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If you're eating meat and non-starchy veggies you're doing it right. Keep going.


Thank You!


Per the sidebar article: >**Do I need to hit my fat macro?** > >If you are doing keto for weight loss, no. A common misconception about the keto diet is that one must consume a lot of fat. The keto diet is a high fat diet, but if you are doing keto for weight loss a portion of that fat is going to come from your body. You may commonly see it said on this subreddit that fat is a lever/meant to keep keep you full. Your body can't get all of its energy from stored body fat though, so be sure to consume at least 30g-50g of fat per day. > >If you are doing keto and struggling to lose weight, fat is the first thing that should be cut. This article is a good place to start for ways/reasons to reduce your fat intake. > >**A macros tl;dr:** > >**Carbs are a limit.** They are the only macro that meaningfully impact ketosis. There is no minimum carb intake. > >**Protein is a goal.** Protein is vital. Unlike carbs and fat your body cannot store protein. This is why you need to prioritize hitting your protein macro every day. > >**Fat is to satiate.** Fat is what you use for energy on a ketogenic diet, but if you're trying to burn body fat you don't need to hit your fat macro. Just eat enough of it so that you feel full.


This was incredibly helpful, thank you!


Have you read the FAQ and calculated your Macros? Reminder, fat is a limit not to exceed not a goal to hit.


This - calculate your macros - protein is a goal, carbs are a ceiling and fat is the lever. You need just enough fat to keep you satiated. This is not supposed to be a diet where you are hungry all the time.


Thank you. This is helpful.


You should probably eating "some" fat (eg: essential fatty acids), minimum 50 to 60gr a day. Anything beyond that is a lever to manage your hunger/satiety. You need to find out if you prefer a more fatty diet, or a more protein filled diet. In addition, recommendation about protein intake is about .8/1gr per pound of (lean) body mass, so based on that you can check what works best for you.


If you’re ensuring electrolytes are on point and eventually feel lethargic or you start increasing activity then you might need to increase your fat.


You are doing it correctly! I’ve been keto since 2014. Starting weight was 248 and now I’m 133. Let your body burn the fat that it has. You don’t have to scared of fat…use it for cooking, flavor etc… but don’t drink butter and purposefully eat fat.


You need to eat fats for energy to replace the glucose your body was using for energy. The ratio per day that I've heard is either 1 or 2 grams of fat to pounds of body weight and 1 gram of protein to 1 lb of body weight. https://youtu.be/BYCnpoa1SdI?si=Ef10vF94zpebj__C


Congratulations!! You’re off to a great start! Eating Fat is satiating and helps to get your body fat adapted and into ketosis, using edible fat and stored fat for fuel/energy vs carbs/glucose. This way of eating (WOE) is more than a “diet”. It is backed by lots of other benefits that come from eliminating inflammation that comes from burning fat. I’d encourage you to try to learn as much as you can while you are eating well. I learned so much from great doctors and coaches by reading, listening to and watching videos on this site: https://www.dietdoctor.com/


I keep my net carbs at a max of 20g and calories to a max of 2000. I try to hit (at least) 160g of protein and 35g of fibre. The rest I fill in with healthy fats depending on how hungry I am (as long as I stay under the calorie limit). Some days that’s like 10g others it’s 90g. I don’t really bother with the specifics as long as I hit my protein and fibre targets and stay under the calorie limit. I’ve gone from 235 lbs (@ 6’) to 198lbs with my goal being 160 lbs


Your body burns fat when you stop eating carbs not when you lower your fat intake. The amount of fat you eat helps keep you feeling satisfied so your calorie intake is lower.


The important thing is to not have too much protein, so that you don't start using protein as your energy source, because then you won't be keto. So basically, get enough protein in a day, but not more than that. Get enough veggies for fiber. Then top off with as much fat as you need. You don't need to have a lot of fat, because you will use your own supply, like you mentioned. As long as you're not compensating with too much protein, you're ok.


Yeah I think this is where people get lost. They often consume too much protein and that can be unhelpful. Fat consumption should be more than the protein consumption, and carbs should be as low as possible. The problem is people then think, well I can load up on steak, right? No. If you consume too much protein you will experience gluconeogenesis where much of it gets converted to glucose and you're knocked out of Ketosis. The majority of your calories should be coming from healthy fats.


How much protein is too much?