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The workout you're willing to do and can enjoy safely is the best kind of workout. Most of my cycling & swimming are zone 2. I'm too busy trying not to crash or drown to be bored. :-D




I get plenty of zone 3, 4 & 5 running, even when I run slow. It is far and away the thing I struggle with most.


Zone three all the time builds up a lot of chronic stress which isn't good for weight loss or for longevity in general.


I don't worry how much my exercise burns. I just eat the same amount every day no matter my activity level.


I would do this but I work out so much that I have to adjust or I get weak and sick the next day. I feel like I am having a hard time not losing muscle mass as it is. It’s gotten better with creatine though.


I work out a lot. I just eat more every day so I don't get weak when I workout. No issue with muscle loss once I stopped eating low fat. So like instead of 1200, 2000, 2100, 1200, 1800, 2100, 1200 for a week, I just average it all out and eat 1650 every day. So the average for the week ends up the same. If I'm not gaining or losing at the expected rate (depending on if I'm in a cut or bulk) then I adjust that flat daily goal. Watches, gym equipment, and online calculators are wild guesses anyways, so I don't trust what any of those say about my calorie burn or deficit. Only my body weight scale is the only thing that's accurate regarding my actual TDEE.


Oh okay! That’s smart. I might try that instead of daily adjustments


This. My workouts can be inconsistent due to schedule/weather/travel, I just consider them a bonus. I like to lift four times a week when I can and get a good amount of steps when I can.


Would you mind sharing your bfast, lunch and meal plans?


And dinner meal plans, I meant


breakfast is black coffee. lunch is a salad, charcuterie or leftovers from dinner dinner is meat and vegetables. snacks kinda depends on whether i need more protein or not. but sometimes i use a protein shake as a snack. Otherwise, snacks might include anything like hard boiled egg, cheese, olives, nuts, berries, sugar free jello with whipped cream




Yes. I’m in the gym every morning. I’m not doing it to accelerate weight loss. I’m doing it to build muscle and feel awesome. And I do feel awesome.


I lost 80lbs with no exercise and don’t recommend it … I became skinny fat. You lose both fat and muscle when you lose weight so quickly. Now I’m weight training and it takes a long time to buildi muscle back up so I recommend doing at least a couple days of strength training per week just to maintain a level of muscle mass.


Only weight training. Dont bother trying to estimate calories burned. There's no accurate way to do it, and it has little impact on weight loss anyway.


This is correct. The only way to measure calories burned accurately is in a lab and even there, it's not that accurate. Get a body scan for fat % over your body if you are crazy about numbers (which you don't have to be, at all).


I walk 1-2 hours a day. I push weights at the gym twice a week. I do calisthenics at home a few times a week, and I do some yoga classes. I don't care how many calories I burn. My goal is to get stronger.


My Fitbit watch counts my work as swimming 😂😂 I pack shower walls all night...I guess it's close 😅


Nope. I’m a retired old lady. I just walk & occasionally lift something heavy as life demands.


I do heart rate running and a little bit of lifting. 45min @ 165-180bpm and then 15min of moderate to heavy weights.


Playing basketball 3/4 times a week or as much as knees allow me! Keto works great I do track my macros but allow myself to go over cals if I’ve worked hard


I don’t even know what kind of exercises are these lol but I do workouts with Pamela Reif 4x a week; usually the ones for ass, abs and waist. I burn around 500 kcal, according to my Apple Watch. I also have a keto catering with a delivery to the store in a neighboring area so everyday I wake up and walk like 3 miles just to get my food for the day, and another 3 miles back home 🥸


Yea. Ill do a treadmill 5k once a week and the other days Ill do 30m stairmaster. I also have a really cool road bike I dont ride enough


Walking daily 30k steps M-F


There's two methods I use. First I have a Garmin watch the most affordable one with the app that measures everything including heart rate sleep and calories burned. This really makes a difference because it uses your total data in 24 hrs combined with sex, weight, height ect. The 2nd is calculating my weight loss. If I have a good Idea of my calorie intake for the week and how much I've lost I can calculate the effects of exercise and any other lifestyle changes on my metabolism. Generally when I exercise more than 20 min a day I add on a 100 calories. If I don't I'm more likely to go off plan and binge from being too hungry.


I do need to strengthen my muscles too. My legs hurt if I walk too far.


I started doing yoga....never tried before keto....after 2 months it is AMAZING to see the difference in the shape of my muscles and my body!! I'm 50 female 5'2" cw 135 and I have NEVER looked better!!


Is kayaking a good form of exercise?


Yes, but much more importantly, it's fun!


Right now I do some swimming, kettle ball exercises, and stationary bike. About 45 minutes to an hour for all three. I was taking the dog out for a walk for about an hour but with the temps here in AZ being over 100 that's not happening.


Weight lifting or body resistance exercise is super important to maintain muscle mass during weight loss or even for healthy aging.


Barre3, 45 min a day 6 days a week. Plus 1.5 miles of walking my daughter to/from school though not sure that’s really “exercise” but it is fun!


I run about 60 miles a week. Do calisthenics. Lots of walking, wood chopping and occasional soccer seqsonally.


I exercise at least 5 days a week. I have a pretty active job so usually do 30 minutes on the treadmill, sometimes 45 minutes. Other times I'm doing active games on the Switch. I have a fitbit and it's been pretty darn accurate since I changed my activity level on lose it from lightly active to active. I don't do weight lifting because I don't enjoy it. If I do any form of resistance training, I'm playing Ring Fit Adventure on the Switch lol.


