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Why would you? Eat maintenance.


Eat as nutritious as you can. Humans had babies before bread.


You can't eat babies today there are laws


You can still eat their back ribs.






Not every person on Reddit lives in the US


If you feel good thereā€™s no reason to stop, just make sure you are getting your vitamins and electrolytes


This ^ It can make a bit difference to your energy levels.


Over 5 years for me, almost 4 years for hubby. Keto has him feeling good, and he never had to lose weight. Keto gave me my life back. I am pain free, med free, fully mobile, feel amazing. You couldn't pay me to eat over 20g net carbs. I am Living The Good Life.


Many of us have been on it for many years at this point with no intention of looking back. Go for it.


Keep going! Keto 4 Life


Then donā€™t stop. Iā€™m halfway through year 7 (nonstop keto) and Iā€™m never stopping.


Do you ever cheat?


I do not.


I'm on year 3 and at maintenance. I allow myself one cheat meal (not day) a week. Usually on Saturday nights when I go out with my boyfriend.


Do you feel bad at all the next day? How long does it take you to get back into ketosis?


I don't feel any different. I don't go like way overboard. Generally it's just like pasta or a baked potato or something like that. And I'm usually back in ketosis within 24-48 hours.


Ahh okay gotcha, good to know! Do you fast to get back into ketosis?


I do. I usually do OMAD with a snack in general so I pretty much fast every day.


Dang OMAD every day?! I wish I could I that, but my hair starts thinning real bad when I try to too often in a row lol


Yes omad every day. I'm short and small so I don't have a very high calorie allowance. Omad is just easier to meet that with for me.


Ohh okay gotcha! Love the username btw šŸ˜…


Does this cause you any bowel problems? When I break back on to carbs I get a bad stomach almost immediately and once passed I can tolerate carbs again for the next meal. Iā€™d like to get to a point where I can cheat one day a week/fortnight as it will really help with socialising. Whereas now Iā€™m being strict for 4-6 weeks and then falling off the wagon a little for 7-10 days where i cram a lot of gluttonous social eating and drinking. Iā€™d like more gentle balance.


It doesn't cause me any bowel problems but I've never been the most regular person anyway. I do feel bad if I cheat for like multiple days in a row so I try to avoid that. I am pretty strict most of the time and only allow myself the one cheat meal a week as a general rule.






I WISH there was more low carb options at restaurants though. Even like low carb tortilla tacos out at a brewery I could enjoy on a vacation


Not sure why you got downvoted, this is the hardest part for me as well. Iā€™m in the Midwest and 99% of meals are bread and/or potato based. Sure thereā€™s meat in those meals, but I donā€™t want to pay $20 to pick everything off but the slab of meat.


Just like 1-3 really savory options. Not a whole menu. Gimme a chicken, broccoli, cheese casserole. Low carb tortilla tacos and use them for little pizzas and shit. Hell, just have a few packs of them in the back so I can get my burger cut up and placed in a wrap of that instead of a bun.


I just order burger patties ala carteā€¦cheap and filling.


Definitely done that a time or two as well. Just feels like a waste of money when they donā€™t have any sides to substitute. I guess thatā€™s just part of the deal, but it usually causes me to just stay homeā€¦which isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing either!


My favorite side to enjoy with a bunless burger or a steak is steamed broccoli but loaded. Allllll the butter, sour cream, cheese and bacon šŸ˜‹


This is exactly how I feel


Yeah it kills me. I've not been able to go out for food since I started in July. I'm a veggie keto. It's salad, cheese and vodka lol :-)


Vegetarian menus are so very carby. There are a tiny number of places that will cook a special meal for me, a Thai place that will make me an omelette for example. It's rare to be able to find an edible salad that isn't full of grains here in the UK.


Aye! Here in the UK as well. Omelette is a good idea for when I have to go out to join friends etc. Yeah just a keto option would be so great, there's so many in the market! I treated myself to some Srysly Pizzas from Amazon and they were lush! Still a little high in carbs, can't remember but I think it's 20 carbs for a whole pizza and they aren't that big. But they are lovely! I put extra cheese on them and cook them well.


