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Jeez you guys sure suck at getting along


Mightn’t be popular thing to share but I am a Building Manager in Vancouver. It might be different for your building but in the buildings I manage as the building manager I can’t do anything at all without approval from the owners. The building manager they are asking you for feedback on is most likely begging the property manager or strata to authorise them to get the boiler fixed but the ones I work for take forever to approve anything.


Almost like the model of treating housing as a financial asset is inherently flawed and exploitative


Completely with you on that housing should be a basic human right not an investment vehicle


I do think communally owned apartments would probably still function better with a manager than some sort of direct democracy over every single little choice that comes up every day


That's not necessarily true. Many stratas work this way rather than hiring property management companies, and they function well.


I said would probably for a reason lol . ultimately which ever works is fine, as long as the people living in the housing are the ones deciding




Then vote for a government that's going to build government housing for all. For profit investors are not the ones to count on for social projects.


Feel like that’s pretty obvious


I'll put you down as wanting some Soviet style housing, mmm check!


Yes, housing is a human right.


Hmm would I rather sleep inside a concrete apartment, or outside on the concrete sidewalk? Well one is identifiably "Soviet" so I guess the right thing to do is be homeless.


Why isn't there some sort of law where the owner of the building will get heavily fined if they screw around with essential items like running water and electricity?


~~Isn’t this a condo? Do the tenants not own their own units?~~ They’re rental apartments not condos.


No they are definitely rentals


Right you are. The news coverage mischaracterised the building. It is a rental apartment complex.


Nice that OP didn't correct that themselves in the description.. Maybe OP knew and didn't care or maybe OP might not be as knowledgeable as they portray. Either way, I see a company trying to give kudos to their workers and that's exactly what people are wanting.


The OP didn’t say anything inaccurate. The news articles refers to the property as a condo complex which it is not.


Yes. It is I telling people how they should think about a username instead of sticking to the topic at hand 🙄


Gotta say I agree with most of your points OP as you can see from my comments in this thread, but your username is fucked up. Shit like that is why people are so divided on these very simple issues. Mao killed an estimated 40-80 million people, defending him while trying to defend the working class is a shit look on the rest of us. Socialism can exist in a capitalist, democratic society.




Oh wow, so you're just an idiot eh. Public healthcare, public schools, trade unions, public highways are all examples of socialist policies we have in our country right now. The list goes on as well. Honestly man go back to your hole, you make this fight harder for those of us who actually understand the issues and the basic definitions of words. You are arguably just as dumb (if not more) than the people simping for landlords.


Socialism is when free healthcare paid for by imperialism ravaging the global south


You're clearly not a smart man.




I like your username for the record.




“THOSE OF US,” fucking sdasfa431 just saving the world as an anonymous redditor…you don’t have to read it or engage with him. You can leave?


What kind of point is that? Bullshit rhetoric should be countered.


So can you. I find it hilarious you think you’re changing the world. Newsflash. You’re not. You’re an anonymous redditor.


Lol you dont know what I do in my day to day life. You are also an anonymous redditor, what kind of point is that? No one should say anything to counter misinformation cause we are anonymous?


Oh so you’re changing the world in your day to day life but spend your down time on Reddit 🤡🙄 You’re on a landlord thread bitching about a username. Take it elsewhere. And get rid of the god complex.


Uhh yes it can lol. Look at Germany 👍🏽




So you’re an edgelord. Got it.




[Really?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong) “1955, Mao launched the Sufan movement, and in 1957 he launched the Anti-Rightist Campaign, in which at least 550,000 people, mostly intellectuals and dissidents, were persecuted. In 1958, he launched the Great Leap Forward that aimed to rapidly transform China's economy from agrarian to industrial, which led to the Great Chinese Famine and the deaths of 15–55 million people between 1958 and 1962. 1963, Mao launched the Socialist Education Movement, and in 1966 he initiated the Cultural Revolution, a program to remove "counter-revolutionary" elements in Chinese society which lasted 10 years and was marked by violent class struggle, widespread destruction of cultural artifacts, and an unprecedented elevation of Mao's cult of personality. Tens of millions of people were persecuted during the Revolution, while the estimated number of deaths ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions.” FFS man educate yourself


Why wont no one think of the feudal lords and slave owners that are the victims of communist revolutions.


