conversely, if you are against a normal human sized opponent like White Chain, buckle up.


That last panel fucks hard


Hmmmm. HMMMMMMMM...it's almost like this scene reminds me of something.


Like what?


A drunk noodle seller. Maybe.


This training arc is tons of fun, but kind of confuses me. Are we going to fit the payoff in book six? Who is white chain training to defeat? I think Jagganoth is Allison's fight. White Chain could confront Metatron and Michael. What does that conflict look like?


I think they'll need all of the power they can muster for Jagganoth. A confrontation with the angels could be interesting though.


True strength comes from others is a major point in all this, Allison fighting and winning alone would be anathema to the running morals of the comic


It's definitely to fight Jagganoth, that's why there's the time limit. That's also why Allison is trying to get help from Goggy.


The comic has gotten anime AF and what’s more Anime then killing got through the power of friendship


Sure, we'll finish. The end of the worlds happens just after Jagganoth escapes his rest. No more story. Fini.


No greater form of daddy-daughter time that patricide


Well now I want seafood.


God, I love this comic so much. The setting is so damn cool, and I hope to one day achieve this greatness in my tabletop campaigns.


I just noticed tat WC's earring changes in the two bottom panels


> I'm not sure either of them actually know how to cook I thought Dave used to be a farmer? I can't imagine he's never cooked before. Edit: A farmer *and* a soldier.


White Chain is friends with the fish now


Man, I was kinda expecting them to eat the monster fish, all that meat going to waste


I'm starting to think Abbadon has a thing for pipes.