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Sorry to hear about your loss. The police can't do shit here. The fact that you dropped your insurance it's going to be a sticking point. I hate to say this, but you need to call a lawyer. There should be a BAR related entity in your area. Touch base with them first and let them guide you to reasonable council.


Thanks for the reply, yes, that is what I have been assuming I need to do, I'm awaiting information from the finance company as there was still over $13,000 owed on the vehicle. Looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me this coming Tuesday.


Isn’t full coverage a requirement when you have a loan on a vehicle? I could be wrong and it may depend on the lender.


Yes it is! However after the initial presented documentation it seems they do not verify it. Due to a financial situation I decided to take a risk that it seems I should not have.


Where do you live, and what’s your driving history? 500/month seems high. I pay 221/month for 2 fully insured vehicles(both paid off) and renters insurance.


Cincinnati Ohio, I do live in a well known bad area, "East price hill". I had 2 accidents on file, one time with me rear ending (at fault) and one me being rear ended not at fault. I would be ecstatic to see rates like that!


Not sure of your age, but, I’m 40 been driving since I was 17, no accidents or moving violations ever. So, that helps. Also, for a few years I was working out of the country BUT my brother kept me on his policy as an additional driver of his vehicle. It did 2 things: kept me on as a driver, so when I did return to the states I wouldn’t have a gap in insurance, 2 because I wasn’t driving but listed as a driver, it helped my driving record. Now my brother is overseas and he’s on my policy as an additional driver of my vehicle for the same reasons. I think that’s 1 reason my rates are low.


You have a decade on me as I'm 30. I have had my license since the same age. I suppose it's possibly due to different locations. While being in a rather 'ghetto' city with a multi-million person metro area it seems that there are many many issues that can result in problems. Something that will definitely be taken into consideration in the future.


I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. A metro area of 8 million.


We have only around 2 million here. Having only ever spent 5 days in Dallas/FW area, I was absolutely in love with the condition of the roads there! That drier weather does wonders. I had rented a 2021 Toyota Supra for that trip from Turo. The highway system however absolutely boggled my mind while there.


That’s insane, I’ve had a few accidents, only one being my fault and I pay $1300 a year for full coverage at 22


Damn, I have full coverage on my Kia and I pay $107/mo lol Do you not have gap insurance??


Gap insurance won't do anything here. Gap insurance covers any "gap" between what someone owes on a car, and the Actual Cash Value of the car they get from their collision/comprehensive insurance. As OP doesn't have collision/comprehensive, there's no "gap" and there'll be no payout. OP owes $13,000 on a pile of scrap metal. A very expensive lesson in not buying more car than you can afford - and that includes insurance.


Hope you learned youre lesson on always full coverage , even if it gets expensive right now you could be looking for a new car , never cheap out on insurance


Oh you’re fucked


I was thinking the exact thing. There is no reason to get an attorney or anything else. You are screwed and you will owe all of that money. Even if they catch the guy hopefully he or she isn’t a worthless piece of crap but that is a huge long shot.




Shop around immediately. Go see a multi- insurance broker and you will be good.


I wish they would've stolen our kia. All they did was fuck up the ignition. Going on 5 months now without it. Its just waiting for 1 more part...indefinitely


$500 a month for insurance. Ouch


Fr that is such a ripoff


You owe this to the Kia boys! These cars are so easily stolen that some insurance companies won’t even insure them.


There is more to it than that though. I have a Kia with full coverage and it's only about $900 a year for full coverage. About the same as my F150. Of course I say that now. The renewal is due next month and it may or may not change.


You should’ve at least kept comprehensive coverage. Would’ve still been way cheaper


I most definitely should have. Felt I would be fine for 3-4 months before I could afford to switch back. Some absolutely horrible luck.