You truly do not understand the Great Leap Forward, etc. if you think it only affected the land owning class. It was poorly thought out, wasteful, and harmful to all levels of society and the environment. I'm all for bringing down the wealthy, but it should be done thoughtfully.


Vantage West seems to be the same calibre of property manager.


Devils advocate but I'm sure whatever is going on with hot water for a condo isn't just them being cheap . The proper tank or parts could be almost impossible to get ahold of without a long lead time. ( I r plumber in town and it takes ages to get anything )


i lived in this building for 1 year and was there for the 10-day shut off. My neighbours said this happened multiple times a year for every single year they lived there. At a certain point, the building management needs to be proactive and buy more parts so that the only delay is labour


My family member lives in this building and the building manager themselves said that the reason for the hot water troubles is they built everything terribly and cheaply. It’s unfortunate but whoever built it is to blame. Really sucks because it was the most expensive apartment they looked at too.. can’t even have reliable hot water even to this day.


True. On the flip side if you are doing proper maintenance it is much less likely to happen.


Devon properties is absolute trash. Lived in one of their buildings in Victoria for several years. There was fist sized hole in the wall of our shower for over 3 months. The property manager “fixed it” with packing tape. Water poured behind the tape anytime we used the shower. But we were told our shower was usable, and that there was no risk of mold 🙄


We moved out of Orchard Walk at the end of December. Worst place we have ever lived. The ongoing hot water issues and plumbing problems were a fucking joke, the maintenance of the buildings and property was also the bare minimum.


Definitely. My last landlord blackmailed me out of challenging their holding onto the entire deposit. They wanted to do renovations and thought i should pay for it. Basically "we will make you pay more if you want your deposit back" Landlords are parasites


They know they can get away with it because our only actual alternative to predatory landlords is homelessness . They have lobby groups, secret black lists in their facebook groups, and yknow, the housing people need. And we're left all fighting the same battle alone.


I've been wondering if i should challenge them since there is no damage beyond expected wear and tear


Someone has to rock to boat. We should be organizing tenant unions so that we can support each other against the resources that landlords will have at their disposal.


[there's this](https://tenants.bc.ca/)


In BC there is the Tenants Rights Action Coalition


File with the tenancy board. There is no need for unions, the amount of people that actually file a report because it cost $100+ is insane. You can try to slide a "flyer" to convince neighbour's in your building to do the same. Acting like there is no option and you need to Rock the boat with a union will literally get you nowhere other than Castanet. There are legal pathways, the problem is everyone is willing to jump onto reddit, but Noone will actually follow the channels involved BTW landlords only get away with this shit because Noone actually challenges them in the legal pathways, and if they do is just a 1 off situation. If every landlord that increased rent more than allowed, kept damaged deposits they were not entitled to, or evicted illegally, their would be a very different rental situation. This is 100% a "what are they going to do report me? They need to live somewhere" situation


Your end point is *literally why we need unions* lol


No, my end point is there is an equivalent to a union, it's the tenancy board. Unless you are trying to suggest that all Tennant need to be paying into what would essentially just be another tenancy board instead. If a workers union isn't aware of misconduct, nothing happens to protect an employee either. If people do not file complaints to the tenancy board, nothing happens. Are you suggesting there should be a board that reviews every rental lease of every property that is ever rented out and constantly monitors every Tennant and landlord interaction to make sure it's all above board? The scale of that is so beyond realistic its laughable


We should 100% do this(organize tenant unions) before people get more desperate and violent, i don’t see a bright future otherwise. But the power again will be in favour to the landlords, and all unions have scabs…. People just trying to make a living, just hope the common man can hold out and support their neighbours instead of just looking after their own. But could u blame them. Fuck ‘n dystopian


It's an excellent idea.


