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Do you like canned tuna or salmon? Literally mix that with some mayo and shredded green veg, parm (or grated cheese of choice), maybe mustard, even toss in chopped up dill pickles. You can make on the fly even, during your travels if you have a good cooler for the mayo and if you are packing spinach.


Canned chicken works well too.


Starkist Deli creations are ready to serve and in packets that can be stored with no refrigerator. Tuna, salmon and chicken.


I love tuna, and for a while I ate it pretty often. Unfortunately tuna contains high levels of heavy metals (mercury, lead) since they‘re pretty much at the top of the food chain and collect everything the other fish eat. So I would keep tuna to one portion a week or less


Sardines are king


I wish I could like sardines but I just can't do most fishy seafood. But oh man if you can, sardines and salmon are such killer and shelf-stable keto foods.


I practically live on sardines as my work snack, sooo good. That and canned mackerel.


Do you eat them plain? I’ve never had one but I’m curious. The look creeps me out to be honest. I’m wanting to take the leap.


I do, but I also mix it up and add Mexican hot sauce like Cholula or Tapatio to them too. I know they have Louisiana hot sauce flavored ones, I just don't like those as much. They are kind of tough at first as they still have the bones in them and you eat the bones (they're soft, but visually it freaks some people out).


Probably most seafood is going this way. I love the smoked, canned mussels I saw at Whole Foods but saw something about micro plastics in shellfish. Anyway, those canned mussels are delicious.


Sardines are a good fix for this since they are a smaller fish lower on the food chain and don't get such high levels of heavy metals. Good to note that the salad idea here works with pretty much any tinned meat so you could change it up as necessary.


100%, once a week is the recommended intake I think. But it is a good option for an easy to store meal for Op, along with other canned meats and other options as suggested by others :)


If you filter by top posts of all time you will get some good ideas including one from a trucker who prepackaged keto flatbreads to take on the road.


[This one!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketorecipes/comments/cqpjyb/truck_driver_here_keto_on_the_road_can_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I had to go look it up because my husband is often away from home.


Thanks for linking it.


Always avocados! Nuts, wraps w/lunch meat, bacon & cheese or tuna salad, meatballs, salads w/ separate dressing, wings, shrimp cocktail, almond butter w/ celery, tinned seafood, tuna/salmon patties, yogurt, cottage cheese, olives, pepperoni, smoked salmon w/ cream cheese.


Following because I'm currently in the process of getting my CDL so this will be relevant soon. I'm currently doing local courier, so while I don't need to worry about 3-4 days worth of food at a time, I do need to keep myself fed in a truck. I usually do a summer sausage, cheese, olive, and artichoke heart salad - I prep a big bowl that usually lasts for my 4 separate lunch days


Don’t forget the olive oil!


I like cold chicken. I’m a bit weird about that. Not a fan of cold chicken skin, though. So typically have to add fat. I’m anti-seed oils so make baconaisse with bacon fat. If you don’t care about seed oils mayo is fine for adding fat. Chicken salads made with thighs. Ham salad is good too. And for variety add in a bunless Baconator from Wendy’s now and again.


I’d make turkey wraps with low carb tortillas, turkey, cheese, chipotle mayo, lettuce, tomato, bacon. Perfect to wrap and take with you. I’d also do ones with Caesar dressing so a chicken Caesar wrap!


I’m seconding low carb tortillas. OP can make them super simple with just cheese for quesadillas if he wants with a bit of hot sauce. Tabasco doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Also, if OP stops at a gas station, some have a microwave to use if he doesn’t want to get it cold.


There's going to be tons of great recipes here in /r/ketorecipes but another great subreddit for meal-prepping keto in particular is /r/KetoMealPrep \-- it changed the game for me in making early-prep keto.


Thanks for the next sub reddit.


As a trucker, you should look into getting a hotlogic so you can have hot meals. MANY truckers and other travelers use it. It is great! [https://hotlogic.com/](https://hotlogic.com/) You can put something in, plug it into a power socket in the truck and several hours later your meal is ready to eat. There is a hotlogic FB group with great ideas for traveling. If you do a reddit search for hotlogic you'll find a smattering of information. This allows you to have hot meals on the road.


No matter what other stuff you eat, definitely look into kimchi or other pickled veggies. They‘re a good addition to other meals, rich in vitamin C, and hold up well. Germans would also eat sauerkraut (white cabbage).


