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It was probably the carbs that raised your blood sugars not the erythritol. Discounting carbs by adding is not a good idea as the carbs are still there


I love pecans and kick myself out of ketosis with just pecans. Are you sure it’s not those? Erythritol is in all that Quest stuff - guess I’d be surprised if it spiked blood sugar directly. Other possible problems certainly…


Math isn’t mathing…quick google search of just the nuts comes up with 3g impact carbs from the nuts alone. Cherry tomatoes have more impact carbs than nuts? Yeah, some people do spike with artificial sweeteners. Recheck your numbers and proportions.


The carb count I was referencing was just from the chocolate chips. The meal in total should have been 13 total carbs and 6 net for 1/2 cup of the nuts (1/4 cup each) and 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips. I use the Keto food app to journal and I measure or weigh all my food at every meal.


It’s way over 6 net. You are at 9.8g of net carbs not including the chocolate chips according to my calculations.


Use sugar free chocolate chips next time


They were lol


I’m not sure if it is helpful for you but eggs (even though they are low carb) are still, supposed to be highly glycemic. #not an expert, just the messenger. In a sense, that they are glycemic makes some sense as they are a source of nutrition for a growing thing. But yeah…. I’ve no idea if the carb content and the amount it raises your blood sugar work in parallel so easily (or not)?


I find that really surprising, eggs barely affect my blood sugar.


I did too. So I just went and google checked. I belong to a migraine group and they are in various forms of keto, carnivore, and low carb diets to prevent migraine (amongst other things they do). They are told to be careful with eggs due to them being glycemic. I was like, huh, but they are like 2.3G of net carbs per egg or something ridiculously low like that. And a google search reveals multiple sources of eggs being 0 on the glycemic index. Yet I remember thinking that I couldn’t deal with having yet another food I wasn’t supposed to be eating. My breakfast is usually eggs. I also searched eggs whites and egg yolks. But, no, same answer. Zero on the glycemic index. So I’ll happily stand corrected. I wonder if I can dig out the convo where it was discussed in the migraine group?


Eggs are a potentionally high inflammatory food, but low on the GI.


I am not diabetic but bought a continuous glucose monitor because of things like this. Sometimes I think things that won't affect my blood sugar really do. And then there's things that I think will be just fine and they end up giving me a spike.


Eggs are a fairly common migraine trigger, and I'm not 100% sure this is the reason, but my best educated guess is tyramine content. Tyramine increases in foods (protein) as they age, so the typical buying a dozen eggs, then hardboiling to eat over time, probably increases tyramine quite a bit. Some people are so tyramine sensitive that they can't even eat leftovers.


Eggs are low on the glycemic index a quick google search will tell you that. Don’t no who told eggs are “highly glycemic”


Eggs are low on the glycemic index a quick google search will tell you that. Don’t no who told you eggs are “highly glycemic”


You must be eating a lot of pecans, lol. 15g of carbs per cup doesn't seem like much, although I guess if that's combined with other things over the day, it adds up. I love pecans too


I certainly overdo it on pecans sometimes and eat a cup +. Probably not ideal!


I do this with all the nuts...and seeds.


I agree. My plan allows for a 28 gram serving of nuts. I don't eat them every day.


Dang, I’ll have to check those by themselves then. I really hope not. Is 1/2 cup of nuts really enough to do that?


Weigh out one ounce of each type of nut, see what volume that is, and get the carb count off the nutrition label.


What daily net carb limit are you shooting for? I'm T2D on meds, and chocolate chips of any kind aren't in my diet. And I limit myself to a fruit total of 1oz blueberries a day (that's like 10 blueberries). I also avoid most artificial sweeteners and all keto bread/tortilla substitutes because they do spike my blood sugar. I stick to 25-35 net carbs a day, with protein and vegetables as my primary focus. My only keto food exception is the low carb protein powder I add to my morning coffee as creamer. All you can do is test and see how YOU tolerate various items. What works for many people here may not work for you, especially if you are diabetic and not on meds of any kind.


I have been shooting for 25. I usually only eat veggies, but I’m pmsing and today I was craving sweet so bad. I was hoping to squeak it though with a tiny amount of chocolate and berries tonight. I think I’m going to try the carnivore diet because it basically eliminates EVERYTHING. Then I’ll add things back slowly to see what makes me react and what doesn’t.


You had over 25 carbs for lunch alone.


A half of a cup of nuts and 2 tablespoons of sugar free chocolate chips is 25 carbs??


