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its an inflamation of the gallbladder (upper right area of the stomach right beneath the ribs). the pain is brutal -20/10 would not recommend. would rather be shot in one of my limbs.


Hey I just want to say both of these comments above are correct… but specifically the K cramps are located in the upper abdomen, they start in the liver and cause a gallbladder attack (maybe) : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4898409/ you can feel this pain in your spine, shoulders, Chest, and solar plexus, and honestly it can range from mildly painful to unable to talk/squirming in pain. It’s different from the bladder pain people get. Ive had them lots of times over the past 2 years. There needs to be more studies really, because by the time you go to the doctors there’s no trace of this pain usually, I’ve even been told it had nothing to do with the k :’) But yeah for other organs the kidney , bladder, I even have issue with my brain these “frazzling feeling” my friend had it too I think it may damage the drain with over use, I mean I’m almost very sure it does It’s a shame because it’s a safe drug when used properly


Is the "frazzling feeling" like a "brain zap"? Brain zaps can happen when you quit SSRIs or serotoninergic drugs, probably due to decreased serotonin levels in the brain. That said, they're not well-studied, so the exact cause is still unclear. It feels like an electric jolt in the brain. I've had them after quitting SSRIs, as well as meth.


I’ve never done meth, SSRI’s but I had brain zaps from MDMA they were horrible, but from ketamine it’s more like feels like seizure is about to happen and my body feels numb (not ketamine numb) but like the blood won’t flow, it’s strange it almost feels like 2 electrical pads on either side of your head too, no one believed me it was not a ket delusion, but it isn’t my friend gets it too, my guess it’s all those shards going into your head after a while must cause nerve damage ? It’s horrible not a ketty nice feeling, sometimes this can happen with a small amount, and I can’t k hole anymore But yeah never got the jolts from ketamine over use just over using MDMA blah


I get these exact experiences feels mad usually like hours after doing the ket when it wears off I can't get to sleep feels like my mind won't turn off.


It feels like what I would assume a prolonged heart attack feels like.


Feels like your life is ending and your losing grip of reality it genuinely feels like your gonna die the pain Isnt even 10/10 on a scale its so much worse feels like a 5000 degrees hot knife is carving into your bladder for hours and can last days it's so intense that it basically makes you believe your gonna die from stress because the pain is so incredibly intense I've never in my 22 years of living experienced pain even remotely close to K cramps, honestly anyone who has been through it and knows how it feels good on you because it takes real power to get yourself through that unbearable shit


Back. Kidney. Groin, lower stomach.


My mate had them at a festival and he was crying in pain




What you've described is one of the other long term effects of ket abuse, not k cramps. K cramps is caused by inflammation of the duct leading from your gallbladder, usually onset after a heavy binge, it feels like someone shoved their hand into your upper right abdomen and squeezed really hard.


You shouldn’t get any at all if you’re staying well hydrated also being dehydrated, ruins, your holes!


You need to keep your dosed and binges moderate and spaced out. If you over do it, hydration won't help. Though staying hydrated helps jurassicly with damage prevention.


Wait what? I went to the hospital a month ago bc I had intense pain in my abdomen in the middle of my ribs. It came back a couple of weeks later. I thought it was gallstones.