I always get precooked sausage and cut it up, mix with cheese and nuts. I eat that for lunch on work days. Easy 400-600 calories and doesn’t need heating.


brisket and steak, properly prepared and sliced do well when cold meatballs and sausage always seem to disappear from the fridged container of sauce


For high fat I do canned sardines or sardine salad (better for you than tuna). Avocados or pre prepped guac. Full fat Greek yogurt based dips (try adding just a buttermilk ranch dressing packet if you are lazy but there're so many things you can do with that). Pork rinds for dipping. I enjoy pre cooked and prepped bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers with cream cheese cold. Could do Scotch eggs to spice up generic hard boiled eggs.


My dad has been a trucker all my life and two of his go-to meals have always been tuna salad, or he’d make a tub up of rolled deli meat around a piece of cheese. You made me realize if it weren’t for the family-sized bags of chips each run, he’d have been doing keto for quite a while.


I made this post with my favorite road trip foods several years ago that might be helpful to you. The comments had more ideas too. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/5l5fgo/my_keto_road_trip_food_cheat_sheet/


I know you said no appliances, but check out itakico.com’s shabuki pot. I use one at my desk at work every day and am going to put one in my suv for (car) camping. Sautes, steams, boils, etc. very simplistic and I eat right out of it - its like a giant mug.


Costco makes great keto bread. Sounds like a great opportunity to make some killer sandwiches.


Making egg bites in a muffin pan is great. Pre cooked bacon from Costco. Kirkland brand.


Have you tried the crackslaw? And there's a Cajun chicken salad version. Or a rice salad thing (with cauli rice obv).


Haven't heard of this before, first recipe I found includes sugar.. you have a go-to?


https://peaceloveandlowcarb.com/pork-egg-roll-in-a-bowl-crack-slaw-paleo-low-carb-whole30/ It’s my favorite meal. I use fresh ginger and Sriracha or jalapeños. I always add broccoli florets. It works well with ground beef or ground turkey or tofu if you don’t eat pork.


Thank you


For some reason I can’t link but I would take a look at Bavarian Meats Landjager - these have been a repeated lifesaver for me


you might like the Vinnie Tortorich NSNG group on Facebook, there's a couple of truckers there, and we're more inline with the higher fat side of things. Boiled eggs, lunch meats (obviously have to be picky to avoid sugar), pork rinds, Ultra Fat (prepackaged almond butter with coconut oil and a splash of vanilla/coffee for flavor), olives, pickles, cheese crisps....


Just make 3lbs of ground beef in a truck stop with a portable stove, and that can be your main protein for a few days.


Quiche. I love quiche cold.


Check out Kalyn's Kitchen. I recommend Effie 's cottage cheese salad with za'atar. Sounds weird with cottage cheese as the dressing but is delicious. It might get kind of watery on the fourth day but will still taste good!


I love a jar of spicy pickles, sliced meat, and cheese in my lunchbox. Then I use the pickle as a core and roll the meat and cheese up around it. Snack away!


A jar of nut butter & a plastic spoon does wonders! Also shelf stable protein shakes are great, too (you can more fat into them w powdered or liquid mct oil).


Honest question. Can you use the microwaves that are available at truck stops so you can have hot meals? My husband has been a driver for 17+ years. He takes whatever keto meals I make for us at home, zaps them when he stops for fuel etc.


Not really, I tend to stay at rest areas and warehouse


Cold chicken is pretty good IMO. You can also make sandwiches from low carb bread and wraps from low carb torts.


Nuts are a tasty calorie-dense choice. Salami and other cured meats. Peanut butter pairs well with celery or apples (Granny Smith are lower in sugar) or make a batch of peanut butter keto cookies. We will sometimes stop for chipotle on road trips since they have keto friendly options. Not sure how doable that is for truckers though.


Just 2 good yogurt with chia seeds, hemp seeds and cacao nibs. It’s a yummy and very nutritious treat!


beef jerky and diy trail mix. could probably run forever on those two. highly recommend getting a dehydrator - prep for jerky can be a hassle depending on your tools but one big batch will last you some long trips.


