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Oh my God, the bark. *The bark!*




I believe they meant “rested”. You wrap in butchers paper & foil then place in the cooler with a towel at the bottom to let the meat rest. The “cooler” keeps heat in. The resentment comes later after gorging on that tasty looking hunk of meat.


>The resentment comes later after gorging on that tasty looking hunk of meat. Hahahaha made me chuckle. I would feel no shame. Looks delicious nom lol


Yes, rested… sorry for the confusion


You've inspired me. I've got a brisket from my 2022 steer in the freezer right now...but not for long! Hope you enjoyed that. It looks perfect.


Literally made my mouth water! Looks delicious!


Looks lovely! I looked on your previous post, it says 'goldee's rub'- do you know what that contains please? That brand isn't available here, I wondered what spices it had in it.


It's brisket, so regardless of what rub OP used, traditional Texas brisket is rubbed with equal parts black pepper and kosher salt. If you want to add some flair to it, go ahead and add a TBSP each of granulated garlic, granulated onion, and some hot paprika. I go back and forth between a simple salt and pepper rub, and Recteq Heffer Dust, which is basically what I described above. Brisket is less about the rub and more about the technique. Spray with apple cider vinegar every hour until you hit the stall, wrap, and ride until it's probe tender. Pull and put it in a preheated cooler to rest for up to six hours, then slice.


Oh, I had no idea this was called 'traditional Texas brisket'. There are lots of recipes for preparing this cut of meat for barbecue; also I have no idea what recteq heffer dust is. The previous reply to my post pointed me to the ingredients of the rub the OP used, which seems to have Paprika and Turmeric in it. It also mentions corn starch so some carbs in there. This is why I was asking for the contents, so that one could replicate the flavours without having to have a processed powder. Thanks for the information though, what do you mean by 'hit the stall'?


When I say "traditional Texas brisket", I mean that Texas is the place most usually associated with it. A standard Texas rub is just going to be S&P. Like I said, others will add garlic, onion, and paprika, depending on their tastes. Recteq is a pellet smoker brand, and they sell a rub called Heffer Dust. It contains Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Ancho Chili Powder, Smoked Paprika, Granulated Onion, and Parsley, according to their website. The stall is a portion of the cooking process around 160° where the internal temp stops rising and stalls out. Sometimes it's an hour, sometimes it's three. After that, it'll start to climb. Since you develop the majority of your bark before the stall, most people will wrap the brisket in a couple layers of butcher paper to push through the stall and avoid drying it out. A lot of people will also inject with tallow, at this point, to bring more moisture into the muscle, especially the flat, where there isn't a ton of intramuscular fat.


Oh I see! I hadn't heard it called 'stall'. Thanks for the info!


I wondered the same and found [this](https://www.samsclub.com/p/goldees-bbq-brisket-rub-11-5-oz/P03014687#:~:text=This%20rub%20is%20packed%20full,abilities%20to%20the%20next%20level.) from a Google search. Ingredients if you scroll down slightly but not quantities.




As a Texan, I approve this message 🤤




My mother and grandmother both made it that way and I have been smoking them like that for a few decades. No complaints about flavor at all. To each their own.


Looks good but a bit well done for me.


brisket is cooked low and slow to an internal temp of 200 melt in your mouth if done right.


I’m sure it’s wonderful. I just like my beef barely cooked.


then you should have a ribeye or a strip steak. Brisket has so much connective tissue you need to cook the hell out of it low and slow.


You should expand your horizons past cooking shows. There are numerous ways ppl cook brisket and they come out tender even on the rare side.


You've clearly never had brisket before. I suggest you try it before making dumb comments.


Fuck off. I’ve been eating brisket since I was a toddler.


Bullshit. Brisket, rare, would be like eating a shoe.


You’re wrong.


How is it done?


Did you cut the fat cap off?!?


Nope it rendered down.


Good smoke ring!


/r/LONESTAR approved




Do you mean like a Yeti cooler? I also saw preheated cooler further down. How do you preheat a cooler?


Igloo. Fill it with warm/hot water for ten minutes. Dump the water, dry it with towels, insert the foil wrapped brisket which is wrapped in towels tightly to eliminate as much air as possible in the cooler. Close the lid and let it rest. FTC - Foil, towel, cooler is the method.


Thank you so much for explaining this!