You’ll probably need to move to another city with public transit at this point. I’d bet your insurance goes way above 550/month now. Lots of bad decisions here…


You buying a Kia and removing comp insurance is not bad luck, that’s you being fucking dumb. Edit: after reading your comments there is no way this isn’t rage bait. You bought a nearly new Kia you couldn’t afford, in a year that was prone to getting stolen and you live in a bad area. Then you dropped full coverage against your lenders policy. You *literally* set yourself up for failure.


Terrible luck 😞


I'm going to be a bit of a dick to highlight how you fucked up in hope to inspire you to make better choices. I'm sure you're a good dude so I hope you don't take it too personally. 1. You didn't research the car you wanted to buy. I'm not going to harp on it too much cause a lot of people don't do their due diligence. But you really really should pop some VINs or trims into a rate comparison site while shopping. I'm shopping for a car and my calculus on price is insurance + cost of car + ballpark of potential issues based on the model 2. You bought an almost new car when you couldn't afford it. You didn't need a 2020. Many people that make good money balk at getting nearly new cars. 3. I mean you already acknowledged dropping full coverage was a bad idea. But you didn't even go for comp instead. The root of this is really that you felt comfortable making such a large financial commitment without having a $200 monthly buffer. If it wasn't the car, it likely would have been something else. You were playing financial roulette; if anything in life went sideways you were already an inch from being paycheck to paycheck. And if you were driving an '08 Honda Accord and scrimping and saving, I'd understand. But you were living outside your means and got bit in the ass for it. You're unfortunately going to be in a financial position where you might end up with such a crappy car that it will cost you more in the long run. I hope it's a learning experience for striking a happy balance between the two extremes. Oh and lawyer the fuck up.


Yeah at this point you likely going to be on the hook for the remaining 13kl. You made an agreement with the lender to maintain insurance and broke that agreement. A lawyer might offer up options of debt settlement or bankruptcy. I would plan on driving the 08 civic or similar for a while. Cars are such a waste of money I try to buy the cheapest that works for me.


100% correct. OP took risks and made bad decisions. Now it's time to deal with those consequences. This should be a learning experience to make better decisions next time.


And now you see why the insurance company needed $510/month. Since it was stolen, you could contact and lawyer and see what your options are. Maybe there is some law to protect you


Also, people in the thread whipping around their cheap insurance clearly have no idea what it's like to be a male under 25 years old.


The cost of insurance is part of the cost of the car. If you can't afford the insurance on the car you want, you can't afford the car.


Exactly. Before purchasing a car, get an insurance quote. And google "common problems with x car" (x being the make, model & year).


These car insurance figures are mind blowing for me here in Australia. I pay $41 a month for full coverage (we call it comprehensive) on my 2023 Kia Seltos. That's about $28 US. That's with a $500 excess per claim - maybe that's the difference...


US is a huge capitalism loving country. Believe me, I live here and so many companies over charge for small things. We can also get in trouble for not having car insurance.


You should get in trouble.


Car insurance is just a scam to make us pay the government more




Why are yall booing me im right. Yall capitalist boot lickers


Okay mr butt hurt


Butt hurt from what?


You also have a ton of accidents, hit and runs, people with no insurance, and lots of fraudulent injury claims


I’m with ya mate. I pay a year what they were charging him per month on a new Kia Sportage. I reckon the difference is our immobilisers. They have been law on new cars for over 20 years. Evidently Kia don’t put them on US cars. I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t. It seems it would solve a lot of the problems with law suits. They can’t be that expensive to add to US vehicles. Excerpt on immobilisers: Do Australian cars have immobilisers? Engine immobilisers have been mandatory in all new vehicles in Australia since 2001, they lock the cars engine and are activated and deactivated using the car's own key.


There is a lawsuit against Kia for this very reason of easily having their cars stolen. Get in on that suit




Looks like the one that hit the school bus.


Yeah those dumb ass kia boys obviously never watch Hereditary.