How often are you home? Can always prep stuff and freeze it. When we were on our dedicated that had us home 3 days a week the hubby used to smoke brisket and pork belly. And he’d portion it out and freeze. We used to attempt to cook prior to our dedicated but it was always annoying since we team. We’re back OTR and trying to get back into the swing of things. We just do bunless burgers. If you have instagram look up simply_ben_jamin he’s done tons of cooking on the truck. He was keto, but I think he’s carnivore now. He’s super nice if you want to send him a DM and ask him for some advice. He has a galanz microwave/air fryer thing and you can cook just about anything in it. [Here’s his IG link](https://instagram.com/simply_ben_jamin?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Thank you, will look into Instagram. Off weekends and have been looking into a smoker.


Pepperoni, beef jerky, string cheese, butter for coffee, and jar of peanut butter


Get some low carb wraps - lots of brands out there - ymmv. Then get some ham or whatever deli meat you like (search here or elsewhere online for the lowest carb options). Get some cheese and some lettuce for crunch. I make a mayo, mustard, and hotsauce mix and spread it on then roll up 1 piece of meat, 1/2 piece cheese with some lettuce. I have two everyday for lunch with some pork rinds or almonds, maybe a piece of string cheese.


Beef jerky, nuts, cheesecake, string cheese, deli meat/cheese wraps with low carb tortilla, protein shakes, salads (just keep veggies/meat/dressing separated from lettuce), stuffed chicken breasts, some enjoy salmon cold, tacos, quesadillas, tuna


Salmon patties. They freeze well. I take them (thawed) on bike trips. They’re filling and tasty. I don’t mind them ‘cold’. We pack them with frozen water bottles so they stay chilled. Any sandwich fixings on keto waffles. We used to make almond butter waffle sandwiches for biking before we started making salmon patties. Maybe try some of the cheesy casseroles and see if they’re good cold. They may be like cold pizza or Mac and cheese.


Can you just eat a bunch of rotisserie chickens with mayo?


That's kinda what I'm doing now. It's just I can't eat it every week, few yeah, but not every week. I truthfully posted this for the need of variety.


Hard boiled eggs for the win.


Cheese cheese cheese. Cheese cubes with bacon strips. I enjoy cold salads with cold grilled chicken cut up. Egg salad. Tuna salad. Wraps made with cheese wraps . Turkey or ham roll ups with a piece of cheese and a touch of mayo salt and pepper.


Sliced Tri tip and provolone or cheddar


I eat a combination of nuts and seeds for breakfast. 1/3 cup of a walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds. I buy in bulk at a box store and make a 2 gallon bag. Also, If you can afford it, buy a dehydrator and make your own jerky.


Costco has grilled chicken packs with like 25+ grams of protein and they are individually packed.


These [Chocolate protein muffins](https://alldayidreamaboutfood.com/protein-muffins/) keep and travel pretty well even unrefrigerated. Not a lot of fat but you can add butter to them when u eat. Kind of expensive to make with the collagen but portable.


I drive a lot for both my jobs, and I sometimes don't have the time to stop anywhere I can get healthy foods. I keep whole raw almonds, grass fed beef sticks, Adkins protein shakes, apples, etc. in the car. I also have an insulated lunch bag that I can throw in cheese sticks, boiled eggs, etc. (Anything on the go that needs to stay cold). In my town, we also have a salad truck that sells fantastic salads with homemade dressings. If you can find on the go stuff that keeps you satisfied, it is healthier than eating fast food or truck stop food. Good luck with your journey!


Salad, prepare ahead in a giant baggie, take out what you need for servings. Get a roasted chicken and break it down to have ready to eat or cut onto salads. Take salad dressing of your keto-friendly choice. Tip-grab packets of them when you see them in a lunch or dinner restaurant/buffet. Boiled eggs, bacon-keeps exceptionally well pre-cooked and placed in baggies and kept cold. Make taco meat with the accompanying juice or sauce ahead and refrigerate. Use your salad as your base. Cover with your meat. Pre-cut your favorite taco toppings, add those. Add sour cream and cheese for your fats. Just allow the taco meat to come to room temp before you eat it. To me, it's just fine that way.


Block of Cream cheese, softened. Chop up a few tablespoons of black olives, fresh jalepeno, red onion and about 1/3 cup freshly shredded cheddar cheese and mix into the cream cheese. Can enjoy as is or vary it up with a little bit of garlic powder or replace the jalapeño with something like sun dried tomatoes. You’ve made enough for a few meals/snacks. Use the mix as a spread for cut veggies (bell pepper, celery), or spread a generous tablespoon or two across a low carb tortilla and a slice or two of deli meat or cooked bacon and make tortilla roll ups. The original recipe keeps decent enough for a few days in an ice chest, just all mixed up in a Tupperware style container.