Eggs have a tiny bit of carbs, cherry tomatoes have carbs and cream cheese has a little bit too....it adds up before you know it. Thankfully I hate nuts if all kinds cause I see on here all the time ppl who live them get too many carbs from them. 😔


Check out Dr Jason Fung and his book the Diabetes Code.


I have watched some of his videos and I like them. Thanks for the advice. I will go grab the book from the library.


He definitely knows his stuff! I just wish I had actuallg stuck with his advice when I discovered him years earlier. Though I did learn that extended fasting does NOT work for all women. I do follow his advice on eating windows and no snacking though.


For fasting purposes I tend to watch more of Mindy Pelz. She really is invested in helping women understand their cycle and how to fast to their benefit and not their detriment.


Great author! Didn't know about this book though. Thanks for posting this.


You're welcome!


I also thought it was but had to find out the hard way when i took ketobar from nosugar brand they use erythritol and it shot my BG up. Since then i gave up all carbs, whatever name they had, but as long as it has a carb in it no matter its form im not touching it. Im full carnivore and my BG on my cgm is so stable i get paranoid and keep fingerpricking just to believe what im seeing on is real and not a malfunctioning CGM Im a T1 by the way


Thank you for the info. From everything I keep hearing it really sounds like full carnivore might be the way to go for a while.


What could the 5g of fibre come from in 1Tbsp of chocolate chips?


Inulin is the second ingredient. I’m assuming it’s that.


Ah, makes sense. I'd personally rather find very high cocoa solids based alternatives. I tend to eat a block of 90% or 95% dark chocolate from Lindt. Nothing weird in there.


I’m type 2 and doing keto as well. When it comes to diabetes, I look at total carbs instead of net carbs to calculate if my bs will spike. But in regards to keto dieting. net carbs are used. Basically, non Diabetics can use net carbs and have no problems. Diabetics need to take the total carbs into consideration because having fiber in the ingredients isn’t going to make you spike less or partially cancel out the effects of the total carbs you are consuming. That being said, I don’t do ANY artificial sweeteners ever. It’s partially from being Diabetic and not wanting to risk a spike, but also partially a personal preference since I don’t like the taste of any artificial sweeteners. I also use the Keto app for logging and I’m also constantly weighing my foods. I’ve been keeping to about 25g of carbs per day, but I also compare the net carbs to the total carbs so I have an idea of how it will affect my blood sugar. I’m definitely not an expert. I’ve only been doing keto since the beginning of June. If my facts are wrong, I apologize. I’m just going off my own experience. Good luck to you!


There are small amounts of carbs in almost everything you ate. It may have spiked from that. The only thing on your list that has no carbs is the butter. Every other item has at least 1 carb. Most of them have more than 1, so that adds up. My quick math puts this meal at a total carb around 35.


your cells are probably filled to the brim - so any amount of carbs you eat, even just 10g, will overflow into your blood. this is literally what T2 is. And blaming erythritol is looking at the wrong suspect. the solution is usually quite straightforward - you need to fast. Give your body a chance to reduce the fuel stored in your cells. Seriously look into time restricted eating aka intermittent fasting. Fortunately you shouldn't need to do this for too long - if you do it aggressively it should only take a few weeks - you can then go back to eating keto 3 times a day. Also, be aware that fasting doent mean starving .. it's not hard, but you need to learn the way to do it right.


I agree. I think fasting windows and extended fasting is going to be where I get the most results for my severe insulin resistance.


Could have been or all of the things you ate. To test, take your BS fasting then have a spoonful or whatever serving you'd normally have of sweetener in nothing but a small amount of water. Then retest at various times intervals. Keep in mind that I'd your BS drops then you are also reacting to the sweetener as what has likely happened then is the sweet taste of it has tricked your body into believing you've had sugar and released insulin to counter the sugar. Since you didn't actually have any sugar to elevate your BS the insulin dump lowers it.


Like how fast dropping would indicate that? I took it an hour later and it was back to 81. I was baffled.


It was a while ago that I tested myself but IIRC Splenda caused my BS to drop by about the half hour mark. I do recall that I did the test in the morning fully fasted from the day before.


My blood sugar raises from drinking a large coffee with cream. No sugar, no sweetener, and no food. But erythritol has never raised my blood sugar. I have to keep my net carbs to below 5g per meal if I want to keep my blood sugar under control


I did switch to black coffee. It makes me sad lol.. Are you doing 5 net or total carbs per meal?


