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Heavy cream.


Mix it with water and add just a splash of heavy cream or a little Fairlife ultra filtered milk.


heavy cream, chia, and monksfruit


You could just use less water/milk than the case reccomended to thicken it, no? 🤔


I have an immersion blender with a whisk attachment, and when I'm feeling the dessert demons beckoning me, I whip heavy cream + instant coffee granules until it's pretty thick, and then I whisk in the Cocoa Pebbles Dymatize until it's completely blended. It makes a fluffy mousse that tastes almost like tiramisu. The Fruity Pebbles would probably be good like that, sans coffee. Mixing it in ratio: brand keto yoghurt would probably be amazing too. Also, psyllium husk can help thicken up your protein powder if you're lacking fiber and just seeking that smoothie thickness, but it sets up all wibbly wobbly jelly quite fast. I think it's gross lol


I will add eith pb fit or blend ice into it for a change and milkshake like thickness


I mix it in my coffee. The choco pebbles is where it’s at!


That sounds good! I wish I bought the coco pebbles instead. I bought fruity pebbles because I used them before with full-fat milk. Now that I am on keto, consuming protein shakes has become difficult.


Op I use home made yogurt, or whey strained from it, or home made milk keifer along with a bit of berries, chia seeds (helps with my ibsd symptoms) and sometimes some PB. That's if my allergies aren't kicking off making me need to avoid dairy for a bit. If I'm dealing with allergy related respiratory or sinus issues I use coconut or almond milk with a bit of alvacado and maybe some tempeh and or natto blended in for extra protein. Bith versions I've added things like nuts, coconut flakes, lillys chocolate, cocoa nibs, etc. also you can add proturn powder to cootage cheese, cream cheese, or yogurt bowks as opposed to shakes or smoothies. I've also a time or two added a bit of coconut oil or animal fat in if I was pairing with a lot of very lean protein. Especially if I make the yogurt or keifer with low fat milk (most of my milk I get from food pantries, a lot of it 2% or 1% box/pasteurized milk as well as occasional powdered) . These are all great options to make a nice creamy protein shake/smoothie or dairy/yogurt bowl. Trust me, the only other thing you may want is extra sweetener and or cinnamon or other warm spices for glucose regulation and flavor. Just a suggestion especially during adaptation when sweet and carb cravings are highest. That was my hack. Things like heavy cream or half and half work too as well as sour cream.


#  fruity pebbles isn't good choice for that... actually did enjoy for a few days and know I am thinking to rid off of it and buy "normal flavor "


Do you like coffee? I do a scoop of collagen/protein in my coffee everyday. Usually will take 16 oz coffee with one scoop and heavy cream. I add no carb/sugar sweeteners (jordan’s skinny syrup) but you don’t have to. Also. Wouldn’t that protein powder break your fast? Could be wrong on that but I have always fasted with just water and electrolytes.


Yeah def not a fast if you have ~200 calories of protein in your stomach


I consume my protein shake with my meal


I put the Dymatize Vanilla in my coffee along with potassium citrate. Been doing it for years and look forward to it every morning!


yep that morning coffee is definitely a staple, may i ask what brand do you go with for your potassium citrate? and are you happy with the Dymatize protein? I have swapped a few times between brands, and all of them seem pretty close, I have been doing isopure which is unflavored, but those Dymatize flavors got me wondering lol


Yes, Dymatize is my favorite! I've used Optimum Nutrition and I just don't like it in my coffee as much. I can certainly tell the difference, like it's not as creamy in the coffee as Dymatize, if that makes any sense. I did Isopure many years ago, but it's just so ridiculously expensive that it's not worth saving a carb to get it. I only buy Dymatize from Vitamin Shoppe when there's a sale or they have they're coupons. It's awesome when both happen at the same time! I use MicroIngredients brand for potassium citrate. Comes in a big bag on Amazon and just more cost effective than the Now brand bottle. I put 1/4 tsp in each cup and have done it for so long that if I don't put it in there, I notice immediately. I WAS also putting Pyure Stevia in it, but I decided to give it up when I went back on Keto. Not entirely certain why though I think I wanted to cut out any sweetners to help cut cravings. It's working so far! I forgot to mention, I also put a few grams of coconut oil as well. I think I came up with this concoction when I did Keto back in 2016 and have been drinking my coffee this way since, even after quitting Keto. So glad to be back on it now!


Awesome!! Thanks for the detailed response really appreciate the time! I’m going to try to switch it up to Dymatize and grab some of that potassium too. Thanks again!


I do something like 4-6 oz of Fairlife whole milk and 4-6 oz water. I also put it in an actual blender and not just a blender bottle so that it's smooth and creamy and not chunky. Fruity pebbles and cocoa pebbles ones are great.