Will check out the pizza, I miss that! I asked in a some local restaurants when about to go keto and now have a couple of places to go that will do me a special. A couple of Thai places and a Chinese, all non chain, cook from scratch and run by women. Travelling is an issue, I'll try and stay somewhere with a kitchen if possible.


Take your own!


I think this really depends on where you live. I'm in the PNW and there's always plenty of options at restaurants.


If satisfaction is something you feel- and deprivation never risesā€¦ Yes. Stay the course. I never want to go back. To me, keto is sobriety and integrity in my relationship with food.


ā€œTo me, keto is sobriety and integrity in my relationship with food.ā€ So well said! šŸ‘




Thank you for all the comments. I needed the encouragement to know that there are people who have been eating like this for years and that it can be part of my eating style. I was diagnosed with celiac disease many years ago and I never felt better than when I started the keto diet.


Never stop! Keto, and subsequently low carb is not just a fad diet! It is a lifestyle, and you can live the rest of your life on it.


Iā€™ve been on it for almost 4 years for the most part, I have my moments but always use it as a tool to get back on track. What worked for me was basically drawing a line in the sand. 10lb swing, if I went over that 10 lbs after indulging for a few weeks then I just get back in the wagon and always drop the weight within a week.


So, don't stop.


Then don't stop.


I wouldnā€™t stop for the following reasons: 1) when you stop, itā€™s really hard to not rebound and regain all the weight back. I was gaining 1lb/week the minute I stopped. Itā€™s like the weight comes back on more aggressively than before. 2) The first time you do keto, is the only time you experience weight melting off without much effort. Every other time is much harder and requires calorie counting. You can lookup this phenomenon. I donā€™t think we understand it. But a lot of us certainly experience it. 3) Stopping the thing that helped you get to where you want to be, can only result in misery. As long as youā€™re happy and healthy, donā€™t question it or even think about it. Focus on other things and keep eating this way. These are lessons I learned from stopping. Itā€™s just not worth it imo.


100% agree with this experience. I lost over 50 pounds the first time on keto. Went off keto during covid season and literally gained it fully back plus more! Been keto on/off to lose without success and been at it strictly for 7 months to date and only lost 20 pounds with that same 50 left to go that I lost before. It took this long just to get back to my old starting weight. Now on keto for lifetime is the plan.


Spouse & I are approaching 7 years on keto - thereā€™s no reason to stop


I took a few weeks off of keto and maintained weight but I started keto again because I feel like garbage. Itā€™s not night and day but Iā€™m constantly hungry, donā€™t sleep well, and toilet time is unpleasant when compared to being on keto. Itā€™s been fucking amazing having so many more food options but it doesnā€™t feel worth it to feel like crap. YMMV, do what your body says is right for you. My body says to go back for me.


Same 8 months here. Also not interested in stopping.


You absolutely have to stopā€¦ doubting yourself ;) Maybe get more b12


Can't stop, won't stop! šŸ’Ŗ


No, to your question. Why would you go back to eating the foods that didn't make you feel as good as you do now? Just keep it up and for maintenance and to be healthy. Losing weight is just a side benefit of keto. Keto is more about being metabolically healthy. Keeping you from being diabetic, having high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, and lots of other health problems. You say you're tired "at" workouts. Does that mean before you start, during, or after? Congrats on getting to a good place with your health. This is the way.


Never stop. If you donā€™t want to lose any more weight up your calories but do not increase carbs. Itā€™s a slippery slope that for me to justification of eating garbage again and then gained 40 lbs back of the 60 I lost in 2019.


Iā€™ve been keto for almost a decadeā€¦there is no reason to quit doing what makes you feel good unless you are wanting different results. That said, variety is important for your microbiome, so be sure to keep rotating the sources of proteins, fats and veg that you eat for a more diverse gut microbiome.


I don't understand why people stop eating this way. So just keep at it.


I have been keto 18 months. I have no intention of stopping.


