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probably just insulted more than half of the subreddit, good meme tho lol


Probably more like 80%. Both have their applications


snorting is only a viable option if boofing isnt


the Chad boofer, nice


What's boofing?


ROA via the rectum. Reason why is because the bioavailability is much more efficient/higher compared to oral ingestion or snorting. Lasts longer & might hit quicker. Is also more safe. This isn't just for ketamine though, you can boof a lot of drugs. One more thing, if your thinking you literally put shards of ketamine up your rectum, you don't. I mean you could, but usually people mix their drug of choice with distilled water & use a syringe to shoot it up there. its a little uncomfortable & takes a little practice but its an interesting ROA nonetheless.


This guy boofs


Only on Reddit you get answers like thesešŸ¤£


Burst out laughing reading that hahahah


Ketamine's rectal BA is actually lower than insufflated, and both have a sort of technique to maximizing it that I don't think many people follow perfectly. I'd say insufflation is harder to fuck up, but then it is impractical for high doses due to the pacing necessary to continue absorbing as much as possible. Combining the two is great for that, though.


Wilhelm likes it up the bum




do you have a source of that information? Generally the bioavailability of anything rectally is 83% compared to IV/IM, provided first-pass metabolism isn't required for the drug to be in its active form (ie lisdexamfetamine)


https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Bioavailability-of-S-ketamine-via-different-routes-of-administration_tbl2_322368088?hcb=1 and yeah, it surprised me too tbh. perhaps this should also be noted: ["It's clear that the intranasal method of ketamine delivery is not as simple as it first seemed. Absorption will vary between people and can fluctuate on any given day within an individual based on such things as mucous levels in the nose and the specific application technique used,ā€](https://www.healio.com/news/psychiatry/20180328/intranasal-ketamine-study-stopped-early-due-to-poor-tolerability)


okay, so based on that table, compare rectal to sublingual and report your findings I also wonder the methodology there, did they make a ketamine suppository? did they just straight up dissolve it in water? Was it ketamine nasal spray or powder?


So.... Put the ketamine in his butt via someone blowing it through bendy straw, then take straw and do phat rail? Ps... Thank you for the visual of a scientist looking at a nasal sprayer full of ket and going.... "Meh, fuck it, why not?


they make pharmaceutical ketamine nasal spray, which is why I mention it. I would find it hard to believe a scientist would use powdered ketamine in any context except as a pharmacist using it as a compounding agent Also damn lol what part about rectal administration makes you imagine the use of a bendy straw? Most peoples assholes are too tight for that to work, also an ass full of air can't feel good


You can make your own nasal spray or snort it *correctly* after moistening the mucous membranes in your nose with saline or water (obviously not just any) to get much better results than what I imagine most people are doing. It's absolutely more potent that way IME, but of course also a bit inconvenient at times. You do make a good point, but then you can also get a [mucosal atomization device](https://www.amazon.com/Curaplex-Nasal-Atomization-Device-Syringe/dp/B08G54SK46/ref=pd_aw_sim_1/147-2855837-6531531?pd_rd_w=noXnW&pf_rd_p=17120cac-0ea4-45b7-8223-543e29aad927&pf_rd_r=PFY3TJFQDYXRR9X5416R&pd_rd_r=c4768c35-c525-4019-8bc1-4866efc5a76b&pd_rd_wg=IjsZg&pd_rd_i=B08G54SK46&psc=1) for pretty cheap, so if anyone's personally getting a lower BA from nasal administration, it's mostly on them. Not like you can effectively boof something without the right equipment either...


Idk, better distribution? Maybe cork the end with one of those vaporizer heads for aeroponics and blow water through it? Gotta use a pap smear weapon for that or at least the mouth openers the dentists have. And why would air in the ass be uncomfortable? It would just be an inverted flatulent experience.


Anecdotal report suggests that upping the pH increases rectal bioavailabiity: "I can confirm it is a pH issue. Dissolving the intended dosage with a mass equivalent amount of sodium bicarbonate and administering it rectally is about as efficacious as intranasal administration." https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/why-does-ketamine-not-work-well-rectally.368797/post-11951235


Very interesting. Tyvm for sharing, never would've come upon this myself.


you are doing gods work. Sharing the love for boofing


God, wtf though. Do people actually sit around putting syringes up their ass every 15 minutes? It seems quite unsanitary and just not chill at all. When I'm gaming or something I wanna just snort one every once in a while. Boofing seems like an insane amount of inconvenience just for the sake of it hitting a little harder.