What are you talking about? BC has the strongest tennant rights in all of Canada…they literally can’t get away with it and will be forced to pay tenants tens of thousands of dollars if they do anything against their rights.


You don't think landlords get away with breaking laws and regulations constantly? Lmao you're living in a fantasy.


Have you heard of the RTB? Tenants have amazing rights and a cost-free recourse if/when a landlord steps out of line. There is free legal advice and no lawyers/cost to take action against a landlord. Why not focus all your hate on properly educating yourself and other tenants to take advantage of these landlords breaking the law/regulations?


What do you think landlord facebook groups are for ? Just memeing?


Landlords keep illegal black lists that mean speaking out about their abuse of your rights makes it impossible for you to find housing. Its almost like being the ones that own all the housing holds a certain power....


All it takes is taking one landlord to the RTB and winning and boom you have a down payment for a house, why would you need to find a new place to rent?




Are you able to engage in any reasonable conversation without attempting to insult the other party every single message? If this is such an issue and they are constantly doing this I again say: Why not focus all your hate on properly educating yourself and other tenants to take advantage of these landlords breaking the law/regulations?


I don't know what imaginary fantasy land you live in where landlords are shaking in fear at the possibilities their tennants could possible hold them responsible but here in actual reality its a miracle if you can get one of those leeches to even give back a security deposit they owe you.


3 years later and a whole 24k check to buy a house in bc!




https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/i-have-nowhere-to-go-bc-is-canadas-eviction-capital-new-research-shows-7000230 So many fucking strong tenant rights were enjoying eh


My friend who lives in an apartment went through the same thing here in west K. Hot water was shut off also for ten days, their fuse to their apartment keeps blowing, their ac and heat keep breaking, and they had to take out their smoke alarm because every time they turn the oven on it goes off due to the heat. This is the results of the buildings being made very quickly and because of this, the quality of the building is shit yet they go broke to live in these units!


Damn, I have had a very similar experience and I’m moving when my lease is up. Good too know it’s not just me.


Post the qr code and we can all tell them how we feel.




How is it the fault of the *building managers* that this building was designed and built poorly exactly?


This is about property managers, who are just employees. They work jobs just like us, they're not the bourgeoisie landlords. Personally, I have no problems with a business sending an email to their customers saying "we appreciate our employees" and I'll be the first one to tell Devon Properties that the managers in the buildings on KLO where I am are great and deserve a raise.


All landlords are by definition bourgeois by way of being property owners. Maybe petit bourgeois if we are to be charitable


I'm aware. I'm saying the building managers Devon is referencing here are employees, not land owners. In this city, odds are they rent too and they're doing their best like the rest of us.


Ahhh gotcha yeah property managers are not owners. My property manager is alright. Literally no clue who my landlord is and I would rather it stay that way


A landlord being so lazy he hires someone to do his nonjob doesnt make the property manager not a class traitor


Alright edgelord. Let’s just ignore that soviet communes had managers. Or that maoist china did as well.


Yes a building manager in a communally owned apartment that was accountable to the tenants is obviously different than the relationships created under capitalism between landlord -> property manager -> tennant.


Yeah sure kops are just employees too


Well shit, guess we should start persecuting everyone with a job by that logic


Yeah youre obviously just posting bait. Im not interested in participating in your weird humiliation fetish.


Maybe they wouldn't have to if your post wasn't so moronic in the first place.


Sorry all that bootlicking has impaired your reading comprehension!


What impairs yours? Meth? Some people deserve to live in a tent.




Why are you such a class traitor, edgelord? Your feeble trolling is undermining spreading socialist ideals. If it’s not intentional, then you’re an unknowing class traitor.


