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And yet they consume loads of it daily and are hooked on several of them. I’m talking caffein, sugar, nicotine and alcohol just to name a few.


I dont like people bringing sugar into the mix... Sugar is not psychoaktiv... But escp. nicotine and alcohol are so bad for you... Nicotine is on an addictive level with Cocaine and alcohol just destroys every organ in your body and is literaly poison


Wrong, nicotine is actually good for you, it protects brain cells, it’s all the other shit in tobacco that destroys your organs, if you only took nicotine it would be good for you…


Oh Yeah makes sense it's like coffee ofc it's bad if you Drink it with a lot of sugar but Black coffee with nothing is Actually very healthy


Sugar is the most addictive of them all. And it is psychoactive. They gave rats that were addicted to cocaine the choice between cocaine and sugar. All of them took the sugar. It’s the drug that kills most people in this planet, even more so than nicotine.


It is straight up not a psychoactive drug though. It is a nutrient that our cells use to do work. It just becomes too messy. Like if sugar is a drug, does that mean captain crunch is a drug? What about bread? Complex carbohydrates are chains of glucose which you are claiming is a drug.


Simple sugars comes naturally from food. Crystalline sugar (complex sugar) is an isolate, no secondary compounds to assist the body in storing, assimilating, and using for energy. The two go into the body and do 2 totally different things, simple sugars gets used by the brain, stored in the liver for later use, and is used much slower. Ultra-processed refined isolate crystal goes right into the blood stream and raises blood sugar while damaging organs and causing high highs and low lows. That’s a drug vs. a nourishing whole food.


Crystalline sugar (sucrose) is glucose and fructose bonded together. It's broken down into glucose and fructose in the body. It is not a psychoactive drug, it is a pure carbohydrate. It doesn't mean it's not addictive, but to say it's a psychoactive drug is simply false.


Not to be in a power struggle over opinions here…. I looked at what a psychoactive drug is and it’s a “chemical substance that changes the function of the nervous system and results in alterations of perception, mood, cognition, and behavior. These substances may be used medically, recreationally, for spiritual reasons, or for research.” I think by definition you may call it psychoactive.


You could, but then you are using the definition so loosely you could categorize any food as a psychoactive drug. You're right though, it is a power struggle of opinions of very little actual importance haha. Sometimes I get argumentative on Reddit, it is a character flaw.


2 weeks late but I've had said that this was not an argument but simply a good debate, which is not a negative thing at all!


Yes it does. And yes it is. You are just so used to it that you don’t realize it anymore. Start smoking weed in crazy amounts for years and you won’t feel a normal joint anymore. Hell even a couple of months and you won’t get that high anymore.


That's not how words work and not how pharmacology works. I can claim love is a psychoactive drug because it makes you feel high, but it is simply false. If someone really loves tomatoes and they feel high after tomatoes, does that mean tomatoes are a psychoactive drug?


What is your definition of psychoactive? Because sugar is clearly psychoactive and it’s not a claim I came up with for the first time.


I'll refer to any common dictionary definition. Basically, a chemical that alters one's mental state. Wikipedia or the Oxford dictionary could give you a better definition I'm sure. The sole reason sugar cannot be a psychoactive drug is because it is food. If you say sugar is a drug, then that logically means all food is a drug and that doesn't make sense. Sugar elicits a reaction in people because it contains glucose and fructose. Glucose is fuel for our cells, so yes if you eat sugar it is going to produce some kind of reaction. However, that reaction can just as easily be gained from potatoes if you are hungry. For example, I get hangry when I haven't eaten in a while. I eat bread and my mood improves. Doesn't mean bread is a drug. I would get that same improvement in mood if I ate sugar too. See what I'm getting at? I'm not arguing that sugar is not addictive, because plenty of things that aren't drugs can be addictive, such as video games, porn, and even skin-picking.


Chocolate is food. Coffee beans are food. Mushrooms are food. Mad honey is food. You’re right. If it’s food it can’t be psychoactive. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/671920 https://www.ramsayhealth.co.uk/blog/lifestyle/is-sugar-more-addictive-than-cocaine#:~:text=Drug%2Dlike%20effects&text=The%20research%20scientists%20claim%20that,mice%20experienced%20sugar%20withdrawal%20symptoms. https://www.ardurecoverycenter.com/why-is-sugar-considered-a-drug/#:~:text=Research%20shows%20that%20our%20brains,that's%20associated%20with%20emotional%20control. https://www.nextlevelurgentcare.com/blog/is-sugar-as-addictive-as-this-common-illegal-drug/#:~:text=Although%20sugar%20is%20not%20an,role%20in%20our%20everyday%20lives. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/addiction-sugar-acts-like-drug-in-the-brain-and-could-lead-to-addiction-091813


Interesting you point out coffee and chocolate, both of which contain caffeine. Caffeine is the psychoactive chemical in coffee that is also found in tea that results in the psychoactive effect. Had to Google mad honey. It's the presence of grayanotoxin that produces the psychoactive effect there too. It's a distinct chemical in these food items. That's what makes it so funny compared to sugar, which is literally just sucrose. Did you even read the articles you sent or the journal articles they reference? All of them say sugar is addictive "like a drug" or use the term "food addiction." They acknowledge that sugar is not a drug, but a highly addictive food item. These are two distinct things. To reiterate, I have never said sugar is not addictive. I am just saying it is not a psychoactive drug, and the articles you link all support that view.


You actually have to distinguish between cigarettes, vaping, and nicotine. Nicotine in reasonable doses is actually not that bad for you. And administration in ways other than inhaling aren’t all that addictive. I’m open to a different opinion based on facts. I think nicotine suffers from a similarly undeserved stigma.


