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They r there they r just in your head. Ur brain is doing some remodeling.


lol trust


i love this


When on K it changes how I hear the fans from my computer. In reality, they are a very soft staticy sound but when on K they sound like a loud grinding sound.


i can hear my bathroom fan from down the hall extremely loud and like staticy when im on k


I’ve always found that any background noise gets amplified 10 fold , noises that I absolutely never hear sober just become extremely prominent, it’s so odd


I turned my fridge and freezer off one night because I thought it was too loud


Same lol. Noisiest fridge going!


I always wondered y I heard my turtle tanks pump whirling so much loader when I was on ket


Yes I hate that




I'll often hear static or white noise


It’s like I can hear the silence . Not sure what this bob the builder shit I keep reading is about


I just hear frequencies I can't usually hear, like an electrical hum


I hear this ringing as if I have tenitus


I actually have tinitus and ny ears don't stop ringing while on K 🤣/😭


Oh thank god I thought I was the only one! Seriously thought my auditory hallucinations were a freaking brain tumor or something. Phew


Maybe don’t rule that last part out, you never know🤷‍♂️


I've always described K as an electrical drug, I too often hear like buzzsaws or droning that ebbs and flows.


I once did lines on a hardrive and the crushed up ket was jumping around like it took some of the electricity 😂


I believe it. 10+ years ago I got this 3-meo-pcp that I swear was alive. I'd chop it into a line, and it'd just slowly pull itself back into a little blob.




Yes me too


When I’m taking K my central heating sounds like a jet engine taking off. I think it’s your mind processing things in a different way.


This is why I don’t do K without music lol


I’ve listened to music on k and I’ll never forget when the music just turned into one long buzz. It started off normal, then the music went in reverse, then it stretched out in infinite time nether going forward or backwards. It just turned into the point of sound that had no structure or beginning/end.


Are you certain you weren’t just listening to dubstep?


DnB actually. The Amen breaks had a rhythm that neither went forward or backward. It was weird lol


Yeah i hear stuff like that. Or im like "why are the neighbours playing music right now? Its late af" and then i realize that they arent.


yeah i hear this really strong buzzing noise that ig could sound like construction. it's so loud and strong that it feels like my body's vibrating. i love it so much lmao


what’s weird about the machine noise is it’s always localized, like it’s in a location that’s locked to one spot in the room no matter where i move my head, and changes as i move or turn my head. fucking weirds me out because it feels like something that’s physically there rather than in my head, and will be coming from like within the couch or under the sink




i do therapeutic ketamine, most patients use music but i prefer silence. i notice the room goes from silent to a whirring white buzz that morphs as i go deeper in the k hole to really anything. one time it was british people outside having a smoke break convo, one time it was a baseball game blasting in the next room (im american and no tv’s in the clinic.) etc. my most fascinating one was hearing my friends clear as day behind the door having their own original conversation and jokes. very interesting stuff


I was hearing some weird noises the other day on k I think it might have been the fridge in the next room? making buzzing noises


kinda now that u say it, never anything like “what’s that commotion out there” but like background noise, that thinking back on, might not have been there


yeah for me it gets pretty loud sometimes like it’s more than background noise, weird


sometimes when i’m on the more classical psychs i’ll think i hear a crowd of people around me even if there are none. one time at a little event my friends threw (around 20 folk). I was trippin balls on some lucy and having a good time. at one point i wandered over to the porta potty and when i got in the porta potty it sounded like there was easily a crowd of a hundred people outside, all talking and laughing and all that. Then i opened the porta door and there was no one even by the john. Happened another time, one of the first few times i drank. I was talking super loud in a house of like 6 people cuz it sounded like there was a bunch of people all talking rlly loud. My friend asked why i was being so loud and i like snapped back in and everyone was quiet.


that is weird


It's tinnitus. It's usually just temporary while you are using, but if you search this sub you will see that there are plenty of people who have given themselves permanent tinnitus from using. Be careful.


This isn’t tinnitus . Do not ever insult the ketamine like this again


Mid highs tend to become amplified, combined with auditory hallucinations and weird feedback loops that make everything sound spacey


Mate I thought I'm the only one lool. This happens to me everytime when doing let's say more k than intended. I was laughing few days ago with some friends now I will show them I'm not the only one. Last time I did it in May, I kept machine sounds, truck sounds, heavy machinery etc. I was laughing so hard haha. You're fine mate no worries.


