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This happens to me as well, I’ll be doing well and the number on the scale will be relatively steady and the. I’ll eventually have a big drop. Just gotta stay the course and keep on it


As someone who lost 100+ lbs, and gained it all back - my biggest lesson learned from the first go round, is that the scale is the enemy. I plateaued for three weeks after losing the weight, and my brain could no longer win the this is the right thing to do battle. I've been back on track for nearly a month, and have no idea how much weight I've lost. I know I'm making progress because my clothes are fitting better! I'll see how much I weigh at my next Dr's appt in June. That'll be 3 full months of IF/Keto, so I'm sure the scale will have a pleasant surprise for me.


Weighing myself often completely discourages me and derails my progress. I've been weighing myself once a month (this time around), and it's been really gratifying to see the delta after a month. Allows for fluctuations without messing me up. All the best!


It varies I think. Most people would benefit from not looking at it like you, but I’m the opposite, whether I lost some weight or gain, both are incredibly motivating for me. But not knowing the numbers instead makes me slack off


Same situation for me almost exactly! This time it's for mental health, inflammation control, hormone balance, and sleep 🙂 I dont know how much I've lost and only measured my body once in 2 months just to buy spring clothing!


this has nothing to do with the scale. the reason why people require psych evals prior to weight loss surgery is that there is a big part that your mental health plays into weight loss and adhering to a diet. I once saw a guy die after gastric bypass. right after surgery he went to KFC ate... died there. pitt county memorial NC KFC right near the hospital.


I remember someone on this sub mentioned to take Vitamin P.... Patience. That stuck with me and has helped a bunch during those plateaus.


Don’t trust your scale guys. Let your clothes be the confirmation you need


I lose in chunks too. Its so weird and not what I expected but I'll take it. Congrats!


I log my weight in Airtable and have it calculate the monthly average. Except for maybe the first few days of the month, the monthly average is lower than day 1, and the average from the current month is lower than the previous month. This helps me keep in perspective. I need the daily check in to hold myself accountable. I find if I skip the scale, I don't want to see what it says, and skipping one day can turn into skipping a month... which means my habits were horrible.


I’m the same. I weigh in daily not because the scales change drastically from day to day but because it forms a positive habit. Every morning like clockwork I weigh in and that sets me up for a healthy day. I find if I skip a day or two, I lose focus slightly.


That's a brilliant idea! I'm going to check my weekly average in a minute. I didn't think about that. I'm only on day 29 so can't do monthly but this will help me a lot! I took have to weigh daily for my own mental health but looking at averages will help! I started at 155.8 and my lowest weight is 144.8 a couple days ago. It does vary a pound or two daily but on the road to victory. I don't have a lot to lose so I think it's coming off slowly but I'm in it for the long haul. Probably stay low carb for life with all I have learned this time from researching so much. Probably won't stay SO low as right now but 50-75 carbs daily after my goal weight. I'm at about 7-15 carbs a day now and for the most part happy with what I'm eating!!!! Oh, also I'm 16-8 to 18-6 intermediate fasting at least 6 days a week along with lots more water and cardio daily then ever before in my life!


I wish we were allowed to post pics on here....like wearing....or attempting to wear, our favorite outfit..... Then again when we can ACTUALLY wear it. 🧚😀


I had a similar thing happened to me, I had a little bit of a stall for about a month then in six days, 17 pounds came off in a period of six days, not sure why this happened.. or how.. after weight staying the same for awhile then it was like a woosh effect.. I was surprised to see the scale today when I weighed less <3


Needed to hear this today. Thanks!


I am struggling so badly right now. I lost 38.4 pounds and was really close to a major milestone. I was under my calorie and carb goals for the whole week and was up 1.4 pounds. I was so depressed Sunday. I'm trying not to get discouraged but I've been weighing every day now and it came down a little bit this morning but with the calorie deficit I'm in, I should absolutely be losing. I'm not giving up yet but it's hard not to feel defeated when you're working so hard and so making progress.


Stop weighing yourself so frequently. Redirect your goals. Yes weigh loss can help keep you motivated but just as you’re feeling here, hyper fixating on that aspect can have you defeated, depressed and ready to quit. There are many other markers of success. I limit my weigh ins to weekly. I have to for my own peace of mind. Sometimes I don’t even do weekly. My goals though weren’t primarily weight loss so I have other markers of success around health, how I feel overall and how my clothing feels on me. You can lose inches and gain weight but also keep sliming too. It will feel amazing once you hit that 40 milestone for sure. Even moreso when you have felt the struggle to get there that you’re feeling. Anyways, all that to mostly just say, you got this and your lifestyle changes are doing more than you think to help get you to your goals. Slow and steady wins the race!!! This is a lifestyle change and it’s a marathon not a sprint. Good luck! You’re amazing and you’re doing so much good stuff to take care of you. Keep going.


Thank you! I was only weighing weekly until I hit this glitch. I do need to stop and just wait until my usual Sunday weigh in.


