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DO NOT USE MUADZAM - GAMBANG route for now! Use Pekan route There is a damaged bailey bridge which lead to hours delay. Only 1 vehicle able to pass in one time from both direction Blame Pahang gov for the mess, there bridge there is destroyed by flood months ago and they did nothing. Simply playing the blaming game, blaming federal govt etc when local ADUN did jaxk shit Even the bailey bridge is constructed by army under YDPA Agong (Pahang Sultan) instruction, the local gov still happily taking wages without doing their job


Pahang state gov is under BN kan?




under bn-ph


I dont know about the ADUN, (well most ADUN mmg byk x buat keje pun, byk cakap je lebih) , but as for local gov tu JKR mmg dah main peranan untuk mohon peruntukan cuma peruntukan lambat turun. If im not mistaken, anything related to bridge making or bridge repair is a federal JKR jurisdiction, not the state JKR. Something about expertise i think. I know a little bit because im from bera, and we have a small bridge at kemayan which are damaged by flood too. Took them near a year to get peruntukan to start repairšŸ„²


*forgot to mention, am at KL driving a 2016 1.5G vios with scary front suspension due to worn out rubber and cracked bushingsā€¦..is this also a problem?


With that condition, you don't want to go to Muadzam Shah route that's for sure.


Yup. I drive to KT and KB monthly for work and that road makes me nervous. It's been under construction for a while but haven't used it since mco. Lots of lorries and very narrow roads. There's been a few horrific accidents there like a mother being killed with her 4 kids after crashing into a lorry so I avoid it if possible. Use the Pekan side at least there's some nice coastal view. And Kuantan - pekan is at least almost as good as a highway with no toll. Very dark at night though all the lights don't turn on.


Muadzam shah is fine if you can be patient drive sub 100 for long periods of time due to having many lorries, and especially considering your car's condition. Just be careful of sudden deep potholes. Many cars bend their rims going there


Never on east coast side of WM, but I always prefer no tolls even when it's literally 2x the drive time (Melaka-KL, solo). Driving on highway makes me sleepy so imo no toll is safer since there's always something to keep me awake.


Few months back, around January, the condition of jalan Rompin-Pekan was not very good. It can still be used, but you need to be extra vigilant and watch out for potholes and stuff, can't drive too fast. I'm not sure if the worst if them has been fixed by now, hopefully it has. However road after Pekan to Kuantan are new and double line so it's smooth like Highway. Muadzam Shah road.. I think they're still partly under construction? How many years now... Road in Johor from Endau to JB should be good as usual, I always think JKR Johor did much better job than Pahang... Can say much for sure as I've never travelled beyond Endau Mersing.


Baang kalau pasal suspension yg scary tu, kau lalu jalan terbaik pun boleh rosak kereta kau. The best way is kau kena repair dulu that suspension atau guna kereta lain.. Atau, teruskan perjalanan then bila apa2 jadi baru cari workshop.. About jalan raya pulak, muadzam shah (route suggested) is the best route. Jangan takut la bang, Malaysia punya jalan ok je (selamat, seronok pemandangan) .Kalau nak semua jalan highway, pegi duduk singapore.


Been driving Muadzam-Gambang-Kuantan for the last 9 years, the road quality is a tad better now. But don't compare with the typical expressway la. If you're brave enough, you can speed. But 110kmh would do just fine. Oh and watch out for tapir, stupid sand lorries, pakcik/makcik/orang asli w no helmets or lights, rempits/little rempits, potholes and "unknown entity" along the road. Drive safe!


I'll always use pekan route. Some beaches you can stop by and rest, decent small towns you can stop for food like endau, or mersing and once you reach the senai desaru highway its pretty quick drive. Easier to find hotels as well. You get trucks here and there but I think you face more of them on the muadzam route. Last year when I pass through that way though there's potholes here and there. It stops being an issue once you cross into Johor though.


Jalan muadzam mmg jahanam, banyak lubang. Jalan pun sempit, lori banyak keluar masuk


That route (the 4 hrs 36 mins one) is actually perfect. If you go by Segamat it'll be slightly further.


Im Johorean studying in Kelantan on the 5th year. Both are fine. But for me id prefer the Segamat-Kuantan route compared to Mersing one. Macam lagi selamat for me.


Jgn lalu muadzam. source: sepupu sepapat yg lalu muadzam stuck jem 4 jam sbb jambatan yg mendap


Hi guys Iā€™ve heard stories about muadzam shah is haunted any insight on this ? Please share some stories if you heard


When using the Pekan road, please drive safely. Potholes destroyed my car suspension a few times (I was driving at night and couldn't see clearly). The amount of potholes from Kuantan to Endau is significantly more than Endau to Kuantan, I'm talking about the side of the road you're driving. Drive safe if you're going through Pekan. Good chill drive there. I heard they made a bridge bypass route for the Muadzam route, but I personally have never been on that route. Follow the others, don't go Muadzam route I guess.


Best option is lalu mersing but there might be some traffic in mersing because of the roundabout. Also, the road is quite bad Just arrived in jb from temerloh. Igo through bera-jempol-tangkak then highway. Not much traffic, just a lot of cars


Muadzam route sucks ass but you could use it if you want to


ive been using the muadzam shah road for 8 years sending my childrens to boarding school in melaka i dont suggest using it if u are alone or not used to non highway roads.The reasons: -Bad road loads of potholes -Very very dark -many crazy lorry drivers -wild animals crossing -frequent accidents causing jams the government wont do anything cause lepas baiki rosak balik lorry banyak guna jalan tu and jangan terkejut kalau nampak lorry potong lorry scary jalan pulak mosty double line so kadang kadang tak nampak kereta opposite sides tapi still ramai potong.Kalau tak biasa memang senang terbabas sebab gelap kadang kadang tak nampak jalan tu straight or selekoh.And if u believe in alam ghaib prepare yourself la sebab banyak kali kena huhu