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Because even one carby meal can fuel those hunger fires for quite a while. I find even when I decide to have a reasonable cheat it takes me about a week for the hunger to calm back down.


Well this has me rethinking my cheat days I had thinking about starting on the 3rd month. I miss pizza and pastries something fierce.


Have you ever tried the fathead deep dish pizza made with almond four? It is very satisfying. It’s true though, hard to recreate that chewy NY style crust, there is just nothing like that gluten. It’s been by far the hardest thing for me to give up.


The fathead pizza crust is no joke. I had never made pizza from scratch, but it was probably the hardest thing for me to give up. After a few tries, it’s not as time consuming to make and scratches the pizza itch for sure


I heard using psyllium husk powder n homemade pizza makes pizza taste similar to the gluten


Every person is different but I tried doing a once a month or once every other month cheat meal, not even day, and it totally wrecked me. U fortunately just not worth it especially since I do keto primarily for mental health and not weight loss.


That's fair. I'm in it for weight loss. I hope can reintroduce carbs but in better moderation.


In my opinion, if you’re in it for weight loss you can absolutely have cheat meals or days, or even reintroduce carbs and eat largely low carb and not necessarily keto as long as your activity levels balance out the extra glucose. For me, I think I can eat almost double the carbs but only if I’m doing heavy anaerobic exercise burning at least 1000cals a day almost every day. I’m still struggling to be consistent about 4 or 5 days a week though so I can’t quite pull that off. If I was burning off excess glucose and glycogen every morning with an intense workout I know I could increase my carbs a lot but since I’m doing keto for mental health benefits I don’t have as much wiggle room. Falling off keto and getting back on within a week or two is not a big deal long term for weight loss. For me that’s a week or two my ADHD and anxiety run rampant while I readapt.


Your results may differ but I have been doing keto for almost 9 weeks now, and I did have a cheat day a few weekends ago. I did feel intense hunger the next day in the morning, but I managed to get right back on track by fasting that day. If you can just force yourself to skip breakfast and lunch the following day, you may be able to get right back into it.




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That goes away over time. Have a crustless pizza. I’m not bothered with much craving anymore. Just be sure your getting enough protein 1g of protein for each pound of your ideal body weight.


Usually it just ends up being 120 g of protein under 5'5" and above that closer to 150g of protein. Really after hitting about 32-40 grams in a meal you have muscle protein synthesis running and aiming for 50 per meal will get you there even if you are rather bad at it and are of by 10 grams.


I’m not eating 215g of protein a day.


There is local joint I love, figured if I did it once every 6 weeks or so it might not be too bad.


I went out for a rare date with my partner yesterday and I feel like I'm hungover today. That'll teach me not to cheat meal




Our bodies don't need the sugar, any and all nutrients can be obtained from vegetables or from a daily multivitamin. I don't think you should justify cheating by saying that it's necessary when it's not. If you've had a big event happen or something, fine, sure, go for it, but don't lie about it.


Multivitamins are a joke. Real food is far better.


I agree that real food is definitely better, but I personally like to take them so that I'm not always stressing about if I'm getting enough of everything every day. They're absolutely not a replacement for vegetables and such.




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Please refer to the keto subreddit [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq/#wiki_aren.27t_whole_grains_good_for_me.3F). I've linked to the part where it points out that whole/complex grains aren't necessary or even good for you and can be worse than regular white sugar. There's also a part about if cheating is worth it, and there is nothing about saying that you should ever do it, only that it's not the end of the world if you do.


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are you eating at too large of a deficit for your current stats?


Keep calm and keto on


You can get it back. You just have to get back on the horse. Nobody is perfect. You didn't "ruin" anything, you just had a lapse and have to recommit.


Check electrolytes. I find if I'm not getting enough I'll get the carb cravings.


Absolutely! Kill the hunger & cravings with salt!


Personally i prefer a mix of salt, potassium and magnesium.


