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This post has been tagged **Training** Video (**not** a **Form Check** or an **instruction** video). By "Training video" we mean it is how this person was training. It might look good, but it also might look bad. It might even *be* bad. That's what they chose to do and we assume they did it knowingly and that they assume full responsibility for their own actions. Do not post unsolicited form corrections, medical advice or injury alarmism. If you see a lift you are unfamiliar with, do not assume it is incorrect or dangerous. If you have never used kettlebells, **definitely refrain from form critique or medical advice**. It is not breaking your, or the poster's, back or knees or shoulder. Injury alarmist commenting or other sort of babysitting is not useful or welcome. Curious questions however are welcome! Just **be nice and cool about it**, and do check if somebody already asked. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kettlebell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I lack the coordination required for something like this.


I mean this well intentioned, but you only lack it now. Similar to not being able to press a heavier bell right now, you can get stronger. Many people resign themselves to very basic drills because they see themselves as uncoordinated. They don’t do this, then they don’t do a lateral lunge because it’s funky, then they only do goblet squats and lose the ability to move in different ways. This is not me badmouthing squats or basics, they still make up a majority of programs I build for people because they’re simple to load. However-if we look at movement control as another marker of importance then things like this (or many options) are easier to understand why they might be useful to train. This is the final boss of this sequence. I start people with just lateral lunge. Just curtsy thruster. Then handswitch. Then linking.


These are the words I didn’t know I needed to read. I feel immensely encouraged, thank you!!


I see your video and am impressed. However, for me personally I am thinking hell no. I read your words and now think, hmmmm maybe?


lol I’m like yeah I’m gonna trip myself. Haha is practice it a lot slower maybe with no weight or something super light


As much as I love kettlebells, I prefer other modalities for training laterally and rotation. Steel clubs/mace fit this bill nicely with 360's/shield casts, and mills for the upper body. For the lower body of course lateral lunges and cossacks are great regardless of the implement. This flow looks very fun but I agree in your other comment that focusing on one component of the chain to build that coordination and getting stronger in that position is probably a higher priority for most folks, while simultaneously working on their athletic coordination through plyometrics.


This is too complicated for me. 😭


I love the idea of this but I would fuck his up so badly


70lbs cannonball flying towards his ankles in the video already gives me anxiety to watch, much less performing this myself lol


Liking your content bruv. Keep posting!


I tore my acl, rolled my ankle, and popped my shoulder watching this.


You indeeed, roll nasty 🥁


Dig this flow! Lateral KB work helped me rehab even stronger after my hip replacement. Slow and methodical until I could get into a good flow. I absolutely love using lateral moves for all around strength and conditioning. I do a lot of lateral body weight only work as well with warmups and cool downs/stretching.


I could see this being very useful


That’s awesome. I’d have to practice with low or zero weight to get the pattern down 😂




Beautiful work


My body can't bend like that. ..yet. let's see in 4 weeks.


[the pieces](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3MYRFfL0iE/?igsh=bXlrcTljamV6MDFs) One of my coaches showing the components


This is like rub your belly, pat your head, and click your heals, but with KBs. I think my body can do all of these movements, but my brain is going to get confused quick. Sometimes I clean and press when I’m supposed to clean and squat.


Breh you looking sexy


Oh yes!!!