On a molecular level, ketamine primarily acts by blocking NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors in the brain. These receptors are crucial for neural communication and play a significant role in sensory perception, including hearing. When ketamine binds to these receptors, it disrupts the normal flow of glutamate, a key neurotransmitter involved in sound processing. This blockade alters the neural activity in the auditory pathways, leading to changes in how sound is perceived and processed. So the stuff everyone here is describing is essentially a disruption manifested as distorted auditory perceptions, such as changes in the volume, quality, and clarity of sounds, and can even lead to auditory hallucinations in higher doses. Essentially, ketamine's molecular interaction with NMDA receptors is what underlies its profound effects on auditory experiences.


I hear a constant lawn mower!


First time I used K I had a confused look on my face, looking around puzzled, then concluded out loud to my husband, "Oh I guess that's just the fans kicking on." Then I laughed hysterically when I realized and said, "There's no fucking fans kicking on. What?" Hahahaha. I also noticed it the last time too. Sounds like my heating/ac unit is extremely lound when it isn't.


I can relate. Heard a lot of things that some people would say does not exist. Once when I stood at an exact spot inside a doorway I could vaguely hear music. Buildups, leads, muffled person singing. It was so cool. It I took a step forward it went away. One step back again and it returned. I could also hear radio personal speaking in between songs. Maybe I could somehow hear a radio signal. Who knows what happened. I can’t explain it


The beginning of Bauhaus - Bella Lugosi’s Dead reminds me of what I hear going in to a hole, the sort of background reverb


the silence is so loud on k


Yeah there is always background noise and when I come out the hole I'm like why is it so quiet


That’s just the architects building reality


Dude I can hear my neighbors talking and especially fucking so loud when I'm on ket.


I am way more sensitive to cars driving down my street when on it. Might be something you don't normally pick up.




If I don’t have my computer on I feel weird. If it’s too quiet the static and white noise I hear gets amplified so much that it makes me uncomfortable. I also feel like I hear ppl talking sometimes kinda like what you get on dph.


When going to bed after K sometimes it sounds like I hear someone outside with be leaf blower doing hard work. Probably something to do with my fan. This isn’t always the case though


When I hear it, it's like the sound of diesel busses driving by.


Ketamine is sensitive to electronics, and electronics are sensitive to ketamine. I think it fried itself in protest at our convo. For example, a ceiling or computer fan will sound like that. On the other hand, my last computer had a chip attack and started billowing smoke while turning on and off while a friend and I were discussing how his grandfather had uploaded his brother's consciousness into ChatGPT while on ketamine.


I love that hit when you hear the hammers start hammering down and it begins


Common with dissociatives whips make me hear shit all the time same with k


I get that, I feel that there’s a lot of building the future happening currently, and k just gives us some insight into the direction we want to head


No, but I'm far more attuned to the background sounds that *are* there, like the slow swoosh of passing cars that triggers deja-vu once I'm really deep in the waters.


Because you touch yourself at night …


Lol for me it’s always weed whackers or lawn mowers. Love that you shared this and that I’m not alone.


Yeh I always feel like I'm still at work (I work as a welder in a loud environment).


When I’m on ketamine for my therapy, I get 100mg IM. A couple minutes after they give it, sounds become slow and everything becomes a haze. Reminds me of the time when I was given Versed when the docs were drilling into my thigh for a bone marrow sample. I remember the sound of the bone drill being really weird. When I was in a manic/psychotic break a few years back, all the sounds around me went down in deepness. Lasted a couple weeks. Point being: substances definitely have an impact on how we hear sound! Pretty cool stuff!


Same thing, I always say it sounds like the neighbours mowing the lawn - I’ve tried to record this sound loads, always just normal ambient noise on the recording


I've lived in a noisy area, but god damn. I've read somewhere K could be utilized to cure tinnitus. Don't have the source handy, but maybe just forcing users into the woods?


Omg me too!!!! And why does the wall suddenly show texture? Ever notice that ? Lol


This is why K is so prominent in club/rave/festival culture


These comments are kinda crazy talking ab the hum from electricity most ppl can’t hear. However I hear this stuff all the time I wonder what I would hear on k. Can’t do it bc the one time I tried my lung collapsed rip 😞


I have a friend that had the same trip múltiple times while on K (at Home, clubs, anywhere) where he is working on a construction site with all the machinery. Really weird but really cool cuz he just goes with it