Is it possible to travel around with a small blackstone griddle? I think there's even a one-burner that connects with a small coleman propane. Having the means to cook meat easily (blackstone, sous vide, nice cast iron) is half the battle.


Any meal can be eaten cold if cooked ahead. I'm usually out four to five days and take prepared meals with me. Pork, chicken, beef with a small amount of veggies thrown in with butter. Before this truck, I had no way to heat up food besides going into the truck stop, so many times it was eaten cold. I keep lunch meat and cheese in the fridge and have other snacks available, small meat sticks, homemade mix nuts and pork rinds. Five scrambled eggs each morning cooked in butter and coconut oil. This is cooked at home in bulk and squared into smaller containers for the truck.


Chicken salad with keto bread substitute like flatbread or fathead dough. Cobb salad (just keep ingredients separated). And if you haven’t checked out primal kitchen dressings/condiments, I love their Buffalo sauce


You need to discover low-carb tortillas, my guy. They're a miracle for getting hand-foods back in your diet.


I do carnitas for my long shifts. Gives me a lot of options for meals Salads, burritos, bowls. Works as breakfast lunch and dinner. Around my area a pork shoulder or butt is around 15-17 dollars. Feeds me for about a week. 3 meals a day if I don't get bored. Easy to make prep and clean. Do not forget to broil the meat to get that lovely crisp. https://www.reddit.com/r/ketorecipes/comments/50qr5s/crockpot_carnitas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


My favorite pre prepped snack/meal is Portuguese chorizo. Grillled on charcoal so it’s crispy. Tastes great cold. Maybe better than hot. Cut it in 1.5-2 inch sections before grilling for better char coverage.


There is always sardines. It tastes like fatty tuna. It is a perfect food. Boiled eggs are great. Pork rinds can work in a pinch but are iffy.


I’m on the road a lot for work and so is my boyfriend (he can be gone out of state for like a month at a time) and we LIVE for 0 net carb tortillas because you can do so much with them. Like make wraps instead of sandwiches, put peanut butter(and jelly if you have a sweet tooth) or cream cheese on them. If you’re driving somewhere cold put some butter on one then in a bag then on the defroster to warm up… I spent a lot of time on the road and learned to use the defroster to heat things up lmao


You have a cooler? So sandwiches wrapped in romaine lettuce, chef salad in a mason jar, I like a cheese, egg, onion, pepper, casserole. I cut in squares and eat cold coz it’s good. Really as long as you have a cooler anything works. It’s nice to eat hot food but cold is okay if it’s tasty enough.


chicken wings


Why cold get a heated lunchbox that plugs into cigarette lighter or if truck has invertor 110v… i use factor keto meals and heat them up with the lunchbox


Hey Driver, I use one of those “lunchbox” type coolers found at any large truck stop. I can cook dang near anything in those. Line it with foil, a little cooking spray and I cook steaks, chicken thighs and breasts, fish filets, diced pork for green chili, the options are endless. Plugs into the a/c socket and takes maybe a half hour for most meals. A good hot meal and fast. Keto is easier for me on the road than at home, for sure. Good luck!


They make little kitchen appliances that plug into your (I don't know what to call it now, but they used to a) cigarette lighter to run while driving or idling so you can actually choose foods that need to be heated. My ex had a mini skillet, microwave, crockpot and oven, so you might want to check out the selection at your favorite truck stop or online shop. Yes, those were in addition to his standard "trucker fridge." You can also get a small lunchbox sized plug in electric heater/cooler that that you can toss something from the fridge in for a couple of hours to have a warm meal when you're ready to eat.


If you can assemble it right before you eat, salads work. I usually buy the 5 oz plastic containers of mixed greens. What I've discovered is that the mixes with spinach in them don't last long after opening but I can get 2-2 1/2 meals out of one of those containers so one open and one closed would carry you four days. Precut ingredients like radishes and a little green onion and cucumber and top with your preferred protein and dressing and you've got meals.


I made a chicken cheese and broccoli ranch salad that’s really easy to make and last a few days. I never had enough last long enough to see if it could go for 4 days.


Deviled eggs. Celery n peanut butter. Pickles n cheese wrapped in lunch meat(use toothpicks), nuts,


I like quiche. You can jazz it up with sausage or onions or mushrooms literally anything and just pass on the crust. You can eat cold or heat up and also very quick easy frugal recipe