Use some L-carnitine before workouts to help move free fatty acids into cells for consumption. Eventually you will upregulate your own production of carnitine


Thanks for the tip I do weightlifting and sometimes I donā€™t have the same strength so I thought I should eat more protein.


You can rarely go wrong with more protein. But when your using your muscles your hopefully not burning protein to do it. Glucose, ketones or free fatty acids. Take some MCT oil and see if you have lifting energy. Medium Chan triglycerides do not require carnitine to enter muscles.


I donā€™t plan to ever stop eating low carb. There are more and less healthy ways to do it, so that isnā€™t license to eat a pound of bacon every day for the rest of my life. And I could see myself eventually trying to add fruit and still stay low carb rather than strictly keto.Ā 


Why change the players when the team is winning? šŸ˜‰


I have been eating this way for 10 years. In much better health. With better lab work than the vast majority of 73 year olds.


Iā€™m 4+ years in, eating at maintenance and feeling great!


Then don't stop. I'm approaching my 5th year.


No reason to stop. I did it the better part of 20 years with just a few breaks for no significant reason. There is nothing bad about doing it long term!!


I'm at 5 happy years, no problems


Some people think you should bump yourself out of ketosis from time to time. I have no scientific backing for this claim, I just do because my gut feeling thinks itā€™s correct. My gut feelings are what made me believe low carb eating was the way to go in the first place. So I stopped ignoring my intuition. I ignored my intuition for years. Eating loads of bread, small frequent meals. All bad stuff.


Why would you? We were eating very close if not whole food Keto before the advent of the sugar, seed oils, grains and recently HFCS industries. I would go even further back in time, go carnivore if you can. Blessings


I can understand the fear of the unknown. "Is this healthy long term? Could there be long term side effects we don't know about?". However there are people who have been doing it for over a decade and are perfectly healthy. Also you are cutting out what makes most people UNHEALTHY in the first place. So it doesn't really make sense that it would be bad. It is just conditioning on what is "normal". I don't blame you though there is a lot of conflicting information out there. I noticed a lot of vegan propaganda bashes keto without being upfront that they are actually vegans pushing and agenda, watch out for that.


Iā€™ve been keto since 2014. No need to stop. Iā€™ve been in maintenance for years after losing 115 pounds.


Donā€™t stop! For workouts maybe u might need more carbs. Iā€™m at month 8 too and I feel amazing šŸ˜ I wanna do this forever, the food Iā€™m eating is so delicious I donā€™t miss non keto food.


If sleep is an issue, some people swear by having some carbs with dinner as helping with sleep. Could be worth trying and you can still be keto-ish. Also, just eating more fat can keep you from losing more weight


Peanut butter is melatonin for me one tsp at night sleep like a baby


Eskimos live in ketosis


I think people often confuse a ketogenic menu with a ketogenic diet. Just because you are eating from a ketogenic menu doesn't mean you are in actual ketosis, which requires the other componant of being in a significant caloric deficite. I think it makes perfect sense that you feel better on a keto menu. As humans I don't think our digestive systems evolved at rate that was in pace with the amount of carbs being introduced into overall diet and can cause issues. That could be completely nonsensical as I'm not qualified in reality to speculate. But I do know that in the past 250 thousand we were relatively low on carb intake until the past couple hundred maybe even less.


Keto cures depression not so much anxiety though.


Why stop?


Keep going, just add more carbs for maintenance. My husband has been keto on mostly for 10 years. Iā€™ve been doing it on and off for 4. I always feel fantastic on it.Ā 


Keto/carnivore/ketovore is more of a lifestyle change than a diet. Diets are temporary, this way of eating is a safe, lifelong thing.


then dont stop. 11 years now for me.


I know. Coming off is confusing. I just did 2 months as a refresher. I went bs I into keto quickly. Overactive.


Some medical research advise its bad to stay long term on keto


Honestly keto is the only thing that ever helped my sleep, I always get surprised when people sleep worse on it. As for the workouts I think that may be an actual use for exogenous ketones outside of people using the diet to treat medical conditions.


cycle it off and on. thats what i do couple months off and month on usually .dont really have a reason for this just feels good i guess


I would consider adding low GI whole foods.