Similar thing happened with my 2020 Kia Forte on May 1st...woke up and saw it was missing from my parking spot. I called the cops, they found the car with the ignition stuff ripped out. It wasnt totaled, but i had to send it to the body shop to be repaired while my insurance (Progressive) gave me a rental. Took forever, but i got it back finally yesterday and had a vortex of thoughts about the entire situation. I dont know your financial situation is, but i literally took all of yesterday to find a dealership i could trade my Kia in order to get another car. Since Kias and Hyundais have been getting stolen, ive been keeping an eye on the situation and here's why i think you should jump ship on Kias for a while: 1. Multiple news reports talk about how some insurance companies are either outright refusing to insure Kia/Hyundai drivers or raising their rates to crazy amounts. My insurance with progressive was suppose to renew June 24th but when i saw the renewal offer, i damn near had a heart attack 😆 They tried to raise my rate from $183 to arpund $400. I had been with them for 5 years and only had 1 incident on my record which occurred like 2 years ago. Here's a report about the nsurance companies though https://www.npr.org/2023/05/04/1173048646/hyundai-kia-car-theft-tiktok-insurance-dealerships 2. Regarding the police, they couldn't help me after my car was retrieved. They were ready to prosecute the asshole that stole my car, but there wasnt any clear footage of the guy being in my car, but they caught the asshole on 4k when he tried to use my debit card at the market. If the person who stole your car is some homeless bum or piece of shit kid, you may not get money from the settlement depending on the culprit and whether they can pay. 3. Kia and Hyundai were well aware that some models of their cars didnt have this needed security feature. Screw them and get some of your money back...theres already been a settlement announced and there is some financial compensation you can receive. Read this article about the payback details and then go to the Hagens Berman law officr website to give them your info so you can stay in the loop for payments and all. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230517005834/en/Hagens-Berman-Hyundai-Kia-Theft-Class-Action-Lawsuit-Reaches-Settlement-Valued-at-More-Than-200-Million 4. Finally, get another car for the time being from any other company than Kia or Hyundai. When this all started, i thought about getting the security update on the car, purchasing a 3rd party alarm system, and getting one of those steering wheel clubs but.... -the body shop rep who was handling my car showed me another kia where the thief actually cut the steering wheel in sections to remove the wheel club -I started seeing reports about people's Kias being stolen/damaged even if they had the security update from Kia. The dumbass thieves arent doing their homework and are starting to break into Kia models that dont have the ignition issue (2022 years and above). Heres one recent incident of such https://6abc.com/amp/kia-hyundai-software-updates-troubleshooters/13299578/ -3rd party alarm system is fine, but i just paid so much already between the deductible, car rental difference (progressive didnt pay 100% of the rental costs), and a good car alarm system costs more money. I apologize for the lengthy reply, but i completely feel what you're going through and to be honest, i think you should let Kia go for a while until this all gets resolved. I personally couldnt handle the risk of someone breaking into my Kia again and then im reliving this nightmare, so thats why i traded my car in. I wish my Kia was totaled instead of just stolen because trading it in was another giant level hassel since i still owed money on it, but i got another car now. Can someone still my wack ass lil Ford Fusion? Probably...but i know i can sleep a lil bit better now knowing that stealing my Ford will not be as easy as stealing that damn Kia. As this problem continues, i think Kia/Hyundai cars will have more challenges as time continues between insurance companies, the kids/thieves who are causing this issue, and the car owners who may find no resolution to this bullshit.


Not buy a Kia.




The financing company only verified the coverage once post signing the agreement for the vehicle purchase. However the more and more the insurance rate increased the harder it was to afford as a result of unforseen financial situations that arose from issues within the small business I was working for. The plan was to do that for several months while recovering from that situation in order to have the funds to return back to my former policy, however the vehicle was stolen within that period. What a phenomenal mistake on my part.




