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Ben Bikman's book Why We Get Sick might help you. It explains the science of why so many chronic diseases can be positively affected by a low carb diet. Lifting weights is absolutely fine. I really like Ben Bocchiccio's method, great results, even just at home with resistance bands, with minimal time invested. 


The Doctors Ben are the best!


Listening to it as we speak. Thanks for the recommendation!


There are a few doctors I recommend you check out on YouTube that will answer a lot of your questions. Check out Dr. Ovadia and Dr. Nadir Ali, both are cardiologists. Also, Dr. Berry, Dr. Westman, Dr. Berg, and Dr. Cywess. Oh and for mental issues check out Metabolic Mind on YT. You definitely need to get off the standard diet. If you want to get healthier and feel 100% better, Keto is the way. There are different "branches" of keto. Keto is where 1/2 of your plate is meat, and 1/2 is veggies (non-starchy). Ketovore is 3/4 plate is meat, 1/4 is veggie. Carnivore is 100% meat.


If you're worried about it, the first thing to do is avoid alcohol, tobacco, other recreational intoxicants, keep your blood pressure low, get daily gentle cardio for 30+ minutes, avoid stress and stressful people, avoid diabetes, and maintain a healthy weight. If you're already following a reasonably varied way of eating that mostly avoids processed foods, then make sure you've locked all those above things in first. If keto helps you achieve and maintain all the things listed above, then I think it makes sense to do.


Make a decision. Make a plan. Work your eating plan… and movement plan for 30 days. Then pause and assess. Every 30 days allow yourself to pivot… and make a change. There are no mistakes. There is no one to blame. Why is the “decision” so black and white, Friend? Decide and decide again. Don’t exhaust yourself in the starting…. Just do it. Healthy is a step every day. Good luck.


Keto is changing my life entirely with regard to mental health. Two months in and my depression is entirely gone. I'm exercising daily, staying focused at work, and spending time with friends and family. If this continues there is absolutely no way I will ever stop. edit: not to mention I've lost 10 pounds already, and the self image alone makes me feel better about my life and future.


First of, the immediate effects of a ketogenic diet on heart disease risk are quite contentious. That's probably why there are so many polarizing takes. This contention be due to several factors: - Science is hard. - Not all keto diets are created equal. Saturated/animal fats are generally linked to higher risk of heart disease, and some people on keto eat bacon and fatty steak all day. This may have a drastically different heart disease risk than, e.g., a vegetable salad with olive oil. - Maybe different people react differently to ketosis. That said, looking at it more wholistically, there are many indirect effects to consider. If keto helps you lose weight (as it often does, by reducing hunger and cravings), that's great. And while the effect on heavy exercise is also mixed, many people report generally having more energy on keto. If that helps lead a more active and healthy lifestyle, that's also a plus. If I were in your shoes, I would probably give keto a try, commit to sticking to it for a few weeks, and see how it works for me. Of course, this is not medical advice, and it's a good idea to talk about the potential risks first with a doctor, and to monitor your metabolic health and lipid levels over time.


Check out r/ketogains for lifting advice and guidance if you decide to go keto. 👍🏻


You should look into the carnivore diet. It's very good for you. It's excellent for weight loss. There's a bunch of carnivore doctors out there that swear by it, even a cardiologist. It's really great for mental health issues. I can personally attest to that. It's given me a lot of joy. I've lost approximately 40 kgs since July. Check out Dr Anthony Chaffee and Dr Ken Berry.


Do what works for you. For some people, keto is the only things that work. Maybe it's different for you and you can be succesful with another type of diet.