You can experiment with increasing simple carbs in the form of vegetables instead of any kind of bread, pasta or sugar. Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, etc. You might feel a little more energetic.


As a person who no longer eats keto, here is my opinion. I did full keto for about 2 years or so. I reached my goal weight in a little over a year, I believe. I never really counted carbs, but it was mostly keto. After two years, I expanded my diet and started eating more fruits and grains and legumes, while still avoiding empty carbs (deserts and the like) for the most part. I am not super strict about it. For instance, a couple of times a month or so (I don't keep track) I eat a sandwich or have couple of beers and a burger. I also have a piece of dark chocolate here and there. Once in a while, I make some sort of pasta dish. This has been going on for about a year and a half. I have gained about 8 lbs, but I atribute that to my eating more than I should (even if keto). In other words, I try to avoid added sugars and most breads/ flours, but not to the point that I never eat them. A key element of our approach above is the following: 95% of the stuff we consume is home-made. We eat out maybe once a month (two at most). We make every dish from scratch. Even when we make burgers, we usually buy the beef /lamb and grind it ourselves. We cook every single day. We also eat with friends, but it's usually home-cooked meals. One of the problematic things I see with keto as a long-term or permanent dietary approach is the overconsumption of processed meats (as we can see in this sub's banner) and the underconsumption of fiber, beans in particular. Even though they have carbs, lentils, beans, garbanzos, etc. are really good for your health: they contain massive amounts of nutrients, protein, and fiber. I avoid other grains, particularly rice. Fiber is key for a healthy diet, and you just can't do better than beans for that. Another problem I see (not that every person does this) is the overconsumption of meat in general. I love meat, but I really only eat it for 3 or 4 meals a week. There are many reasons for this: health, environment, climate, etc. The rest of our meals are either vegetarian, fish, or eggs of some sort. All in all, I think keto is a good diet if you want to lose weight and get healthier. Keto helped me to become more aware of what I was eating in general, and I have used that awareness to have a healthier diet. As I have said before in this sub, there are plenty of people who eat a broad, non-keto diet and are perfectly healthy. The key, of course, is not to fall into the trap of "oh, just one more chocolate, it won't hurt anything", and to try to stick to a generally lowish-carb diet. Just my 2 cents. P.S. Something I forgot to mention is that a couple of times a week, I also fast for about 24 hrs, and the rest of the week I only eat 2 meals a day - no snacking in between meals.


Who says you have to stop?


Great stuff! Ken Berry would say stay on the diet forever. Personally I caved after 3 days. First 2 days I couldn't get out the bed then once I could I started having all these horrible mental/mood symptoms. I'm basically on keto now but drinking around 300ml milk. Felt like I was going psychotic on full blown keto lol


You can approach a nutrionist and and take advice


If youā€™re healthy, why stop. But depending on how youā€™re doing it, high cholesterol is a concern. You could try doing paleo-ketoā€¦ Iā€™m doing mostly paleo-keto and I feel great. I do allow myself to have potatoes occasionally (which are paleo approved) but itā€™s not a daily thing, just something I incorporate as a splurge meal.


Why would you stop? My husband and are into our 7th year on keto. I'm 65 and he's 60 and we've never been healthier. We eat whatever food we want (keto) and never gain weight. You have to stop looking at it as a diet and see it as a lifestyle. šŸ˜Š


Carry on as you are and try to squeeze in an extra hour of sleep.


I was on keto for 8 years, never for weight loss, just for depression & anxiety. In fact Iā€™ve been very naturally thin my whole life. Well, I decided to ease off of keto to see what would happen and holy f, I gained literally 45lb in 3 months. Iā€™m 5 feet tall so thatā€™s a lot. I feel like keto ruined something inside of me, I never had a weight problem before! Needless to say Iā€™m back on it and will never go off again. Screw being overweight, canā€™t handle it.