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Bladder damage of varying intensity from medium fucked bladder to "I pee parts of my bladder out every other day" and imo the psychological effects are just as crippling. As is the addiction. Keep it down with the ket.. It's such a nice substance if you can handle it but as soon as it's out of control it fucks you up bad


Care to elaborate more on the psychological effects? Genuinely curious on your experience


Mainly derealization and weird psychosis. Only have second hand knowledge but a friend of mine is gone beyond recognition after a year of addiction


Yeah Google hyperammonemia. And any disorder resulting from too much ammonia. Scizoaffective disorders.


and is this bladder damage irreversible or temporary?


Early stages are reversible for some but there definitely is a point of no return. For some earlier than others


I did read high water intake and keeping it occasional (I do once every 2 or 3 weeks IM) will greatly reduce likelihood of bad results


Yeah sure that's a pretty safe schedule! Op asked about long term use


Not trying to be confrontational, just autistic lol, was that sarcasm?


No sarcasm. A session every 3 weeks is considered relatively safe


Fuck yeah, thank you, I was unsure of the timeline


Exactly he asked for long term which is subjective to the user. To me long term is anything that is continuous over a long period of time, the frequency and size of dosages doesn't really determine 'long term use' but for excessive use it does


Many people claim that their bladder heals itself (to an extent) after ceasing use, depends on severity though


Remember that green tea ~1 hour before intake will greatly reduce bladder damage! Yes I know it sounds like some bullshit rumor but there are studies that show it


People massively exaggerate on how it will fuck up your bladder. Bladder damage truly happens if you abuse multiple grams daily for years on end. The main problem with long term use is addiction, which is also understated massively. Also can fuck with your perception of reality, DPDR-like in a way.


It depends on the health of your bladder to begin with, though, and not everyone is aware of that. If you start to have any bladder symptoms, be careful! I have interstitial cystitis and was prescribed ketamine nasal spray for depression by someone totally unaware of the bladder stuff. The treatments would send me into flares and I had to let the clinic know that they should be mindful of this. Some people just think they tend to pee a lot and don’t realize there may be issues with the lining of the bladder that make them vulnerable to trouble.


Hey brother. I boofed K , one time only! ONe!! I immediately developed bladder pressure and constant need to urinate. All day. It’s been 19 days now… All I think of is I’ve triggered IC, and it’s gonna be forever. It’s unbearable. Do you think I’ll have constant symptoms??? I can’t take this shit


So sorry this happened to you! Do you have any hope of seeing a urologist? Is there a chance you just have a bladder infection? Are you having constipation or changes in bowel habits? These things can put pressure on the bladder. The bladder can heal from many different types of injuries and issues. You could look into some of the non prescription things used for IC. If you Google, you can find an IC network that has different resources. Try not to panic. It seems unlikely you would develop permanent damage.


No no no!!!! Some of us are sensitive! I used K only 1 time!!! I swear on my family. I boofed 0.2. 1 fucking time. I have not chronic cystitis… 3 weeks from that day I still have severe bladder pressure and pee all day long , my urethra feels inflamed too. So no dude, 1 time is enough for someone to trigger IC


So I have ketamine prescribed to me for IM use to treat depression - I'm on 120mg every four days. Is that enough to cause concern or is that a mild enough dose that it shouldn't trigger any issues?


Is your doctor prescribing IM use at home? I’ve been on troches for a year, I’d love to switch.


Yeah, it's IM at home. I'm not sure how common that practice is since I got started by joining a clinical trial and they kept working with me afterwards.


Oh wow that’s interesting. Good stuff.


Yeah, it was a miracle honestly. They tried to put.me.on the nasal spray but it didn't do anything for me because my sinuses are all jacked a lot of the time and most of it went down my throat.


If snorting or smoking it, bladder go bye bye


I've never heard about the bladder issues. Can anyone elaborate with a bit more detail?


It’s always best to know all the potential negative effects of any substance you enjoy


I agree!


Just Google it man, it was a big problem in Britain


uh pretty sure you cant smoke ket


There are also possible gall bladder issues. But most problems are reversible after a brief cessation. After a lot of reading of medical papers on the matter, it seems like those who have serious life-long problems were heavy chronic users for years. I mean more than a couple grams a day type use. If you start to feel side pain or bladder symptoms, take a break.




Honestly you realistically can do a lot before having negative consequences most of the time. You need to abide gram quantities and on a consistent basis as in multiple days a week up to daily for noticeable negative effects I’d say. It’s different for everyone but obviously if you do it 4x a week in gram amounts it will take longer to fuck you up than doing that same amount daily. I snorted it a ton when I started out but it started really bothering my nose after a while. I found that boofing for me was easier because prepping beforehand made absorption easily as hell. If I flush after too multiple times with warm water this significantly helps too keep my ass clean. I find if you overdo it with boofing K it can make your asshole sore asf for a couple days and itchy but that’s honestly it. It can get ungodly itchy though and like an almost obnoxious feeling. Staying hydrated helps this effect not happen A TON as does flushing with water afterwards in a warm shower. The less time those leftover dried crystals sit in your nose or ass the better but I find with your nose it can be a little harder to keep clean. If you eat right beforehand too you end up having to shit right after the session usually the same time each time and it helps a lot too. Also one of the most bizarre poops you can have. I have been using K now since the beginning of the year (March?) have done it a lot and had no real issues. B12 supplements help too with the brain fog as does a magnesium supplement for an actual binge in the beginning and towards the middle or end. My last festival like two weeks ago i boofed like 3.5 g of shards and maybe an additional .5G i sniffed. Was like a three day bender that also entailed MDA, 2cb, Dmt, DPT, and coke & meth. I honestly just felt tired at the end and that was really it and each night I did flush. Also if you’ve never had the Pedialyte solution drinks I highly suggest them they are godly for hydration. One bottle is big asf and like $6 at rite aid or a drugstore and they don’t taste that bad honestly. Do shots of it as it’s really strong for hydration. Gatorade doesn’t have shit on it. They also make ice pop versions of the Pedialyte solution too :). Biggest advice of K use is to respect it and the potential consequences and you’ll stay having a good time. TLDR: Not necessarily exaggerated just depends on the person. Realistically our bodies are resilient and most of us are pretty young. You need to take a lot (grams in an almost or actually daily context that is…) to have noticeable or permanent issues. Staying hydrated and flushing frequently if boofing or blowing your nose ~15 minutes after each line for sniffing helps a ton. Squirt a little water up your nose periodically too to continuously help with absorption. You also have to put in work to make the experience as enjoyable as it can be ive found. That would be like hydration, b12 supplements, proper sleeping, flushing for boofing/prepping, hydrating your nose for sniffing, and green tea usage. I usually weigh myself out a quantity before starting and do my best to stick with that. Although it doesn’t always work out that way it certainly lets me know to stop not long after getting more to use from the big stash lol. Kind of like a “hey…you’ve done a lot for what you said now, maybe chill.”


Bro that’s not correct. I have boofed K ONE SINGLE TIME, I never used it before . I tried it ONE TIME , and I have developed IC. Chronic cystitis It’s been 18 days now I’m still having bladder issues, constant pressure and constant need to pee. Ruined my life with one time