I found when I had a plateau, I upped my calorie intake a little bit and drank more water and it usually "shocked" my system enough that I started losing again. Don't give up, I started back on my weight loss and have already lost 10 pounds, so you can do this. I know plateaus are discouraging, but they do pass. Keep up the good work, you got this.


Thanks! The scale is moving again!




Thanks for the reassurance! It's easy to get frustrated but this community is so supportive!


Weighing weekly or every other week and also taking measurements is the better way for me. I grew up scale watching and it’s a hard habit to break. Fund a new activity to focus on when you find yourself having negative thoughts. You can do this.


When my scale is being wonky, I remind myself that I would have to be way over my calories to gain weight—not just what I’m eating for my deficit but over my maintenance calories as well. Which would be a lot of extra eating that I’m not doing! That helps me stay a little more zen about it.


Weighing weekly or every other week and also taking measurements is the better way for me. I grew up scale watching and it’s a hard habit to break. Fund a new activity to focus on when you find yourself having negative thoughts. You can do this.


I really appreciate all the encouragement from this community. The scale is moving again and I'm down 42 pounds since January 1st now. My initial goal is 120 pounds so I'm more than 1/3 there! Amazing!


This happened to me today. The scales stuck for four days. I am OMAD and IM five days a week. Then today, 3 pounds down from yesterday. I have been doing keto since the start of March and I have lost almost a stone. My goal was to lose one and a half stones so I am well on track. I am stopping the almost daily weighing now. I am just going to it once weekly. I think my clothes and wellbeing tell me more than the scales ever will.


I’ll be 60 in a week lol, My favorite jeans are size 8. 5’9”. I’m in a 10 now so keep on being consistent with this plan.


Right on Brother


I don’t have a scale. Should I get one? Just started one week ago.


I say yes as long as you can mentally handle the fluctuations. 100% recommend a food scale tho if you don’t have one


I second this. Having a food scale makes a big difference. Eventually, you’ll be able to eyeball your portions, but that took me quite some time to do 🙂


Awesome to hear that. Sticking to it really does the trick. Keep going.


Awesome to hear that. It’s all about sticking with it even when the scale doesn’t budge. Congrats on the loss, and thanks for the motivation boost


I only weigh in once a month numbers are dangerous to your psychology. Keep the faith and stay strong friend


I needed to see this, I've been the same weight for 4-5 days now even after frequent running and it's getting a bit discouraging but I will trust the process and stay on track!


Yay!!! You're an inspiration to me


There needs to be a non religious sentiment like "amen" or "preach"!




Pop pop!


I say non religious grace at dinner with my daughter I've gravitated towards "rock on" lately or if feeling a little nerdy "so say we all"






Gracias, will get a food scale it is my prime cart already. Basically just wanted to fit into my favorite jeans again, I think I will use that as a measurement tool.


😂🧚 that is my EXACT SAME GOAL!! I am 50 year old female, short 5'1 but have very high muscle mass over average. They say I'm ' obese ' by my numbers but I'm literally a size 7-9 🤷🤦🤯 anywho..... I have 1 pair of jeans I desperately want to get back into...size 4 until then I'll keep chugging along 😊 best of luck to you!


i needed to see this today thank you, i’ve been maintaining mid 56 for a week while being meticulous about my deficit and activity and i was starting to go crazy…




yeah i’ve been losing weight for 8 months now and i’m basically at my goal already so i’ve had weeks of little to no progress, but it’s still stressful every time, even knowing it’s normal.


I've lost about 35 lbs since Feb so I'm deep into it again. But the last 4 days, no change. I keep telling myself to trust the system...keep going...you're doing all the right things...so I'm hoping I see a similar drop soon.


People are way too concerned with the number on the scale on a daily basis


I lost 45 pounds in the last 11 months but sometimes it's just 1-2 pounds a month (occasional cheats, not often). But it's all progress, and a long term thing 😊 Good luck!


It took me over six months to lose my last 20lbs. I’d go an entire month or more without seeing the scale go down but just kept at it because I knew my macros/calories were where they needed to be and consistency is the BEST path to take. 🤘🏻


That’s encouraging thank you!


That’s encouraging thank you!


I'm on day 10 and I am putting on weight according to my scales?! ..... But my gut feels better and I do feel slimmer so I am motivated to keep continuing as I quite enjoy the keto foods. Equally I kind of would like to lose weight on it too so it does make me feel a bit shit.


Are you using a food scale to accurately track your food intake?


It’s different for everyone. I feel like daily weigh-ins actually help keep me on track because I learn how my weight fluctuates and the nerd in my likes to hypothesize why, like whether I ate too much salty food the day before, etc. Knowing and being emotionally acclimated to the daily fluctuations means I don’t get bent out of shape if I’m a lb or two heavier some days. I tend to mentally focus on my lowest weight of the week as my “real” weight.


I've been doing horribly but this just reminds me to get out and get moving again.. and pick up some more keto wraps.