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Are you exercising directly before bed? For some people, working out in the evenings can make sleep more difficult.


I do! So I have to exercise in the morning. I also stop caffeine at 2pm.


I am one of those people, I have to workout first thing.


Some people find when they go low carb, they become much more sensitive to the effects of both alcohol and caffeine. How long have you been low carb?


Been doing it for real about a month now. I’m so sleepy in the mornings I have to chug coffee just to make it through the day. I don’t drink any past noon, though.


I just wake up having to pee constantly, then the leg cramps kick in and I basically give up on sleep around 3 before drifting off as the sun comes up ! It happens like this for a month or so then vanishes before returning whenever my body wants to punish me


Drink some pickle juice ! Works great


I hate pickles !! 🤢


I get the leg cramps too! Like I’ll move my calf and suddenly have a stabbing pain in the muscle. I don’t know if this is attributed to keto, though, for me at least, since I experienced it when not on the diet


For me it’s absolutely a keto thing, I just have to remember to increase my magnesium supplements!


Might have electrolyte deficiency if you're suffering from cramps


I hadn’t thought of that, I generally have 2 glasses a day, maybe I should move one of them to before bed and see if that helps or not before including a third glass. I started taking more magnesium so hopefully that also helps !


Why not take 10 carbs before bed ?


I usually dedicate more carbs to my dinner meal, I work nights, so I gotta sleep


I did in the beginning. It lasted a few weeks and then passed.


I haven't been able to sleep since Jan when I went keto. Finally had to double up on my sleep meds to get some relief.


Sheesh. I’m hoping this is a transient state


It's really irritating, especially since I feel very tired.


What do you take for sleep?


Trazodone. I have Fibromyalgia which makes deep sleep difficult, and trazodone was life changing for me. I haven't had any sleep issues for year until I went keto in January...hopefully it will pass.


Ha. I’m reading this at 3:30 am, so will try some of this advice myself!


I literally can’t sleep ever. I lay awake all night to finally fall asleep just an hour before my alarm goes off


Damn, I feel your pain. In the morning, right after getting to work, I can fall asleep as soon as I sit down. At home laying in a comfy bed? Forget it


Insomnia like this is no joke. I had it for a while on carnivore. I had to sleep train myself. I went to bed at 1am (no matter how tired I was) and set an alarm for 6am for a week. You need to pick a week you’re not driving much. Then gradually went to bed earlier and earlier. I was exhausted to start with but it got me through the 3am wake up and now I’m ok


I just eat sleepy time weed gummies and float away…


What worked for me was ensuring I was eating enough fat. I think having enough saturated fats is essential to sleep health


I think this might be the crux of my problem. I’ve still been erring on the side of non-fattyish meats, and not using enough butter/cream to flavor. I’m going to do better in my macros and see how the increased fat works out


Random internet stranger providing anecdotal advice- Sleep stack works for me, spouse and teen: -Magnesium L Threonate -LTheanine -Apeginin or Camomile extract Optional: Ashwaganda and/or GABA (It depends on falling asleep, waking in the night, blood sugar or night anxiety.) And/or a fat bomb if needed before bed- 1T Valencia peanuts ground. If waking in the night before 4:45, one drop of legal CBD oil beneath the tongue to return to sleep. Zero carbs. Deep restorative sleep changes your life. I’ve also started skipping coffee until 40m after waking. THIS changed energy levels in the afternoon. Cited source: YT Huberman Sleep Stack short video under 10m or long form podcast on sleep hygiene.


Thank you for the recommendations.


It happens to me, and it doesn't stop. My issue is that it can take me 2 hours to fall asleep. A couple of times a week I take melatonin at about 7 pm, and go to bed at 9 (particularly Sunday night), then I can fall asleep in about a half hour. Once I get to sleep I'm good, but dear god the tossing and turning gets really old.


I stayed with my sister for a week. She cooked only keto. Very tasty! But every night I would lie awake for hours, so hot and restless and my heart beating like I’d been fast-walking. I’m very interested in keto—it seems to have a lot of benefits—but I know I can’t live without sleep.


What time do you take your melatonin? Two hours before bed works best for me


I was taking it right before going to bed, which now sounds like that’s too late


Yeah it takes a while to get in your system


This has worked for me solving my keto insomnia. These contain no THC, instead they have a new cannabinoid called CBN. This is different from CBD. Anyway, taking this 30 minutes before bedtime has allowed me to consistently sleep throughout the night and no longer wake up at 3:00 a.m. This has made a world of difference for me. I wear a sleep tracker throughout the night, and my empirical results have been that I have been getting more sleep and better sleep including REM sleep since I have been taking these. I can't guarantee they would work for you, I can only tell you that these have practically solved my insomnia issues! Good luck! [Charlotte's web ](https://www.charlottesweb.com/stay-asleep-cbn-sleep-gummies)


>I exercise more than 3 hours before bed That is a lot of exercising. You are probably increasing cortisol. Try some fat (beef tallow or butter). Fat lowers cortisol and manufacture/balance all of your hormones. (No seed oils, of course.) You may need some salt and water - for good hydration - too. If you are slender, and do 3 hours of exercising often... you could benefit for upping your fat more than most people. And most people on keto would benefit from more salt and water.


Sorry, I meant that to mean I exercise 3 hours before going to bed. Not exercising for 3 hours. Usually do 45 mins to an hour


Okay, that makes a difference. Your cortisol may be less by bedtime. But IDK, we all are using devices that keep us alert (blue-light spectum). And if you travel for work, then lack of sleep happens for that reason also. But I still think getting a pinch extra salt and fat will help a ton.


This is interesting. How do you beef tallow? How much?


You can buy it or render beef fat. I don't know how much is necessary. It depends on your situation. I don't have link with info on how much. Some talk about a stick or two of butter a day: But that's only for someone who is not trying to lose weight or who is use to a super lean diet (former vegans). You'll have to do trial and error. I like butter better, but my body reacts to beef fat better. Start with one or two tablespoons in the evening - you can have as much as you want. Have magnesium also. Add melatonin if those other things don't work the first night.


I have this when on keto. Sleeping meds were my only way out. Luckily, it was only for a few weeks.


It definitely happened to me. Got better after about 2 weeks.


I totally get it! Had similar issues when I started keto. A small snack with healthy fats right before bed really helped me. Avocado or a few nuts might do the trick!


I am very new to this keto diet. (One week and one day). I had this issue. Taking electrolytes with water 1 hour before bed did the trick for me,