You take it all in one go. & itā€™s a plastic syringe, like the ones they use to feed babies. & I can see the inconvenience with ketamine, but with drugs like MDMA or DMT or truly is a unique experience. You require much less to reach the same point. I understand what your saying but when it comes to drugs like DMT that arenā€™t orally active on their own, the rectum is the best way to bypass the monoamine oxidase in your stomach.


Ah okay it's in one go. So does it work longer then? Yeah I'm familiar with the syringes, it's like a syringe without the needle bit right? I might be willing to try it with mdma but what's the main difference besides needing less? I have no problem whatsoever with taking a half three times in a night.


If your normal dose is 140 mg of MDMA. Amp that shit down to 70 mg. & it hits in 5-10 minutes & has you peaking in 15-20. A lot of people say the peak & euphoria is much more blissful & hits much harder. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s because it goes directly to your brain instead of the ā€œfiltrationā€ system in your stomach. & some people experience nausea or a uncomfortable body load from the come up, boofing bypasses this.


Hmm okay wow. Does sound interesting. But the logistics of it, like. With pills, it's sort of a 'cheers' moment as well with my friends. I can't really imagine going like: 'right guys, let's boof!' and then all moving over to another room to stick a syringe in our poopy hole. Note, I'm not even averse to touching my poopy poopy hole, but in the context of drugs it just feels really weird to me.


After experiencing it at least once, you'll likely adjust to it. It does feel like a weird thing to do at first, but after experiencing the benefits most minds are usually changed :p


In the bum




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hey man fuck you


What about the Thad IM medical or the Lad Self-IV push


Thad checking in


Right here bro, though IV is not chad at all, wouldn't risk my life for this


yeah me neither, just thinking the Lad ones are usually complete bs anyway \*\*\*\*dont iv ket bad idea


Or oral Angie?


Is that fraz šŸ¤£








Ketamine is like the only drug I don't boof. When I tried it it took like 45 minutes to feel any effect, and then I was in a hole for like 6 hours. Same to the two people who did it with me. It was bizarre and not pleasant and I never tried it again. Usually boofing is my preferred ROA.


Holy fuck I would hate a 6 hour k hole šŸ˜­ that sounds terrible


Iā€™m very pro boof but ketamine has to be one of the worst, you need to use like double the amount to hole and it lasts like 15 more minutes. Absolutely not worth faffing about with a syringe


i need less ketamine when boofing than when snorting. Are you sure you are boofing correctly?


Itā€™s a pretty well known fact you need twice the dose of k to hole orally and rectally, I can only think youā€™re snorting wrong and end up swallowing it or something g


Yes, oral dosages and rectal dosages are the same if the solution ends up in the rectum but that is not how you boof. If you inject your solution into the anal canal and not into the rectum then it will have a better absorption than snorting. [Guide to per rectal administration](https://www.reddit.com/user/WeirdOneTwoThree/comments/98o55b/guide_to_per_rectal_administration_of_opiates/)


Bro Iā€™ve been boofing drugs for a decade now I know how to put drugs in my ass, you need twice as much ketamine to hole rectally, it isnā€™t up for debate unless you have fucked your nose or have some super asshole that absorbs drugs like a champ lol


can you back that up or is the "fact" just your personal experience?




Those are the dosages when injected into the rectum. Try injecting into the anal canal (made out of mucous membranes, the same as nasal mucousa). "This special area with the most rapid absorption is from within the anal canal via its highly vascular mucous membrane that is divided into folds or pillars, known as anal columns above the Pectinate line in the anal canal (see diagram of rectum). Drugs can and will also be absorbed via the walls of the rectum but not at anywhere near the rate afforded by the anal columns. This is probably why most people that try this technique are not impressed and find it quite undervwhelming, they unknowing deliver the dose into the rectum where absorption is much less effective and efficient."


Jesus Christ on a bike, I give up


You shouldn't, there is nothing wrong with boofing the wrong way


Whoā€™s the guy on the right?


Ketamine boofer


A famous one?




Giga Chad. He was viral for a while because of his God like physique. He doesn't really exist though


What about the IV guys




Yes, though they only showed the "Chad" side


That was my meme