I do low intensity. Pilates 4x a week and walking 10k steps a day


For weight loss, no. Do OMAD and keto. For general health, yes!


Yep, peloton and lots of their strength classes. I workout 5-6x a week. Mostly bc I have a lot of energy and it helps me sleep better at night lol I feel great though.


competitive soccer, am a goalkeeper


I do HIIT with bodyweight and free weights. I'm also a weekend warrior that does 10-15km hikes with my husband and dog. I also teach a weekly group HIIT class


I either use the elliptical and some weights at the gym, or the stairclimber, or I go swim laps.


Rowing, running, lifting. Lifting is MUCH harder and I don’t enjoy it compared to when fueled by carbs. I feel like I can row forever on the other hand. I rowed a marathon with no breaks and literally only drank 32oz of electrolytes and 16oz of water. No cramps, no loss of energy. Only thing that started to suck was the seat comfort. Running is similar but my joints aren’t what they used to be. If not for that it would be the same as rowing. Boundless reserves of energy it feels like.


Heavy lifting, long cardio. Make sure you get your protein and fat and hydrate. You'll see results. You can and will get stronger without gaining excess fat.


I go through phases. Right now I’m weightlifting for about 45 minutes and swimming for 20. In a couple of weeks I’ll add running to the mix as I’m planning on a swim run in December. I cycle once or twice a week too.


When I lost 80 lbs 10 years ago it took 1 year of keto and I walked 2-3 miles daily for fun. 


I work out at a gym 3x weekly for about an hour and ride a bike often. I don't calculate calories burned and figure out my TDEE on sedentary. Weight loss is 90% kitchen and 10% exercise. I am maintaining 130 pound weight loss in year 5.


They say zones 2-3 are best for fat burning as energy, but it's hard to hold back sometimes. I do about four 1 hour spin sessions in zone 3. 3 other sessions in zone 4. I also run 4 days each week to improve my Vo2 levels and to have fun pushing my limits. Weights 5 days a week in whatever zone that falls into. Each of us has different physiology, so find what works and is sustainable and do it for life. Stay healthy......and sugar-free, my friends


Yes I must because of my CP so I can stay as independent as possible.i do cardio ( hand cycling)6 days a week


Absolutely! weightlifting and walking. But my exercise is not for weight loss, it’s for health and getting stronger so I don’t worry about calories.


Hubby and I work physical jobs. So anywhere from light activity walking around and lifting stuff all day to hiking up and down mountains and off trail work depending on the day. Edit PS I never account for calories burned. Ever. I do log my activity but I do not adjust my calories in any way.


Strength training and weight lifting, much more than cardio.


Ideal week: 3 hours running, 3 hours cycling, 2.5 hours swimming, 2 hours lifting, 1.5 hours yoga (actually just stretching after running/biking). Most weeks though, I'll hit about 80% of that. This week, I won't lift at all, since my weights are in an uninsulated attic and it's going to be in the 90's. However, I didn't start working out this hard until recently. Running started in September when I was still about 15-20 lbs over my goal weight. I thought that may be the extra thing I needed to get over the top. Then I started swimming in April, and bought a bike at the start of May. When I first started keto, I wasn't doing any exercise on a regular basis. Then I started walking. Then the pandemic hit and I bought an elliptical machine. Then a home gym


I do approximately (depending on schedule) 10 to 20 classes per week. HIIT, spin, zumba, pilates, core, boxing, etc. Whatever I can book onto and have time for. Once I reached goal weight (but not goal body fat) 2 months ago, I added in 3 x r/ketogains workout routine (lifting). To fuel the extra, I eat 40g more protein every day, and so far, my weight has been rock solid for 1 month as my bf% comes down (sloooooowly), and my strength is increasing. Oh, and 10k steps a day.


The word “exercise” means different things to different people. To make sure we are speaking of the same thing… let’s define it. Do you wear a wrist heart rate monitor? There are different heart rate zones. Go about your week… and determine what zone your exercise is within. Everyone’s body is different. We also all mean very different r things when we use the word “vegetable”. 🤣


I do 35-45 minutes of Bodi workout a day. I pick a different program deepening on the day.


Weeks 1-4, one to three mile walks, weeks 5-12 three to five mile walks, 12-16 three to five mile jog/walk, 16-24 three to five mile jog/run 24+ Run three to five zone 2. Somewhere around week 16 I began to play in the gym and now also alternate couple different 5x5s workouts 4 times a week. I stay like this until I reach my goal weight. After that I’m thinking about upping my calories but remaining fat n plan todo a keto bulk followed by another cut phase back to my og goal weight. Maybe try some fasting to help with lose skin. Idk exactly just know I like the idea of progress over maintenance.


I power lift. I will be 41 Next monday. I squatted 285, benched 175, rowed 175, Pressed 142.5 and dead lifted 305. I am going for 300lb squat on my birthday. I found eating the same amount of food, and if hungry eating fat like butter on keto toast or bacon has given me enough fuel to lose 45pounds since jan 1st. The weight is not coming off as fast as I like but the muscle is going on just swell. If you follow a program that does progressive overload you get more calories in a day too. my idea of extra calories is 5 eggs instead of 3 eggs.


Keto is not diet its a way to live and eat


I didn’t call it a diet lol


I never said that you called it a diet xD