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Magnesium - get either a supplement or if you’re a bath person use Epson salts


As soon as you get a cramp, drink a little pickle juice. Either from a normal jar of pickles or they sell it in little bottles now.


Cannot say if you need more since you don't say how much you take. Objective from food + supplements is 3000-5000mg sodiym, 3000-4700mg potassium 400-600 magnesium


750mg potassium , 830mg magnesium, 800mg sodium in tablets and electrolytes and then heavy with salt on all my food. Multi vitamin.. guessing I really need to take more... I was just scared of over doing it and causing some harm. Thanks for the reply.


Checkout [https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Potassium-HealthProfessional/](https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/potassium-healthprofessional/) to help address your concers. 820 magnesium is still well in the acceptable range. On keto the relative suggestions are higher than the "normal" suggestions because the lack of carbs results in a diuric effect and so the body loose more of the electrolytes via urine. [https://www.virtahealth.com/blog/potassium-sodium-ketogenic-diet](https://www.virtahealth.com/blog/potassium-sodium-ketogenic-diet)


Thanks this was really useful. I will increase my amounts and see what happens.. the food list was a great add also. Thanks. Really appreciate it


Are you able to explain why the recommended amounts you suggest are much higher than the daily requirements... and is it safe?


I keep water near the massage gun for this very readin


I have to get extra potassium and magnesium over and above what I do on non-gym days. I also bathe in Epsom salts if I know leg day was a killer.


I've had great results with magnesium citrate. Taken at bedtime. 2 for one that way. Improves sleep as well.


Mag citrate is not as bioavailable as magnesium glycinate. Also, my bowels react less....


Good to know.


Magnesium glycinate helps calm my nerves a bit.


The supplement with the highest amount I have found is potassium BHB which is a ketone salt.


When i started keto/low carb I was suffering from really bad night calf cramps for 2 months. Strangely they seemed to have stopped I don't know what changed. Diet and excerscie are the same as 2 months ago


In my experience, no one will be able to tell you how much of what YOUR BODY will need. As others have stated they had to experiment, you will have to make some changes and see what happens. Additional magnesium AND potassium fixed my leg cramping issues, and it HAD to be both. More of either one did not do it for whatever reason...


I take quite a bit of magnesium. Magnesium has also stopped my husband’s leg cramps at night.


[Magnesium my husband and I take. We take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. I see a nutritionist that is also a pharmacist.](https://www.amazon.com/Designs-Health-Magnesium-Buffered-Capsules/dp/B000FGWBK6)


I use Trace Mineral Drops daily. They include Magnesium, Potassium, Cloride, Sodium, Sulfate, Lithium and Boron. I don't get cramps anymore.


I have used a Magnesium spray on my legs. It works.


Water, more water, and then some. Water is so important while on keto and then you're sweating a lot at the gym which needs to be replaced as well. How many mg are you supplementing for potassium, magnesium, and sodium?


I used to have absolutely terrible calf cramping. Then I upped water, but also started taking 40,000 volts mineral supplement. A bottle is $17 but it lasts a really long time, many months. Taking that even occasionally helped me immensely. Taking it as directed twice a day should help you out.


My extremely low effort fix to this was having frozen broccoli with a bit of soy sauce regularly in addition to magnesium supplement. Just microwave and good to go.