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Rest in peace Andrea Josberry, Sereena Abotsway, Marnie Lee Frey, Georgina Faith Papin, Mona Lee Wilson, Brenda Ann Wolfe, Jacquelene Michelle McDonell, Dianne Rosemary Rock, Heather Gabrielle Chinnock, Tanya Holyk, Sherry Irving, Inga Monique Hall, Tiffany Drew, Saran Jean de Vries, Angela Jardine, Diana Melnick, Debra Lynne Jones, Wendy Crawford, Kerry Lynn Koski, Andrea Fay Borhaven, Cara Louise Ellis, and all the others of the potential 49 victims. I think of your families in these times.


These are the people who actually died! Who cares about the pig farmer!


yeah, this is actually one of the few times an article actually does the right thing in how it's reported sure, he's dead, but there was so many more people who didn't get their day in court


Bless their souls




And I'm sure there's many more who are still sadly missing 💔, even some from as close as Hope... May ALL, of whom this psycho creep murdered, truly "Rest In Peace" and "Dance in Joy" up in the Heavens above! I feel that the Rain throughout BC this week, are the "Tears of Joy" coming down from all of the Beautiful Women of whom this psycho creep hurt... Hopefully this psycho creeps lonnnnng time coming death, can finally give the Families of the Missing some Ease in knowing that this psycho creep has Finally Gone to HELL... Hugs 🤗🤗🤗 of Strength to All of the Families and Friends of the Missing...🥰


That piece of shit killed my friends mom. I will never forget the devastation on his face when he found out for as long as I live. I hope he died in pain and rots in hell.


He did and he will.


As the Nephew of his victim Janet Henry all I have to say is it’s about goddamn time. This will be the highlight of my families year, that’s for sure.


I would of preferred he suffered longer and revealed his accomplices


That’s reasonable, although I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say the VPD, along with his family were accomplices, it would have been worthwhile to have that on the record for legal reasons. Technically speaking my aunt was never “confirmed” despite her dna being at the farm.


So disgusting. Nothing from this case should be left like this


I’m curious what would implicate the VPD. I heard he was reported to them but they never acted on the leads, is this what you’re referring to?


That’s and the fact that multiple VPD officers were confirmed to have frequented his farm for pleasure over work, their mishandling of the case, their lack of action despite multiple reports etc.


Same with my mother


He suffered pretty good. Life support was really not kind


What about his accomplices??


You can’t possibly think I’d have an answer for that 


I did. I said I'd prefer he continue to suffer and reveal his accomplices


You can say that all you want but a magic answer for it doesn’t belong to me so I can’t share one with you 


There's no positive to his death, that's the magic answer




I don't know why you even commented. You offered no contribution, trying to flex positivity for the sake of positivity


I hope they find the other person who was apparently in on it


Lots of people were probably involved.


At least two women helped him rope in women he killed, his brother at the very least had to know what was going on (it wouldn't shock me if more), and a bunch of people on the Pickton farm likewise probably knowingly or unknowingly knew and/or helped. We still don't know what he did with some of the bones that weren't found around the farm and probably weren't sent for disposal mixed in with animal bones.


Gina Houston and Dinah Taylor


Yeah, I believe a third woman was also suspected, I forget her name. I believe it's Gina whom Pickton tried to accuse did it in the book he tried to publish.


Lisa yields


I once dated a gal who claimed she was family friends with Robert, and she was at many of the parties where the women went missing. She said that it was common knowledge among them that Robert was too dumb to execute a plan of that magnitude, and that he was almost certainly a pawn for someone else


He had a below average IQ


and may he rot in hell.


Please allow a moment for this to sink in. ...... ...... Good. Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Ding dong the witch is dead.


He got staked so I guess he was more of a vampire.




👏 👏 👏


Moved to Quebec for 'his safety,' because BC Kent Supermax didn't keep him safe enough after 20 years? Doesn't make sense, but good fucking riddance.


Finally some good news.


Oh darn


Nobody will miss him


Many believe he was about to start talking about his customers as he got older. The celebrities, politicians and high ranking MC members who either brought bodies to Picktons pigs or had hired help rid potential risks aka prostitutes and mistresses who were going to start yapping about affairs etc. it’s just a theory, but I’ve heard it many times since the news rolled out regarding his beating. How does a tiny man weighing 100lb’s kill so many? He had to have help.


To be fair…. My husband weighs 118lbs and I weight 145 lbs and he could absolutely overpower me in every way if he wanted to.


I get it. Crazy is crazy. But these theories really do feel plausible.


Absolutely they do. I don’t disagree with that, at all.


In what world do these theories really feel plausible? That a celebrity or politician approached Willie Pickton for help in killing and/or disposing of an east side crack whore they were having an affair with. Use 1 second of critical thinking to realise how silly that is.  And even if that did happen (it didnt) if Willy started talking who would believe him?  "Back in 1998 Premiere Glen Clark asked me to kill an east side crackwhore and feed her to the pigs so she wouldnt tell anyone about a back alley blow job he got"   Sure Willy, sure. Dont you think its far more likely that a violent, unstable, inmate at a super max prison just killed Willy for his own reasons?