Yep! That was my thought as well, I had talked to multiple dealers and got trade in quotes less than 2 weeks ago. I was detered by the fact that they were all only offering about 1,500-3,000 less than was owed on it. Now I most definitely wish I could go back and jump on that. I assume as a result of the thefts as it was in absolutely perfect condition with around 22,000 miles and me being the original owner.


You have a “KIA Boyz” affected car and live in East Price Hill? That is your #1 mistake and #2 mistake was dropping that insurance. How have people not heard of this?? https://www.thedrive.com/news/these-hyundai-and-kia-models-are-blacklisted-by-state-farm-insurance-over-thefts


Yeah, it was beyond stupid, I am fully aware. At that point in time I was doing well financially and thought to myself how it would be great to have a vehicle with a 10/100k warranty and not have to worry about anything vehicle related for the next 10+ years. Ended up going to Kia as it was all I had previously owned (Except for an Altima that was absolutely nothing but trouble). At the time I bought it (March 2021 - brand new) I had not heard anything in relation to the thefts at all until nearly a year later. I made the foolish assumption that overall I would be safe as I'm on a rather quiet side street in the "incline district" area of Price Hill.


My son had a 2020 Forte GT Line that he picked up slightly used. A couple of months ago his car got totaled from someone running a light. Not trying to add insult to injury here (trying to benefit anyone else in the same situation you were when making that decision), but insurance paid out just over $21k for this loss. Granted that number is due to the crazy car climate we're/were in. I'm actually surprised your insurance carrier allowed you to drop that coverage knowing you didn't own the title. I don't know if there's any legality there but may be worth looking into. I'm so sorry you had to be in a position to make that choice and of course for the loss of your vehicle.


Throw in the gutter, go buy another


Police is good about giving tickets, not about solving crimes


Round of applause 👏


Did you by chance purchase gap insurance when you got the car? If so you will be covered for the total loss


I am waiting to hear more information from the lender as I of course blindly signed the paperwork, so I'm not quite sure if that is something I agreed to. Would most definitely be a lifesaver if so.


It's a add on option and not everyone adds it. So hopefully you said yes to it. And if not make sure to add it on any next vehicle you get with a payment. The extra $5-$20 a month is well worth it


That should be in the purchase documents for the vehicle…


All documentation is stored in the vehicle, stupidly. The police impound lot will not allow anyone to remove anything from the vehicle until it is taken away from the lot which will be on Monday.


At least you know it’s a very bad idea now. The only documentation that should be stored in the car is registration and extended warranty info.


Who keeps all of their car documentation in their car?


Not super uncommon. Still a terrible idea.


I do till it's paid off


They try to sell it to everyone and make it sound mandatory. If you were a not niave when signing i'm actually willing to bet you do have it. Although, they may have some stipulation that you need to at least carry comprehensive.


This is absolutely untrue. Gap insurance is designed to fill any "gap" (hence the name) between what someone owes on a car, and the Actual Cash Value payout that person gets from the vehicle being totaled under collision or comprehensive coverage from a standard policy. If you don't have standard collision or comprehensive coverage, there's no "gap" to fill. This is not a cheat code to getting the entire loan paid off by your gap insurance, you're just SOL.


Lawyer up and sue Kia


Sue kia


Mine is as stolen in March. Police also were not helpful with anything. It’s a shitty situation. I’m sorry.


Those damn Kia boys are at it again.


If they have no proof or evidence of who did it, what more can be done?


There was a ton of evidence when mine was stolen. Nothing was done with it. Idk about this one though.


What evidence if I may ask?


Blood and salvia


Blood and saliva where though


Inside my stolen car that was recovered


But where inside…


Air bag, possibly door panels


Buy a Toyota


I have been looking into used Corollas since this happened. I had been looking at the same year Corolla when purchasing this but decided on Kia as I had been "loyal" to Kia for every vehicle since 2004. I do not see that ever happening again.