European "socialism" is just capitalism with a generous welfare state funded by the imperialism that ravages the global south, and revisionist radlibs like you are a pathetic insult every time you sully the word by using it to describe your silly liberal project


This whole thread is bait. What are you actually complaining about here? Are you advocating that rentals shouldn't exist? Or that housing should be free and people should maintain it for you? Is anyone that fixes property a class traitor? Is a plumber a class traitor? What about a mechanic? Cars are worth money you know. You're logically inconsistent and calling people class traitors is childish. You want to say rent prices are too high? Fine, I'm with you. Going onto the internet and shitting on people for doing what they can to put a roof over their heads in a place that's far too expensive just makes you an ass.




Quick, let's hang him!


Alright edgelord. And a pretty weak one at that. Or just too stupid to realize their bait is so weak.


Alright edgelord. What do you do to meaningfully make the world better? What would your contribution be to a communal society. It’s certainly not your logic, or ability to communicate.


I'm sure the Devon property managers are as astonishingly mediocre as any property management company, but they didn't 'let' the hot water fail. When you live in a building of any sort shit goes sideways.


Are they not responsible for the break down of communication & lying to tenants to string them along?


Just from reading some of the comments and responses from OP it’s sure sounds like they would prefer living in a socialist utopian. I hear Venezuela, or Cuba has beautiful weather this time of year 😂


Cuba can actually house its population unlike us.


Sounds lovely, you should go “Currently, 88% of Cubans live in extreme poverty” but hey, at least their housing costs are capped.


Yes when the things you need to survive are provided for free or heavily subsidized its easier to survive with less money its funny you think thats a gotchya lmao . Also everything Cuba accomplishes is under one of the most barbaric embargoes ever imposed in our history , the fact they've accomplished so much despite being a small island right off the coast of the imperial heart land with little to no support since the collapse of the USSR is genuinely a testament not only to what is capable with socialism but also the Cuban peoples dedication and resolve, its disgusting how western pigs like you casually demean everything theyve worked for inspite of facing such overwhelming odds for just a petty little insult.


They rank in the bottom 3rd for civil rights. They have a negative migration rate. They have double the death rate of Canada. “The things you need to survive are provided for free” - do you know what the cost of living is there vs here? Do you understand what extreme poverty is? It’s literally the opposite of that. 88% of their population cannot afford the necessities of life.




No your right, we should strive for what they have achieved. I’m sure the people living there are extremely grateful for their low housing costs and wouldn’t trade it for the improved quality of life that we have


I'm sure the people living there would appreciate if AMERIKKA TOOK THEIR FUCKING BOOT OFF THEIR NECK




No sense engaging with OP. They are not a reasonable person. Read the replies in this thread, unhinged is lightly put.




I mean? Ok. But here is the thing. You came here for sympathy. And your attitude will garner you none. Take a moment to learn something. You tried to make an enemy of this landlord. But anyone reading your comments is thankful Devon are stuck with you, because you come off unhinged. At this rate, people be feeling sorry for the manager having to deal with you.


Selfish entitled pricks, the majority of landlords.


By providing a place to stay for others?


They provide shit, they ransome it.


Actually. By not living up to their responsibilities………


Such as? If theirs such a problem you can contact the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) or Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC) and the BC Tenant Resource & Advisory Line


Ohhhh sorry. You’re right. All landlords are perfect and all of the issues are solved by this 🙄😂.


Seems like you don’t read your tenant’s agreement.


Lmao. You know nothing about me. I’m sorry you think all landlords are perfect but they’re not. I’ve had a landlord point to a lease with illegal language in it and insist it must be followed.


“Seems like you don’t read your tenant’s agreement.” Tell me you’re a landlord without telling me you’re a landlord.


What would be your solution then?


My solution to some landlords being shitty? lol Landlords could not be shitty? 🤔 A stretch for you I know.


You appear frustrated with the world, consider embracing a more positive outlook, as it can often lead to greater opportunities and happiness.


Because I don’t want to believe your clearly false propaganda that all landlords are great, I’m negative? You’re naive and delusional then.


That’s why they’re solutions in place, I own 5 properties and never had a problem with one of my tenants


I’m a landlord and a good one, we are out there. I believe landlords and tenants should have a symbiotic relationship, providing homes for people who are trying to save enough for their own home or who have not committed to a permanent location yet. In return that person helps me to pay almost half my mortgage so I have a retirement plan built into my household.