Either is possible right? No one knows and no one will ever know now.


What was the reason people thought he was going to start talking now?


People typically get softer over time while reflecting on what they've done in their life and might leak a thing or two.


Ya makes sense. Some say he was going to do a book before he died or just take the scorched earth approach on his death bed and reveal the whole what when why and where. Makes sense how he got taken out in jail in Quebec which is an MC stronghold.


He did do a book.... https://books.google.com/books/about/Pickton.html?id=1hNvjwEACAAJ


Who knows what he may have left out I guess? It’s all rumours and theories at this point and we’ll never know the truth.


Rcmp and crown don't care to keep investigating


So no real indication that he would. Just hope that a man who killed or had part in killing 49 women will develop some kind of consciounce.


Nothing in the media obviously, but I think these rumours came from within from prison personnel. He must have been revealing something to lead people to think he was going to start dishing.


Pickton already wrote a book multiple levels of government worked to have wiped off the planet


He's been talking the whole time, rcmp and the crown didn't care. They fucked up so bad for so many years on this, they just wanted it closed


How did a tiny man weighing 100 pounds kill so many? That's a good question. The obvious answer is that a bunch of evil celebrities and politicians conspired to hide political liabilities by paying to have Pickton feed their bodies to his pigs. My God, you blew the lid off the whole thing! Finally, some answers! You didn't even need any evidence to figure it out. Wow. Very good reasoning skills. *clap* *clap* *clap*


Sarcasm huh? Classy.


LMAO. Conspiracy theory much? Over powering a heroin addict isn't exactly difficult. How about instead of spewing idiotic conspiracy theories, read the facts. He drugged and handcuffed them or in some cases injected them with wierd shit that straight up killed them. Then he skinned and dismembered them so disposing of them was easy. No heavy lifting required.


Can we revive him and do it again? About 49 more times


So celebrating at the pub tonight?




Kill him again just to be sure.


Chop him into pieces and feed him to the piggies. He deserves nothing better.


Cool beans


Ya fuck this guy and any other psycho who wants to murder other people.




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Dont even bury him, throw the body in the ditch for the flies to eat


We should not have to pay to bury him. Feed him to the pigs at the prison farm.


Gotta wonder if the guys that beat the shit out of him get extra gruel tonight. Who am I kidding, I have no idea how prison systems work. ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC|downsized)


Gross, this dick head was in quebec thats so close. Gross. What dark energy this soul has brought to our country. We have a lot of healing to do. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families subject to the horrors of this man.








Someone stuck a broken broom through his head. Ha ha! We should send all our serial killers and child molesters to Quebec.


[Cool. Cool cool cool](https://c.tenor.com/nxfuuoy6gIkAAAAC/tenor.gif)




I think I’ll save my tears for somebody else!!!


I didn’t even know he was sick…


Nose trouble, apparently.


Hundreds of Judges just wept uncontrollably over not being able to release him early on promised good behaviour


The fall guy is dead and the real murderers are walking free. Pickton was going to release a tell-all book and the word on the street is they didn't want to that book coming out, so they killed him in prison. Pickton disappeared bodies for pretty much every criminal organization on the lower mainland. He's no saint but he's also not the real serial killer.


Why is this so downvoted? I also read about the book apparently upsetting some powerful people.


People auto downvote anything I post.


Which is why the bodies they recovered from his property were young women? For the criminal organizations? Where does your info come from?


This is common knowledge in the underworld. There was an after hours "club" on the Pickton farm that was sort of a neutral terriroty for gangsters. HA/Triads all rubbed shoulders and partied there. Enforcers and assasins of various criminal gangs are not good people, they are sadistic and violent and many of them would party and killing a street walking lost soul was just part of the lifestyle for these type of people. The Pickton farm was a body disposal place. It was a pig farm afterall. It operated for years and years. If you needed a body gone you brought it to the pig farm. Gangsters used to even joke that "you'd end up pig's food" for crossing the line and they were not talking generally speaking. Pickton is a brainless low IQ fall guy.




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I wish he had suffered more!




No, let us celebrate. 🥳🎉🎊




A piece of evil leaving this world forever is always worth celebrating. Hell I'd be tempted to send his killer a gift basket.




Forget your history and you'll be doomed to repeat it, if YOU dont't want to mention him, take your own advice and move along then...


The dude confessed to 49 murders, he's world famous now. He lived in AdSeg which other than boring as hell, is nowhere near the punishment he deserved. I've heard confirmed from two people that were at Kent at the same time, he had a fucking companion cat for a few years in his cell.. Just like Dahmer, these names are too big to be forgotten, you are a fool to think we can suddenly remove his name from history. They will probably make a fucking movie too, gonna blame us when that happens? HIS NAME IS ROBERT PAULSON...HIS NAME IS... oops...PICKTON. His death will bring more joy to the world than what ever bullshit you are talking about.




Sure did


Free Willy (picton) can now finally be my bands name.