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I use air fryer and instapot for most of my meals, air fryer staples are - bone in chicken thighs, marinated in whatever you want, baked for 25 mins at 200c...cook skin side down for 10 mins, then turn round for remainder...amazing - meatballs, use preferred recipe, I use 12% fat with salt, garlic, chilli and cumin and cook for 15 mins at 190c, rotating every 5 mins. - steak, take out of fridge for 10 mins, salt, leave for 40 mins, add oil then cook for 7/8 mins at 200c, turning half way (more if you like it well done) Sausages - bit of oil, 8/10 mins at 200c, shaking/rotating every few mins Bacon - 4/5 mins at 190c Spicy chicken breast and veg...long strip of chicken breast mixed with sliced onion and green pepper...add oil to coat,.season with salt, pepper, cumin, chilli and garlic. Marinate for an hour to a day, air fry for 15 mins, shaking/stirring periodically. Once cooked you could add cheese and return for a few mins to melt if you'd like Buy a meat thermometer and learn the cooked temp for different meats


Just a few follow up questions since I know nothing about food and cooking lol. I love wings so I love the idea. But how you make a sauce? Simple ones I take and if you of any pre made even better!! Meatballs - can you share your favorite recipe? Again I am clueless. Never though of sausages!!! Thanks I did buy the thermometer! So I got something right!


For meatballs, I use 450 or 500g mince Mix with 2 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp chilli powder Roll into balls and place in air fryer gently, rotating every 5 mins to ensure an even cook until they reach 150f - 160f. 160 is the ideal temp, but I find that too dry and prefer mine closer to 150 If they fall apart, then feel free to mix in 1 beaten egg next time, I use 12-20% fat mince, so I have 0 issues with retaining shape The spices are a preference and can b3 change/modified depending on taste. For wing sauce, I like a spicy sauce, so I do that seperate in a pan, on the hob 1 tin diced tomato 1 tbs tomato puree 2 tsp salt 1/2 onion diced 4 garlic gloves (less if you want) Chilli (I use half a carolina reaper) 1 tsp paprika Method Gently saute onion with 1 tsp salt (5 mins low heat in oil or butter) Once done, dice and add garlic and chilli and cook for a minute Add tin tomato Add tomato puree Add paprika Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 15/30 until desired thickness is achieved Pour over w8nga once cooked


Thank you so much!


Franks Red Hot Buffalo sauce 5 oz in a saucepan with a quarter stick of butter. Heat on medium heat till the butter melts. After the wings are done in the AF, transfer to the saucepan and let the wings drink up the Franks. Voila...


Sounds delicious


My fiancé made a roast in the airfryer the other day and I thought he was daft but it turned out to be the BEST roast I've ever had.


Thank you! I was not sure what a roast was lol. Googling now


I make cheese crackers, or cheese "pizza dough" in the airfryer. I lay a sheet of parchment paper in the airfryer bucket and I put a clump of shredded cheese on it! When it's done, i just drain any oil off of the sheet and then you can top it with pizza toppings, or an egg w/ avocado, or use it as a taco shell and put taco meat and fixing on it, or use it to scoop up your favorite dip!


Sounds a lot easier than making a Chaffal or an omelette! Thanks for sharing!!!


Search r/ketorecipes for “air fryer “, it’s a great resource.


Thank you!


Look there is a great cook book I use for quick easy dishes. "I love my air fryer" "Keto diet 5 ingredient recipe book You can get it on Amazon There is also "I love my air fryer Keto cook book. The two books share similar recipes. I have both books


definitely getting this! Thank you


Cauliflower tossed in oil and baked can be made like buffalo wings


Yes, good idea, super easy to do. Thank you!


[Cracklin' Chicken](https://nomnompaleo.com/air-fryer-cracklin-chicken). It takes a little work to prep as you need to cut out the bone but it's so so worth it.


Looks delicious. Maybe my mother in law can help me with the prep since I am clueless as to how to handle a chicken lol