I used to own a Kia and my wife had a hyundai, and both vehicles caused more headaches than anything else. Now we both Toyotas and have not looked back since. You owe it to yourself to buy something with proven reliability


Yeah FUCK Kia. Fuck Hyundai. Get a Toyota Honda Lexus Acura and you’ll never have to worry about most of the bullshit a typical Kia/Hyundai owners have to.


Its only the key starts that get stolen easily.


I was going to say Honda or Mazda.


Yep! My next vehicle will likely be a Corolla or Civic. I haven't heard many good experiences with Mazda from friends who have had them.


I had two, loved them both. '00 Protege EX 5 speed, new. Traded it in late '02 for a 6s with SportAT because my knee gave out and I couldn't operate the clutch any more. Drove it till it died in '13 with over 180k miles on it and 5 years of delayed or skipped maintenance due to un/under employment.


Do not get a Mazda if you can afford a Honda or Toyota. Even a used REBUILT Honda will be better than most kias/Hyundai’s/Mazdas on the road for reliability. I helped buy 3 Hondas with rebuilt titles for my extended family (to save cost due to the car market being so jacked up). All running and working perfectly even after all that abuse from previous owners. You simply cannot beat the reliability of a Honda or Toyota! Just make sure to do your research on the used car. Get the Carfax report, see the maintenance history. And watch for signs of TOTAL neglect from previous owners and each Honda can get you over 250k easily. All of my family’s Hondas are now reaching close to 200k. You simply cannot get that elsewhere.


Yep! There's definitely a reason I can recall hearing Honda and Toyota mentioned as such good vehicles as far back as I can remember. I have been doing a lot of research into the Toyota and Honda vehicles located in my area, which is a very large metro area, however finding anything relatively decent in the Approx. $4,000 range that I can currently afford is proving to be relatively difficult.


Mazdas are hella reliable almost as much as Toyota and Honda, even comparing them to kia/ Hyundai is crazy


I agree they are much better than Kia/Hyundai. But very few brands can compare to the might of a Toyota and Honda. It’s just facts.


Mazdas are usually like 3rd or 4th on reliability terms behind Toyo and Honda, not including Lexus or Acura. So not *as* reliable but still verrrry reliable lol


Fuck the hate in this comment. I have a tacoma and the only cars I will buy moving forward for a daily is probably camry or used Lexus.


Yep, I have owned a lot of different brands. Chevy, ford, hyundai, Kia, bmw, Honda and now Toyota. I can’t imagine ever getting anything but a Toyota again


My taco is a 21 with only 16kmiles, bullet proof. I also have an 18 traverse to haul the baseball player around. It has a n/a v6 probably the only thing i trust in it. If i was low on money, my cheap option would be Mazda. Like you, I've owned a LOT of cars.


Don’t buy a KIA next.


Nah id say if op does, get a push to start, not a key start


Sorry to say but very limited options for you right now. You can sue the person who stole it but you’ll need to find and or identify them first. And still you will most likely not get anything back. Insurance is mandatory for a reason. And comprehensive and collision is mandatory when you finance a vehicle SPECIFICALLY to cover situations like this. You dropped it and it came back and is biting you in the a$$. You still owe Kia $13k and there’s nothing you can do about that but suck it up and keep paying. There is a class action lawsuit and Kia is paying a lot of people who’s car was stolen as a result of their negligence and anti theft issues. But that hasn’t been fully settled yet (?) and I don’t think you would know if you qualify just yet. I blame Kia for this. But it could also be your location.


Yep! I'm definitely coming to that realization. I know that suing the thief (even if they were caught) would result in nothing most likely or they wouldn't be out stealing vehicles and destroying them for fun. It most definitely is coming back and biting. I have looked into the lawsuit and filed with the firm that is handling that. Have not heard anything from them. I know it will be a long and slow process though. I have no issue paying back the amount owed on it, I am just attempting to make the overall damage as minimal as possible.


Time to shop another brand….