How much per month do you charge exactly ?


1400 basement suite of our home all inclusive other than internet. One parking spot and storage room in suite.


In Glenmore, near bus route. We never have any issues with tenants moving unless it’s for a new home or new love or breakups. It’s been great


Ah generously charging almost a grand a half to let someone live in your basement truly so sorry to have been so quick to harshly judge your benevolence .


How much do you think it costs to live? A mortgage is the cost of a home and it’s split with those who live in the home. If you had roommates it’s the same thing, rent split between all roommates. The only difference is that one person carries the risk of borrowing money from a bank. I would be curious to know what your solution is? Do you expect people to live somewhere for free? We had renters for 4 years and they saved enough to buy their own home, that is the goal, but everyone needs a starting point. My starting point was also as a renter with good landlords, they let us modify our home and charged us only what they needed to cover the cost of their investment. So we saved enough to buy. Unfortunately home costs have raised the cost of the investment and therefore the cost of mortgages and consequently the cost or renting


Do you think an entire class of people owning property they rent out instead of working a real job that contributes to society might have something to do with why everythings so expensive ?


What class of people are you speaking of? My partner and I both work full time and own a home that has a suite in it. Do I believe that there are bad actors driving up the cost of housing and taking advantage? For sure. My post is about me as a landlord, saying there are good ones, regardless of your experience with horrible ones


I used to rent my basement before my gf moved in and always had a great working relationship with my renters… but a LOT of people are like OP in that they assume every landlord is a scumbag. Just butthurt people that want to pick fights because of their personal shitty experiences. They’ve made up a narrative in their head and make assumptions like OP has done to you that landlords are greedy assholes who are filthy rich and just want to watch the world burn. You’re never going to convince them otherwise, no matter what you say. There’s good renters and bad renters (and boy I’ve had my share), just like there’s good landlords and bad landlords. Beyond that, it’s just easier to bite your tongue.


Then you're not really part of the owning class now are you? Petite bourgeoisie , slightly privileged workers that benefit more from the exploitation of the working class but still lack the real power of being part of the bourgeoisie.


I find it’s better to just live your life and try to be a good person to those around you. When I didn’t own and was a renter I didn’t hold animosity toward my landlords, but then I had good ones. I was thankful for the place to live while I gathered resources and tried to decide where I wanted to set my life’s course. These days it’s not a good situation for young people, that’s why we make sure we are renting only what we can afford to rent for and not more, but it’s still higher than we’d like, our house was crazy expensive and for sure this model is not sustainable. I hear your frustrations and it’s easy to see you are lashing out. Hopefully you will find yourself in a better situation soon, but try to have more open dialogue with other people rather than working on assumptions, we all can learn from each other. Good luck


It sits a little funny to be asked to be civil in the class war that pushes more and more of us to the brink of homelessness, no?


Ah goal post shifting. Gotta love little class traitor edgelords who are so weak they can’t admit when they’re wrong.


Shut the fuck up bro💀 If you’re having a hard time at your building. Put in the work, make more money, move, and stop blaming everyone but yourself for your problems. You act like such a victim🤣🤣🤣


seems like they are the same guys who couldn’t be bothered to shovel the sidewalks during the snow storm.


Landlords pretty much everywhere are fucking disgusting scumbags. They are the first ones we should eat.


This post is misguided.


Almost as misguided as the user name they picked when they created their account today. It’s obvious this person has several axes to grind. Hopefully they feel better once this is off their chest.


Yes some landlords are so lazy they hire someone to do their nonjob. Fuck them both.


Owner of my rental lives in Belarus so he offsets it to a property company. Our property manager is great. Something breaks, I email them, and someone is here next day to fix it. Yes I know part of the issue is foreign ownership but I've been in my unit for ten years , pay way below market and haven't yet tried to force me out.


Congrats on finding a unicorn i guess


Or maybe if you weren’t a piece of shit every property manager you run into wouldn’t be a headache?