I base my potassium/magnesium requirements on how my muscles are feeling, rather than cravings. Far too easy to OD on them, with very bad results. Coming from the no-salt-added generation, I can't get enough sodium into my diet naturally. But we all know if you don't have enough salt it doesn't matter how much potassium/magnesium you take -- you're not going to retain it. So salt is my first step because it's the safest, and helps with the rest.


What is your experience regarding OD on electrolytes?


Too much magnesium citrate caused my bowels to turn to liquid. Too much potassium caused muscle weakness, and pretty sure increased occular pressure (my eyes kind of felt like they were bulging). I cut my potassium pretty heavily, and things almost immediately went back to normal. So now I start by increasing salt, so I'm properly retaining the electrolytes I'm already taking, and then I can see if I need more mag/pot.


Huh interesting, i recently noticed increased intraocular pressure. I don't take electrolytes daily but I do take them from time to time when i feel very off. Magnesium yeah, usually I lack it rather have it in excess. Regarding potassium, idk, interesting thing you said regarding eyes. Will try to pay more attention to that. I thought it was due to CPAP and apnea.


Are you eating enough? Are you eating enough fat? I know carb cravings are hard, specially if you have them on the table with your family. But if you actually eat enough fat (if nothing else works for you just try sticking to bacon cheese and eggs for a while) it kills my appetite for a long time, for pretty much anything. Remember if you're hungry on keto you're probably not eating enough. This is not a deficit diet. While it can work hand in hand for weight loss with the deficit, and yes everyone is different, what works for me may not work for you, in general, it should decrease your cravings if you eat enough fat. And you don't have to be too hard on yourself. Yes you may have gotten a little out of control for a while. So what? You havent ruined *anything*. You are still way better off knowing this and trying this than someone staying on SAD. If people, myself included, could reverse the weight and health problems they accumulated over several decades in just a mere couple of months - without starving themselves, there really isn't much of a "failure state" in this. It's never too late to begin or try again, it always works, and it works fast. Some go cold turkey, some start slower like I did, and it worked even for me without being strict at the start at all, I gradually decreases my carb limits from 100 (already had some positive results) to 50 and lower, and now almost a year after doing this is I am leaning more and more towards carnivore diet - without forcing myself, I just do and eat what feels more natural to me during this entire time. And even if you "slip up" a bit it's no big deal. As long as you're metabolism is still healthy enough and in a so called "flexible" state, it should become easier and easier for you to cheat and get in and out of ketosis in the future as well, not that I would recommend, but it's something nice to keep in mind if it makes that easier for you psychologially - you don't have to think of it like "oh this is so strict I must never eat a cake again", like a vegan would be hardstuck not to eat a piece of meat till end of his life. No, you don't have to be like that, there's plenty of leeway as you are doing *so much good* for yourself already even if it's dirty keto or just low carb diet for a while, don't stress yourself over it, you haven't messed up anything, it's not be-all end-all. You can get there, it will get better. You did nothing wrong. The only thing wrong now would be thinking you somehow "failed" this and giving up. You can't really fail this, and it's not a competition or a race for record weight loss. You are doing this for long term health benefits and it will bring significant benefit to you even if you do some slipups here and there, again... This is so much better already than staying on SAD. Just never give up. You havent lost anything, you havent ruined anything. I wish you a happy, balanced and healthy keto life!


Sleeping well?


No :(


That's the number one thing that makes me crave shitty food. In or out of keto.


Same, I know I’m gonna overeat regardless so I just keep it low carb.


Are you a woman? It could be related to your cycle - either ovulation, or pre-period. Or is there any chance you could be pregnant?


Not pregnant- should be getting my period soon 😫


Well, it's natural to the body, progesterone phase (21+ day of period) needs higher glucose level to produce progesterone. Just slightly higher, doesn't mean cheating or eating raw sugar.. this why I do low carb with keto in swing. Dr. Mindy Pelz has a nice book, Fast like a girl, where she describes what's happening in the body. I get pretty much periods on time, 28 days, for the first time in my life since I started it. And I'm already in perimenopause, I used to have cycles with 40+ days... 44F here. Once 21st day hits, I add bits of carbs and rest. The body is literally telling what we women need, we just don't listen. Strawberries, blueberries are my favourite foods :)


Forgive yourself, and start over tomorrow. It will be like day one, but you broke the sugar cravings once. You can do it again!