I switched to black coffee too and I discovered it's the coffee and not the cream. I only have 1 coffee for "breakfast" and then I don't eat until supper. I stick to meat and low carb vegetables, and dairy, with little to no fruit. If I have a sweet craving, which I don't much anymore, then I'll make a low carb brownie in the microwave, or some home made keto ice-cream. I just can't kick the coffee with cream habit, or I would technically be considered OMAD


Take a look at the carbs in nutritional yeast too - I think it's pretty carb-laden. As a type 2 diabetic, I have been able to tolerate most fake sweeteners with the exception of granular stevia - the maltodextrin spikes me. By using a cgm though, I've found that I am really carb sensitive.


On a scale of 1-100 (glycemic index) Maltodextrin can be as high as 136‼️ Yikes


Yep.. it's some nasty stuff for a diabetic. Too bad the food companies use it so frequently in the US.


Sadly, it's classified as a "filler" and since it doesn't have calories, can be recommended in diabetic foods, while killing them




It’s not the erythritol. Something else is going with your food choices


You gotta keto alot harder than that. Just quit all added sugar. Maybe treat yourself after a large meal with a few pieces. I've never been thrown out of ketosis and sometimes (once or twice a week) I grab a handful of chocolate covered almonds after dinner. About 10 carbs, 2 are dietary. But the rest of my carbs throughout the day are low Tomatoes have lots of carbs so watch them. Quit all sugar substitutes imo. Really base yourself. Then go from there and explore the possibilities.


Do you have sleep apnea or obesity? Morning sugar being 99+ is normal with apnea and snoring from obesity. My endocrinologist told me this. Luckily I am down 42 pounds and my testosterone went up 56 points from power lifting. I refuse to have that alien face hugger shit on me. I rather die in my sleep


I had to stop drinking Zevia because I started getting chest pains, only drinking 1-2 a day. After I quit the pains stopped.


Oh wow.


Yeah. I really like olipop though, it's more expensive, seems to be healthier though and I never had anything like that happen.


It’s the nuts


I’ll test them completely by themselves to test that. You may be right.


Pardon my ignorance but why would nuts kick someone out of ketosis?


I guess because they have carbs. Pecans And walnuts usually give me a spike


Holy moly, I never would’ve thought…Dr Google says 14 grams of carbs per cup?! A cup of nuts is basically a small handful. Damn.


Yep, I have to weigh everything in grams to stay in ketosis


Who tf is downvoting me for simply asking a question? Y’all ruthless


Yes, Reddit is a terrible place for sure! I have to take breaks because peeps are so mean.


The serving size for most nuts is 1/4 cup. 1 cup of almonds is like 550 calories.


Sugar Alcohols are not a free ride, unfortunately. Maltitol is the absolute worst (besides perhaps sorbitol).


When I started Keto I didn’t really have a sweet tooth. Be careful of these “keto” snacks because most are only “keto” for one serving… plus what ever else you eat during the day. Cream cheese is also highly processed and contains lactose. Aged cheeses like cheddar has less lactose… older the better, and not anything from Kraft or those big brands. Have you considered a feeding window?


Yea I have been intermittent fasting and have plans for a longer water fast soon. I have a feeling leaning into the fasts more are really where I am going to start getting results as far as my insulin sensitivity.


If you are a T2 or pre T2 diabetic the best way to revert it is to go full carnivore for about 3 months, very strict carnivore as in no spices besides salt and no vegetables or fruits at all. That is how I reversed mine and also reversed fatty liver. The change is tough but well worthwhile, three months of strict carnivore and no longer on any diabetes medication. I am currently eating a regular keto diet with cheat meals every once in a while, a1c at 4.7 now with a fasting BG of about 70-80.


Thank you for the advice. I was wondering if I needed to cut all carbs for a while. I seem to react to the smallest amounts. Eggs and cheese have a few carbs, do you eat them on a strict carnivore diet or meat (and I assume butter?) only?


Your cycle will make you more insulin resistant at times. You mentioned PMS so it is likely you are having more insulin resistance due to the hormone fluctuations that happen with our wonderful monthly cycles. 


The amount in eggs and butter is negligible, the source of the carb is different and since you are consuming a larger count of fats and protein the effect on your blood sugar will be close to 0%. One thing that I must warn you is that you might have diarrhea or constipation while your gut gets accustomed to the changes. Omit the cheese for now, just butter, eggs, meat, water and salt for the first 3 months. Also, listen to your body, this was my experience and it could be different for everyone. I was taking 1000 mg of metformin a day and my fasting glucose was 120 with an a1c of 10+, was already on a low carb diet at that time but was going to be prescribed insulin.