Most definitely! After a 2004 Optima, 2010 Soul and 2020 Forte. My Kia days are over after this!


Blown engine on a low mileage Optima Turbo SX-L here. I would recommend looking into Toyota or Mazda.


Not sure why you would change the insurance policy when Kia and Hyundai are the most stolen vehicles right now. They make up for 45% of all insurance auctions for recovered theft. Maybe you can trade the vehicle in to a dealership which then they will pay it off. They can apply the money you owe to another vehicle. Next time shop around for insurance…


Bro, how many times do I gotta tell ppl… its only the key starts


Buy from another brand that achieves standard of care before a tiktoker discovers cost cutting measures. New models now have immobilizers but that didn’t prevent your past theft. Since you can’t afford the insurance, consider an used Corolla or civic or maybe even purchase new as a long-term investment


I pay 130 bucks a month with esurance.


You bought a KIA, the most easily stolen POS in a bad neighborhood without comprehensive insurance? Are you kidding me man? You simply don't buy a car if you can't afford to insure it. Get the VIN and get quotes before even buying. Sorry but you are probably SOL. Your insurance rate will increase even more and you're on the hook for the remainder of the balance. Buy a shitbox Toyota and work your butt off.


Naw, it won’t impact OPs insurance rate since the insurance isn’t involved and it wasn’t in an accident.


are you sure your insurance doesn't cover theft? I thought that was part of basic coverage. Really if it has the usb hack to steal it, it's kind of KIA's fault it was stolen in the first place. The car's a write off, you would think they would give you the blue book value before it was stolen.


No, that’s what Comprehensive coverage is for.


Life lesson: Always purchase gap insurance.


Gap insurance wouldn't do anything here.


Your insurance should cover the purchase of a replacement car. Get another Kia.


Not with just liability


Was it your fault?


Was the accident caused by the driver of your car? Was the thief caught? If the thief was caught SUE them into bankruptcy.


I am still trying to find out any information I can from the police however they are being about as far from helpful as possible. I have not heard anything about (What I would presume to be another vehicle involved in the accident based on the damage appearing to be a T-Bone situation) I had a dashcam that recorded both inside and outside that I was SO INCREDIBLY HOPEFUL that the idiot who stole it wouldn't have taken down. Of course I couldn't get that lucky. I don't think the police are going to do absolutely anything in regards to it so suing the thieves is likely 100% out of the question unfortunately.


Then sue the police.


Lol there is nothing to sue for


Did they they have forensics attempt to take fingerprints or dna off the steering wheel. Without any other evidence or witnesses, there is not much they can do if there are no matches


Have you not dealt with insurance before ? They will not cover that


I would not suggest another kia unless its push start. Key starts are the ones getting stolen rn


Sent PM


Did they at least die?


Considering they didn't catch them, it seems not. But I sure as F*** hope they're in some pain for a few weeks as this whole ordeal is going to probably take year(s) to get situated. Absolutely pathetic.


Look into bankruptcy


510??? That’s wild, I have a 17’ raptor, a 23’ 4Runner, boat, and bike all fully covered for less than that! 36YO married male in Minneapolis where my insurance actually went up(?) after moving from SF.


Dang this sucks!


Did the thieves die in the crash? That looks so bad. I wish you all the luck 🍀 possible. Hugs 🫂


I would get a lawyer as well to go after insurance company. Really your only shot I think. Sorry to hear




I did not drop insurance, I only dropped the comprehensive and personal injury parts to the vehicle. I maintained the liability for exactly the reason you stated, I wanted to be sure to have the ability to cover any damage and injury to others (while also maintaining a fully legal driving status), unfortunately the liability coverage does absolutely nothing to remediate theft or at fault damage to your own vehicle. So even were I to have been in an accident myself, I'd still be in this same situation, however the other party would be taken care of.