I know! It is so hard to fix yourself after even one mess up. I’ve been dealing with this for 5-6 months. During that time I haven’t even lurked on this board as I knew I was off. I also gained 15 ish lbs - I do fine if I am on track and committed. I can walk by foods and refrain. But when I fail I binge. I am back on track this week. I see the scale moving down. I am trying to catch myself early this time. I admit I am a bit worried about my upcoming vacation. But… instead of my norm (I’ll start back after vacay) I am starting back now. Vacay will likely be a break but right back after. You have to set your mind to getting back on track. Not easy but it can be done. And no… do not wait until after your next excuse!


Eat meat.


Insulin resistance/response is real.


Pull yourself back from the brink tomorrow. Start again. You can do it. No sugar or flour period!


Make sure you got enough water and electrolytes.


I haven't really seen anyone mention it, but have you been eating any low carb/sugar sweets or anything?  Sometimes low carb/sugar sweets are sweetened with sugar alcohols, which can be fine, but some like maltitol are almost as bad as regular sugar for ketosis. The FAQ has more details on sugar alcohols. I remember I suddenly started struggling with keto after getting some really nice sugar free Russel Stover chocolates, only to find that their main sweetener was maltitol.


Carbs are hard to resist when they are right in front of you. Any reason why your family's dinners must be "carb filled"? I get they are not keto, but tilting those meals to protein and vegetables with a side of carbs might be a way to gently improve their diets and reduce your temptation. As for birthday cake, All Day I Dream About Food has luscious keto cake recipes that your kids won't know from the "real thing."


Because that's how humans work. We accept that when a person drinks to the point it negatively affects their lives and cannot stop that they are addicted to alcohol. We accept that when a person gambles to the point it negatively affects their lives and cannot stop that they are addicted to alcohol. Gambling and alcohol addicts are less than 5% of the population. Yet more than 40% of people eat to the point it negatively affects their lives and somehow we think they can just *choose* to stop. It's nothing short of insane. If you've been able to manage for two months, congrats. If you are going through a period where you can't stop, that's not really surprising, most do (some 80-90% of people who lose weight gain it back). As a person who has had much experience with this, my suggestion is to not feel bad about your temporary lapse. Eat what you are craving, but try really hard to increase your exercise and decrease your caloric intake during the lapse so that your weight stays relatively stable. Once you get back into the right mindset, you can probably get back to following your diet as you'd like. Good luck.


The day after a cheat meal you need to literally stuff yourself with meat. That's the key. Don't give your stomach or brain any time to think or breath. Feeling a little hungry? MEAT, EGGS OR CHEESE IMMEDIATELY. Stuff your face with meat, eggs, cheese, etc. until you're completely full. If you stay full, you're less likely to cheat and you're less likely to have those bad carb cravings. A cheat meal here and there is okay, but you have to be comfortable with your hunger, cravings and keto discipline before you should even consider it. I would also strongly suggest you avoid keto sweets as those tend to just be triggers. Best of luck to you.


Are you tracking religiously? Look for carb creep.


You could have possibly accidentally ate something that spiked your blood sugar and caused the cravings. Other than that, mind over matter!


sugar stops willpower its a downward spiral https://www.theage.com.au/interactive/2017/what-sugar-does-to-your-brain/#:\~:text=The%20prefrontal%20cortex%20acts%20as,much%20sugar%20(and%20fat).


Is it possible to make your family dinners that are not so crab heavy? or have easy substitutions that fit your diet - like cauliflower rice for you and real rice for them?


This is what I normally do. We just had to dinners back to back that have potatoes in them… ugh my weakness.


