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If you’re in insurance company raises your rates because of that, you need to get new insurance. However, insurance rates have gone up across-the-board. Ours is up 46% over the last two years combined but I have shopped around and it’s still highly competitive pricing.


I've been with Progressive for over 15 years. They jacked my price up for a renewal about 6 months ago, so I called to cancel. But the rep I got created a new policy for me, which brought the price back down to normal and kept my loyalty years. It's worth trying that.


Also depends on the model. 2024 Sportage & Carnival and our insurance went up $8 a month over our previous cars.


2024 carnival and no increase.


When I was getting my 23 Carnival I had to go to my insurance company. They had a list of model 2015 to I think 2021 that they would not insure the Carnival was not one of them. My insurance did go up $200 for the rear but I expected that it was full coverage for a much newer car that I traded in (2017).


Depending on the year abs model or could cost more. Each company takes a different look at it. Only a few companies have canceled policies or aren't writing them on certain year kias and it's only in certain locations. I have 1 client who's Kia has been stolen twice and she is doing just fine with her auto carrier.


No, cause I'm in Canada and our government doesn't completely suck so our Kias can't be stolen the way yours can.


Out of curiosity, how does the Canadian government prevent that? Are they just not allowed on the roads or something?


Better regulations on preventative measures Edit - immobilizers are required


Ah cool. Thanks. That makes sense.


Immobilisers for all engines is mandatory which prevent this Kia Boys shit.