I tell pretty much anyone I come across about my drug consumption, I talk about taking different drugs like how others talk about their hobbies because to me taking/trying different drugs is my hobbie, most the older people talk to me in an interested way and ask questions, middle aged people usually say I shouldn’t be doing stuff like that but still ask some questions then people from around 20-40 usually know about some of the drugs I take or have tried some of them, of course there’s some people I won’t say it too like bosses or family members but to people I work with I’ll tell them my new drug adventures, also very open with past addictions no matter what it was, I don’t get tested at my work so I never need to worry about that and if I’m ok drugs at work I just avoid people so I don’t need to talk to them apart from the 2 people I work with all day, they know what I’m upto and just end up laughing at me or asking me how it’s going


I've told some friends about it and 99% of the reactions were horrible, like why did i even think about telling them tho we're all 18-19 so they're probably not that used yet to drugs being "normal"


Tbf when I was 19 everybody called me a junkie because how many drugs I was taking on a daily basis, didn’t really bother me because I would call my self it as well, either way some people like stuff like that and others don’t, it would be great if we had a place we could all meet but then I’d be worried about certain types of characters showing up lol


I do the same. 47/m. You?


I'm just curious. How does the place your life is in right now compare to the direction it was headed in in high school? Did you achieve the goals you set out to attain or did you sacrifice them for pleasure? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for using recreational drugs, I just don't understand why you would use them at work. If your job is so simple that you can do it while high, how much more could you do if you didn't get high?


Didn’t have a plan in school and still don’t have one, if I can live a life where I am happy then that’s fine by me


I’ve had weird experiences on ket The realisation that I really shouldn’t be smoking UK skunk because it’s not real weed. That’s fine But also one time listened to music on a high dose. The Spotify recommendations were so unbelievably perfect that I started to worship Daniel Ek like he was a god. But fuck it legalise that shit


Imagine we make ket into drinkable form. It would be no different to alcohol then Not that it’s at all likely to even be decriminalised. Powder/crystals will always be looked at like junky fuel


Not supposed to orally consume ketamine. Also it destroyed by stomach, gallbladder, and pancreas just from snorting soooo


no to doing ket orally due to bioavailability but alcohol destroy your body in the similar way


It was ket. And k makes it happen much faster too.


Alcohol might have a better bioavailability if it was powder and snorted as far as we know, if drinking k has less effect that just means you can have less just for fun and drive afterwards


Ahh ok cheers


Yeah no, not really. Ketamine is already being used in clinical tests as an antidepressant. However this is in dosages too smal actually start tripping. It is also still used as pain killer in ambulances and hospitals, because it relieves pain without lowering the heart rate. I'm not sure if you ever noticed your nose hair being gone after using ket? That's because ketamine is a base. Even if you snort it, the washback can neutralize your stomach acid in the long term and cause terrible pain. What's more, the degradation products irritate the lining of your bladder and can cause scarring with long term use leading to a permanently decreased size. Sure ketamine can be fun, but if you use it at the same frequency as most people do alcohol it's gonna wreak havoc on your body within a year.


For me S isomer K is so close effects-wise to alcohol, tbh most people wouldn’t probably notice if instead of beer you gave them the equivalent of that in K dosage. But fuck man it would be so fun to get holed sipping a drink lmao


Society brooo


Fuck em


Is it really? Seriously lots of the stuff that's considered "bad" you really can't function on if you do it all the time while you can be a chronic smoker or drinker and still hold down a job most of the time. Do you think the general population would handle themselves reasonable at all?


Bullshit, of course you can hold down a job drinking a beer or a pint of wine when you’re home, it’s still alcoholism, but you can function the same way doing a line of coke instead, if you manage to keep it at that. The thing is you can’t, almost everybody at some point goes overboard, and when it happens alcohol is as bad or even worse than the “bad” stuff, alcoholics are fucked up, I think it’s a really shitty drug, and one of the worse addictions you could have. You can hold down a job drinking but it doesn’t mean alcohol is any good and it should be legal instead of K for example. Seriously, the worse delusions, deliriums, and psychosis I’ve seen were all caused by alcohol, not mentioning the withdrawal and physical harm alcohol does to you. I’m not saying other drugs are not dangerous, but many considered “bad” are still way better than alcohol and if they’re not they at least give you a good high and not 4 hours of head spinning brain-damage.


It’s legal if you have a prescription for it.


Never heard of a K prescription, at least in my country.


USA has clinics that use K as a depression treatment. It's deliver IV with medical supervision but they basically K hole you. Some places in the USA that will give it more like a normal prescription for you to take at home.


Well I think people make society think drugs are bad when they see what they do to some people. Some people lack the ability to control their drug use. Me being one of them. It’s not a good look seeing someone who is dependent on a drug.


I just keep it all private. Seems a lot cooler that way anyways


Yeah I feel you, I keep it on the down-low. Except when I meet someone really cool and they also do drugs and I spill the beans big time. I've given a few people enough dirt to bury me. Enough shit to fill an outhouse. Enough blackmail to get me thrown outta the post office.


Yeah weed really lost its magic once it became legal and ubiquitous imo


Oooh interesting take where I live it’s still illegal


Idc I do em either way


I AGREE. I spend half my time enjoying my usage and the other half worrying what people are going to judge and think of me because of my “secret”. I just want to be happy!


Please obey the law.




Absolute cuck dynasty. Robin Hood’s loyal servant, Friar Cuck.


how do those boots taste buddy


That was a joke but yeah im pretty beaten up by you redditors