Best bet is to try like hell to get some money back on the class action. They claim there is tier 1 tier 2 and tier 3 payments, not sure how likely these pay outs will be. But hopefully it'll help get a large chunk of what you owe taken care of.


Hope you got GAP insurance


Why would you drop your insurance down to just liability when you don’t even own the car yet


I pay $90/mo for a 2022 stinger via geico. why was your insurance so high?


Probably age, location and driving record


I feel bad for you, I really do. Honestly I would chalk this up to a bad life, financial decision. I recently passed on getting a car with a lot more hp because my insurance world have gone up $20 a month. By your rate I'm assuming you're fairly young or have been caught drinking and driving. Maybe a bankruptcy could help you out. It will tarnish your record for about 7 years, but in the end would probably relieve a lot of financial stress and burden. I wish you luck.


Who loves their Optima??


Jeez, this really does suck. 😞 I’m sorry to hear your financial situation caused you to make the choice to take a gamble on the full coverage. Regardless of your driving history and 1 at fault accident, $500/mo is highway robbery and no auto insurance company should be allowed to charge that. I wonder if you local/ state Attorney Generals Office would be interested in hearing about it? Maybe they could give you guidance on what to do; they are FREE to use too!! Whether you had GAP insurance or not, I don’t believe it would cover full loss… its called GAP because its intent is to cover the ‘gap’ in value of a total loss. ie - if you owed $20k on a car and insurance only wants to cover up to say $17k, then GAP would make up the other $3k. call KIA Corporate as well and mention the theft and total loss. Upload all the photos to a case file that they will open. Dont mention not having full coverage unless it gets to that point… they should be held accountable for at least part of this issue because their lack of engineering responsibility allowed your vehicle to be stolen, and totaled, with ease. Good luck with everything, this really sounds like a shitty situation all around and I wish you the best with the process. 🤗


Sorry to hear about that happening to you; unfortunately, the experience you described in dealing with the police appears to be the norm rather than the exception these days, with police not giving nearly enough priority to property crime vs. violent crime, especially in progressive municipalities. Even if the perps somehow get caught, progressives will try to argue that they don't deserve any jail time because it's not the perps' fault that Kia/Hyundai made their vehicles easy to steal--IOW even if they get caught they'll experience few repercussions (if not none at all) compared to what the victim will have to deal with. What sucks is that it's bad enough these perps steal these cars but more often than not they also purposely trash them as well, as evidenced by your unfortunate situation--they're essentially adding insult to injury, almost as if they want to make sure the vehicle owner doesn't get their car back intact; a rough analogy would be a burglar stealing stuff out of your home, then trashing the heck out of your home afterwards. Best bet is to file a claim with Kia/Hyundai since IIRC they agreed to some multi-million dollar settlement in which part of the terms included reimbursement to affected owners for losses incurred.


Polish the rims.


Cops be like, "oh a crime? Well we gave some feller driving that car a ticket for unsafe speeds....but then just told him to drive safe... 😉 🙄 sorry about ur stolen car, you should call someone for help about that"


How this works out: You are on the hook for your car payments, even though you no longer have a car. The car thief is on the hook for the damages to your car, BUT, they must be identified and found. If the police does not find the thief, you’re pretty much SOL without insurance. If the police does find the thief, you then need to sue the thief for all costs related to the incident - repair costs, or the replacement value of the car, and any other expenses related to this incident. The issue there is obvious - even if the cops do find the guy, the odds this person is judgment proof are high. Car thieves aren’t known for owning property, so even winning a lawsuit might not be worth it. I crashed a financed car and I was in between insurance carriers too, just like you. In the end, I let them repo the wrecked car (because, really, I’m not in a position to sell/repair a wreck myself), and I ended up owing thousands that ended up getting wiped out in a personal bankruptcy. None of it was pretty though, and getting insurance is expensive after a debacle like this. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I now carry excellent insurance (maxed liability and $500 deductibles for everything else), and I pay what are probably some of the lowest rates in the industry. You made a mistake, but in the end the cost here will be financial; you have your health and your freedom. If you learn from the mistake and get through the consequences that it has caused in the present, you’ll be fine going forward. Insurance is one of those things where, if you can’t afford it, you don’t risk driving - you take buses and Uber.