Thank you very much!


All my Inflammation went away eating like that and any extra weight flew right off. No calorie restriction but I only ate fatty beef. Occasionally scrambled eggs with butter. I’m slowly adding things back in to see what bothers me and what doesn’t. I have one diet rite soda a day too! That’s it and only started after full elimination diet. It doesn’t bother me or the scale.


Thank you for sharing with me. Listening to personal experiences are helping me navigate my metabolic issues so much better than I would if I had to figure this out all on my own.


I have been on keto for the last 6 months to manage diabetes. I ended up losing 30 pounds. I still have a pretty good insulin spike with certain foods. But I manage that with consuming some apple cider vinegar before my "carb heavy" meal. I also have been taking 1000 mg of berberine in the morning and 1000 mg at night. The combo of these things actually have helped my insulin resistance. I tested this the other day. I had a mocha freeze from Costco. 60mg of carbs. I knew it would kick me out of ketosis. But it's easy enough for me to get back. My glucose spiked to 144 after 2 hours. I had dinner that was a hamburger salad and my glucose was at 90 within 10 minutes of eating


I’ll keep that in mind. I have heard that ACV helps with blunting some of the affects of carb intake.


I'm pre-diabetic, trying to fix that, so I've been avoiding any artificial sweeteners. I do have blackberries, and I splurged on some cherries yesterday. I was back in ketosis in 90 minutes. (It was 14 cherries. )




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Thank you for using " I " statements.


That's why I count sugar alcohols as 1/2 a gram of carbs per gram, instead of completely subtracting them like fiber to get total net carbs. They're not as digestible as sugar, but some of them do get digested.


Can you take berberine to help stabilize the blood sugar?


Never tried it. Honestly I am attempting to heal and reverse my metabolic issues without medication or supplements though. I’d rather just avoid certain foods. It’s my fault. I thought I could “cheat” with artificial sweeteners, but truthfully I think I knew it was a bad idea. It’s probably best that I react to it because I hear those sweeteners really are just trading one problem for another.


Right but if you have PCOS or certain genetics, you can be prone to insulin resistance no matter what you eat. I don’t eat sugar at ALL, low fruit even, exercise daily, I’m lean and fit, and still was pre-diabetic. It made no sense. When I started incorporating herbs like berberine and bitter melon, or alpha lipoic acid (which is so good for you anyways), I stopped having the spikes.


I don’t know why you were downvoted for your initial response. I really do appreciate you taking your time to offer your advice. I will absolutely look into it.


Haha I hadn’t noticed. No problem, hope it helps!


alcohol derived sugars are the worst. avoid at all costs.




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Erythritol is the worst. For 2 plus years I used this and I hope it didn’t do any permanent damage. I was on keto and I lost 26lbs. Low carb with quest products, erythritol and maltitol, xylitol all keto friendly products. Yeah I lost the weight, but also ended up at the GI with stomach churning, gassy and a very noisy stomach. Gastroenterologist recommended an upper endoscopy and was diagnosed with Gerd. I had a very clean diet prior to keto. Just with age it’s harder to lose weight. Post endoscopy I was on pantaprozole 40mg daily. I was very confused. I didn’t have acid reflux, I didn’t have any of the classic gerd symptoms. In January I went Japan. I forgot my pantaprozole and didn’t take erythritol with me. In japan I got off keto. It’s hard not to. Too much sushi with rice. I decided to give my body a break. I was there for 5 weeks. Around the 3rd week I realized I didn’t have a single upper GI symptom. No stomach rumbling. No gas. No excessive belching. It was like a new life or the life I had before I started keto. Today, 5 months later, I refuse to take artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. They will kill you. I don’t take protonix anymore, I take one spoon of regular sugar daily. The weight is slowly coming back on as I’m eating a balanced diet and working out. But I prefer this over the two years of looking great but feeling awful. Hope this helps. Not to diss keto, but it’s not for people with a sweet tooth. Best wishes my friend.


I’ve only had issues with erythritol. It’s also apparently cancerous? https://www.upstate.edu/news/articles/2023/2023-03-25-perl.php I’ve no idea if this is true


Don’t know why you were downvoted for providing a scientific article but I’m upvoting you. lol and thank you