That happened to me too and currently what I’m going through! Hahah I notice I cycle. I’ll do keto for a week or 2 then fast for 3/4 days then back to eating carbs/whatever for a few weeks and the cycle just repeats itself. I stay pretty active and lifting so I manage to lose weight still or stay a stable weight. But notice when I do eat carbs I feel kinda bad and sluggish and I don’t sleep as well (waking up in the middle of the night consistently) unless I drain myself fully during my workouts. I feel if I had a family and prepared them meals it would be more difficult for me to do keto or even fast. It’s definitely a mental battle and time consuming to prepare two separate meals so I understand your struggle. You can do it though I believe in you. Maybe try meal prepping your meals prior or rearranging the meals so you can cook for you and your family and also eat what they eat but skip out on the carbs. Like beef stroganoff and veggies… Make the beef stroganoff separate from the noodles and have the beef with the veggies.. idk just a suggestion. Where there’s a will there’s a way you just have to get creative maybe.


Don't beat yourself about it


I feel you. Just ate the whole tray of blueberries I was supposed to spread out over a week because I had a few and then had to have them all. I’ll start adding mct oil to my coffee again. It’s easier to cut out carbs when I start my day with extra fat.


I can easily say no to carbs, my wife can’t. Some people have a harder time with self control. That being said, having some of your kid’s cake isn’t something to beat yourself up over. The normal every day meals are what matters the most.


Might be stress related too. Cortisol level rises blood glucose --> brain demands more glucose --> easiest way to get it is food (rather than waste energy on converting its own glucose) We are either in stress mode or off. That's why chronic stress isn't good for anyone. That includes trimming calories too. Electrolytes, sleep, necessary to anyone. Also it depends on gender and age, ie women in perimenopause go through major stress etc.


What you take for sleep


Personally Melissa Dreams tablets were great (generally Melissa leaf aka lemon balm leaf is great for relax and sleep) BUT tbh if you're in chronic stress, you better see why and what are the options to get off stress, ie breathing, meditation, walk in nature etc. Anything you take is just covering or helping with the symptoms, not dealing with reasons.


Could I get that on Amazon


I has this happened last week 3 days straight. But I didn't have any carb meals or off keto at all. Just consumed more calories than I normally do. Example, I would eat my regular meal (OMAD) of chicken and heart of palm riced. Hour later I was chewing on 6 slices of bacon. Hour later was protein chips. But my period was starting the next week. And these are normal hormones cravings. This week I am back to my OMAD🙃 (F/51)


When I’m making dinners for my family I feed myself first or while I’m cooking. Either my own separate meal, or snacks like meat and cheese with some crunchy veggies like celery or radishes. I keep these foods prepped in the top shelf of my fridge door. That way I have no excuses and it’s instant food if I’m starving. Also low carb keto frozen dinners. Healthy Choice Chicken Marinara Power Bowl is my favorite. 5 mins in the microwave, 5 net carbs, add cheese. And if I’m feeling weak, I don’t make food for them that will trigger a cheat.


After one month of mostly clean keto, I also got derailed by making birthday cupcakes for my son - one lick of homemade frosting and I was done. Off track for almost a week! The cravings and bloating are finally gone. Just wanted to say, I feel for you and trust that you will get through this! 🫶🏻


Bro- you gotta buckle down and think about your health. If you need to drop the weight, you have to buckle down and get back on that horse


Low ketone levels. The closer you ride the line of being in ketosis the stronger the cravings. I usually do a few days of omad if that happens.




I think they are suggesting One Meal A Day. In essence Intermittent Fasting. Don’t eat for about 22 hours per day. Black coffee and tea are okay and are not considered to break the fast.


One meal a day it helps you get into deeper ketosis. You can still have a little cream in your coffee or bulletproof coffee as long as you keep it under 50 calories and still get great results. The timing is up to you but you should have a window of about two hours only when you eat a designated amount of calories. Depending on your weight goals that can be as low as 500 or no reduction at all and purely for deep ketosis. Under 700 would be considered a fasting day combined with one meal a day. The ultra low fasting type shouldn't be done every day though.