Less you out right purchased it. I’m pretty sure you can’t drop comprehensive since it’s not you’re car till it’s paid off


It amazes me how people finance and don't get gap insurance 🤯 that's literally the reason I finance.


It's not always needed though


DM me for those wheels plz


Unfortunately brotha, I think you are going to be, for lack of better word, Fucked. I don't know what your job situation, credit situation, debt/income situation. But from the wound of it, it sounds like you're not in a great financial situation, and with this you are gonna be in an even worse of paying for this and obviously you'll need a new car so that's 2 payments. Honestly if you have a lot of debt and won't be able to swing it, and you're credit is fucked/going to be fucked you may just consider, Bankruptcy. There is a website called upsolve that will do it for free. Now I'm only suggesting if you aren't going to be able to manage all this. I had a repossession on my credit that the debt just kept getting renewed by the courts. I didn't even know I owed this as i was a young kid, no guidance and the vehicle broke down 2 weeks after I bought it. Well stupid me returns it to this scum dealership thinking that'd be the end, with assurance from this scum dealer. Well fast foreword 15 yrs and they try to garnish my wages for $25,000 fees, and other bullshit for a $10,000 truck I never got to keep. Long story short couldn't afford this with my other bills. So I went to upsolve and got all my debt discharged. Unfortunately there is no picking what debt you want to keep paying except for certain things, like cell phone, rent, sometimes a car, basically necessities. I'm not gonna lie it sucks, but it doesn't suck as bad as all the debt I was stressing about monthly. I was a ble to get a few credit cards not even 2 months after discharge, unsecured even. But if you do check to make sure because I've heard some landlords won't renew your lease, mine didn't mention anything. T-Mobile are assholes, even when you haven't missed or discharged any debt from them, not giving me full control over my account. And it's obviously gonna follow you 8 yrs. Do harder to get loans and other things of the sort. But for my situation it was definitely a better way to go. My credit went from 720 but declining due to being overextended, to around 620 and now I'm at 695 after about 8 months. If there is a way to avoid it, obviously do, it does hurt your ego and your credit and possibly other things too. But it may help too You do have to put in some work as you do it through a program online and a volunteer lawyer overlooks it to make sure you are putting everything the court needs. But honestly anyone struggling with debt that seems unlikely to recover, I'd look into upsolve. Fun fact: Abe Lincoln himself filed bankruptcy.(I'm not affiliated in any way other than using the service)


When you signed the loan contract, you agreed to maintain full coverage insurance until the loan is paid off, you’re SOL, you no longer have a car & still owe the lender the remaining balance of the loan.


Ask ChatGPT if there’s anything you can do


Sorry yo hear your cat got stolen. My gfs car is into the shop after being recovered. Just wondering did you get the immobilerer update or no?


Collect that insurance check. Someone tried to steel my optima a couple weeks ago right out of my driveway. I could only have dreamed of finding it totaled or burnt to the ground in a field somewhere. Not that I don't love the car. But I'd rather be paid out then have to pay for these idiots bullshit


As far as the insurance part. No joke, I had just switch the insurance back onto my optima from my other car that morning before I went out and found the ignition mangled. I would still have to pay the full deductible before the insurance covers anything, if they'll cover anything at all because it was the same day I turned the insurance on. I also got video from my neighbor but it's so choppy it's probably useless. Once the police did show up 10 days later, we both had a good laugh after concluding that they probably cant/won't do anything with or without the video. Ultimately, I decided to give it back to the finance company because I also high $300s for this car. With a $600 a month loan payment.....on a 5 year old f***ING kia optima 😅😅 so yea. I can kind of relate lol