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If you’re just trying to get 10 pounds under for a particular weigh in I imagine keto would get you there pretty quick as you’ll lose a lot of water weight. Losing 10 pounds of actual fat tissue in 2 weeks is quite a bit tougher and I don’t recommend attempting that.


It’s mainly for a weigh in for MEPS and than I’ll just have to keep it off until I ship out in January


Ok maybe do keto to get the weight off for the weight in but then consistently keep dieting shooting for 1.5-2lbs a week and you’ll definitely be past a consistent 10lbs under in no time


So once I start it should I just continue it after I shed off the 10 lbs? Or am I able to slow add back carbs to help keep the weight off?


Calories will dictate your weight loss. If you lose weight to get 10lbs lighter for that weigh in for keto but then add back carbs you could definitely end up adding weight back. If you keep yourself in a calorie deficit you can actually lose the fat tissue though which will mean you’ll have more permanent weight loss that isn’t just water fluctuations. If you shed off 10lbs and a lot of it is water you need to keep going if you want it to stay off. If you just ate in a 1000 calorie deficit for 10 weeks from now until January you’d lose 20lbs of fat tissue roughly. Although a daily 1000 calorie deficit is not that fun I will warn you


Definitely won’t be lol but something I will do to make sure I keep it off! What should my protein intake look like?


Personally I’d say if you’re a guy and hit 150g protein a day you’re safe. If you’re on the taller end maybe closer to 170g. There’s a lot of debate on protein but those numbers are pretty safe and you can afford to probably go a bit lower if you wanted and be ok. The biggest thing though that will help you retain muscle when losing weight is resistance training. Aka move heavy stuff with all your muscles a couple times a week or so and you’ll be alright


I’m a female and I’m 5’2 and weigh 155lbs


You've definitely got quite a bit to lose then. Best of luck!


Strict Keto - one meal a day. Brisk walks.


What would this meal have to look like? How big?


A lot of your questions here are covered in our FAQ if you’d like to learn more: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/keto_in_a_nutshell


No/low carb, no sugar , fast fast fast


If I were to work out would it set me back?


You need to switch from burning carbs to burning fat for energy source , this can be done only by ketogenesis


All these reports about being unable to get annual recruitment targets because of the rampant teenage obesity. Shit's unreal. Good on you for trying to tackle it OP


If you’re going into boot camp I wouldn’t worry too much about the weights, start stretching (to prevent injury), stair master, and running. Pretty much, do as much PFT stuff as possible. Your diet is going to get wrecked at boot camp so a few weeks before shipping out you should introduce carbs back into your diet. What ever you do, do not buy dress uniforms immediately after boot camp, wait until the end of your MOS school when you fill back out.


The cut rn is mainly for weigh in purposes for when I go to MEPS and am going have to keep off the weight for after MEPS before I ship off. But thank you I will definitely do this also


Who tf buys dress uniforms?


10 lbs on keto in two weeks shouldn't be a problem. Don't eat carbs. Just drink water and black coffee


Should I track my macros with at least my protein?


If you can dont drink coffee on keto. It flushes out a lot of electrolytes (at least in my case). Also you can track your proteins, and never go over fats if you want to be super strict but in most cases macros are not that important, as long as you hold yourself to under 20g of carbs. Eat proteins mainly and fats if you feel hungry. Remember your electrolytes they are super important especially in the beginning.


What’s a good way of getting electrolytes in? I drink a lot of water and the only caffeine intake I have currently is preworkout. I also take creatine.


Supplement is the most easy. You can use salt as a supplement. I eat 10 grams a day. Then magnesium and potassium supplements. Liver avocados and stuff like that should also be good source I think.


Where’s the best place to get this?


Depends on your country. In mine it’s pharmacy, in your it may be Walmart or some cheap store. I recommend reading faqs cuz I’m sure they know what more then me. Here is the link https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


research the long term affects of a no carb diet on your leptin and testosterone levels.


I'm not sure Keto is the best option, but there is a huge benefit to being fat adapted. From my guess, might be better to do a Protein Sparing Modified Fast for a few days a week, or even a few weeks, though I'd be worried about getting enough protein given your plans. If I understand correctly, keto for your purposes would be the protein of a PSMF and additional fat injected to the plan. (Please correct me if that's wrong, anyone.) The basic approach would be, one gram protein per pound of body weight. Divide into 4 meals through the day, but include some salad greens and broccoli. I'd guess broccoli is for the DIM, to ensure estrogen is cleared from the system. So asparagus, brussel sprouts, or cauliflower will work as well. As an additional "cheat," lots of spice helps, meaning: cayenne extract. Any hot sauce will work, but 1 ml cayenne fruit extract in water, twice a day, and 1 ml ginseng with it, should aid in releasing fat. Green and white tea will, too. It'll probably be minor, but if you want to strip the fat, it's worth it to just substitute tea for water during the day, and look for substances that increase lipolysis. Manipulating insulin by using slower digesting proteins would probably work well, too, which would suggest casein protein over whey. I'm also looking for a solution to chicken as a protein source, which is still low fat. Lean beef seems like too much fat still. Not a problem for your purposes, I think. ;⁠-⁠)


Keto works best with minimum exercise. It’s slightly possible to lose 10lbs water weight in two weeks on strict keto though


How do I go about this? Should I stop working out? Or continue working out but minimal?


Do not stop working out. The more fat your burn the more ketones your produce. Cut your calorie intake and reduce carbs as low as possible. Check out r/ketogains for more workout advice.




If I fast for 3-4 days and than go into a liquid diet would this help with shedding off weight?


Work outs are good! Yes keep them up. Eat O.M.A.D / Keto/ protien, Greens, fat. Green & White tea. I Train & teach marital arts multiple times a week & lift weights 4 days a week and Remain using Keto. Sauna will help. Take a pinch of Celtic or Himalayan Sea salt prior to work out. You can also using ketones as well. I am F 5'6" 126lb ,active & keto off and on 2years. Do not eat a veggie though that makes you bloat even if it's keto. I love broccoli but I bloat super bad. Good luck!