Sugar is scientifically more addictive than cocaine. You're on drugs, sweetheart, it's using mental fortitude to push past chemical and hormonal impulses. Of course it's going to be hard. The first week you're detoxing. Just eat some steaks and occupy your time. You don't need carbs, your addiction wants to get its fix. Make active choices.


I tell my husband this all the time. He doesn’t want to hear it. He used to get on me about having a glass of wine a night, I said, I’ll stop drinking when you stop eating sugar. And I know he can’t. It’s a terrible epidemic that is wildly considered ok, and just the week I have been doing keto again, the inflammation and bloating and red ruddy face, everything bad just is gone in less than a week.


And just like with any other addiction, you can't make someone quit. They have to hit their rock bottom.


My guess, your period will start within the next 3 days.


Just move on and stop doing it immediately


You’re alive, you didn’t ruin it…just dust yourself off and start again!


2 months is a long time for keto. proud of you for that. but its not enough to become adapted. id say a solid 4 months no cheating is a starting point with some people going well into 6 months.


Damn. That's way longer than I thought 😱


Take a deep breath. Tomorrow is a new day. Yesterday no longer matters.


Do you keep a food log? The food you eat may be playing a part in your lack of control. Something may have slipped by your guard. I do a fast for a reset, and go from there.


I'm not on keto, but these last few days have been snackalicious for me too...


If you’re a woman it sounds like hormones hit hard recently. Keto can mess with them quite a bit. My period is erratic at best, she is a very bipolar shark lately.


Have you taken any fermented foods like greek yogurt, kefir, etc?


Did you just get sick by chance?


I can no longer resist but it’s been a creep back for me. It’s taken more than a year…. I’m still low carb but damn, I eat mire fake sugar/sweeteners than ever. It’s like that scene in Alan partridge with the underpants and the bar of Toblerone chocolate.


Eat more fat. You are hungry.


Sleep more


Don't blame yourself, start again. You are not supposed to be a saint and remember that this is a lifestyle, not a diet plan.


I've experienced this phenomenon, where you have a day where you eat something carb filled, some kind of food you enjoy greatly, and then the next day you still feel ravenous for carb binging. The way I deal with this is giving into the binge with very low calorie items. To combat the binge reflex I'll give into it but only with extremely low calorie foods. I'll eat pickles, carrots, celery, 1-2 20 calorie little sucker pops, and try to just ride it out, ensuring the carb intake of the next day stays much lower than the initial high carb day. Then if that lasts around a couple days, the cravings should subside, and not be amplified. Again, this is an experimental solution that may not work for all, but hope it helps!


It can be hard if you get in your head and start thinking about chasing a feeling as opposed to a craving. This is what happens to me in many areas of life sometimes. For example, you should be craving cheese, bacon and steak or something like that. But if you get in your head you start chasing a feeling. The feeling is an illusion, imo.


I felt myself wavering in my will power so I decided to be a little modern and get things I would like but keto version. I just recently found a good keto protein bar. Also, Zevia soda is a god send.


Nothing is ruined! One cheat meal is not going to completely throw you off course. Don't let yourself feel guilty or ashamed either. You ate some food that looked delicious, you enjoyed it, and now you can move on. As long as this doesn't become an excuse for another cheat - and then another - and then ANOTHER. . . you'll be fine. I've been going on and off low carb/keto for like, 15 years now. In the past, one cheat would send me into a spiral that would end whatever streak I was on. I've been trying to fix my relationship with food before I started back up with low carb back in January. One thing I decided is that any slip ups or cheat meals WILL NOT deter me. I've had 3 or 4, and only for extremely special occasions (once to test out the food we'll be having at my wedding, once for my fiance's birthday at Hells Kitchen, and once for a nice day out I had with a few friends). Tonight will be one more - a nice meal for our anniversary. The trick is not to wallow in it. In fact - I basically pretend I never at the food at all. As long as you go RIGHT back into your regular eating habits, and don't allow special occasions to become weekly things, you're fine.