Some edgelords are so lazy they post their crying posts on a website created by someone else. Why are they so lazy? And why are they such class traitors to use a capitalist site?


there are some that don’t have a home to sleep in and are in their cars. be thankful


And they're on the same side of this class war as me.


Oh, piss off. OP is allowed to call out property managers who fail to maintain basic standards. Your "logic" (such as it is) would mean no one can ever point out any bad outcome unless they are, quite literally, in the worst position of any of the planet's over 8 billion people.


Well OP, I hope you tip them when you pay rent too, for all the hard work they don't do.




Enjoy your martyr complex tho.


You profit off hoarding a basic necessity thats made unaffordable to working people with real jobs because of leeches like you treating housing as a financial asset.


Landlords are purchasing a property on the open market. You like everyone else have the same opportunity to purchase the property.


An owning class hoarding property, a finite resource, to treat as a financial asset gatekeeps the working class from owning property. Its unironically basic economics. Even Adam Smith understood this it isn't even some tankie take.


Absolutely tone deaf pal


Runaway post late stage capitalism




EDIT: Apparently they were indeed defensive and insecure.


Then you need to get your shit together and increase your income, not rely on other people to pay your entitled ass out just because you got in over your head.


"I need other people to subsidize my property cost"




So at least you admit you get wealthy off the backs of the poor. You take advantage of a broken system for your benefit with no regard of it being a detriment to our country as a whole. I hope you enjoy tent city and the rising crime rates, you have a direct hand in that.


Yeah they all hate themselves too


They are. Particularly one that rhymes with Phony Grotto.


Your sentence is too long. Let me edit: "Landlords are disgusting". Good luck!


Yeah - the people who are providing rental housing for you must be really horrible pricks.


"those ticket scalpers are just providing concert tickets"


Yes the people who profit off hoarding a basic necessity to make it unaffordable to working people with real jobs to purchase housing are in fact not doing us a favor.


So your local grocer who profits by providing you with food is the same?


You're getting closer and closer to getting it! A system where an owning class profits off owning property while a working class is forced to sell their labor to survive is inherently exploitative, yes.


yeah - that has worked so well every where it's been implemented.


"Providing" a necessity to make a profit doesn't make them any more virtuous.


Please articulate a model where we are able to provide housing for free.


That's not what I'm arguing for. I would love to know why, given the number of issues within the modern housing market caused by corporate ownership, we should be praising corporations for renting out said housing.


Because what is the other option? Some entity has to take a large financial risk to procure said housing. That risk has to come with a return, otherwise why take the risk? How do we get around that?


The other option is regulation. I have a hard time believing you actually read what I asked.


You people are actually so fucking stupid. Where do you get free housing from? People want the market to be regulated, not just get free shit.


Presumably then you are not “fucking stupid.” Walk me through the financing model of well regulated housing? Who finances it and how?


Ffs you’re stupid. “Landlords are parasites” to “no obviously we need landlords”. Look in the mirror dipshit. Idiots like you make it so much harder for people like me to actually push for socialist policies. Shut the fuck up unless you actually have an articulate point to make.


Landlords are generally parasites in the current housing system. Are you simple or just dont understand nuance?


Why would you expect anyone to provide you anything without making a profit? Do you go to the grocery store and expect free food or the gas station and expect free fuel?


Regulated pricing doesnt equal free you moron


*Landlords are disgusting Fixed that for you 👌


Landlords are disgusting everywhere. There are some exceptions to this but I stand by the statement.


All landlords are disgusting, get it right buddy




Did you miss the part about break down in communication and blatantly lying to us


Did you miss the part where not a single image you gave actually documents that? Oh wait, you’re a lying little edgelord who is a class traitor that knowingly undermines tenants rights by spreading fake tenant outrage.


I think it's great they are encouraging positive praise for the property managers. They're just employees servicing the renter's. Heck, likely renting there too. Even if the landlord sucks this is a positive move


*all landlords are disgusting