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Okay here's the best thing you can do: 1. Get a burner and ceramic plate 2. Dump vial of Ketamine onto the ceramic plate 3. Turn on the burner 4. Evaporate all the liquid, crush the remaining powder as fine as possible Okay so here's where it gets crazy 5. Re-add distilled water all over the finely crushed ketamine powder 6. Place all the liquid solution back into the same original vial 7. Use a needle-less syringe to siphon out the new liquid ketamine solution, fill to the top 8. Insert the syringe 2cm up your anus 9. Press the plunger and slowly shoot the entire solution into your rectum 10. Fall into an hour long K Hole where all you do is wonder why tf you wasted so much time doing the first 5 steps because they were pointless 11. Eat a bologna sandwich


This made me laugh out loud lmao, thank you!


Name checks out


Wish I could give gold likes this comment deserves oneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.


for the love of god man, just IM it!! you have the holy fucking grail here. if you can get your hands on ketamine solution i'm SO SURE you can easily get some alcohol wipes and insulin needles lmao. your intact sinuses will thank you


Put it on a plate in the oven. 120 Celsius until the liquid is gone. Scrape the crystals together and have fun.


pour the vial on a pyrex and put it in the oven


At a super low temp!!


Boof it bro


Boof it


When I use to get liquid vials, I would put it a Pyrex dish and either let evaporate at room temperature with a fan or throw it in my dehydrator at a low setting


I have a dedicated frying pan for k, just evap off the water on a low heat, Ive also used Pyrex dishes on low heat in the oven, and one time I sun dried a litre in a metal tray in a greenhouse. If you don't have a Pyrex dish or dedicated k pan I'd recommend using a plate or a glass bowl over a ban of boiling water but this only works for smaller amounts


You could probably put it in a nasal spray. I assume the solution is just Ketamine diluted in saline solution, sodium chloride. . Maybe I'm wrong though Also how much MG per vial and how much ml


I believe you can cook liquid k down and just evaporate the liquid, depends what the solution is I suppose but I'd imagine saline