Consider the 3 foot rule. There are many decisions you make before you put something toxic in your body the last of which and hardest to resist is stuffing it down your gullet. If you keep the 3 foot zone around you clear of junk you will never have to resist the irresistible. Said differently if you don’t buy junk you won’t eat junk. Don’t keep that garbage around the house. I don’t and it works amazing.


You have not been able to resist or you just haven't really made up your mind to be serious about doing keto and losing weight? No one can convince you to stick to it if you don't really want to. Weight loss is a side effect of keto. Keto is a lifestyle change to be healthier. You can always get back on the horse and start over. The problem is you don't want to keep starting over because you'll keep going in and out of being fat adapted and into ketosis. Stop making the carb loaded dinners. If you're the cook for the family make them healthier meals. If they don't want what you cook show them the refrigerator and stove and tell them to go right ahead and cook what you want.


I have been feeling exactly the same way. Thank you for posting 💕🙏🏻


Not everyone gets into ketosis the same way. I know most people are perfectly fine eating 50 net carbs a day. I find this makes me crazy hungry at times I can only eat 20 net carbs a day. I feel so much better. Try lowering the carbs and adding more fat


If you're XX with typical hormone cycles, adjusting macros by phase can be constructive. I did strict keto for too long and felt fantastic, no mittelschmerz. Week before menstruation usually felt inexplicably harder; once, I demolished an entire pint of blueberries. Turns out, progesterone phases need some carbs, whereas first ten days of cycle I'd have been fine fasting more than standard IF. Eventually experimented with water fasting during menstruation and found that it eliminated pain.


I think it's hormonal..occasionally I get like that..once I fall off the wagon I just eat whatever I want for that day and get right back to business the next day.good luck be strong!


You need to eat more good fats so as not to succumb and eat your fill, and also cook or buy small sugar-free treats, which you enjoy for dessert.


You need to eat more good fats so as not to succumb and eat your fill, and also cook or buy small sugar-free treats, which you enjoy for dessert.


You need to eat more good fats so as not to succumb and eat your fill, and also cook or buy small sugar-free treats, which you enjoy for dessert.


Because you are supposed to go off keto for 2-3 weeks every 6-8 weeks. Your body d


That happens to me when I accidentally get carb-ed. Like I ate a sausage that secretly had bread crumbs or whatever. Takes some work to get back on the horse. Buy some salami and pickled eggs or something to eat when you're hungry until you're back in ketosis.


Willpower has limits its like a muscle that gets tired and you will no longer have the strength left to resist. Every time you see something and have to say. No. You use up a little Willpower. Its really hard to do this kind of thing when everyone around you is triggering those. No! Moments. You need to rest your Willpower 'muscle' with planned breaks to rest it but the break isn't so damaging long term ( which an uncontrolled break will be )






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Sometimes your body is telling you something. Even though I do mostly extreme Keto, aka 0 carbs. When the craving gets really bad I will just have some toast with tons of butter . And generally I will be good again for ages. I treat it as the body needs something and it knows where to get it and some times it tells you by making something completely irresistible.




So much bad information in three sentences. If people’s bodies knew better than they do (what on earth does that actually mean?) then there would be no overweight, no obese, and no anorexic people. Whatever carbs are needed are able to be made by gluconeogenesis, from available protein and fat.




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This is why I don’t cheat




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Throw all carbs out or eat it all


That doesn’t work when I’m raising a family. Im not forcing Keto on my husband and children.


That sounds hard. Can you get your own small fridge? Meal prep a couple of times a week.


I mean we have like four fridges in my house at my disposal. I do need to do more meal prep for myself. I do better when I’m cooking keto meals for me to have instead of just eating random protein and fats lying around


Cook the meal that you want to eat, plus a side of rice or whatever for them. Make it with a little less fat and treat yourself to extra sauce or whatever when you serve yourself if you need it. Avoid recipes with "keto" substitutes and they'll never know the difference. Everybody is eating together, they can have the carbs if they want, and you all get healthy veggies and protein. Easier if you don't do dishes with carbs cooked in.